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File: 1451144669567.pdf (97.71 KB, The Astral World - Swami P….pdf)


Why is it in vogue to hate on Atkinson "Creampuff Boy" now just because he's highly recommended and popular?

I keep seeing so many people dismiss his works and giving no reasons to do so at all. I'm pretty sure this is all just being done because "he's shilled so hard here" or "because that one autist wizard likes him".

Everything Atkinson has written is golden. I have found all of his books useful. It is true they can be redundant, he repeats things a lot, but he is always spot-on about everything all the time.

Everyone should look over all his books, look at the index of chapters for each book, and if you know yourself to be ignorant on a subject read it. Some won't find some of his stuff valuable because they already know it or they're not interested.

I have yet to see valid criticism of Atkinson beyond "I don't like his writing style" or "I wish he'd condense things some more, he drags on and on about the subject for too long". I personally feel the only thing Atkinson lacks in his works is he doesn't give many examples, studies, etc. but I find all that in other books or in the reports he references. Atkinson always just sticks to the heart of the matte, "the thing in a nutshell", and leaves it to you to try things out or find other supporting works to confirm the the theories and so on.

Don't listen to people that would discourage you from reading Atkinson. Take a look at ALL of his books, read the index of chapters, and read at least one chapter. If you aren't interested then, drop the book and come back to it later, and read one that is more enticing.

If you want to avoid a lot of redundancy as well, he has multiple series which are to be read in a certain order. Reading Personal Power from the first book to the last is a good idea.


He doesn't even mention chakras. I can't take this seriously. The awakening of the Kundalini is the most crucial part in occult development.

Atkinson is just talking endlessly.


Takes like a 100 pages to get to the exercises, but the information is correct



The only thing worth of notice in his books is ALL IS MIND. Which was known like a thousands of years before New Thought movement so nothing new here.


>somehow manages to dilute even this simple truth and can't convey anything interesting for the most parts of his books

>was fat and had to write dozens of shitty books just to make a living

He was just a salesman, face it.

>no real knowledge of yoga but still wrote books about it

>cheated his readers into believing he wrote books on yoga with his yogi friend while it was just him under a pseudonym

Had he any real knowledge he wouldn't need to hide under some mysterious alias like Yogi Ramacharaka or sth like that just to help his books sell.

>book on hatha yoga

>whole chapter on cleaning your anus






So what author or books should a newfig like me read instead?



book of knowledge



>implying you need to know fuck all about the chakras or kundalini to do magick



Just read Atkinson and learn to mediumship then let the spirits guide you from there on out.



Just go through megas and find something you like.



He isn't implying that.



>he doesn't mention chakras

Yeah, that's the reason he's good.

Chakras are bullshit kill yourself new age occultists




how are they bullshit? Isn't all higher magick accomplished through energy work?



Chakras are a meaningless abstraction.



Why? When I meditate I can clearly feel them



You felt them before you were told of them?



Well I didn't meditate before I was told of them, before meditating I read up a lot on it and I could feel them the first time meditating, I can feel some of the chakras better than others, I don't think it's placebo if that's what you're implying



You are specifically focusing your energy on those certain areas in a certain manner.

You are creating your chakras



Isn't all energy work accomplished by chakras?


>You felt them before you were told of them?

root - nope. something to do with prostate?

sacral - butterflies below belly, sexual arousal

solar plexus - nope

heart - very strong pressure on chest when experiencing love

throat - nope

third eye - VERY strong itching/pressure above and between eyebrows

crown - itching on top of the head

Although I have no proof, I want to believe in chakras because it gives clear framework for energy work. One who refuses to acknowledge chakras, how do they control the energy? With nothing to cling onto, one is lost in ambiguous sensations or is just numb.


If you already have a fairly decent understanding of occult philosophy, which of his books should you read?

There was very little info in the Kybalion I hadn't already come across in some way or another. Just started Arcane Teaching, and it seems to p much be The Kybalion but more expounded on. I'll stick with it, but I was looking for new, mindblowing info both practical and theoretical.



Book of knowledge?



Read the fucking FAQ first.


>muh chakra is b8 new age crap! U create urself ur chakras, they are thoughtforms, muh muh, look at my esoteric 1337, all is just energy

Yeah, you can also say that your body is just a bunch of cells and chemicals. Does that mean that your tissues and organs aren't real? Not any more or less then your cells are.



This looks interesting actually. Thank you for the suggestion.


I thought I did when I had taken note of the suggested reading curriculum order.



>implying people had organs before we started believing we did







kek, good one!



book of knowledge

book of knowledge

book of knowledge

There is so much crap in /fringe/ megas.Only the book of knowledge and Robert Bruce's AP course shine.



Yes the book of knowledge is all you need.



nice meme


I'm reading through Mind Power (1912). I like the idea of the desire-will as a spectrum with different phases, it makes sense in terms of theory, but I just hope he'll go into more detail on how to actually deal with the emotive pole to get things to actually happen. So far what I'm getting is a /fringe/ version of the "just bee urself bro" line; "just feel it and will it"…

I mean, I appreciate the theory behind it and I think it's cool how he puts it in the context of science, but unless he actually gets to super practical instructions for a neophyte, I'm still in the dark



Mind power is a good introductory text to the concepts and he does give some practical advice, but look to the will power and desire power sections in his book Personal Power for an in depth look at each



Alright, thank you anon! I'll give Personal Power a look once I'm through with Mind Power. I guess if I still don't properly get it by then I'll hit this thread up again


I picked up this book thinking it would include all kinds of useful, experimental exercises in order to develop my auric sight through practice.

Wrong. It never included any exercises. Not one.

The book carried on page after page about how beautiful the colors are and how wonderful it is, but lacked any practicality!

This goes for all of Panchadasi's other books, including "Clairvoyance" and "The Astral World".

This author is all theory, and no strategy. I found it humorous how he could write an entire book on the subject claiming he is going to teach us all kinds of stuff, and NEVER DOES.

p.s. I have absolutely no idea what the other reviewers are talking about. This book gave NO useful applicable information. Only descriptions of the phenomenon assuming you already know how to see it.

p.p.s. If you know a book that actually teaches how to develop auric sight through hard solid work, please send me a link.



So aside from those two, is there anything else required to do stuff like reality creating and ascending the planes.

I just want to become my ideal Self, and to create microcosmic and macrocosmic changes in conformity with my Will.

To be more like Hermes or Christ.



Change your diet. Go raw vegan and then aim for breatharianism.



Science of Breath, page 93. Your lot shits on atkinson because you are too scared by the effort needed to make use of his material, so you never read him anyways. You cling to books like IIH and BOK because they have more shiny eyecandy that let you dream and jerk off your reward centers with minimal effort. You cling to condensed grimoires that you have little hope of understanding. If you never chew your meat laddy, you'll never enjoy the pudding.



I enjoyed your mum's pudding last night son.



Bardon and Atkinson are armchair occultists.


>There are found, it is true, certain individuals, some of the

>Oriental ascetics and mystics for instance, who have deliberately

>trained their minds so as to obtain a state of absolute quietude

>and freedom from the influence of the stream of thought; but

>such training is not advised for the ordinary individual, it having

>no practical advantage; but belonging rather to the category of

>abnormal psychology. There is no advantage to be gained by

>reaching the stage in which you “think of nothing”, although it

>is worthy of note that such mental states may be produced by

>those who are willing to undergo certain rigid and strenuous

>training of the power of attention.

>(William Walker Atkinson)

I thought everyone learned to turn off their thoughts sooner or later, when trying to fall asleep. How do you fall asleep, if you are unable to have no conscious thoughts?

I still have awareness of my physical body sitting in one place or moving around the city, and experience sense of passing time, but I can have no thoughts for hours. I agree it's an useless ability though, or I didn't find use for it just yet. It's horribly boring. Sometimes I'm worried I'm weakening my brain by indulging so much in emptiness that I try to read books even when I have 5 minutes to bus



true but a few of his books are good Arcane Teaching, Arcane Formulas and Psychomancy


You do realize Atkinson didn't actually meditate right? He was a fat fuck.



After reading about guru's

I notice that a lot of them use Food as a way to ground themselves

Being a fat fuck probably was his way to stay in this earth plane.

I just saying




New age bullshitters is what 'gurus' are.


Reposting here because question thread is dead and it's important to me

Can somebody elaborate on this exercise in the chapter Establishing The Ego III from The Arcane Formulas?

>Then let him meditate upon his own

>identity, as distinguished from the outside objective world. Let

>him reach mentally into the very centre of his being—the inner

>recesses of his soul, until he meets his Real Self face‑to‑face.

It is too vague for me to understand.



>Being a fat fuck probably was his way to stay in this earth plane.

But that doesn't make sense. If the dude grew his abilities enough to be able to ascend into other planes, he could use the same ability to stay in the earth plane. I don't say this often but this idea of using food to stay grounded is just pure fatlogic nonsense. I'm fat myself so I'm not just hating on fat people, but you'd think if I had expanded my powers enough as they claim they have themselves, I'd be able to first of all control my state on this plane and make myself healthy. I'm not saying they have to be fit Greek god bodybuilders to be trustworthy, but at least a healthy body weight seems reasonable to expect out of someone who can supposedly control his will on this plane


Buy his audio books if you don't like reading his stuff. I listen to his stuff on my smartphone while I walk. It is much easier than actual reading.



>How do they control energy?

With your will.

Did you read ANY of the books in the sticky? You are only Will and Awareness.



>With your will.

How chakras contradict operating with will? That I read and experiment with chakras is manifestation of my will to acquire more control over my emotional body.

I don't feel half of the chakras and it only feels right to imagine vortex at my forehead but I stick with this system because I don't know anything better



You want auric sight?

Just intend to see the desire-force radiating out from everything.

Hold this intention long enough and bam you can see auras.

Practical exercise; create a black geometric form, spin it, imagine it is adsorbing the desire-force in the general environment around you, spin it to such a high intensity it dissolves and releases the energy captured in it, observe the colours.

Want to see auras on people? Concentrate the fire element into your eyes, open up clairovoyent vision, gather about you a sort of fog that registers the vibrations of the astral, use that to see the astral forces overlapping everything.



How do you train your will to do that?



My theory is that the pseudonyms are tributes to entities he channeled.



This I have to agree to.


Have you not yet discovered what energy actually is fundamentally? The answer you're looking for is in the Mind Power book. Once you understand what this nebulous "energy" is, you'll be able to do everything much more effectively.


I have thought about this and I'm pretty sure most of the chakras are literally thoughtform attachments people make. The only real chakras that are "already there" are the concentrations of nerve force in bundles of nerves in those regions and there actual form has more to do with the auric field which they bend into then spheres, lotuses, etc.


Instead of the concept of chakras, refer to energy centres in the body, and unlock your auric vision. Then working with them is easy as you get biofeedback in the form of the colourful radiant fields of force you SEE and FEEL as you work with it.

Btw, try passing your hands over your whole body right now, projecting love from your heart down to your hand and out the palm and fingers into the parts of your body. Gradually go over everything making sweeping passes, filling your whole aura with love, and sweeping the other emotions out through the feet and so on into the Earth. Keep doing this until you either feel exhausted of your love potential or until you feel that your whole body and every cell in it is motivated by the powerful impulse of love to carry out its right and proper lifework. If you succeed, you will cause a lot of healing in your body, and bring many parts of your being into alignment. Then project a black substance that sweeps over the whole room, adsorbing emotions and moving away, then white light pulses intermixed with red glowy stuff, filling the whole room with a lucidity and vitality and also warmth. If you succeed, the room will be unusually and unaccountably warm and comfy, feel vitalizing, and will seem to be filled with and to attract things that correspond with these principles you imbued into the room. Continue to carry out this work from time to time and you may later on start imbuing various elements into the room with various remarkable results. Burn incense and sage also regularly and keep the room really clean such that there's no other smells there before you burn anything.



Note: if especially successful, it will seem that your negative memories grow faint and lose resonance, that your mind is filled with vital and life-affirming thoughts, your will to power will increase, that you can't take serious anymore the sad thoughts which used to weigh you down, that sickness seems to leave you and has a hard time coming back, and the emotions you fill your room and body with develop their own momentum which sweeps you away like an obsession and can take days to clear out. The larvae that form around you (I'm clairovoyent as fuck, don't know about you) which you perceive are going to be very beautiful and if you protect yourself really well things that would normally arouse negative emotions, perhaps lust or sadness or frustration or grief will seem to hold no weight over you and leave no unwanted impression in your mind, so you can look upon certain negative things and feel unaffected by them.



The 2013seriesoflessons is supposed to have some obscure shit in its "advanced courses" section.



I hope you finish that manual man your posts are great




>implying consciously held beliefs hold much weight

It's the unconscious beliefs we all hold and carry that are stronger. I suggest the unconscious belief in organs was there all along.


>Robert Bruce

>not confusing and overcomplicating everything and also failing to understand the true nature of the astral


What do you want to do? I know how to do anything, if you feel you need clear instructions, I'll invent some for you. Maybe even do whatever it is you want for you if it happens to fit with what I'm currently working at.




so thoughtforms right?



For those that do not understand aibi.pdf all that is required to live off of the akasha aka become a "breatharian" is to open up a constant influx and outpouring of vital energy through your body. You do this by constantly willing yourself into activity, maintaining a very strong love of life and sense of wilfull purpose, and through the use of the usual triangle of magickal causality; will, desire, imagination. If you find yourself getting lethargic and losing the will to live, your mind slowing down, etc. you may try pushing forward for a while in order to complete an operation upon your "energy body" aka astral body aka emotional body or you may have to stop a bit. You can also achieve inedia while eating as much food and drink as possible, using all the extra power to perform the operation on yourself, and then you will notice that if you stop eating you don't feel any less capable of performing the functions of life.



>You do realize Atkinson didn't actually meditate right? He was a fat fuck.

Proof Atkinson was fat?

Proof he didn't meditate?

Franz Bardon was fat and had various health problems and I understand why, he was a medium.

Atkinson wasn't fat though and I'm sure Atkinson did meditate.



Do you have a daily routine of meditation/energy work?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just strip away everything that is not you mentally until you're confronted with your fundamental emptiness and realize you're just awareness + will at your core. If you want to explore this matter in greater depth though; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVGey_TX7qs

(see also the Raja Yoga book in the New Thought library)



Look into mediumship and how mediums use up vital energy to let a spirit work through you and they get sick a lot as a result. A thorough study of the facts and phenomena surrounding mediumship will help you understand why Bardon was so sickly. He was acting as a constant medium for some other entity that took full control of him at one point in his life. Because of this, he was able to heal others, but not himself.

Usually these types of healers get around this by working in groups though. Two mediumistic healers can effectively heal each other, even though they can't heal themselves individually.

I've heard it claimed you CAN'T heal yourself at all by some very accomplished magickal adepts but I don't believe it. I believe the form of magick they use just has its limitations but if they tried other methods they might be able to self-heal.



Where can I buy Atkinson audiobooks and why aren't you uploading them to youtube for me?



If you want more control over the emotional body you would focus on just one energy centre, the heart, although the focus would spread from that central point to cover the whole body.

Opening the flow of this centre by an effort of the will enables a constant river of emotion to run through you, making the construction of thoughtforms and other activities very easy.

In working on this aspect as well you will want to clear out all dissonance in every form it occurs. Dissonance wastes emotional potential, clouds the mind, is the source of blockages and misalignments, etc.

Other energy centres are for different phases and correspond with different stuff. Stomach is instinctual vital centre, third eye is for lucidity and mental/psychic (having to do with the formation and registration of forms of vibrations etc.), sex energy has its own special uses in regeneration, creation, drive, etc….



Just a random note about a religious meme / egregore that I've seen active in a LOT of individuals who post on this board lately that has to be called out is the yearning to be away from this world, the fixation on better realms, etc. which has programmed many people inadvertently to hate life and has taken them away from the heavenly state they should be aspiring to. The higher planes are not far removed in space, they are overlapping here, and one should not indulge so strongly in disdain for this world. The circumstances of life will improve for oneself individually if they develop a zeal for the living of life and they will find themselves only then much more easily whisked away to those realms they want to enter. For those who want to "graduate Earth" you must first be filled with a boundless compassion, a willingness to not be weighed down by the negative vibrations of this world, an immense appreciation of life and its vital activity, the desire to embody and live out the highest ideals you know, a lack of dissonance and appreciation and acceptance without guilt of the role your persona plays, and you must lose your aversion to Earth, and there are many other qualities to develop as well. When you feel that this world doesn't hold any weight anymore and you are filled with an immense optimism that you can solve any problem and relieve yourself and others of all fears, then it will be very easy for you to travel to other realms and stay there however long you want without being involuntarily returned here.



What about thoughtforms? What is your question?

psst kid – wanna know how to evocation?



No. I have certain practices I do all the time with great frequency but nothing daily because I adapt to whatever my "goal of the month" is. There's a lot of different things I do that I can describe. One I ought to write about is a will-strengthening exercise that works with sigils and brings increasingly powerful results the longer you keep at it until you're blowing holes through reality so strong you might feel like relaxing things and working on something else awhile before you slingshot yourself to the heavens. It literally gets more and more powerful each time you do it and suceed although if you fuck up once you have to start over again from the beginning.


Huh, smileberg still posts on fringe…



so they could fix my shit right? Not in a particularly bad spot but I'm tired of being average as fuck and mediocre



And he is still as pretentious as before while crying on another board.




I don't think it's smiley, I've seen at least 4 different anons post with initiate flag



Believe us, it is.



why do you think so?



You haven't been around long enough if you need to ask. It's the same phrases and same posting style.


>insulting our god

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