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The more I read about meditation and visualizing, the more I realize state of my mind differs than the norm. And I was wondering whether I could use it to my advantage, or perhaps you'll advice me to definitely somehow "fix" this.

The usually described norm is that people have difficulty harnessing their thoughts and blanking their mind. I was surprised reading that people universally have great difficulty "stopping thinking". That there's always some feeling, image or piece of language that pops up. I read someone "sees" thousands of cubes floating scattered around him when he tries to meditate. I was baffled it's even possible to experience such vivid, abstract imagery without some stimulants. Then I started paying attention to people's description in general, and I started to realize I'm perhaps "number to spiritual experience" (?)

Maybe it's because I'm unintelligent or maybe because I naturally developd such peaceful state, but I can stop thinking and feeling anytime. And what's worse (or perhaps, it's a good thing I could make use of) is that not many spontaneous thoughts or images arise in eyes of my mind during meditation, if any at all. At least not the way people describe it. I don't see images when I close my eyes and I have difficulty injuring them. When falling asleep I lie there in absolute nothingness for half an hour. I'm told to focus on the thoughts that spontaneously arise in my mind and learn to be aware of them, but it's no big deal - when I start actually thinking things on purpose, I can then distance myself from what I just "said" and become aware it's not really my thought but manifestation of some processes in me.

It's important to add, there's something out of ordinary about my life in general, and learning more about it and myself is perhaps my greatest desire right now. And really… the only desire. I feel empty like blank chalkboard. I never was in relationship and I don't feel the need to. I don't truly desire to be someone in particular or have something. I don't hate anyone, I feel calm and collected. I sense a slight passion in myself for things that are genuine and I have slight disdain for hipster Internet meme irony, and these are perhaps the only feelings I can carve from the weird shell I'm in.

I'd like to become more compatible with my body, understand the spikes of energy that it sometimes sends to me. I'd like to be able to understand these processes that cause them and know how to channel this energy when I get it.

PS: I eat very healthy, cold showers, exercise etc. I no fap for weeks, I do a lot of experiments with my libido which also works in weird ways


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I've never seen someone have the words he says reflect so much in the meaning of them.

A lot of the things you described seem very familiar in me.

I feel like I am constantly floating with the circumstances but there is no actual direction. Even though sometimes i feel like my personality is so … accomodating and adjusting i feel like I am becoming the person I am talking to and there is no actual substance in my " self ".

I feel empty, not in a bad way, not in a good way.

I a way that doesn't restrict motion, but one where it simply doesn't desire it.

We might be very simliar, or I might be mistaking.


You might have muted the expression of your personality as a response to beliefs you formed during unfavorable conditions in childhood.


Yes, many will agree that their mind works the same way, that are from this board.

It is called automeditative thinking pattern or crystal thinking. Instead of forcing yourself to have a quiet mind, you have to force yourself think. This is normal but unusual. You might also have Aspergers Syndrome or some other neurological difference.

Having this brain is both a blessing and a curse. Because of your lack of using your brain, your imagination and fantasy is rendered null and you are left with a blank and unimaginative mind. You may however have it very easy to hear sound in your mind or remember music. You may also have it easier to remember and feel feelings and emotion.

Since I share your way of thinking, I am going to give you some tips on how to get going and forward in life, since it's not easy to figure things out.

You must start using your imagination. This is vital. I would recommend creating a tulpa, daydream or start remembering your dreams at night. It's vital that you start using your imagination and make it more clear, or else you won't be able to progress to become the optimal human or the "enlightened". Start with basic shapes and imagine them, squares, circles, cubes and spheres. Imagine numbers and letters with depth and add color to them. You must do this, there is no excuse!

If you do not learn to use your imagination, you will live in a constant suffering of a mundane life, not being able to enjoy neither the physical or the non-physical and what it has to offer. Imagination is the tool to magick, it's the gateway to higher dimensions and thought. Without it we are lifeless and expressionless.

Because of your mindstate, it is also very possible that you are fearless. You don't have fears because you never manifested them. This is also a gift. Without fear, you can do so much more than the others. You can scale a crane, hang off a rooftop or venture into the darkness.

I'll leave you with the quote from Buddha that will make you realize what I just said:

>The heavens and the earth may be captured by the mind's eye.



At times I can relate to OP, but most of the time I have another problem which I need advice on and you seem capable of helping me anon.

I can clean my mind from thoughts fairly easily, but I get strange "noises". Like fragments of thoughts, but I am not thinking them, they exist and come by themselves, I'm just receptive to them. What are they? Sometimes they are voices or images or just some random feelings and thoughts.



They are voices from other people and entities from the astral. Some of them might be from this reality and some may not.

Some theorize that the voices are from the control matrix, the people trying to control others.

Take a step back and just let them slide. They're not you.



I've already been trying to practice visualization in the past. I wanted to point it out right away after your post, but decided I will try few visualization sessions first, and it's why I'm only responding now.

No matter what, I can't see a picture of a red cone in my mind. Even after 90 minute attempt. Somehow I perceive the cone, but it's not "seeing". It's an abstract feeling of being aware of properties of a cone. If I close my eyes now, I can still remember there is my bed on the left, and I am aware of where it is in space. This description is the closest to my "visualization" of the cone.

I can pretend I'm rotating it as if in a 3D software etc. but without the cone actually being there. It feels like I'm just remembering what cone is or what rotating of a cone is. I can't injure any color at all because there is no cone in the first place. The closest term would be transparent, but definitely it's not. In more abstract terms, what exists is "the lack of the cone". And somehow I rotate it, cut and increase its size with no problem. The matter the lack of the cone is "made of" reminds me a bit of aura exercises, when you stand few meters in front of someone and put two fingers on the sides of their face. As you focus on the fingers, the face in background blurs and one of the effects of the blur is weird haze around their face. The cone could be made of this "aura matter", perhaps the closest I can describe it.

I really need to compare my experiences with someone else. Could you break down to me the way you visualize a red cone in your mind? Or maybe you could advise me to visualize something and post results here? I'm desperate to learn about this, so if you tell me to meditate for a whole day toward one image, I will, if it helps.

I'm sure I don't have autism. I can relate to all human emotions, I'm sensitive to music, I can read body language well.



I've been at this stuff for six months and I am the same. I can't see visualizations. I read a lot on the topic and some people say that you don't literally see the desired shape, etc, you "see" it in your mind's eye (much as you described, which is as it happens with me).

Others though say that they can even see visualized elements with their eyes open and overlay things upon their vision.

Tactile, aural, scent and taste visualization are much easier for me, but the visual aspect is really hard and I can't make any headway developing it.



>It's an abstract feeling of being aware of properties of a cone

That's pretty much everything I think, down to dreaming. I don't have dreams regularly, I have the abstract notion of things going on (which I then abstractly react to). I know it wasn't always like this, I used to dream "normally". It's a little frustrating to be honest.

>Others though say that they can even see visualized elements with their eyes open and overlay things upon their vision.

Every time I read shit like that I eventually feel like making the conclusion they're making it up.





Remembering that our pineal glands are vestigial, and that we are often centred in bodily conciousness; we are often blind to what our mental self does all day in the mental realm. This is normal for beings of our level of development because in the mental realms there is some scary weird shit there. Most people have atleast a few parasitic thoughtforms and when you can see that stuff just as well as you can see the room you're in; thats fucking terrifying.

What I'm saying is don't feel bad man, if you're not ready then you cant force it.

That being said if u think you're ready ill explain how it works



When you see something in 3d your 2 eyes get the light and then its sent to the third eye to be interpreted. The third eye has the ability to create light, images itself inside the body, but if your third eye is weak you only get a split second and then the memory of the image.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you all imagine in this way too, then how do you do magic? I thought you of all people have this ability developed or were born with it. Because of how confined are my visualization abilities, things like "walking" around my house during meditation is a very ambiguous, vague, useless experience. And it goes for anything magic-related. The greatest wizards must have had this visualization ability. Isn't it the key to everything, the magic itself? You can create worlds with proper visualization abilities. From what I read, seeing auras means being sensitive enough to get very strong impression from someone, and then being creative enough to visualize this experience in form of a blurry haze. Whether this visualization is subconsciously, automatically generated like in case of people with syneasthesia, or conscious and focused - it's all visualization. Isn't then exploring the topic of visualization the most crucial for /fringe/? I encourage everyone to describe the way they visualize, as detailed as possible, so that we can learn through comparison.

>Every time I read shit like that I eventually feel like making the conclusion they're making it up.

You imply that people who claim they can visualize objects clearly, and eg. people who describe their astral travels, are mythomaniacs? While it could be, existence of some artists and animators proves complex, concise rendering of clear images in the eye of the mind is possible. So I think crystal clear visualization is possible. Also, you can force your mind to visualize clearly on some drugs, so the potential is definitely there, it's only the question of how to unlock, develop, and direct the visualization ability. Unfortunately drugs don't teach anything, they just artificially force the chemical reactions. Enlightenment-seeking hippies wish they knew this

Intuitively I feel my mind is also capable of rendering complex visions and I experience them in dreams. I remember them as enigmatic now, but in real time they were probably structured. I'm not capable of producing anything in the eye of my mind now no matter what forms I try to exercise during meditation, but there should be a way to unlock, and then develop this ability.



When I said my "mind" is able to visualize more clearly in the last paragraph, by "mind" I meant my slightly more pure level of consciousness that doesn't repress things as much as my smothered, stifled level of consciousness (me writing these words right now). The one operating somewhere closer to theta


Im using an onslaught of text to try and describe such an abstract user based experience.

To start with visual aberrations during meditations are not something I here about commonly. Mostly people have trouble clearing the audio communication of the mind… This is how I perceived this. My mind that is ego based communicates with audio and the part that is higher communicates visually..

Great post, I was thinking about starting a thread about this myself.

I am at around 3 months of serious practice, I'm doing the middle pillar exercise as well as the lesser banishing ritual. All which require visualization to progress.

I originally began with various feelings of energy movement, that made me certain this was a real thing, I could feel that this was real and very convinced. However, as I continued it seems that the exercises and me were disconnected, and there was slowly a movement away from the start… No progression from the start. vis a vis I had all the maps read all the books left on the journey and went the wrong direction immediately… thats how this feels.

So now I find myself troubleshooting what has gone wrong. The first thing I come to is a lack of ability to visualize the stars of the pentagrams or the glowing light of the chakra/sephiroth.

However I experience no real problem with the visualization of the arch angels. As figures that are there and in their elemental settings. Something is different about the visualization of the archangels compared to creating an object and holding it there..

It seems that we have very week abilities to visualize, I do not think we are the worst of it. I lift and am very aware of this journey of training.. However the true weakness of this ability is rather upsetting, like retraining a broken leg.

I find it very hard to hold an image of a thing, like a pentagram, how the lines cross each other and the complexity of holding 5 seperate lines and their interceptions in my minds eye as a single connected entity.. Something so seemingly basic and I can't do it. … I'm starting to feel anger during my practice and this is inhibiting in itself.

So with the pentagram when I finally do get it, my eyes are closed it flashes before me in a blue light that I visually can see, it has no placing and does not have depth nor size as it has nothing to it in relation. It is neither close to me nor far away. It stays for a second, I grasp at it and it goes away. Not to come back easily.

When I do it in dreams, now that is a different story……

However in dreams



To more accurately reply to you, I used to feel like this… Have you ever smoked weed? How does that change your experience? For me everything becomes abstract and visual and I get so lost in it I become anxious.

Maybe your a virgo or another female sign, which basically equates you to an empty vessel. Maybe your a female in which case your describing yourself perfectly.


I hope OP is still lurking.

It seems like you are an intelligent dude, so I'll just give you the ressources on where to start.

Look at Aryuveda, you are probably a vatta dosha.

Look at the three types of gunas, you are probably sattvic.

Look at Hatha Yoga and Laya yoga, vatta dosha attains liberation through the control of prana, the universal energy.

You might suck at visualization, but I guarantee you that you are good at energy work.Use that to your advantage, all is energy, abstract thinking is your primary skill, use it.

Balance your vatta, live a sattvic life, practice hatha&laya yoga (in conjunction) and do whatever else you enjoy doing and I'll garantee you, if you are vatta, that is, you'll thank me later.



Rajas is best guna, heroic worship ftw.


What does kapha dosha obtain with?

I think I'm pretty vatta/kapha. My body is fairly kapha, and my mind seems fairly vatta if I don't meditate/focus.

though I've taken a few quizzes that say tridoshic too. I dunno. Probably not enough pitta to say pitta, though several of my less-changeable elements are pitta. (skin, eyes)

I'm not sure if doshas mean much since they can be changed. Not most of the physical aspects, but some of the things seem quite variable by diet, spiritual practice, etc. Like dry or oily skin, or racing thoughts. Perhaps it's simply what we're "naturally" in tune with, even if oily or dry skin sounds more like a problem of poor nutrition, and racing thoughts a symptom of the modern world/lack of meditation.

also, dang, AW, you know a lot.

I bet I could learn a lot from you if I knew the right questions to ask. Not that I need more directions to go in now… but I like accumulating and spreading things in general, knowledge being one.

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