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Esoteric Wizardry


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Term coined by phsychologist Carl Gustav Jung, Individuation is for psychology what the Great Work is for Alchemy. In alchemy, the goal is the Philosophers Stone (lapis), and in Jungian terms, the goal is the Self, which has been called by many names: Deity, God, The All, The Creator, The Source, The One, etc. Basically, individuation is becoming yourself - it's becoming whole again.

Before we get to how to become whole again, we have to discuss how we got split.

Jung described the human psyche in two parts: The Conscious and The Unconscious. In the conscious we have the Persona (the mask you show everyday, mostly consists of positive traits) and The Ego (this is you). The Unconscious (what we're interested in) is made up of three parts:

1. The Shadow (what we will be mainly discussing now)

2. The Anima/Animus

3. The Self (the ultimate goal)

So, back to the question, how did we originally become split instead of whole? It's because of supressing specific traits about our selves because of external pressure.(friends, family, coworkers, etc.)

For example, you lived in a family where being spontaneous and outgoing was frowned upon. If you had exactly those traits, you would supress them, for the cause of not being punished or neglected.

The problem is that these traits (either positive or negative) don't just vanish when supressed. The question is, how do we recover these traits and heal ourselves? Let us see!


Jesus said: "Love your enemies."

Jung said: "Well, what if my enemy is not really the person im holding a grudge against, but is the shadow i have supressed and neglected, resulting in a projection on my surroundings?"

To recover our repressed traits we need to:

1. Know them

2. Accept them (love them)

3. Sublimate them

To know ones shadow is tricky, and sometimes scary. Looking at your own dark side straight in the eyes is challenging indeed. To see just what things about yourself are repressed, you need to take a look at your past, take a look at your dream (dreammoods is great for this), and take a look at the people you hate/idolize. What traits do those people have, thus resulting you in doing so?

Take those dark impulses you have and transfer them in doing something more healthy - that is sublimation. Take the anger and frustration you have - and instead of bashing someones skull in - paint something, play an instrument, anything, as long as it is socially acceptable. This can possibly result in the long term conversion of the initial impulse.

Accepting ones shadow means acknowledging that it is indeed a part of us. Not repressing it, not fighting it, but just taking it for what it is.

The next thing to talk about would be the Anima/Animus, but very few people have made it to that stage of individuation. I do not know much about it, but in short, Anima is the female side of every Man, and Animus is the male side of every Woman. Social programming has lead men to neglect their female side, and females to neglected their male side. It results in unbalanced individuals - men with no compassion or creativity, mere brutes; and females who lack initiative, drive and the aggressiveness of men.


Bullshit "Occultism"


Jung is looked down upon from his peers for approaching the more esoteric and spiritual side of the human psyche. And it looks like he has been discredited by the more spiritually oriented people. What Jung described us the process for making the Philosopher's Stone in plain, simple words, without any metaphors or too much "codewords". Thus i think the grave mistake of people who delve into occultism is to forget the already established psychology which is based on facts and research. The two can be amalgamated, and that's what Jung did. He brought closer the esoteric, eastern knowledge about the human mind to the western man.


And i suppose threads themed "tulpa gf want's to crush me", "i want to become a girl", "muh supreme aryan race", "new age live on peace love and light", "homosexual thread", "complaining about homosexuals thread" is the type of occultism everyone should get into.

Everyone knew fringe wasn't gonna last much anyways.



One of those things is not like the others…

>Everyone knew fringe wasn't gonna last much anyways.

Perhaps, it really depends if the true experienced wizards stick around to teach, guide, and share their knowledge and if the next generation does the same. Besides it seems like there are a few who are persisting. I for one plan on it, for if I can help even one, it's worth it.



>help people

All you can do is provide knowledge, all walk the path alone.


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I've met many a seeker who wanted to walk the path but did not what it was or how to find it and in showing them I would say they where helped.



Stop pretending the Philosopher's Stone is some mystical shit while selling us nonsense. Psychology is not magic.



>Psychology is not magic.

Only because psychology limits itself. But magic is psychology.



>a is a limited form of b

>but b=a




Magic contains all the information psychology does and them some.

Psychology contains a limited slice of knowledge about the mind/magic.






what he means is, a is contained within b, but i don't know the mathematical language to express that


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I'll explain a little about the Anima and Animus from my own experiences. I come from a background of alchemy so we call it the divine masculine and feminine. You become and try to form the Hermes-Aphrodite or Hermaphrodite. This is integration of both your left and right brain in a simple way to describe it. But it goes a bit further on a human level. You might notice some men shy away completely from their female side and do all they can to externalize their own masculinity. A good example is the body image community. Or one is hair(related). You might notice some people change their hair from a generally accepted masculine to a feminine to embrace or explore their other sides physically. I personally was overly feminine as a child and teenager so the process was actually kind of the opposite. I had to awaken the masculine - active force which had been stunted and suppressed through trauma. But damn did I have some beautiful girly hair.

I suggest you guys start doing some things you're too shy to do because of social conditioning. I'm not talking on a purely hedonistic level like sticking things where they might not belong but on a more "I've just really wanted to do that" or "I feel I like that" kind of level where social conditioning or your ego is holding you back. Go buy Nekopara on the steam sales, for occult purposes yes. Moe is the key to integration of the feminine.

The other way you can look at this is more of a mental and spiritual. But you will find that the internal reflects the external so all of these parts are important. That part is integration of the left and right hemisphere. Go look up what they both do. But a simply way is that you want to think both in wholes and in parts. Become an artist and a scientist. If you are currently a practicing artist and you love it but have never done much scientific work I heavily suggest you do, (magic is both a science and an art thus being balanced) vice versa. The idea is to fuse the two in everything that you do. So you might use divine proportion and geometry to help you draw or mathematics to help compose music. Also the ability to become both yin - passive or receptive and yang - active and communicative is required to be exercised.

So you may ask, how is this done? On a physical level, you need to perform energetic exercises which allow you to get both the masculine and feminine sides of the body aligned and balanced. Reverse nostril breathing for example clears both nadis and activates them. Our on all levels are a story of our life. Go through your muscular system and energetic system to see imbalances and then connect them to life experiences or modes(I had no idea what word to put there to explain my idea but I needed to use one). On an emotional level you need to clear out any and all trauma which hinders you from integrating your inner feminine (or masculine). And for mental you need to consciously make the change in your life on a mind - thought level. These all interlink together and will cause a spill over effect if one is practiced strongly. That's why old traumas can come back when people do energy work or old health problems are released when traumas are exhaled, etc.

Anyway, I'd love to make a few more posts in this thread to explain to you guys how to self analyze a little more. Everything internal is everything external. Once you start thinking in analogy you see how your entire outside life, especially the people around you are simply characters allowing you to play out your internal state.



thank you kind kitty, rest well assured your reply helped a random stranger on the interwebs

:v and also validate my trans shit, not to go full femme, but to get closer to androgynity.


I said this in another thread but the most straight-foward way to encounter your shadow is to take 5g of shrooms and meditate in a 100% dark room. Alone, of course. Yes, as you can imagine this has high horror-trip potential, but this is what you want. You want to face your inner fear. And then instead of fighting it or running out of the room or whatever, you talk to it. You ask to understand it. You learn to love each other and thus yourself.

I'm not gonna sugar-coat it either: Drugs are not without risk. That risk may not be as big as everyone else claims but it's still there. But if you need to understand something, if you need to get a glimpse at something you cannot normally see, then drugs are perfect.

If you feel like you are ready, you are. And in that case I definetly recommend it.



Personally, I never really worried too much about male and female. In my head it was always "darkness" and "light" and what I associate with it. My shadow was the evil voice in my head, the psycho, the beast. I was the sanity, the hero, the knight. But instead of fighting, we work together. He's the offensive, I am the defensive - and you need both. Through my journey I learned how colorfull darkness can be, what determination really means, that darkness and light can give strengh to each other and so much more.

My point is that many ways lead to rome. Shadow-work is less about feminine and masculine, but about duality in general and what it means to you the most. Every shadow is different, every soul is different, what works for one may not work for the other - and I think that makes our journeys here way more interesting. If we'd all be playing the exact same game it'd be pretty boring to help others since you already know exactly what will happen since you have already been there.

One last tip: Just listen to your shadow. Maybe not when it says "Let the 12 year old drive!", but listen to what it needs, what it wants, how it feels, what it likes and dislikes and so on. Until you are ready to fully become one again think of it as a partner or brother. Take care of each other. That helped me a lot.


Even though I stopped fapping for a few months I still don't look at girls with strong desire, which makes me a bit puzzled about my masculine force. I don't even feel the need to fap anymore and I don't get boners too often. I indulge a lot in passive feminine bliss and harmony instead. I achieve very strong manifestations listening to gentle music and during trance I see complex visions of simple fairy tale gardens, landscapes, ponds, nature.

I thought I should try edging for a few hours to porn focusing on uncontrollable urge to conquest anything girly and soft. I thought I should visualize building-tall tiger that throws itself at a girl as its stripes burst into flames (and other metaphors of absolute dominance and power with intention of increasing my masculine force in everyday situations).

But then I heard ringing in my ear and I experienced thought that this way instead of ``amplifying and inflating`` this power I'm going to ``spend it``. Is this thought positive or malicious?



magic => psychology



>But then I heard ringing in my ear and I experienced thought that this way instead of ``amplifying and inflating`` this power I'm going to ``spend it``. Is this thought positive or malicious?

You'll spend it if you jack off. You're already content with what you're doing, why not allow it to build up naturally and easily without any sort of 'amplifying' going on?



You could spend it on something like art, or physical work. Energy probably could be transformed into different shapes, that's just a theory but try it out.




>why not allow it to build up naturally

I have orgasms at sleep anyway, I wake up with enormous crusty stains on my pants. I don't think fapping matters. My organism regulates this stuff anyway.

My goal is to have equal masculine and feminine energy and I want to know how. I'd say the current balance is 80% feminine and 20% masculine and I am a man. I want 50/50 at least and to be in full control of these.

I do an hour of alternate nostril breathing daily, complete breathing all the time. I started eating meat again, mostly seafood because of all the testosterone-boosting elements in it. I also take freezing showers, no fap, and do 6x6 push-ups, sit-ups and crunches.


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where are the techniques?


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Good thread Snowky, i remember i saved pic related like 7 yrs ago in some /a/ board in cuckchan, i didnt really get it back then but reading your post reminded me to get some of my mundane problems/shit together and get gut






Yhe, they really go in hand, some people forget that all sciences are born from philosophy and philosophy its highly influenced by magic.


Screencaped, thanks neko-chan ^.^

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