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"Good" and "evil" are just descriptors for the same thing on a certain scale.

Consider this:

There's "temperature" yet it may be hot or cold. It can't be both, those are mutually exclusive; even though both hot and cold are the same class of things (temperatures).

Good and evil are also same class of things, but very different extremes. To say they are the same because some arbitrary law is blasphemy.

Is it possible for there to be only good, or is evil necessary?

Try hard, it's a loaded question about your credibility, in case you can't tell.


Is it possible for there to be only right, or is left necessary?


Sorry but good and evil are actually objective things. Yeah, they occur in degree and on a scale that blends into each other, but they aren't the same just because they are relative. Hot is not cold. What is bad for one might be good for another but the good does not become the bad truly. Hot is always hot, regardless of how hot is experienced.

Consider virtue and vice. There is absolutely no way you claim a virtue to be a vice or vice versa. Virtue is universal and so is vice.


Right and wrong are just two sides. You can't tell what's the left side without then making it clear what is the right side. You can't say "this is inside" without making it clear what is "outside".

Some people use this idea that good and evil are the same but these two concepts can't be reconciled, by definition they're mutually exclusive. And they vary from one person to another. So most of the time when people try to reconcile them it's only because their own ideas about them are not very clear.



bleh, you can be evil to yourself when you deny yourself something clearly offered to you by greater self.

Just a point of view.

but there is being a menace - that's difference, being a malevolent cunt is intending to extrude suffering and pain without accord of involved. Same rules as the playground - piss off enough kids and eventually your ass gets jumped, then your parents woop you.

fringe has turned into a fuckery over the last month - i recommend folk keep watching my thread and bumping it for the cleaner content and straight forward information and sciences.



>fringe has turned into a fuckery over the last month

why do you think so?


Good/evil are cacophonic concepts wrapped up in imperfectly constructed system of language. Maybe it's possible to find some manifestations of the truth we planted in language, but I think sooner some part of me would start to validate these concepts, which would be counterproductive. So I'd rather avoid considering the question for too long. Naturally binary oppositions collapse beyond a certain point into the journey.



Personally, I reject the notion that evil is necessary. Not because it doesn't make sense; in fact, the dualistic nature between good & evil is the only thing that makes sense when one really meditates on the nature of it all. But where was it written that Man has to settle for what nature declares? The spark of potential within Man is one of our greatest treasures - with it, we can reach into the realm of the seemingly impossible and grasp the unobtainable. If fully realized, Man's connection with the Universe paired with our ability to achieve miracles can pull off something as crazy as, say, "lift" the universe into a place beyond evil and suffering. It could be our greatest gift to the Mother and Father that forged us all.

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