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I cum too easily. Teach me some spells to make me impervious to orgasm. Planning on doing a tantric massage session soon and don't want to be embarassed.


rule 2


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Now that image is just creepy. Also rule 2


>trip on dxm

>lose ability to cum for short while after trip

>duh winning



>pour alcohol on dick

>set it on fire



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frontal lobe epilepsy technique


Start taking paxil and it will not only make you happy but make you last longer

Or learn how to use your pee muscle (w/e it's called) and then instead of having one huge orgasm you have small orgasms without losing your boner


When you are about to orgasm flex your PC muscle. It works but sometimes the even if you can control it the pleasure is too great.



Do in the physical what belongs to the physical.

You have three muscles there, the one to piss, the one to take a shit, and another one in between. Learn to use that one. When you distend it, you can't cum. When you tighten it, you cum faster.

With enough practice you can choose the moment you want to ejaculate.



I figured it worked the opposite way. As in tension = stopped ejaculation.

But that's interesting. I'll try relaxing it then.


I can't remember where, but I read that edging damages your body somehow because you push liquid into your dick and then never finish so it stays and does something? Not sure.

I'd avoid anything sexual unless you wanted to ejaculate.


Aren't you supposed to avoid this? If you do this while urinating, it can push urine where it is not supposed to go and cause a bladder infection. I imagine doing similar during ejaculation would have similar results.



In push and pull terms, its push to not cum. It'd be curious if it works the opposite for others, though.



I have tried it both ways I have more success tightening


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I have literally never cumed or orgasmed before but last night I nearly did.



When it's tightening/ pulling, I've heard it referred to as, "locking the gate". I'm also a bit concerned if that might have any health repercussions, but it works.

Pushing never worked for me. Is it pushing with forceful effort? Or more focusing on relaxing so it's not clenched.





This isn't a question you dumb fucking robots.

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