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Hey /fringe/

I want to talk about telepathy. I know it's real because I've felt influence reality to various degrees for years. Some days I get caught up in the same petty rotation of events and hardly notice it. Other times I have profound, powerful experiences with it.

I want to know why it happens, and why some people seem to experience it in different ways. For example, I feel like I am a very strong broadcaster, to the extent that sometimes it can't be shut off.

What is the purpose of it in this time and context?



Everyone is a strong broadcaster. The more you feel you are and the more you think about it, the more you influence. Most people don't believe in this kind of thing, so you can influence weaker minds more easily, especially the more passive (female/distracted) minds.

Purpose? Do whatever you want.

I like to keep people serene, to ease their suffering, to radiate "it's okay; it'll all be okay in the end".

People notice, and one woman (who I think was crying?) looked directly at me and no one else that I noticed. I didn't really look at her though because I may be super-powerful with this but I'm still new to it/am dealing with the "daring" aspect of dealing with people on higher and higher levels. It's much easier when you're unaware of what's going on.




We all have different situations and grew up in different environments, culturally and socially, so even if we all had the same inborn abilities some people would suppress them while others would be encouraged to develop them.

There is also the aspect of the "astral society" that more or less requires you to be telepathic. It's part of the greater struggle between opposing forces. Maybe, I'm just guessing here, there are people looking for those with abilities and try to connect with them, help them realize their ability, because these people themselves have use for more supporters.



>There is also the aspect of the "astral society" that more or less requires you to be telepathic. It's part of the greater struggle between opposing forces.

Can you expand on this?


Telepathy isn't real, you're delusional.


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pls respond



Bluepilled nonspiritual degenerate


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I experience a sensation of thought reading. See if you may open up more in-depth with me, please..because no doubt some of us have feelings on the sensation of thought-reading.

I have several approaches as far as "how" questoons are concerned.



Why are you tripping you cancerous faggot?


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final bump for answers



>What is the purpose of it in this time and context?

I've been listening to a lot of near death experience stories and there is a consistent theme that we are just energy temporarily using a body.

People who've had an NDE also describe being more psychic and having more psychic phenomena happening around them than before the experience.

So it would seem that telepathy is our natural state of being, while the limitations of being in a body are just temporary restrictions imposed for the purpose of learning.



The physical aspect is divine essence inhabiting a physical space of Mind, Matter and Spirit for the purposes of melding. When you die and return to the Pleroma (unless of course if you reincarnate or incarnate somewhere else, or else are trapped by the Creator somehow) you retain the knowledge of not just yourself, but every single person you meet. Someone who died more than once also told me that the realm you go to then is only one of an incalculable amount of realms like or dislike it and that numbers and definition no longer exist within it unless chosen to. Also, before you are born you are put into a type of astral nursery to prepare you for the coming life you're going to experience, and you choose each life through a Netflix-like process.

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