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What are the best methods to keep your teeth clean that doesn't rape your pineal gland?

(RULE 2 - Question Thread)


Bentonite clay and coconut oil.


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Perfect for the pearly whites. Albeit a bit pricey, but if you are purist…

Mix with some oils.


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Local man discovers 2000 year old method to keep the mouth clean. Toothpaste industries hates him.

Haven't used toothpaste for almost 3 years. My dentist hates me and moved me down one price group so I have to pay more for healthy teeth.

>Since you're not using toothpaste I can't move you into the cheaper pay group.

I should just quit the service before they find out.



We're to find licorice?


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Heh… Those are neem sticks.



There's also Miswak. It is an ancient Arabic plant for brushing your teeth with.


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>image name & toothbrush says: soladey

google is your friend



>Negative ions

You know the hulk isn't real right anon? Beta radiation is bad for your health.


OP try oil pulling (potentially with coconut oil) Look up how to do it if you need to, it works pretty well if you stay regular with it and put the effort into moving your mouth muscles.

Avoid baking soda, at least don't do it regularly, too harsh for teeth.



Actually, google isn't much of a friend.


What are the best methods for banning OP?


I'm pretty sure people used to brush their teeth with baking soda, before tooth paste. I've heard a number of people mention it; either way its pretty safe. I'm guessing the practice would have been fairly common in many poorer economies until recently.

But I mean how sure are you that Fluoride is so bad? I'm not super convinced as there is a pretty hefty amount in green tea. And it does harden your teeth. Like is there any decent evidence that it effects the brain enough to be considered any worst than whats in the rest of your food.

Honestly I'm more worried about chlorine used to treat the water supply, that DOES produce carcinogenic by products. But its better then getting stomach infections on a daily basis.

Same with fluoride, sure it might have a toll on your brain, but you know having your teeth for longer is probably a net gain for your health.



oil pull coconut oil every day for 15 mins for first 30-60-90 days depending on fucked-upness.

then do every 2-3 days - use toothpaste without fluoride, i just use those from health food store, got one with sea algae and minerals, best is ones with earthy-minerals.

ppl used to use the thin leaves of certain trees to clean the sides of their teeth like floss.



Well, at least google doesn't ignore me ever, and tells me all the answers I want, even if google is harvesting my data.



Fluoride being good for you at all is a myth propagated by big money (even if not, you're not supposed to swallow it), and the form added water, I believe, is different than the one in tea or natural water.




3) The vast majority of western Europe has rejected water fluoridation, but has been equally successful as the US, if not more so, in tackling tooth decay.

4) If fluoride was necessary for strong teeth one would expect to find it in breast milk, but the level there is 0.01 ppm , which is 100 times LESS than in fluoridated tap water (IOM, 1997).

5) Children in non-fluoridated communities are already getting the so-called “optimal” doses from other sources (Heller et al, 1997). In fact, many are already being over-exposed to fluoride.


"2) Major dental researchers also concede that fluoride is ineffective at preventing pit and fissure tooth decay, which is 85% of the tooth decay experienced by children (JADA 1984; Gray 1987; White 1993; Pinkham 1999).

3) Several studies indicate that dental decay is coming down just as fast, if not faster, in non-fluoridated industrialized countries as fluoridated ones (Diesendorf, 1986; Colquhoun, 1994; World Health Organization, Online).

4) The largest survey conducted in the US showed only a minute difference in tooth decay between children who had lived all their lives in fluoridated compared to non-fluoridated communities. The difference was not clinically significant nor shown to be statistically significant (Brunelle & Carlos, 1990).

5) The worst tooth decay in the United States occurs in the poor neighborhoods of our largest cities, the vast majority of which have been fluoridated for decades.

6) When fluoridation has been halted in communities in Finland, former East Germany, Cuba and Canada, tooth decay did not go up but continued to go down (Maupome et al, 2001; Kunzel and Fischer, 1997, 2000; Kunzel et al, 2000 and Seppa et al, 2000)."


"2) It would be totally cost-prohibitive to use pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride (the substance which has been tested) as a fluoridating agent for the public water supply. Water fluoridation is artificially cheap because, unknown to most people, the fluoridating agent is an unpurified hazardous waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry. "

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