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Where should I go from here?

I feel like a broke through some kind of barrier and was made aware of spirituality during a very intense LSD trip about six years ago. Full blown telepathy and thought sharing. I'm still not really sure I understand the mechanics of consciousness, or why it works.

What I do know is I can make some tingly shit happen in my spine and crown, "project"/flex my energy so others can sense it, and from time to time have some strong telepathic experiences. I feel that my thoughts influence reality (and that other can pick up on it) more or less constantly, it's simply a matter of to what degree and how much attention is paid at any given moment.

I've read the Kybalion and tried meditation on and off without really sticking to it. That's about the extent of it. Other than that

I've just kind of been waffling around with no real direction as to what I'm supposed to do with this and it's lead to some stagnation.

I also feel somewhat disheartened at times because I feel there is so much we are kept in the dark about and that most modern systems assault your consciousness and spirit pretty much constantly. I have turned to alcohol, tobacco, pornography and masturbation for the past few years to cope in general and it's undermined my development in this arena.

Can somebody give some advice as to what to study that is manageable to start with? I come here and ask because I have kicked the booze, tobacco, porn and masturbating for about a month now and feel that I can finally turn a corner at this time in my life.

It's frustrating because I still feel some kind of connection to the aether but I just don't know what to do to develop it or what to do with it period. It's overwhelming.

Thanks for reading my blog.


Let me get this straight:

You experienced a breakdown of reality.

Learned ESP abilities.

You know that you have to do something.

Choose to masturbate, smoke and drink.

Stop smoking and replace tobacco with food.

Stop drinking and replace alcohol with weed.

Stop eating food and stop smoking weed.

Masturbation is the hardest habit to quit because it's not a physical dependency like tobacco and alcohol. You're going to have to read about why masturbation is bad for you from esoteric books (not from Wikipedia) and choose when to stop your habit.

The easiest way to stop masturbation is to not eat anything. But that requires you to research about fasting and also try it out a couple of times to get used to starvation.

Lastly: No matter what I write or say here, nothing will really get to you because you lack the ambition necessary to progress with what you want. You will not quit your bad habits until you realize why they are bad for you and you will not realize it's bad for you until you know where to find the information about it.

If you are truly serious about your spiritual journey, you would already know by now the things you do to yourself are harmful. So there's no point in telling you because you already know.



Make a dialy meditation routine

Pray for guidance

Everything will flow from there



What have you gotten out of your spiritual journey, are different from before it started? Are you actually different?



What I've gotten out of my journey is knowledge I already had but refused to believe in. The truth is universal, yet so untrue for everyone subjectively.

If I were to say what I've learned, it would be as a Moebius strip, I ended up where I started but both sides are covered with my footsteps. Now I can walk the same strip again and make new footsteps or I can jump off it and explore another dimension of it.

I'm back where I started, like the second lap. But this time I know the bends and curves of the track so I know where to go right. This is the cycle of life.

But if you never start your journey, you'll always fall for the traps. Because you don't notice them.



upward spiral.



>Let me get this straight:

>You experienced a breakdown of reality.

>Learned ESP abilities.

>You know that you have to do something.

>Choose to masturbate, smoke and drink.

Basically yes. I don't want to give the impression that my journey has been one of total stagnation, however I feel that I've to a significant degree squandered the truth that's been revealed to me. I feel bad about that.

Like I said, I am trying my best to conquer my addictions, because I feel like most of my other issue stem from my inability to conquer those. More dedication to studies, personal development, etc. have been stymied by these base tendencies.

I want to blow off the soot on my spirit and start again. I have some kind of insight and some ability still, I just don't know what to do with it. Shall i begin study and simply see what comes, I feel that I am sensitive telepathically for a reason.



Find a purpose. If you can't find a purpose, create one for now.

Work to align yourself with higher spirit. Ask the Universe to guide you and break your habits when it guides you.

What is it you want to do in life? Help people? Get rich? Be a rapper? Become a guru? Enjoy life?



I want to be happy, and show others that these things are real (I have done a decent job at this second thing)



Change yourself and you change the world.

Happiness comes from inside, not from consumerism or pleasure hunts. Spend time with yourself and learn to appreciate the silence. Look at a tree and join it's mighty presence. Go to where you are uncomfortable and conquer your fears.



It happens.

Try to break your addictions and compulsive/animal nature.

Evolve past is a better word.

The more you progress the harder they can be to shed, so try it when you have the strength and awareness.

Self awareness is key. Everything you like and dislike in the world are the parts of you that you like and dislike.

Usr this knowledge to grow.

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