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FACT: the NWO doesn’t want you to smoke because tobacco helps clean your lungs of the mind numbing chemicals they pump into the air. This is why smoking cigarettes is constantly bashed in the media yet smoking weed (thats street slang for Marijana) is constantly praised.

Weed is constantly pushed in films and music as being cool, fun, and harmless. It was only kept illegal because it helped spread it around, as we see in other countries where it is legal not that many people smoke it.

The average normie dickswab will tell you that weed is healthy and some arsewipes even believe it cures cancer. This is mostly due to a constant media campaign (from kikewood) promoting the drug. “Stoner” films have even started to become their own genre.

On the flip side cigarettes are constantly bashed. Advertisements “warning” people of the health “risks”. Not allowed to have people smoking in some tv shows and movies. Not allowed to advertise them. I my country they must have plain packages with gruesome pictures on them and they are HEAVILY taxed ($30 a pack) not to mention you can’t smoke inside any business, eating area, or government owned property. Could you imagine any other indusry being treated this way?

Also nicotine is widely known for it’s ability to temporarily increase your occult powers and tobacco was used buy the Native American Indians to stimulate their third eye in a peace making ritual that is believed to allow them to share emotions and simple thoughts in a psychic link on the astral plane with those involved.

Tobacco and smoking played a large role Americas rapid rise and expansion as well as their culture of personal freedom. It is no surprise that as smoking has dwindled over the last 30 years so has America on the world stage. The less a nation smokes the more willing they seem to give up other personal freedoms as well.

So light up a fag and get puffing my brothers and sisters, freedom from this oppressive realm and the light of the monad awaits.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.














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It's not tobacco's tar which kills, but the radiation!

Cannabis is often compared to tobacco, with the damage caused by smoking tobacco given as a reason to prohibit use of cannabis. Yet most of the harms caused by tobacco use are due not to tar, but to the use of radioactive fertilizers. Surprisingly, radiation seems to be the most dangerous and important factor behind tobacco lung damage.



What about lung cancer?

I'm a smoker for 6 years and I don't feel healthier, on the contrary.


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What a missinformed, harmful little pest are you.

If you want to indulge your body to it's mundane pleasures, go on; there's no need to drag innocent people along with you down the road of illness.

Thanks and bye.



Been a smoker for five years, theres one thing I know for sure, that shit kills you not just physically but mentally too. Get the fuck outta here OP you have gone beyond faggot level






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It needs to be organic tobacco grown without the use of radioactive fertilizers.



Smoking conventional cigarettes is not recommended because of all the pesticides, additives and the radioactive fertilizer the tobacco is grown in.

Roll your own or get American Spirit or another organic brand. Also if you like cigars and can get Cubans, they are all organically grown.

Food for thought on the lung cancer link:





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"Over a wild and stormy sea,

Shall a noble sail

Who to find will not fail,

A new and fair countree

From whence he shall bring

A herb and a root

That all men shall suit

And please both the ploughman and the king."

-Mother Shipton's prophecy predicting nobleman Sir Walter Raleigh bringing tobacco and potatoes ("a herb and a root") from America.


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Article on King James' role in establishing the modern Freemasonic lodge system:


King James wrote some of the first anti-tobacco propaganda:



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Read the article on page 3, 'Tobacco: God's Gift to Man'.


For those who entertain the possibility that 'channeled information' may be legitimate.. scroll down to the heading 'Can Smoking be GOOD for SOME People?'




158 page forum thread discussing smoking as it relates to those channels, health benefits, conspiracy, etc.



The History of the Conspiracy Against Tobacco


Interesting information regarding the hidden role of viruses in diseases attributed to smoking.

An excerpt:

"Proof of Conspiracy to Hide the Role of Viruses in Lung Cancer

The anti-smoker propaganda claim that "Scientists may have found a way to tell which smokers are at highest risk of developing lung cancer: measuring a telltale genetic [sic] change inside their windpipes" is proof of deliberate deceit. Dr. Avrum Spira et al. found that some current or former smokers with lung cancer or precancerous lesions had higher activity of a certain enzyme in their upper airways than those who didn't. "[T]he genes involved were part of a well-known cancer-causing pathway named the PI3K pathway. When PI3K-related genes are too active, too much cell growth can occur, but most studies have examined those genes only in tumors." Six of nine patients treated with experimental drugs had there lesions improve. It's dressed up with deceitful rhetoric that "Smoking bathes the entire respiratory tract in toxins." (Developing test to warn smokers of cancer danger. By Lauran Neergaard, AP Medical Writer, Apr. 8, 2010.)

BUT - What they're testing for, activation of the PI3K system, is actually a sign of virus infection. "A number of viruses including EBV, HPV, HBV and HCV have the ability to establish long-term infections in the host, either through the establishment of latent or chronic infections, which can ultimately lead to cellular transformation. It appears that the gene products of these viruses stimulate PI3K–Akt-mediated cell survival and thereby block apoptosis of the cells they infect. This contributes to both virus survival and oncogenic transformation…" (The pivotal role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase–Akt signal transduction in virus survival. S Cooray. J Gen Virol 2004;85:1065-1076.)

And among that list of viruses, HPV is implicated in at least a quarter of non-small cell lung cancers. Cytomegalovirus, an even more widespread chronic infection, also activates the PI3K pathway. It is an intrinsic property of these viruses. The fact that Spira et al. must test for PI3K activation is prima facie evidence that it is not an intrinsic effect of smoking. But they don't mention these salient facts, never mind demonstrate that they are not merely measuring the effects of viral infection, and they blame PI3K activation on smoking by the use of deceitful rhetoric. They use the word "smokers" 76 times, while inconspicuously admitting that "this increased activity is independent of smoking status or other smoking-related disease." This is part of a deliberate, systematic conspiracy which the funding sources for many of Spira et al.'s studies, including the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, have engaged in for decades, in order to deceive the public and wage of war of cultural genocide against smokers. (Airway PI3K Pathway Activation Is an Early and Reversible Event in Lung Cancer Development.)



Wow, being this new…

Nigger, when the smokes were first legalized, the tobacco firms (controlled by the NWO) and the states were all like "Smoking is good for you, it makes you live longer and get stronger, better sex and gives some excercise to your lungs"…

Then actual scientific studies have been made and it became harder and harder for the NWO to make up bullshit for people to smoke and kill themselves to instaure some more population control, but since they already got an entire generation hooked, it entered the collective consciousness and their work was done. Now smoking is a normal thing and is okay, it's been so much on the packs of cigarettes that even an eight years old kid is not affraid of those mouth cancer images anymore.

By posting this bullshit, you are in fact the illuminati.


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thanks based anon.


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Smokers smell bad, have yellow teeth, cough all the time and are addicted. This is bad enough.


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'Tobacco smoking produces widespread dominant brain wave alpha frequency increases'


Alpha brain waves are the active meditative state which people enter into in programs like the Silva Method for ESP, intuition, etc. And yes you can enter them without tobacco, just as you can enter spiritual realms without psychedelic drugs, but it can be a useful tool when used properly. Native Americans would pray when they smoked, if you just light a smoke casually without focus or meditation you will get some mental benefits but not at the same level.


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The Health Benefits of Smoking

By Dr. Garrett Smith




Are you fucking kidding me ?

Ganja is litteraly the drugs of meditation in all culture. The indians, the rastafari used and still use cannabis as meditation tools.

I don't remember anymore but it was a country like egyptia where we discovered the very first bang of history, it was plaqued in gold

Considering that the plant grew in europe pretty easily we can realisticly deduce that our druid ancester smoked it too.



You say that it needs to be organic tobacco, but in OP you don't mention it.

>smoking cigarettes is constantly bashed in the media

cigarettes =/= organic tobacco

>the NWO doesn’t want you to smoke

Most people assume that one smokes normal cigarettes.

>On the flip side cigarettes are constantly bashed. Advertisements “warning” people of the health “risks”

So these "warnings" are right? Cigarettes do destroy health, no one says smoking clean tobacco destroys it.

You defend cigarettes in one post, then blame them in another.

Also, I use relatively clean tobacco for hand rolling my cigarettes and it still sucks.



Ganja is shit. It gives fake enlightenment.



>You say that it needs to be organic tobacco, but in OP you don't mention it.

Because I'm not OP, there are more than one person redpilled on the benefits of tobacco posting here.




















<Asking for that gif of a man in a desk in front of some lady, he goes all like "I've got one million studies demonstrating X (puts hand over huge pile of papers), and only one (almost jokingly raises one paper) that says it doesn't. Furious woman grabs the one paper and says "I KNEW IT" and walks away>






I've discovered lots of things while smoking weed and meditating, most of them things about my behaviour and the reason why my brain decides to do certain things, these things pretty much are just explanations of personality and not false enlightenment as you said, I wouldn't recommend weed to everybody but I have certainly benefited from smoking it, probably helped me understand certain things more quickly, but who knows maybe it also blocks some other things, I wouldn't know



Is about believes

Whatever you believe that it's

Of course this physicality has rules , but whatever you believe override thoose rules.



>Yes, it is true, smoking does not cause lung cancer. It is only one of many risk factors for lung cancer.

So it does cause lung cancer you immense fucking faggot. Do you even read the shit you post? It's a stupid play on semantics: whether or not your interpret "increase the risk of lung cancer" as "cause lung cancer" is fucking irrelevant.



I don't have the gif, but it's from a collegehumor video called if google was a guy.



If there's one thing we on /fringe/ can agree on, it's that the majority opinion is always right.




There was no weed in North America you fucking retard



Yeah, well, because a million double or triple-blind studies based on facts are an opinion. Smoking is bad, unless you're dying for some other cause in less than a week.

It will hinder your physical wellness, make you an addict, and ultimately kill you for increased risk in about 100% of illnesses known to man.


What is wrong about weed edibles that no one brings them up? From what I read they work the same, except you don't damage your lungs? Is there something I don't know?



Modern strains aren't your granpappy's ditch weed. It's too strong.

Gateway drug is a literal term, the drug puts holes in the aura like all others.

This allows interdimensional influence not for the best interest of the host.

The only cig worth considering are American Spirit Organics or one's you roll your own. The filters will embed microscopic fibers in one's lungs, too. All that extra mucus you cough up might be helpful in clearing other toxins, might not.

Tobacco should only be indulged in once in a blue moon, perhaps for epigenetic effects. It has been shown that smoking will alter a persons brain chemistry to reduce the chance of getting Alzheimer disease, so that's a benefit.

Ultimately, it does not contribute to making one's blood pure, in fact quite the opposite. Having a pure vessel is essential to power.


Tobacco may increase critical thinking abilities, making smokers nonconformists. Or that may be bullshit. Like anything, it's just a crutch.


Goddamnit /fringe/, Here I am coughing up mucus after I stopped smoking for a couple days, and you're gonna tell me that smoking is good? I don't know what the fuck to believe anymore in regards to smoking.



Switch to organic tobacco rather than quitting, you'll find it much smoother and get all the benefits of tobacco without the nasty chemicals.


Also you attract what you focus on. How many cases of cancer in smokers have actually been caused by them hearing the negative propaganda against smoking, seeing the gruesome labels, and believing this stuff? They internalize the belief that they will get deathly ill from smoking and then they manifest this illness in their lives, no great shock.


top kek this board is retarded



you mistake common mundane fools who where lucky enough to fluke themselves in a somewhat liveable state for 60-90 years.

the cancer caused by cigs is from the radiation they use on the plants, te 514-520 so chemicals used of a large variety.

you're still losing a lot of oxygen / going-in, going-out / when you do this and you eventually cause a set-off.

Tobacco if organic is similar to cannabis in it's magickal / medicinal / cultural uses.

>90% of this board thinks living over 80 doing what ever mundane commercial habit created by dumb-as-fuck europeans a few centuries ago ( smoking / consuming cheese / drinking spirits ) is a miracle..

>90% of this board doesn't realize theres folk in south america / africa / asia mountains / pacific islanders who are 100-250 years old, with records to prove it and villagers to attest.

>90% of this board doesn't fucking get science and hasn't realized it's completely illogical and unnatural to age and decompose. ( the process makes sense of course since it's like watching a balloon deflate - you know it's occuring etc etc. ) THE reason doesn't.


I think i get it tho - can't have retarded jackass immortals - so there has to be a filtering of some kind.



>250 years old




No thanks, Chaim. I've spent enough jew gold and health on cigarettes. Why the fuck would I spend lods of emone on cigarettes to get 1% less chance of Alzheimers or whatever while denying myself of precious oxygen.



>knee-jerk reaction of a scientism-infected incipient, don't post until you have at least affected physical time or gained desired results from your work.


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"Well, there are societies in England that are having an awfully good time fighting the cigarette. They can't do anything else, so they fight cigarettes. And they say that the cigarette causes lung cancer. And they've – you've been hearing something of this, I'm sure. Yeah. Not smoking enough will cause lung cancer. Not smoking enough will cause lung cancer! If anybody is getting a cancerous activity in the lung, the probabilities are that it's radiation dosage coupled with the fact that he smokes. And what it does is start to run out the radiation dosage, don't you see. But I'd say that would be better than not running out any of the radiation dosage at all and the number of lung cancer cases which exist, of course, that don't smoke are just forgotten about by these societies, but they are very numerous.

Anyway, there's nicotinic acid in that cigarette. Inevitably, on inhalation of tobacco, you will get some of this phenomena of face flush, but in view of the fact that a cigarette isn't pushing its smoke over the outside of the body but on the inside, of course, you run it out internally."

-L. Ron Hubbard, "Auditor Effect on Meter" lecture, July 19th, 1961.

Hubbard had a background in the occult for those who don't know.




Yea whatever. I don't really know ofc. I just have it from a reliable source that the oldest person who ever lived was an Illuminati member who died at 170.

So some anon claiming that the "le ancient, wise, spiritually enlightened savages" have exceeded the very illuminati by living in huts of mud, navel-gazing all day, and wiping their asses with leaves… you can understand it seems absurd from my reference.



>If you don't BELIEVE in cancer, you won't get it XD.

I hate these fucking crackpots.

That being said, my uncle smoked a pack and a half of cheap cigarettes every day for 30 years before he died of throat cancer. And to my knowledge, that's usually how it plays out. So if it takes that much, and that long, to kill you, it can't really be as dangerous as the media says.

You shouldn't smoke too much, though. Because it does seem like doing that will kill you.






hey now that's not right speech


Its shit like this that makes science just another whore.


Why would tobacco be legal if they didn't want you to use it?


I smoke and this is a fucking joke. Literally stop anytime for a week and run everyday and you will absolutely feel the difference day by fucking day.



>what are tobacco lobbyists?



What are you trying to say?



Not him, but he's saying that smoking IS detrimental to your health, if you were to quit smoking for a week then run everyday, you would definitely feel the difference in your lungs and in your circulation.





this, even if you just switch to snus or dip or any other non-smoking tobacco you feel a lot better, i've never tried any homegrown tobacco for long enough to test out OPs claims but I'd like to if given the chance, i'm not growing it myself though it's literally more illegal than growing weed which makes me a bit suspicious


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>> have it from a reliable source

>> illuminati member

>> illuminati member

>> illuminati member

>> illuminati member

>> illuminati member

Just fucking leave



With pipes and cigars you aren't supposed to draw the smoke into your lungs, you hold it in your mouth and it absorbs into your blood through your cheeks. Obviously a little smoke will get into your lungs this way but not enough to cause significant damage.



Growing tobacco is completely legal.



you're lucky wherever you live because here you can go to jail for 2 years for growing 1 tobacco plant, you can grow 1 cannabis plant in most states with only getting a small fine if caught, 1 state lets you grow 2 cannabis plants like this



Where do you live?






What is the logic behind that?



i think they're just greedy for tax but who knows

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