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I've worked on my tulpa once. The first day. But now I only have time to work on it while I'm sleeping (takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep so I have plenty of time). Does this affect the tulpa's creation process? Does it not work as well as not doing it while you're in bed? Also how long will it take me to start hearing or seeing my tulpa? When will I start seeing progress?

>inb4 muh unique for every person

Just give me the most reasonable estimate or an average time for shit.


I've been doing the in-bed thing for 3-4 days now. that totals to 4-5 days of working on my tulpa




I've been doing a method mentioned in the Freedomboard tulpa thread (which I think was posted again here not too long ago) for I think over a month now and I haven't had any results at all yet.

I dunno if I'm doing something wrong or if it just takes a really long time though.


If you can't program tulpa beliefs into your subconscious through few hours of meditation, it's a sign you are too hard-headed. Try hitting it with something heavy to soften it up and only then attempt at believing your tulpa out.


1. Stop breaking rule 2.

2. Your tulpa can be done in mere minutes if your emotions and desires animating it are intense enough. If they are not intense enough you may have to keep working at longer, adding to it overtime.

Aim to achieve an extremely high level of concentration, emotional excitation, etc. and go over correspondences, gathering about you astral light, and imbuing a shitload of energy into it really fast, shaping a tulpa in the process.


Make simpler thoughtforms then for now.




What is rule 2 then



You have to post your question in the question thread and not make a seperate thread just for your question




>Having mass-sticky question threads



i'm tight as fuck and even I appreciate the question thread, sometimes I have a question that I think is too stupid to deserve a thread, and I find the thread a good place to ask it. Besides I learn a lot by reading other people's questions, at least I sometimes skip threads just by the first post, and anyway just imagine how many redundant threads there would be if everybody started one thread for every question they had



>Just give me the most reasonable estimate or an average time for shit.

Depends, there's 2 groups of "tulpamancers".

Group 1 believes magic doesn't real and tulpas are just psychological phenomena.

Group 2 believes magic does real and they're separate astral entities.

An average time for group 1 is several months.

An average time for group 2 is anywhere from a few minutes to a week or so, depending on previous experience with meditation and energy work and whatnot.



How do you know if the tulpa is complete?



What would you recommend starting with to make a simpler thoughtform?

I haven't learned how to meditate yet, if that's necessary.



You don't.

OP's question was about seeing/hearing/noticeable progress.

IMO there is no such thing as "complete tulpa". There are always ways it can evolve further.


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>There are always ways it can evolve further.




Never really liked that classification.

When exactly does an egregore stop being an egregore and start being a godform?

There is a clear distinction between servitors and tulpas, tulpas and egregores.

Does it have free will? Yes = tulpa, no = servitor.

Is it energetically dependent on its creator? Yes = tulpa, no = egregore.

But where's the exact line between egregores and godforms?


If you're a mundane or neophyte and trying to create any thoughtform more complex than a sigil what the fuck are you even doing. You more than likely do not have knowledge or willpower to create an sentient thoughtform (or even a servitor) safely and WILL fuck up somehow which will cost you your sanity or even your life.



there is literally 0.00001 percent chance of you fucking up while creating a thoughtform, these people were just being fucking retarded



If I need a sentry to watch over my property, which one is best servittor, egregore or tulpa?



A servitor would be the best, a tulpa would produce the same results, but would require more work to make since it would be conscious of it's own existence and would be less trustworthy if you make it with negative intentions, an egregore you probably wouldn't be able to make alone



In my understanding the line between tulpas and egregors was not energetic independence it was level of awareness/sentience. Energetic independence was godform level.



>an egregore you probably wouldn't be able to make alone

I think it's a safe thing to say that you can't create a being higher than yourself, which for most people an egregore would be.



If you poured enough energy into it (at the potential/actual cost of growing yourself) you could in theory allow it the platform to grow in ways beyond who/what you are.

Furthermore there is (unless you made it that way), nothing stopping it from interacting with the environment and growing greater than it's creator. Since you are not the creator of all that it can experience, it stands to reason it could go beyond the locality of it's creator (if unchained) to experience more and in doing so become greater than you.

I can't imagine many people doing this though.



>If you poured enough energy into it (at the potential/actual cost of growing yourself) you could in theory allow it the platform to grow in ways beyond who/what you are.

Wouldn't having a child be a less roundabout method?


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Once I got psychically attacked by what could have been a Tulpa. I put up some defenses and visualized myself as un unstoppable object I felt the bulk of the energy dissipate but I could still feel a thread within me at that point I was like well if this is still here I guess it's open game and then 'commanded' my higher self to absorb what was is in my highest good from this intruder and disintegrate the rest. Needless to say when this ended I felt energized and no psychic intruders have fucked whit me since.

But the attack I had was odd i felt like the energy was trying to overtake me. As the statagy master game player I am I made a group of 5 tulpas the 1st time I started doing work whit complex though forms and to one of them I gave a chaotic personality it may have been him realizing he will never get energy from me again and like the reflection of me he is turned tables and tryed to take the throne.

>>tfw having to delete post 4times because only when its laid out properly do you see the typos and mistakes you made.



Probably. But it would not be quite the same, as the being you created would have never required to have had a physical body nor 100s (or more) of life times to develop into a 4th density being. And even if it did acquire a physical body (which would make it a tulku) it's still different because you've made the soul of the being as opposed to just making a vessel for another soul to inhabit.



>>>tfw having to delete post 4times because only when its laid out properly do you see the typos and mistakes you made.

You're going to need to do it a few more times.





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