I don,t mind you considering me hijacker becsguse its a megathread.
http://gnosticwisdom.tripod.com i will join up for lulz if you guys want to use me as i trust no one. because, no reason. check it out:
here is an unauthorized fansite by a claimed initiate, which goes over the people who i sometimes hear chanting during full moons. i drive past their own thirteen step pyramid so for me it,s backyard local. the group who calls themself Fraternity Rosa Cruxis and Illuminati (think golden dawn when you hear "group") THOUGH, I fear the group could someday gangstalk me or make it tough to get out of the structure.
in this very recent curiousity thread on GLP where OP got no answers, OP starts dropping keywords that touch a nerve.
this one response is worth a creeped out KEK
"Those who know do not speak.
Those who speak do not know.
OP is a fraud.
The Order is Watching."
So um, ye
btw as for masonry, the 18th degree of the Scottish Rite is called a rosicrucian degree.
Now, even moran the Rosicrucian Frat FRC order in question, crossposted from another board. """"""""""
as a member for over two years, but I left shortly after that. Their teachings were okay, but I didn't like the fact that they kept the attitude that they were the "Authentic" Rosicrucian organization. There are no authentic or original Rosicrucian organizations. After reading Eckartshausen's "The Cloud upon the Sanctuary", and these two passage from P.F. Case's "The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order"….
-"Possibly these manifestoes also may have been included in the miscellany of things Rosicrucian and otherwise printed at Quakertown, Pennsylvania, by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer. Dr. Clymer offers voluminous documentary evidence that he is Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order established by Pascal Beverly Randolph in 1856. Such as it is, few will seek to dispute this claim, for Randolph's titles to serious consideration may be judged by his own words. In Eulis (edition of 1874, page 47) he writes: " Very nearly all which I have given as Rosicrucian originated in my own soul."" - pg. 4 of TIRO by Paul Foster Case
- "Such societies still work in the world today. None of them, it may be said once more, makes any claim to historic connection with the "original" Rosicrucians. The presence of such a claim in any document issued by a society calling itself Rosicrucian is sufficient evidence that the leaders of the organization are either themselves misled or else deliberately trading on the word "Rosicrucian" for the sake of monetary advantage." - pg. 212 of TIRO
…I began to rethink my position with Beverly Hall. I decided it was best for myself to leave, as I couldn't concentrate on my studies with them, knowing the fact that they were trading on the name Rosicrucian, as is evidence with Clymer's legal fight with Spencer Lewis of AMORC over the name Fraternitas Rosae Crucis. Also the fact that they stressed over and over on not reading works by other authors except their own, seemed a little suspicious to me. However if none of this bothers you, than perhaps you might like their organization, as their work wasn't all that bad.