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Esoteric Wizardry


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Why did you realize the following?

>that ancient aryans are responsible for everything in history that is remarkable, generating cultures and building monuments no inferior races can build

>that they were spread out across the entire globe

>that they represent the apex of human refinement, beauty, intelligence, etc. the perfected form of man

>that all the other races are just the degenerate descendents of these god-like aryans and can only barely imitate them

>that they are the keepers of true magickal knowledge

>that they are amongst us still and that some aryans are surely here on this board, reclaiming their birthright, drawn instinctively to magick by the abilities and intuition they still retain

>that they will continue to reseed the world again & again, no doubt remaining fairly rare and only thriving in places of the greatest hostility, that prevent the ordinary degenerate forms of man from taking over


stop spreading your nonsense


>believing in the aryan master race




It's not nonsense at all though and is actually backed up by legitimate linguistic and historical and genetic findings.


All I feel is pity or disgust for the likes of you. I know you will never amount to anything in your whole life as you reject aryan nobility. You are incapable of our greatness.



Look further. Aryans are already degenerate offspring of a far greater race.


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>your beliefs are spirit science tier


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holy fuck that's beyond retarded


As within; so without.

The aryan ideal is a reflection of the inner-perfection. Subhumans wear their inferiority.



My beliefs are not derived from Spirit Science at all. Explain why Berber tribes use same magick words as Polynesian tribes.



This entire year, the non-white trip fags have never failed to show up and resist anything pro-white.


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>spirit science tier

>doesnt mean from spirit science

>lrn2read and stop assuming


>mfw im 100% white


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Tis how it must be brother. The polarization will continue until we, by vibratory nature can no longer even be in the presence of each other, repelled by our very essence, we shall be set apart and we shall rejoice.


There is no such thing as a closed case.

While it is true that ancient Europeans had developed cosmologies and philosophies as sophisticated and subtle as those of the Maya and ancient China, the discussion about superiority and inferiority in relation to the nature of these diverse sciences can only be a forefront in the mind of an inferior being.

As far as genetics is concerned, in my opinion racial supremacists approach it in an extremely mundane and simplistic manner that promotes binary thinking, or a black and white paradigm (no pun intended).

The truth is you will acknowledge every ancestor that makes up your DNA, no matter what "color." Not acknowledging or DENYING even 0.01% of your bloodline means you are not acknowledging or even considering yourself. In all actuality, 0.01% isn't even a real number. At this point in time, your DNA is most likely made up of bloodlines belonging to multiple races, in large percentages. They ARE a part of you, and there is no amount of propaganda that will ever make that an unreality. Either embrace it and become whole or reject it and live in denial of your being.

As far as my view on mundane, surface level, five sensory observations go in relation to human "progress," I don't see progress. Humanity is flawed. I see potential, but the current notion that technology and order is the step into the right direction towards happiness is laughable. Western Civilization in it's most perfected form as envisioned by many of the racialists on this board is a perfect example of the anti-christ. What is the point of traversing the galaxies in spaceships, conquering civlizations and so on when you aren't in FULL correspondence with your soul? You thinks your soul (the "I" that always was, always is, and always will be) gives a flying fuck about your human causes? You think your soul is "pro white?" You think your soul's agenda resembles anything close to the perfect human civilization as imagined by a few generations of humans who watched a bunch of hollywood sci-fi flicks? I don't think so. I think there is a lot more chaos involved in all this. I think we are all going to have to accept a few blind spots that we have been conditioned to not notice and we should try to do it without going through a mental breakdown.


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As an aside regarding DNA.

You can change your DNA, it will either happen passively over the course of your life. Or it will happen semi-passively as a result of your vibration raising. Or it can happen actively by you willing it/yourself to be different in a certain way or in general more perfect.

Through this and selective breeding you can do biokinetic eugenics.


It always surprises me a bit when some (supposed) american starts posting about the superiority of the western world, and mocking native tribes of whatever continent for being underdeveloped.

And while doing this, they are themselves defending democracy, rule of the retarded masses, the very same system of government that has allowed the spread of the "degeneracy" that they are so against.

Bring up how free abortion(in the sense of "legal", not as in "government funded") is the reason why feminists can have a career while being total sluts, and they will fail to see this obvious connection. Instead they will bring up the argument that abortion is the "biggest niggerkiller", when in reality they are just using this as an excuse for their own insecurity and lack of responsibility, thinking they may make some of the feminist sluts they hate pregnant. As if they would ever have sex. But they would never admit this is the mental reasoning behind their stance.

It's time you take one step further in developing your view of the world - you will see that the western world is no ideal, no role model. It is a shithole, and you are contributing with more shit daily.




redheads are the master race



>all these mental loops you're going through to deny the very obvious and real importance of race

Goats and sheep can fuck and reproduce fertile offspring sometimes you know.



Doesn't matter. The truth is that all shitskin races are degenerates like the Orcs in LotR and all the really beautiful, intelligent, aryans like in your pic at the result of spiritual and biological eugenics. Many thousands of years of careful cultivation and "like attracting like" produced a woman like in your pic.

Aryans are superior, they are what everyone will be once the great work is done, all these degenerate riff-raff races ought to be purged or at least regarded as animal-men and not true men.



>Aryans are superior

So jews controlling the world is part of their plan too? Losing WWII as well? Top kek.


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As without; so within. As within; so without.

By the principle of correspondence we know that aryans truly are superior.

Every race has physical traits that reflet its mentality. Jews are deceptive, degenerate, evil; and their bodies show as much. Niggers are impulsive, angry, and short-sighted and their dumb blazed faces with flared nostrils that look permanently angry tell us to back away. Gooks are degenerate mass men and have squished in compact faces, stupid slit eyes, small bodies and dicks, no chins, etc. they are clearly a degenerate race of weak cosmopolitan mutants.

The aryan is trustworthy, beautiful, intelligent, kind, compassionate, vital, etc. all these traits are manifested in their appearance.

Also, as a rule those aryans (by birth) who fail to live up to their noble heritage will do one of three things:

1. Pick other degenerate mutants like them as mates.

2. Not breed at all.

3. Racemix into an inferior race.

As the years go on, only the cream of the crop survives the selection process, and the aryans continue to be refined more and more while all the trash is dumped into other races.

Aryans are the master race.



National Socialism has not died and will make a resurgence in due time. The war against the jew is not yet over. Jews are not superior as they do not create beauty when they take reign over the world. They work through deception and backstabbing. A truly superior race is the one that gives the world its cultures, preserves magickal knowledge, and is always uplifting and creating wherever it goes. That is what aryans do. Wherever aryans go they must create. Wherever jews, niggers, etc. go they must destroy. Aryans are culture creators, niggers and jews culture destoyers, chinks culture retainers. t. Mein Kampf



A dysgenic abomination wants to be Aryan.


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>implying YOU are aryan



I am more than just that.


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All you aryan worshippers are just racists in denial. Accept it already. Did daddy get shot by a big scary black man when you were a wee boy sucklin on the teet of ye mother Titler?



Yeah you're a huge cuck or a shitskin.


I'm a racist. Don't accuse me of being a racist in denial. Racism is being able to recognize patterns and differentiate.

Anyone who is not a racist shoud be ashamed of their self. Why aren't you a racist, anti-white?



Since when was I anti white? Im whiter than you dingus. I dont give a damn what race you are, humans are sub-tier in general regardless of heritage. Get with the times and stop labeling yourself with physical-tier garbage


When people used the word "Aryan" this brainless sissy retard of a board owner dissed them as "Aryanists" and linked to this aryanism website. Now that he read "Mein Kampf" he thinks he can use this word freely.

You truly are a retard, ☻. Just kill yourself already.


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>pissing off the most powerful modern wizard alive on purpose

good luck



>powerful wizard



>National Socialism has not died and will make a resurgence in due time.

While this is true…








… this is not /pol/ and the thread, as being non-occult, non-magic related, shouldn't exist here.



Well said and the choice of words is excused as to make a strong point

but there is no need to hold disdain for any plane of existence. Mundanes do that and it's part of their mechanism to feel better about themselves. Everything above has its relative reflection below on a physical plane, so feeling disdain at the sight of sea waves or innocence of a little girl enjoying flowers on a meadow is disdain for its equivalent that exists within more complex microcosmos above.

When it comes to nat soc and tumblr egregores spiraling and feeding off each other, it's worrying their thoughts somehow boil over from their respective echo chambers into reality. People behind this phenomena are interested neither in women's emancipation, nor aryan human refinement, nor human refinement in ANY case. Tumblr/pol people who genuinely believe they will magick their vision of brave new utopia into reality lack awareness whatsoever, they're intellectual zombies controlled by memes manafactured by smarter than them or simply clueless edgy kids.


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That's a nice bunch of conjecture you have there, kiddo. Good thing it's just a fantasy inside the mind of a mentally ill shut-in.



Actually, the pride cometh before the fall and is a negative emotion.

It's obvious that the Aryan Golden Age ended in conflict between The Gods and deceptive forces were hired to wreak havoc here for that was the only chance at control.

I'm real sick of these mud races on this Earth, shrine of EA (Arya). Then again, this planet is a living library of sorts but there are too many mudbloods and mud peoples.

Not to worry, the coming cataclysms will wipe out 90% then comes the Nordic Apocalypse, Ragnarok, or Second Coming of Our Gods. Let the feeble be harvested like the sheep they are and dominion restored to Man.

Remember that The Founding Fathers were aware that only European males were relevant in the founding of this country, for one.


In Sumerian lore didn't our Father God create the first slaves out of mud? I mean… Mud peoples. LOL! When I attempt to look up "mud races" it shows me a bunch of degenerate Europeans running through pits of wet dirt. What a crafty scheme to soil the blood of our people and make them into mudbloods! Remember that purity of the blood grants occult powers both literally and figuratively.


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>The aryan ideal is a reflection of the inner-perfection. Subhumans wear their inferiority


Fuck pigskin cuckasians and their inferior genetics.

>astral impacts the weakest among all the races.

>little to no access to any direct higher knowledge, only the pieces managed to scrape together from indigenous people.

>couldn't go beyond the 4th dimension in a lifetime no matter how hard they try

>stuck in the animal astral planes after death

>compressed consciousness filled with psychological blind spots and autistic linear thinking

>believes technology and construction of civilization on this planet is pinnacle of infinite creation.

>doesn't realize the best thing the white race has accomplished as a whole is improvements in music.

The only possible thing that can save you are some nigger genes in your blood. You should probably embrace your black side and start freeing yourself from the oppressive chains of so called "civilized" behavior and start dancing or something, or you're gonna end up in the same place as your dog.

Stupid pigskins when will you learn?

You don't run shit.

You never did.

We let you run it.



This, the west is in decline but will also be the first reach the tipping point & the end of the cycle.The rest of world will follow the same path



Shoo, shoo, didi.



Tell me more about Arya.



Tell me about Arya, why does he have pale skin?





Denouncing aryan fetishists without tackling the issue of tumblr/sjw and their agenda is very dangerous. The problem is that if you make one side weaker, the other one grows.

Feminists, liberals, sjw, tumblr users shamelessly and aggressively magick into reality ideas of people controlling them. Suppressing masculine energy in men and shifting it to women isn't even the problem. There are malicious rats living among us that for some pathetic reason get tiny pathetic boners from controlling this meaningless realm. Life IS good. Where does this need to control people's awareness come from?

There are thousands of tumblr users very well aware of magic and thousand times more close minded users being controlled by magic. There are posts with multiple thousands of reposts containing ridiculous affirmations, like, quote: "repeat after me: black people/women are superior, white people/men will be wiped out and turned into slaves" in capital letters, repeated over the posts, written in a way to provoke the readers to get agitated. Then you have students from American universities in art courses forming wizard circles, learning about magic and persuasion, then getting together in groups and just yelling down neutral, sensible, unaware people with their truths. Most of them must be under influence of spells of others. Any semi-experienced wizard can sense it from their eyes and grimaces, and outbreaks of chaotic irrational aggression.



What's wrong with being a racist? I'm a proud racist. Killing niggers and jews is what I do.

Can't wait for the next wave of nigger slaughter to begin.


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There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a race realist or one who acknowledges the difference between the races (which has become called a racist due to propaganda).

Facts are facts no matter how hard you try to bury them, the truth will always come out. And typically speaking once one finds out, they will be angry for all the damages the lies have caused (in this case, the victimization and genocide of their people).



seriously this.

Racist means whites being white, remaining white, or resisting being made non-white.




Being a race realist means acknowledging reality, which is something most WN's these days clearly do not do.

I remember back in the days before google, serious white nationalists actually held a genuine respect for all races and all cultures (a real respect that came out of actual knowledge and understanding, none of this fake PC liberal bullshit these days).

Their movement was taken over by cointelpro a long time ago. Now it only seeks to hyper-inflate the collective white ego in a group full of beta male virgins and turning healthy white pride into self-destructive and blind pride similar to the group they oppose the most (jews). Encourage some willful ignorance along with that so you remain in the rosy white worldview bubble literally looking at every other race and non-white culture on the planet as so much more inferior than yours that you start to think like a jew about your own people, delusionally over-confident and overly underestimating all other races, and now instead of the rest of humanity helping your people survive and proliferate and grow, they will watch you roast like pigs.

Your blind pride, hypocrisy and ignorance was your people's demise. It's too bad you're not smart enough to see that.

I mean… even STS systems require having to work with others to make any significant gains.

Or maybe I am just mistaken and you fuckheads are just trolling.



1. Dont take any of this board too seriously

2. Ignore the retards

3. Enjoy the ride :D


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In my experience after a time on *chans you start to distinguish the genuine from the false, the brother from the troll or shill. You start to be able to see through the words themselves into the color of the post(er) itself. Perhaps that was just latent psychic empathy, but I know others it has been true for as well.

Though I do agree with being cautions, taking things with a grain of salt, and doing your research. No matter how well meaning an Anon may be, it's still perspective.


i don't really care about this but i think it's weird that it's like taboo to acknowledge that blacks are stupid. like, this shit was just common knowledge less than 100 years ago. not out of hatred, it was/is just obvious

just one of many popular doublethink things i guess




>degenerates post pictures of their cum on smiley's face as a response to being called animal-men


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You can't do Arya, it does you.

Chant it.


Aryan and Fringe are equivalent in Gematria

/fringe/ confirmed /aryan/



Thank you.



>hurrr I am white therefore I can't be anti-white even though all I do is spread anti-white sentiments and undermine the white race, destroying it with miscegenation, mass immigration, etc.



>implying you haven't been played from two sides of the same coin

He was working with the aryanists all along.



>… this is not /pol/ and the thread, as being non-occult, non-magic related, shouldn't exist here.

I started this thread after reading about ancient aryans in a book about fire-magick. It talks a lot about fire-walking and other magick done with fire around the world. It traces it all back to ancient aryans; they all use the same words to this day in their magick.



All this talk and still you want to live in a white nation and have the body of a white person.



>tfw you say all this in a white Germanic language over a machine made by aryans which in turn was made possible by the world's greatest alchemists and hermeticists; who were all European




All the shit aspects are due to the meddling of jews. Remove jews and we shall have utopia.



Moonman, thank g-d you have arrived! Where's Ben Garrison though? – and William Luther Pierce? We need everyone here to get these muds under control!



Pathological altruism has to end. The white race needs a massive dose of hatred. Whites need to go absolutely fucking mad. Only then will the shitskins, mongrels, and invaders be purged.

We don't need to work with non-whites. We do just fine completely in isolation from them. The non-whites need us.



4. ignore the tripfags


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The Lion


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>Why did you realize the following?


>that they are amongst us still and that some aryans are surely here on this board, reclaiming their birthright, drawn instinctively to magick by the abilities and intuition they still retain

>that they will continue to reseed the world again & again, no doubt remaining fairly rare and only thriving in places of the greatest hostility, that prevent the ordinary degenerate forms of man from taking over





Tell me more.



I live in Germany and all these supposed master-races seem spiritually dead to me.

They're biological and mental features might be higher than average, but they're soulless materialist fucks. I wonder how Hitler and his crew even thought about this being a good idea.

I know this one lad that is very close to the Aryan ideal. He's remarkable in every field of life - he's outstanding at sports, performs perfectly in university and all around healthy. But his aspirations are pretty low. He just wants a well-paid job to live comfortably with his gf - no monuments or magick ever crossed his mind.

He's lacking any fire to aim for the stars. It's pretty disappointing.


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I work with what I have, piecing together all the data points into a coherent sensible theory, the best picture I have at the moment. I never said it was absolute truth, it's merely a data point. To take anything at face value is foolish even, and perhaps especially, if you do think it is true from the get-go.


Well then if you really want to help then provide another/additional view/data point(s) and/or theory that makes sense. Personally, to me the whole root race thing is a mere intellectual abstraction currently because I lack sufficient data for a meaningful answer. I may know somethings about modern genetics, however we are far from it, and that's assuming the root race theory is even correct or close to correct. I was just sharing what data I did have thus far.

You need to chill for your own sake anon, you're wasting a lot of loosh.

Also caps lock much?


>cherry picked shit-tier propaganda ignoring all historical data that contradict their delusional worldview


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Aryans are very fascinating. They have had a mysterious past, have risen in a short amount of time and are able to overcome any odds. They have shown that they are very capable in arts, philosophy and crafts, and last but not least, warfare. No other people like to fight and conquer as much as the Aryan race, it's true. Aryans are fascinated by order, large empires and dominance.

The other peoples of the earth (Especially Sub-Saharan Africans) see us as 'different', and they make up the wildest claims to where we came from. Perhaps our white skins and weird blue eyes intrigue them, just as their black curls and dark eyes are exotic to us.

Some of them claim that while we are humans, we are not originally from earth. They call us aliens or conquerors. According to one theory from meso-America, Aryans came from the sky. (Vid related)

Another theory claims that we came from Mars, and fucked up our ecosystem. Because martians were exposed to less sunlight, they developed light skin and blue eyes (or didn't need to evolve darker skin). Our circadian rhythm is also believed to be longer than the African, native American or some Asian circadian rhythms. Therefore, we are actually more suited to a life on Mars than on earth. After we fled Mars, we conquered a few pieces of land, built pyramids and ruled over some groups of Terran humans. We couldn't stand the sun though, so large parts of Africa were spared until modern times. Sometimes, Aryans were called people of the moon or moon-eyed people.

Yet another theory claims that we have been grafted from the original black people into evil, white men. Quit far-fetched if you ask me, but it still emphasizes the 'difference' between Aryans and Africans.

Nobody knows where we came from, even we don't. We don't know our purpose on earth, or why we are here. We are just trying to make the best of it and keep the Aryan race intact until we know more or can return home. Therefore, these threads and this meta-history are important to us. To me, it's not about supremacy and domination, it's about my roots and the whole purpose of us being here.

So therefore,


Until we know, please don't shit on our history don't shit on our countries.

We are just trying to live on this planet. Right now, we are a somewhat lost people, but you are too. We'll learn though.



>No other people like to fight and conquer as much as the Aryan race

Pfft, have you taken a look at Asia? Lots of warring and conquering going on there and the biggest death tolls. Far more Asians have died in actual combat than any other race. Africa also has constant warfare going on although they never create any empires that actually last, they don't really conquer, they are just constantly in a state of anarchy.



That's like saying in the history of the Starcraft series more zerglings have died in combat than marines. It's a worthless stat.



>please don't shit on our history don't shit on our countries. We are just trying to live on this planet.

Lol this dude got a taste of his own medicine and now he's all mr. let's have a civilized discussion.

Don't expect anyone to show sympathy or respect if you can't return the favor.



>Im so special because of what I was born into

>not like choosing a body before this a thing

>racist white bois 4 lyfe!

Niggah you ain't a special snowflake, go back to preschool



But no other people have gone out of their way to explore and conquer lands far away from home. See for example the conquest of the Americas and the colonization of Africa.


This is why we feel the need to protect ourselves. As a matter of fact, we can return the favor. We took up many refugees from various conflicts, we've sent foreign aid, we did our best. We are always branded as criminals nowadays, but why? We're not perfect, that's for sure, but we're not evil either. BTW, I'm not OP. I'll change the flag.


Fine, then why did you choose your body? I would love to hear your story

It's sad. Out of pure bitterness, people attack us because they have been taught that white people are the source of all evil in the world. People still spout this bullshit today. They talk about privilege, social constructs and even white devils.

Today, it's a crime to even identify yourself as an Aryan. It's a crime to want your own homeland. It's a crime to keep the white race from extinction.

I'm with you OP. Even though i don't necessarily believe in your claims, it is clear why we need to stick together.


The progenitor race from which Aryans descended was not from space. They procreated asexually, did not need physical foods, were pale, golden-red haired, blue-eyed and tall. Their blood was O type rh negative. Of course, their bodies did not age and they had dormant psychic abilities. They were perfect so-to-speak as long as certain genetic, environmental and individual factors were met. Degeneration was caused by deviations from these factors.



>poor me for identifying with aryans and having people not like me

>it MUST be because we're right somehow

More special snowflake syndrome

Srsly niggs, find something better to identify with, at least create it yourself instead of roleplaying the physical archetypes that hard.

Im guessing I chose this body because my family lineage gives me really strong energy sensing abilities, although it comes through as mental illness on that side of the family. Along with my Germanic build and Portuguese complexion, 6ft tall/broad shoulders/white af/dark hair n eyes, Im a good looking guy with a lot of physical potential. Also look young as hell for my age so Im bound to peak later and live longer than others if I play my cards right. Plus my family completely mirrors the male/female aspects of this universe in the logic/emotion etc etc etc department. Placed myself on a crash course for development to absorb as much information through metaphors as possible besided just the family stuff. Cant spoon feed myself, gotta make it a puzzle amiright?

If youre subscribing to the aryan mindset chances are you probably have an inferiority complex and are just trying to make up for that by latching onto an exterior title as you have nothing else to go on. Just like christians and "the non believers attack us because the devil hates us!" there is nothing special about you except what you do with what you have.



>Portuguese complexion

shitskin detected


Ancient Aryans = Hindis, Iranis, Dorians, etc



>you know nothing about portugal lel

>im whiter than you niggz






down in my soul i feel as the the white (Devil) have been digging on our land and finding very important stuff about us, like the Gods, our purpose , magic. or our religion and have these books, tablets hidden away for them to use, and they are using it for bad to oppress a people (us) i think they have physical evidence of the things that we only talk about and believe.

Europeans always wanted to be a part of our traditions, learn the secrets of them and hold some role within. I don't think that they know half of the half. In Vodou, we say one will have to live a thousand lifetimes to even scratch the surface of the knowledge of Vodun.

These people are still doing the exact same thing they were doing in those Ancient times.

Have you noticed anything that we do like a dance, a phrase, a food, they frown upon it first and then next thing you know they are using it and may use it by another name.like rap whites does rap but they call it something else but it is exactly rap. there is this one in particular not this white guy that's hangs with the brothers but there is another one that does it. not talking about Eminem or how ever it is spelled. but yes, they are still taking from us to this very day 2016

The main reason why white folks can not replicate the things I am talking about is due to bloodline. The spirits are not their ancestors and so they do not recognize them even though white people are entering Haitian Vodou, Palo Mayombe and orisa traditions in record numbers. Many of the less mainstream traditions will not admit whites because they lack the bloodline and they have proven historically to mean Black people no good and their entry into the more common ones have come with a price of perversion of tradition.

I feel that it is a good thing that they are not included, because, what they do is come in to see what we are doing and if there is anything that they can benefit from they will take that information twist it rename it, write a book on claim it use it for themselves and their personal gain, and at the same time demonizing us. so alot of them start being interested in us our being you would have to keep an eye open. We involve them in too, much now. This was part of our down fall. You can go to the poorest black neighborhood, and there they are selling something, but not bringing anything to help you, it's in my neighborhood they have little stands set-up all over the place. I do not think they should be involved in everything that we do. its like they are keeping an eye on us to see what we are doing so that they can better know how to interact it.

White folks have joined the ranks of Haitian Vodou and some of the orisa/Ifa traditions. As a result, they get initiated and those claiming to be priests and priestesses are now writing books or setting up numerous of websites where they purport to be some authority. One white boy even claims to be part of the Ogboni Society, which is the council of elders in Yorubaland, but even other white folks believe he is of questionable character. There are some whites who are in the tradition who are now trying to correct their own teachers that were born in the tradition. Of course, the teachers are foolish in allowing the entry of and teaching white folks so it serves them right but their presence is a disservice to those who are genuinely called to the traditions because it causes confusion and misinformation.

There is currently a movement to claim that Hoodoo (rootwork), the magico system of African slaves, have its origin in the Powwow tradition of the Pennsylvania Dutch and Germans. Now more whites claim to be expert rootworkers than Black folks and one Black guy, even though I am not particularly fond of him, has been marginalized by these so-called experts. Once before, when their knowledge was still growing, this Black guy was championed as their hero, colleague and mentor.



Then there its goes, whenever / whatever we are doing they want in and once they do they want to take completely over and take ownership of whatever it maybe. The are like BUZZARD they sit in a tree and wait for something to die, instead of gong out to hunt. and when it dies it whoops in and eat.This is the same as for whites from their beginings until now, whatever they want they will decieve kill and destroy and take what is rightfully someone else's and take claim to it, like they discovered it (George Washington). See they get your trust in them and lay in wait for the kill. it's the same generational pattern that they still have today. take your ideas and call it there, they get the recognition for it and you get white washed. Even through religion. for that matter anything that they have interests in and can get there hands on they get rich and we get poorer,. Probably this is the exact thing that happened to us during Ancient times, we let them in where they should not be by laws.



Everywhere they are they have killed and destroyed and taken over land of others and now the original ones of that land has to come to jobs, food, Health and welfare,. Whys? are they coming to Blacks people and wanting to learn there religion and about voudon, do they have something like this in their culture?




Sounds like you have an ego problem, mate. Tripfag and all, boasting about his germanic build and good looks. Ironically, you're the one with an inferiority complex.

You seek far too much behind the whole meaning of all the Aryan stuff.

It's a sense of belonging to us. Our people is our Family. That's all.

You just don't seem to be able to handle that fact.




That's true. White folks do ruin everything, because they have lost their own traditions and their way. We are fundamentally different, so we cannot grasp your culture, and ruin it. On the flipside, you cannot truly understand ours. While we can work together, we cannot 'live' together.

The esoteric traditions of the Aryans are lost, the symbols and runes long forgotten. The kings long deposed. We live in a secular age of science and rationality, but also of hedonism and superfluousness. That's why some white folks look up to you. They adore your traditions, because they are intact, while ours are fading away. In fact, we are fading away as a people.

It's not true that whites only seek to destroy though. They do destroy, because they do not understand you. They twist your ideas to fit their own needs. But it's not out of destructive intent. There is mostly no hate behind it, that's a lie to set us up against each other. The hate is a violent reaction to the loss of our own culture and people. Naturally, we mostly seek to explore and build. As a cracker, i want you to have your own people, your own traditions and your own homeland.



guys im like 2% native american, but other than that completely european. Could I be considered 'aryan' or is that reserved for blue eyed blond haired super men from Mars?


Other races have created beauty as well, until they were invaded by sheer military force.

I thought the claims of le whitey supreme was that he was able to fuck over a lot of cultures? (albeit, never invading them when they were at their prime, using jewish tactics such as in India/China)

What magical knowledge did whites even preserve? In the end all of your magical teachings was descended from the jews.



>See they get your trust in them and lay in wait for the kill.

Lmao that's exactly it. I can admit that they've managed to achieve that and are dominating the world now, but that's all they did. If they were truly superior as a race they'd have invaded all their colonies when they were at the height of their civilization, instead of fucking them over when they were at their weakest, sowing discord everywhere, pretending to help and then just backstabbing everyone.


We was kings und Scheiße


File: 1455453466564.gif (948.96 KB, 155x173, 155:173, 1454559792863.gif)


>He fell for the jews are superior meme

>he still doesn't realize that the jews and more recent kikeminati success is only thanks to superior entities backing them up to benefit their agenda

>he still doesn't realize that the jews had to steal and plagiarize occult knowledge from other civilizations to create a heritage they never had

>he still doesn't know that without these entities, occult knowledge and organizations the jews are pathetically powerless, both physically and spiritually

Astral kek


Made me giggle

also, OP is a cunt for hating on other Gentile races(or ethnicities if you get triggered by "races")




I don't even know why a group of people would operate in deception and deceit instead of trust and love. If they complete their goals, what's the next step? Every parasite evolving into compassionate entities since their enemies have been destroyed?

No, the game just becomes more subtle as they consume themselves in more complex deception. No matter how hard they try, it's impossible to win in the long run when you program yourself to be that way. It's just terrible that many innocent people have to be harmed in their journey towards self destruction.



I realized it the first time I ate the delicious taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!



You ate a taste? Damn that's 2abstract4me.


File: 1456870496370.jpg (175.93 KB, 880x942, 440:471, blavatsky.jpg)

You cant convince everyone but those interested in the science behind it should follow Robert Sephyr and Casondra Starseed, his books challenging the out of africa theory are as impresive as huis degrees. Casondra wrote a great book called Hands of Isis : Energy work unveiled




Thanks for the link



>Look further. Aryans are already degenerate offspring of a far greater race.

please continue


If Aryans are so badass, why do they all secretly crave big black cocks?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>neanderthal origin https://thuleanperspective.com/2014/08/04/the-cro-magnon-is-our-forefather/

>blood type O (the purest and most valueable blood type there can be)

>rhesus negative blood (almost exclusively a European trait, increases occurence of psychic phenomena, )

>unique qualities of reddish hair, pale skin

>studies on objective physical beauty

>conductive superiority of female long wavy reddish blonde hair (I can't access the information of the doctor who tested this, the Vril Society basically did this as well)



Besides the obvious trolling in that post, it reminds me to mention Theozoolgy and Ariosophy.

While their theories were flawed, they brought up very crucial points.

Lanz von Liebenfels claimed in "Theozoology, or the Science of the Sodomite-Apelings and the Divine Electron" that Aryan people originated from interstellar deities (termed Theozoa) who bred by electricity, while lower races were a result of interbreeding between humans and ape-men (or Anthropozoa). The effects of racial crossing caused the atrophy of paranormal powers inherited from the gods, but these could be restored by the selective breeding of pure Aryan lineages. The book relied on somewhat lurid sexual imagery, decrying the abuse of white women by ethnically inferior but sexually active men. Thus, Lanz advocated mass castration of racially apelike or otherwise inferior males.


Also, it is very important to look into virginity and telegony for the purpose of racial hygiene.

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