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Hope all is well with the /fringe/ community! I am a Yoga teacher. Not stretching, not just meditation, not just "controlling the mind", not just energy work. I made a thread on Yoga here a while back, but it was unfocused and useless.

The posts I put in this thread are about the goal of Yoga (union) practice (along with the tools yogi's employ), which is essentially the goal of most spiritual/esoteric/religious systems. All my effort goes towards introducing authentic yoga to people who only know it from the confused, bare-bones, and uninformed schools of yoga that have taken root all over the world. I hate to sound elitist, but it's the reality of the situation.

Studying and practicing yoga is my life's work. Practically everything I've done in my life has lead to the work I do now as a teacher. Everything here is only an introduction, I'll give you guys my email once I'm done in case anyone wishes to learn more about the practices and teachings. These short excerpts are from two of the more knowledgable teachers from the modern age. Most of this isn't online anywhere. I've written up these introductions to one or two other places online, hopefully it'll be good little nudge for people who want to go ahead on this path.

I'll make the posts one at a time, so I don't just flood the place.

It is wonderful that the one who takes one from darkness to light has been found. Otherwise there would be death - meaning: there would be no escape from birth and death. The purpose of this body is to be free from birth and death. If the knowledge of atman does not happen in this body, then there is death, verily.

What kind of death is this? Like when flying insects, upon seeing the light of a lamp, fall into it because they think that there is no other light as complete (fulfilling) as this. Thus deluded, they fall into (the flame) and burn and die. In the same way, human beings, unable to see the self (atman), are burning and dying in the flash and filigree of this false (round of worldly existence/maya/samsara), because they think that the pleasures and indulgences of the world make up the most complete happiness, and that other than this there is nothing that is good (fulfilling).

But because of finding (the one who takes one from darkness to light/guru='gu' aka darkness and ‘ru’ aka light), one has seen the delusion, and has been saved from such a death.

- Shama Churn

One quick note before the next post: Many of you may have heard of the terms Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana, Raja, etc.. these are usually thought of as different styles of practice, or different types of yogi's, but in actuality they are "stages" which aspirants pass through on their path. A linear progression, not different types of Yoga. Just a common mistake I see. There are some traditions which identify themselves under specific names, but all have a common root.


Student - "Guruji, in the olden times, was it not like a sect? It was still called Nath samapradaya?”

['samapradaya' commonly means a group]

Guruji - (Shri Shailendra Sharma) : "See, samapradaya means 'to give equally' -sama means 'equal', pradaya means 'to give'. Basically to teach what we have learned ourselves. Now if you are teaching equally, you’d have to follow the strict discipline, along with all the pledges. These days it has nothing to do with teaching equally. Now it means a cult or a group.

Now yoga traditions were the only true samapradaya, because if you don’t teach what you’ve practiced, how would anybody learn? It was never about creating followers, or have disciples lie at the feet of the guru, getting kicked around, in the hope that one day guru would wake up and with one blessing turn their life around.

And the guru would know that if he told the disciple whatever little he knew himself - some mantra or something else - then the disciple wouldn’t give a damn about him anymore. So they’d continue to keep it a secret. This is exactly what has happened in most tantric traditions.

There have been so many cults around Bhakti (devotion). Why do you think that the only display of power was done by people who started these cults, and not by their subsequent followers? That is because they used to practice something else and taught their followers something else.

Only in yoga one teaches what one practices, and that is true samapradayikta, whatever be its definition today. Otherwise, the standards could not be maintained. This approach is nowhere else. Even Yogananda didn’t teach what he himself learned.

The teachings should never be trifled with! Nobody is born such a genius that they could better the results arrived at by the old masters. After so many austerities and hard work they extracted the essence of these techniques and passed down that essence to their future generations. Why be a wise-ass and corrupt that knowledge? Only if you follow the instructions exactly as given you'll get the results, not otherwise.

That’s why there aren’t so many yoga traditions, only a couple. There are many meditation groups, but they are not becoming yogis. Only when you follow the yogic way of life with all its discipline, and then someone tells you the mysteries of these teachings, the awareness will develop."


"Kabir sangshay khaya sakal jag, sangshay koi na khaay jo bedha guru acchar, so sangshay chuni khaay." (Number 9 of Kabir’s couplets)

Translation: Kabir is saying that the entire world is being eaten up by doubt and uncertainty - meaning: Everyone is living in doubt and uncertainty - but no one is eating up doubt and uncertainty. One who has found out the difference between the world/guru and the 'imperishable self’ is thoroughly chewing up and eating doubt and uncertainty.

Comments by Shama Churn: "Upon becoming restless, the atman-self’s mind is going in two directions, sometimes to (god/absolute/the “real"), sometimes to (samsara/maya/illusion). Sometimes he thinks that samsara is real and sometimes he thinks that god is real. But in both are doubt and uncertainty. Because of mind being in two places, two yoni’s (wombs) are there. One is the Brahman-yoni Lord, but there is a complete movement away from that - meaning: one is moving from being united, to another “thing”.

When mind moves from one substance to another thing, then that second thing takes birth - meaning: a desire forms in that. It is like when a man and woman become attracted to each other and he enters her, and they themselves take birth in her womb, but find doubt in accepting the child as themselves, in the same way, this great doubt is eating up the world. What this means is: (god/absolute/the “real”) is everywhere; atman (self) is also everywhere.

Wherever there is atman, there is also jiva (individual soul). And within all individuals is this doubt and uncertainty. Engrossed in thinking about this - meaning: does brahamn exist or not - they are dying in the constant doubting of this. But no one is eating up this doubt. When the mind becomes restless, doubt comes around. When man, attracted to woman, enters her, at that time he is restless. Thus, not knowing the true nature, a doubt takes place. In that same way, because of the constant doubting “is there (god/absolute/ the 'real') or not” birth and death are taking place.

When this restlessness become still, then doubt itself is eaten up - meaning: if there is stillness, then who is there to doubt? The person who, via the self, has seen Kutastha from the self, and has entered into the particle of Kutastha and has seen the three worlds along with himself within that (the three worlds), and has made everything one - his name is “bedha” = “bheda” (distinct knowing). He thoroughly chews up and eats doubt.

When one sees that the three worlds are within himself, and within the three worlds sees himself, then oneness is. Doubt is in the dual - meaning: is there a god or not? When oneness is, then doubt is eaten up.

It is like when a bird opens the two lips of his beak to take food, and at the time of swallowing closes the beak - meaning: it makes the two lips one - “is there a god or not” is when the two lips are open, and when doubt goes away, there is one brahman stillness - meaning: doubt is swallowed up. Then the two lips of the beak become one and no longer remain two."


Student - 'What is Karmayoga?'

Shama Churn - 'The action which causes a union with god is 'Karma (action)' and to remain united with that karma incessantly is 'Karmayoga (action-union, Kriyayoga)'. Others are all inactions. God is not an object who has descended from the sky, this is a state. This is the still state of 'prana (life force)'. Still prana in a living being deriving vibration has assumed the forms of intelligence, mind, senses, etc.. and remains enchanted by this.

This is a living being's deviated state from his original form or else this is the state of declension from still prana to dynamic prana. Stillness is a living being's original form. Dynamism represents a living being and stillness represents shiva (absolute/"god"). Therefore the action which terminates that dynamism and reverts a living being again to stillness or the action that causes a living beings state to be extinct and elevates him to the state of shiva, is known as karma yoga. Nothing occurs without action.

Whatever we desire to obtain or give are termed to be action. Without action nothing can be acquired, thus without action god also cannot be obtained; implying stillness cannot be achieved. Some action must to be performed to achieve god. Can god be found through the medium of different types of actions performed materialistically? Certainly not, because a little of these types of actions are performed by all. Then why do they not find god? Japa (mantras), vows, fasting, chanting together, virtuous acts, undertaking pilgrimages, helping others, serving guests, compassion for living beings, etc.. are all actions which are performed by everyone in small degrees, but then why do they not obtain god?

Thus god cannot be achieved by performing these actions because these actions are incapable of causing soul-visualization. But performing these actions purifies the mind of man, these act as aids in the path of sadhana. Thus these actions are necessary. Action will produce consequences, this is the disposition of action. Evil actions produce bad consequences and for good actions good consequences are inevitable. The results produced are in equation to actions performed.

Just as, if hunger is to be appeased the action of taking food is necessary, and other action will not be feasible. Similarly to attain soul-realization, atmakarma (soul-action) is necessary. The gita says: "samnyasastu mahabaha duhkshamaptumyogatah" - meaning: Dear arjuna, barring karma yoga (yoga of action), achieving renunciation is impossible. The state beyond action can be termed to be true renunciation. Then actions are absent. This state of renunciation can be attained through action only. Nothing can be achieved without action."'


"This Kriyayogaic breathing action is an ancient science. In almost every line of Vedas, Upanishads, Gita and the sastra of Tantrayoga, their esotericism and expedience ave been expounded. The symbol of yoga is reflected in regular worship and in all types of religious actions. At present, just as the deities are concealed under the symbols, similarly under the influence of superficial worship, "The true obeisance/worship/union/soul action" has become concealed.

With regard to the puranic historical viewpoint, Krishna imparted this yoga to Arjuna. Many great souls had practised sadhana in this path of yoga throughout the world and achieved immense spiritual fulfilment. Among them the renowned were Kapil muni, King Janaka, Vyasadeva, Sukhdeva, Patanjala, Socrates, Jesus Christ, Saint John, Saint Paul, Dadudayal, Kabir, Ruhidas, Nanak, Jnaneswar, Tukaram, Ramdas Swami, Ramprasad Sen, Gautama Buddha, Mahavira Jain, etc.. God has stated that when he had once descended in the past, he had imparted this sublime imperishable yoga technique to the Soul-Sun (Surya). Surya had given it to Manu and Manu to Ikshaku. The great sages in this manner handed down this yoga to successive generations; but the yoga has lost its significance due to the onslaught of time.

Thus the still Pranaic PranaKrishna (Literally the term 'Krishna' is an noun but yogically it is a verb. As a verb the term 'Krishna' connotes that a yogi has to cultivate his body-field for annihilating dynamism and attaining stillness), had imparted this immortal yoga to Surya. Prana is Surya (Soul-Sun); the motion of Prana occurs in the Ida and Pingala and this Pingala is known as the sun nerve and Ida is known as the moon nerve.

Therefore the airflow of Prana within the Pingala nerve is Surya. God mentioned to Surya or else that inexpressible state of the still PranaKrishna by entering the nerve of the sun in the form of dynamism, manifested himself dynamically or the sill Pranaic PranaKrishna who reveals himself as the dynamic Prana in the nerve of the sun is the explicit state of yoga. After this Surya imparted this to Manu (Manu means the mind).

When Prana becomes vibratory, this vibratory state acquires a designation of the mind and that mind becomes the expressive state of imperishable yoga in that designation. The still state of air is the state of yoga union. From that still state, vibration evolved and in the sun nerve and mind the state of expression or manifestation of yoga appeared. This is clarified thus, the still Pranalike soul driving vibration was expressed as Surya in the Pingala form, from the Surya to the mind, form the mind to Ikshaku signifying that this sublime eternal yoga became manifest within the external air of the nose.

Amidst the fourfold lives from celibacy to relinquishment of four social orders, the yoga-culture was positively maintained by people belonging to the different strata of society. Almost all the kings of the Raghu dynasty eventually departed abiding by the path of yoga. That sequence in our country was unimpaired till the time of the great poet Kalidasa.

In the first great epic of the Raghu dynasty the evidence of this fact can be underlined from the statement "Yoganantye tanutyajam" Later due to the onslaught of time it became extinct. The avatars preached this sublime yoga sadhana to humanity by again disentangling it from the clutches of time, by amending its austerities and making it suitable for the present spiritually debilitated mankind. This is their supreme bestowal to the whole of humanity and to the universal storehouse of knowledge."

-Shama Churn


Kriya-yoga (Action-Union/true Karma-yoga, "soul action") has five items - Talavya, Pranayama, Nabhikriya, Yonimudra and Mahamudra. These five item total the first chapter of Kriya-yoga.

When a devotee can complete the first chapter he is eligible to obtain the second chapter. In total, Kriya-yoga has six chapters. Omkara-kriya features from the second till the sixth chapter. The mystery of Kriya-yoga sadhana can be derived exclusively from the guru.

Through Talavya, the obstruction of the toungue is released; through Pranayama, Prana and Apana airs are stilled; through Nabhikriya, Samana air achieves a state of evenness; through Yonimudra, soul-realization occurs and through Mahamudra, Vyana and Udana airs achieve a state of settlement.

By conquering the five Pranas in this manner, settling in the void essence at Kutastha and by arriving at the state beyond action the Kriyaban is capable of wandering in the realm of his self.

- Shama Churn

“Focused and remaining in the transcendental state of kriya - that state is one of darkness and sleep for all of the phenomenal world, and that state which all people who are looking with attachment and perceiving as the waking state - the “munis" (sages), meaning those who have spontaneously become “mouni” (mute) - who do not have the desire to say anything - they see them (people of worldly perspective) as being in darkness, meaning sleep.”

"If atmakarma is regularly practised, one day you will reach the state beyond all actions, or the source or origin which is the objective and then you will have a communion with the infinite soul and realize yourself."

"This path of sadhana is scripturally regarded as soul-knowledge, spiritual knowledge or brahma-knowledge. (Shama Churn named it Kriyayoga or kriya) This kriyayoga is logical and scientific. The fact that it is entirely scientific is because it is described to be as accurate as mathematics."

"Kriya means action. the karma yoga of the gita is kriyayoga. Karma also infers action. Nothing can be achieved without action, therefore much stress has been laid on karma yoga in the gita. The name of kriyayoga has been mentioned in the Patanjala yoga philosophy and in many other places in the sastras."

"The soul within you is the soul which pervades all elements. Therefore the soul of all the elements exists within you. There is no difference, thus it is you who becomes the all pervasive soul, "Jagannatha (master of the universe)". The moment you specially realize this in kriya's transcendental state, you can realize the mental inclinations of everybody and it is then by achieving omniscience you will automatically learn about the attributes and actions of all elements. Then by being omnipotent all action can be performed with a non-desirable wish.

By this type of profound Kriya, realization of the subtlest of the subtle (molecule like) self occurs, leading to the removal of pride and a pride-less state will be achieved. You are Kutastha, pay reverence to him, it is repeated again - pay reverence to him. Do non desist from paying this reverence because you only are kutastha-like almighty soul and you are beyond the five essences, the mind, intellect and self conceit. When you become one in kriya's transcendental state then you only are the supreme pervading the universe, without you the world does not exist, thus good, evil, and imagination do not exist.

If you attain oneness, you are the imperishable and indestructible one, the tranquil pure consciousness and immortal. Then where are your birth, action, propensity and pride? Therefore by abandoning the divisions of this and the fact that everything is the self, become doubtless positively about this in the transcendental state of kriya. You are perceiving the world because you are not within yourself, but in kriya's transcendental state when you will remain within yourself then you only will become the reality.

Just for once contemplate on the fact that barring you, everything is absent, you are materialistic and non-materialistic because when you concentrate on extraneous matters you are materialistic, again by remaining within yourself or in the transcendental state of kriya, you are non-materialistic. Everything evolves in this universe in accordance with your volition; in kriya's transcendental state after the cessation of desires you will positively know that the universe is a fallacy merely and by obtaining the knowledge that the entire universe is pervaded by brahma you will attain equilibrium. Then you are neither in bondage nor are liberated and being crowned with success in this manner you will wander in beatitude, this is the maxim of kriyayoga."

-Shama Churn


There, that should be good for now. My email is zimmer101@icloud.com

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, or a desire to progress in this path.


I'd like to learn about anything that can help me evolve spiritually, but let's say I'm a child of the 21st century and quite frankly I don't really care about sanskrit or heavy theory unless they are well organized like the textbooks I used in school. Can this be done? Or is it necessary to keep everything concealed a little bit behind a veil of "poetry" in order to filter out the unprepared?



So basically you want occult, hidden knowledge handed to you on a silver plate?

Yeah, good luck with that.



thing is, in this day and age we're trained to doubt. i mean, hell, how would we even survive if we were more naive? when someone gives you texts that are gonna "enlighten" you if you just keep reading until it happens but all you see is gibberish nonsense, it's easy to assume they're full of shit/trying to sell you crap or just straight up fucking with you. or perhaps they spent so much time reading those texts they just lied to themselves and decided they were enlightened because it was easier than admitting they spent years of their life on basically watching paint dry. your argument is a lot like something the church people say.



>these days we're trained to doubt

I disagree. The entire propose of modern public schooling is acceptance and internalization of information handed to us by our "superiors". They're interested in churning out easily manipulated drones who do as they say.

If you're doubting you're either indoctrinated and encountering something outsides the bounds of that indoctrination, or you've broken out of it and realized that our world is mostly built on lies and misinformation.

You should doubt most occult books because there are tons of charlatans who just wanted to make money off of gullible people, and many students of the occult who overstepped their understanding of the way things are and tried to fill the gaps in their understanding with fancy words.

The search for truth is about recognizing lies when you see them, and testing things you think are true to make sure they're not lies as well.

I just read the rest of your post and it turns out we were in agreement the whole time

Well my initial point still stands, we're not trained to doubt, doubting is somersetting we discover on our own.



by trained to doubt i meant we're shown commercials and told about things and how to do them but we soon realize that many of these things are false lies or only half-true, portraying only one side, etc. thus people generally make the conclusion to not trust everything on instinct. of course i'm talking about just people in general here, not the current american college students and similar. in fact, as i watch some of these individuals, i must say it deeply disturbs me how they haven't pick up on these things themselves. i always figured being bombarded by fake information meant you'd develop some kind of immunity instead of succumbing to it.

>If you're doubting you're either indoctrinated and encountering something outsides the bounds of that indoctrination, or you've broken out of it and realized that our world is mostly built on lies and misinformation.

it's definitely the second for me but as i said before, i find it confusing how this isn't on point for the majority of the adult population.

>Well my initial point still stands, we're not trained to doubt, doubting is somersetting we discover on our own.

see, this, right here. I figured with the way our society is structured people in general would just learn how to doubt themselves. i just thought it a natural response.

i'd sooner consider myself to be a pessimist than an optimist but i always had faith that people on average wouldn't conform to the stereotypes of the brainwashed society.

since we can't trust the media to paint a clear picture, i suppose our views differ based on who we spend our time around. while some do seem naive, in my experience most still know how to doubt at least the obvious things.



>you want occult, hidden knowledge handed to you on a silver plate?

Not really, but I would appreciate if people put a bit more effort into writing more clearly and without covering everything with a veil of muhh mystical names from asia

I mentioned textbooks, you'll find that they are well organized, they have different pieces that create a better learning experience (what you learn of course is a different subject) . OP might have the best of intentions but at least to me this thread has proven to be worthless because there are let's say no clear ideas, the posts don't develop into anything, it might be that OP is on another level and he understands what he's talking about. But I don't. I could go post by post talking about how I don't understand what this word mean or that concept is supposed to be, but I have to ask again. Must this knowledge be shared as some kind of mystical confusing theory, or can it be stripped down of all unnecessary beauty and made available for people who live in the age of information and don't have time to waste smelling the flowers? (Metaphorically speaking)

I just love people sharing knowledge (or trying to) and I just feel frustrated because I can't seem to understand the point of using what to me is gibberish kept as part of the teaching just because you like using long words that to me have no meaning and I can't relate to them at all , it feels to me like most people just love jerking off all over their writings using long words from other languages because it makes everything sound more "profound".

Yes: "breath in through your left nostril. Breath out through your right nostril"

Fuck no: "Absorb prana energy by opening the channel Ida which is called bukasamarkanda and through the mastery of the duality principle into the lower realm of Akasha manifest the vital pulse and descend from the second channel pingala which in Sanskrit is called sikabaretabakar/samarkasakamarkakasa "

Just an example


Beautiful section of knowledge there. Not only is it a great briefing over yoga but it manages to go deep within the alchemical process of the soul and the nature of "God".

I'm glad that we have a practitioner of the yogic arts to inject some more knowledge into this board.


I speak in common tongue in my threads if you're able to remember some of the daoist words like yin, yang and chi. Admittedly while some of the cultural or untranslated words are annoying at first they just sound cool.



i used to be one of those 'in the system, going for the high-life society by getting rich' kids. completely bought in by science, convinced that i could change the world through my intelligence and hard work, figure out some way of extracting zero-cost infinite energy from sunlight or something. it's actually frighteningly easy to see urself in the dark.

u just have to be born with the faith that this world is good and everyone in it is good and wants everyone _else's_ life to be good, and that if they have enough, they'll just want to help you, so why not take whatever information and truths and advice they're offering in good faith and internalize it to help with your life? after all, they're all big men who have achieved everything in life and want for nothing - why would they lie or tell false lines of encouragement? they are obviously looking out for you and for your good, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, for your, wait for it, the golden apple, the one thing to strive for… FOR YOUR FUTURE woo hoo!

so u see, when you doubt the things the whole world is saying/doing, your parents are saying/doing, you don't consider them to be wrong, u find fault in urself. many people are born optimistic, but with too low self-esteem, too ready to give up trust in their own ability to reason and feel. i have had good experiences in waking people up though. they're usually the ones not scared of taking responsibility of their lives.



I understand your issues with the language and methods of communication, I really do! I would say that its mostly a cultural and linguistic barrier. The teachings can be organized into a more digestible form, its something I'm always working on.

You may see in Yogic texts references to deities such as "shiva" or "brahman", but these are simply terms chosen to represent certain aspects of reality. The goals and scientific methods of Yoga (union) are essentially separate from culture or religion.

It would be possible to discuss these topics without using any sanskrit terms and names of deities found in religion, but I choose to use words like "prana" or speak of some aspect of the divine as "vishnu" simply because those terms convey more information once you get familiar with the context. Its more of a matter of efficiency. The text I posted will be a lot harder to read simply because of the translation, along with how long ago it was written.

These concepts can only be simplified so much. If I was to explain what is meant in Yoga by the term "shiva", it would take a few sentences. Over time through study and practice, the poetic "shorthand" that many texts are written in becomes straightforward.

As this is only an introduction to gauge interest in the teachings, do not judge the essence by these writings. The conceptual framework is simple and self evident once you attain some proficiency and experience. The hidden meanings and thick theoretical statements were not meant to filter out undesirables, they were simply an attempt at bringing into human understanding realities and realizations that exist beyond the matter and mental space we commonly inhabit.

Its understandable if there's some communication difficulties lol. Things take time, understanding doesn't come about by reading a well written textbook (it would help though!). I know you said that the posts don't develop into anything, or there's no clear ideas, but imagine my posts as a sign on a bulletin board announcing swimming lessons. You can't expect the paper talking about learning to swim to "go anywhere". And you're not going to get those clear ideas until you get in the water.



>You may see in Yogic texts references to deities such as "shiva" or "brahman", but these are simply terms chosen to represent certain aspects of reality.

That is completely bullshit.

Not only do the yoga practitioner's consider the Gods to be real and alive, they are also the means by which the methods of yoga are transmitted to humans.


"Legends tell that Matsyendra was born under an inauspicious star. This warranted his parents to throw the baby into the ocean. It is here that the baby was swallowed by a fish where he lived for many years. The fish swam to the bottom of the ocean where Shiva was imparting the secrets of yoga to his consort, Parvati. Upon overhearing the secrets of yoga, Matsyendra began to practice yoga sadhana inside the fish's belly. After twelve years he finally emerged as an enlightened Siddha."



It isn't necessarily one or the other. Its true that Yogi's usually recognize incarnations of different gods in physical, energetic, or "causal" forms, but their names and images are also used to communicate important concepts.

For instance, the common image of Krishna has information regarding the Chakras, as well as Kriya and Omkara practices symbolized in his appearance, posture, and items he's shown to posses.

I'm pretty sure one of my posts even has a passage about the transmission of Yoga to humans from divine beings, so I'm in agreement with you!



If I was to explain what is meant in Yoga by the term "shiva", it would take a few sentences.

Lol you sure won't do it if asked to. Because you don't know.



I don't understand where this hostility comes from. But then again this is /fringe/.

I hope you understand if I just ignore your comment.



Because doing some research on your own would kill you, right?

Śiva is formless consciousness, without senses or thoughts. When Śiva is embodied it is called Jiva, when liberated from body it is called Śiva.




And that particular concept was in the material I posted. If someone can't be bothered to read what's at the top of the page, I'm not going to spend time responding to argumentative demands.



What are, in your opinion, the best books on Hatha Yoga? If there are any worth mentioning and if you know any textual materials.

Hathayogapradipika? If it counts as a book.



The HY pradipika is a good read, but it's not the best "instructional" material. It's better for understanding the base theory, Plus there's some concepts and techniques in there that are "veiled" behind symbolic descriptions.

Remember what Hatha yoga is. The goal of Hatha is not the prolonging of physical life, the attainment of siddhi's (powers), nor is it simply about gaining control over your natural systems. The goal is attaining a balance in the pranic system, Hatha = balance between Ha-sun and tha-moon. Moon and sun are Ida and Pingala.

I'll think about it, there's maybe one or two.. but I'm hesitant to recommend books. The best practices for Hatha Yoga are the same foundational practices and teachings of all Yoga. A strong base in Yama/Niyama, Cleansing practices, Asana's, Pranayama, Systematic meditation, along with some mantra's or hand mudra's as aids for practice. I would advise against using bandha's (energetic locks) or full body mudra's (such as maha mudra) without instruction, as these can lead to imbalances and other issues if their use is not fully understood and managed.

Hatha Yoga is a necessary foundation for practice. Once a balance of these two channels of Prana is achieved, then one can move onto working with the sushumna, blockages or "knots" at the chakras (granthis), Kriya, etc..



What good books would you recommend to a person who is willing to learn but knows very little about eastern names and knowledge?


Great thread OP,

So my question is will you be explaining how one can start doing yoga, like some basic techniques that can get you started off?



Honestly I haven't seen much in the way of books that contain both authentic teachings and practices, and present them without sanskrit terms or a background in eastern culture.

When I was starting out learning about Yoga, I definitely could've used something like that, but thats just how it is. Maybe someday I could write a book like that. My advice would be to just look past the language and culture, see what's actually there.

Once you get familiar with the whole thing, english/sanskrit, western/eastern, it just doesn't matter anymore. I know it seems like I'm telling you to just ignore your own preferences, but its an issue of appearance and packaging of ideas.


If someone is interested in starting to practice Yoga, I would rather they email me so I can get a little more information. That way I can tailor practices and techniques for each individual based on their particular goals and level of progression.

This is why having a good teacher has always been harped on in the Yoga tradition. The important books and scriptures are like a curriculum (for teachers or yogi's), they were never really meant to instruct students. That's why the transmission of the teachings was always person to person.

A true Yoga teacher cannot be created through modern "200 hour teacher trainings", a real teacher has to be called to this work. We dedicate ourselves to sharing this information once we've experienced the destination of the path. A good teacher is valuable because he can guide a student from the raw beginnings, to the highest attainments, using first hand experience. What is learned is hinted at in texts, but it can't be found through study.

Also I wouldn't want to put up basic techniques in a public place, have someone practice them diligently, then later on not have any guidance on how to proceed. Once someone hears or reads anything from me, I'm responsible for the effect that information has, and how it is used.


One thing I should add. I know it seems like I'm really downplaying learning from books (which would seem odd because the first question anyone would have is "well how did you learn?"). I did learn some things from reading prominent books and the writings of well known teachers, but the most important things given to me, the most important "lessons" came through other means.



I will write you an email after I wrap up some mundane business.

I have some questions and I want to talk to you anyway.



Do you have something on this

Like exercises and daily routine?


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It seems to me that we all project a bit of ourselves outward… kinda like the old saying: "If you run in to an asshole once in a while, well, it happens. If you run in to assholes everywhere you go, well, you're the asshole"

A colloquial example I suppose and there is much to extrapolate from the base premise: Liars will accuse people of lying, cheaters of cheating, etc etc..



I just recently got a website put together for my Yoga teaching: traditionalkriyayoga.com

I recommend you take a look at my FAQ under the 'about' category, that particular question is answered there. In time my website most likely will have basic practices or routines that I'll make available.


Just thought I'd let you guys know that I'll be putting together some videos and other materials on Yoga in the next week or so.

Things relating to basic practice, theory, as well as explanations of some of the more esoteric concepts. These will be either on my website or the connected YT channel.


I,ve heard many instances when vedic instructions say "doing this destroys sin right away". I,m very interested in kriya (which means action and so does karma). Two kriya techs are breathing through water, and with one s tongue, creating a bridge to the nose from tbe throat.

Riff riff off of this post, OP, and go over this one.




Here ya go anon.

I https://www.mediafire.com/?dm1c9ajbli5bp5c

II http://www.mediafire.com/?pddeubvsvzgevn0

III http://www.mediafire.com/?48v7vec6ha8h6gv

tl;dr inhale and exhale very slowly, at least 12 or 14 seconds each way.

Then spend 2 seconds on each cycle "mentally impressing" Aum into each chakra as you go up and down. (They skip the crown, but that does not jive with me so I do it too). Also try to feel the energy flowing in your shushumna and ida/pingala nadis.

There is a bunch more stuff, but that is the heart of the mythical kriya in a nutshell.



Where did you hear about those kriyas from?

There are cleansing practices that are also known as kriyas, the water breathing could be from those. And in atma-karma practice we do use the tounge to create an "energetic" bridge within the head. This is usually known as "tongue raising" or Kechari mudra.

Also, take claims such as "this destroys sin immediately" or "this technique shortens evolution by 1,000 years in 1 hour" in regards to kriya with a grain of salt. It essentially their way of trying to convince people of the efficiency of the techniques.

They may operate in that way, but those kind of statements mostly confuse students, or are meant to build up a feeling of reverence. Kriya yoga is useful and effective enough, it doesn't need to be talked up like that.


Yup, Ennio Nimis has done a lot of good work for bringing original kriya back.

Just so you know, doing Aum japa in the chakras is a technique of kriya, but its not as simple as that. I always appreciate people trying to make concepts easier to understand, but there's a limit.


Got my first short video on Yoga up, more to come:




That's a nice comfy setup you have there. I'll be looking forward to what's to come.



>They may operate in that way, but those kind of statements mostly confuse students, or are meant to build up a feeling of reverence. Kriya yoga is useful and effective enough, it doesn't need to be talked up like that.

When I originally heard stuff like that being spouted left and right, combind with "And it's a secret, you have to come through me and pay for it, and you can not share". It sent off some red flags on my BS-dar, nonetheless my interest was piqued, and eventually I found the books.

>its not as simple as that.

I know, hence why I said there is a lot more (and to read the books). I just wanted to give (what I personally found to be) the most powerful part of it, that any one can do.



Thanks for the encouragement!


Yup. Hopefully what I'm doing with my teaching will help to clear away the BS that started to obscure Yoga to the general public.

>I know, hence why I said there is a lot more (and to read the books). I just wanted to give (what I personally found to be) the most powerful part of it, that any one can do.

Nothing wrong with that, but I would say that its risky to pull apart the process and tell people that one particular technique is the "heart" of kriya. Every part of Kriya practice has a particular role to play, the system itself has already been boiled down to its essentials. Any more simplification is tantamount to a corruption of the teachings IMO.

I'm not trying to step on your freedom of speech, just respect the process and the techniques.



If you're still lurking OP. I just found out this board existed


Even if it's a dead board, I'm pretty sure they would highly appreciate a yoga teacher's input.



what logical proof do you use in traditional yoga for the souls existence?

do you have any physical proof of siddhis, the soul or other 'paradigm' shattering information?



Thanks for letting me know about that board, I'm posting there as we speak lol.


The soul? I never really use that term for anything.. I never liked the word to begin with.

There's a lot more the a human besides being an organic computer, if that's what you're asking. Logical proof is there, but it requires self inquiry and control of the bodily energies and faculties. Its logical once your perception is refined enough.

Yogi's should never care about siddhi's, I've experienced some myself. It's just not important. Manipulating the physical world or doing feats that seem impossible just help to further the delusion that what happens in the material world is important. Discussion of siddhis or trying to "prove" them is counter productive.

The paradigm shattering information must be experienced personally. You should never just believe what someone tells you. Especially when its something that could change your personal paradigm.

The role of a Yogi such as myself isn't to dictate truth to people, its to provide them with the tools to experience that truth for themselves!



*lot more TO a human*



If that guy's so good at yoga then why is he fat?



is not the soul called Atman in yoga?



You could call atman "soul", its just a matter of language.

How would one define the term 'soul'?



some aspect of our self that survives death is the most basic and general definition I can think of.


















Alright then, there is a soul. It's just too general of a term if you're thinking in terms of "logical proof" like the poster above. Yogic practice deals with all aspects of the human being.



so what happens when we die in yoga?

what is wrong with doubt?



There's nothing wrong with doubt. There's not what happens "in yoga". There's what's real and what's not real.



I see.


Nice video and interesting posts! As a completely newcomer to /fringe/ I hope to see more soon.


Is there a book that just has all the the yogic exercises?

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