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Or, what is YOUR best description of what is happening here?

We find outselves in an unusual circumstance, conscious, a body, and with the ability to affect the causal world around us. To consume, to feel , to act.

What is life, honestly? What gives us purpose to act, to change our surroundings? What is YOUR best description of this predicament we find ourselves in?

I love you all.


>inb4 demiurge


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>Or, what is YOUR best description of what is happening here?

Cosmic spiritual growth.

>We find outselves in an unusual circumstance, conscious, a body, and with the ability to affect the causal world around us. To consume, to feel , to act.

Welcome to the real.

>What is life, honestly?

The womb of God.

>What gives us purpose to act, to change our surroundings?

Your own desire.

>What is YOUR best description of this predicament we find ourselves in?

Predicament? I would hardly categorize it as such. It's a beautiful chance to learn to grow. To develop. To become more than you were before in every aspect. Physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. To expand your perspective to the horizon, and then, to do it again ad infinitum. To become aware of everything you have seen in an intimate way. To become the complete self-realized God in every way. And then to grow.


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There is no such thing as a free lunch

As the others anon said we are here to grow

But the problem are the rules

If we accept to come here and follow the rules

But I don't like them

The one thing that I am learning is that we are trap by them , karma and darma ,

The only way I tough to make the system works for me is paying forward, not wishing good tings for me but for others

I am still looking for other ways to make the system work for me instead of serving the system.



Consciousness is God, at least the mental part of God, expressing itself as multiples incarnated in nature because the primordial "us" got stuck in the natural creation.

> muh corpus hermeticum


>Or, what is YOUR best description of what is happening here?

A virtual reality in form of a dream, created by all dreamers collectively. What is percieved is simply dreamed, what is dreamed can be affected just like in lucid dreaming, but it's harder when it's not just your dream alone.

>What is life, honestly?

A dream of god, of whom we are either all splinters or at least share abilities with, even if some of us may be seperate souls.

>What gives us purpose to act, to change our surroundings?

Personally, I watch live as some sort of videogame. Sure, what gives the gameplay purpose is improving yourself and the world, but what gives the GAME purpose is simply to have fun.

>What is YOUR best description of this predicament we find ourselves in?

Be it a matter of time, space, frequency or a combination: In the plane we live in physically it is very hard (but not impossible) to manipulate reality around us compared to, for example, the astral plane. This may be because of the high density of souls on this planet or maybe it's just the natural way things are and the ability to directly manipulate reality will come back to us at some point.

Also, just because this is a dream doesn't mean it's not real. I bet if the dreamer were to wake up he would just find himself inside of another dream of which he isn't the host - and this would go on for infinite layers.

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