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File: 1451178333012-0.png (665.38 KB, 632x956, 158:239, 1451093792428.png)

File: 1451178333012-1.png (1.61 MB, 1617x1026, 539:342, 1451093915440.png)

File: 1451178333013-2.png (697.85 KB, 1255x1103, 1255:1103, 1451094164407.png)

File: 1451178333013-3.png (926.52 KB, 792x946, 36:43, 1451097344512.png)


So, this was posted online on another board. How is this a /fringe/ topic you may ask?

The source said whoever can decipher these images will become a billionaire. I just solved its theoretical meaning, applying it will take some work but it's probably doable.

This is a topic for this board, because there is nothing constructed, fake or evil about this. It's an image of the actual structure of universal dimensions.

If you want to play sports you have to start by learning how the laws of physics work.. not sharing that from a fear of competition is just pathetic, so I think the source of these was very fair in doing this, and I won't be any less of a good sportsman.

Hint: the first 2 images are describing the same thing from different perspectives.


I'm interested.

Maybe I'm not appreciating something, but the first picture doesn't seem to be saying anything special. It diagrams the function of the Club of Rome as a think tank. I'm guessing "The Project" is a means of addressing the "problematique" or configuration of systems problems in the world and influencing world policy. I don't know what to make of the specific leader lines, though.

Image two is harder to interpret, as it lacks the labels image one has. If "O" and "M" are the same thing in both of the first two pictures, then image two could be a diagram of "The Project", which is shown to progress in a series of stages. I'm uncertain why or how some of the stages feed back to previous stages, or what the "levels" mean, and why the distribution of boxes across levels is not uniform.

The directed graph in image three is the most interesting to me. I don't know what the abbreviations mean. I'll look into that later; it's late for me. The words "PROFIT", "LEGALIZED", and "OWNERSHIP" are worth noting, since they make it clear that this graph deals with gaining property/currency, and is influenced by government policy.

Image four doesn't seem all that interesting to me.



>The source said whoever can decipher these images will become a billionaire.

You think most of the wizards here care about worldly things?


All 3 diaphragms show the one process of influencing governments of some countries in the 70s by organisations, one being Club of Rome. Someone with insight into world's economy in the past and now could possibly draw conclusions and benefit from this knowledge.


Looks like basic project management/product development to me.

The development chain is depicted with several feedback arrows pointing at an earlier stage for optimization reasons. Same shit in pic 1 and 2.

Pic 3 might show a loop process of leeching money from a seemingly balanced economic system. You know, like the capitalist elite pushing money wherever they want and still get profit out of it because "all roads lead to Rome" lel

But I don't give a shit really.



The first image is obviously a Hegelian dialectic pushed by the Club of Rome to establish a "new policy structure"

It's your basic NWO shit



Looks like NWO shit and if i had to take a guess at the second image i would say it something about BioAPI.

>I just solved its theoretical meaning

If you already know the meaning sharing it would help with the decipher.




It reminds me of how the brain feedback loops into itself. For more info see:




>If you already know the meaning sharing it would help with the decipher.

The point of posting it here is so that you can form your own understanding and make use of it personally. What I told you would just sound like average NWO stuff, it would be more or less meaningless.

These images can be used to form thought mechanisms and once you manage to apply them on your own life, you can solve your own financial situation indefenitely. That's the idea, and what I intend to do myself. Noone but you (and maybe God) knows your full situation so every person needs to do it personally. Too much hinting would ruin it for other people.

You may call it NWO shit and elite agenda, but they got this part right, as far as this description of the world goes.


At which point do you incorporate cultural relics ?

During the phases ?

Do do you guys just whip it out with the rest of us ?

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