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Well, I made a thread about this on /pol/ I guess because I wanted to be talked out of it. It got anchored right away, which is fair I guess. It was only related to /pol/ in why I wanted to do it and discussion of degeneracy.

In short, I've lived a pretty clean life. No drugs of any kind. Anything that alters my brain chemistry does not appeal to me. I've on rare occasion consumed alcohol, but never liked it.

The only drug I've ever had any interest in trying is DMT, and that's specifically because of the clockwork elves stories. Supposedly, you first experience ego death, then travel to a world of fractals and these weird extradimensional elves bounce towards you. They tell you they've been waiting for you. They speak and machines are built in front of them. Then they encourage you to do the same thing, then they cheer when you do. Because this single experience is so common to many who take the drug, there's a ton of conspiracy theories around it suggesting that's where we've gotten a lot of our advanced technology.

I'd love to try it and come back with some specific technology. Portal technology in particular I think would be invaluable to mankind.

Is it worth it to try? My girlfriend who is much more open to this sort of stuff got all excited about the prospect of trying it together because I'm generally completely against anything like this. The idea of something potentially effecting my brain's chemistry permanently horrifies me.


I would suggest doing acid it can be used for spiritual development. DMT is risky and if you haven't done any drugs it can be more risky



Why is it risky? Acid is much riskier from what I've heard. You can have flashbacks for years afterwards.





I sometimes get ideas for technology from blazing the 420.

Unfortunately they haven't been revolutionary yet. One subject that came to my mind is a currently researched one with no available applications - but that's not gud enough for me. That's why I'm also interested in DMT, but I heard it's really intense. I already kinda struggle from shrooms, so I'll wait with that one.



I've done DMT. Experienced ego death, fractals, and some sort of being. But no elves and nothing as concrete as you're making it seem - it certainly wasn't an experience I thought I would be able to bring back some technological blueprint from.

Everyone has a different experience though.



I took 5-meo, I saw aliens, polygonal landscapes, and hellish place where I saw a floating burning skull. If it is anything alike, you should have fun. You do not learn anything more then the mystery however. The aliens knew just as much about true reality as we do.


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I would just like to say something about drugs first. They allow you to know yourself for to know thyself is to know the universe and God. But to put this statement in context, all is one, you are an inseparable part of everything. You just do not realize this. Drugs help breakdown preconceived notions, limitations, and allow your perspective to shift allowing the direct experience of the truth. However without either a stable mental state or a metaphysical framework knowledge going into it, you may misunderstand what you think you think you know about how things work, hence the 'crazy' side effects on some people.

If you want to experiment with something that would radically and suddenly alter your perceptions such as drugs I recommend taking it slow regardless. But know this, everything you can do with drugs you can do with meditations as well. Drugs just give you a glimpse well beyond where you are know.

>Supposedly, you first experience ego death, then travel to a world of fractals and these weird extradimensional elves bounce towards you

On acid I've had the fractal experience. (I experienced ego death prior with out drugs.)

>I'd love to try it and come back with some specific technology.

There is plenty of inspiration to be had, even with fringe tech if you are willing to look. And given your rather stout resolve not to use drugs I would recommend a search engine. There are a lot of people working on a lot of very interesting things out there. Here are some links to get you started.






https://www.youtube.com/user/rdistinti/videos (Electrical engineering with the aether)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI93jeaXGvs (Vortex math primer)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYmyZ0z4xo0&list=PL23A404C2064150D2&index=1 (applied vortex math)

That should get you started and give you enough search terms and information to be able to build some basic proof of concept working scale models.

>Portal technology in particular I think would be invaluable to mankind.

That is quite an advanced tech, especially for physical bodies, however not impossible. I've only seen a little on the technological (non-consciousness based or controlled) application of it, see


If portals tech is your passion, drive, and purpose then in life and not just wishful thinking, good luck and keep us informed on your research notes and experiements. There is quite a sore lack of people publishing results online. Also know this, opensource is the only way, do not try to patient it. It won't work nor will the results be pretty, for many reasons.


I experience something similar to what I think OP calls "Ego death" by smoking Salvia Divinorum, which seems to be easier to handle than DMT. I smoke it once or twice a month, still getting used to the feeling of leaving your body and all your memories behind.

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