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Esoteric Wizardry


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Can someone tell me more about Masonic Symbolism? I mean actual suymbolism, not Alex Jones type of shit.

I'm a total newfig to esoterica and whatnot, but I've recently watched this video and it got me very interested in this subject.


rule 2



Well fuck you then.

Stupid schizo cucks with your voodoo bullshit.


bullshit occultism







OP here

Who the fuck are you people?!?!?!?!?



Fuck off you crazy occultist fuck, you people are literally insane you fucking schizo cuck.


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Manly Hall's Secret Teaching of All Ages has a chapter or two dedicated to this, you may be able to find a PDF but I can't recommend the book enough if this kind of thing interests you. Search for some of his audio lectures on youtube too, there are a few on freemasonry.



Thanx breh



My father is a freemason and his grandfather was incredibly high up in the order.

I have no idea what any of it is about though.



>A teaching that father's don't pass to their sons

Thast all you need to know about masonry



>A teaching that father's don't pass to their sons

This speaks volumes actually.


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Basically, almost anyone who claims to know anything really doesn't. The higher orders are full of contradictions and the higher-up documentation is full of dead-ends. The reason is that if you knew a little bit, you'd realize that the rabbit-hole goes much far than anyone is really willing to admit. I can tell you this - symbology is used to control the nature of reality, and Masonry is like an order of sages who are able to understand what these symbols mean. And symbology is used for one thing. To be able to manipulate the physical and spiritual natures of reality. It works in a similar way to prayer. The more people are exposed to a symbol, the more power it gains. Agendas are enforced for the explicit purpose of causing people to agree with ideas and thus allow themselves to be controlled, giving non-physical sigils strength. Anyone who says "magic," doesn't exist doesn't know what they're talking about and anyone who says it does usually know just about the same. It is a secret tradition and in orders such as these, loyalty over everything, including family, is absolutely mandatory. Of course, an neophyte knows close to nothing, until he makes his "Oath"…



I agree



Freemasonry is one group of many used to weed out those with potential to bring to the secret groups (>implying anyone but the people in them knows about them) which seek to bend reality to suit their goal.




Don't the Freemasons believe that anyone who chooses to become a Mason is a descendant of Cain who is in turn a descendant of Samael? With that assumption, you could make the argument that the knowledge has in fact been passed down from a father to all his children.



I was alluding to that when I mentioned the "Oath," but yes, to an extent that is very much the reason they exist.


The "Descendant of Cain," belief is a metaphoric one.



Masonry uses symbols as a teaching tool. Not that different from most, really. But in Masonry, obviously the greater focus is on speculative meaning derived from operative tools, and symbols relating to the work (such as geometry in architecture).



Which is odd, because most members join because of their father, and Masonry gives special boons to sons (or grandsons) joining.

It kinda emphasises teaching ones children well.



>Masonry gives special boons to sons (or grandsons) joining

Gee, they can't stand on their merits alone?

The fact that you have to take an oath of loyalty and they won't even truly tell you what it is to (until you're so high up and entangled); anything that is not fully upfront about the interaction in all aspects, in a clear and transparent way is deception. And any any logical (good) person should would want no part of it.



>Gee, they can't stand on their merits alone?

No, they can. I just mean things like jumping the queue for joining ahead of anyone else.

Merit is still paramount.

>The fact that you have to take an oath of loyalty and they won't even truly tell you what it is to

Nah, everything is usually explained up front, in the pre-interview stages. It benefits neither the lodge nor the candidate for them not to know what it is they're joining.



Are there any material benefits to joining? Such as networking, insider info, etc?



I'm not a member myself but as far as I understand it, there are huge networking benefits to joining. Pretty much everyone in it is highly skilled in some way and joining it means you become a part of a fraternal organisation where every other member has something useful to offer or is "high up" in some way, in a company, industry, etc. Not so sure about the insider info, you're probably into "conspiracy" territory there, but it wouldn't surprise me. I've heard plenty of stories of beneficial business deals between masons, even stories of coverups and helping each other with court cases and the like, but again this is all hearsay and you won't get much information you can solidly believe without joining the organisation itself.



>Nah, everything is usually explained up front, in the pre-interview stages. It benefits neither the lodge nor the candidate for them not to know what it is they're joining.

I have not met a single lower level member who has actually admit or even acknowledged that they are worshiping Lucifer.

The few Masons I've seen that actually knew that, have said, had they been told when they joined, they would not have.

I'm sure you still have those what will openly do it, but it's rather hard to sell that to your average person given what preconceived notions most have of Lucifer.



To reach a level with real tangible benefits you have to fuck goats and sacrifice infants.


>not even once



>fuck goats

Isn't that Islam though?



Nope. And anyone trying to join for that reason gets rejected. Anyone having joined for that reason gets expelled.


>I have not met a single lower level member who has actually admit or even acknowledged that they are worshiping Lucifer.

Why would they? Only the Christian members would worship Christ in that manner, but overall the Craft imposes no beliefs.


Mason's = Good Goys



Islam and Freemasonry are the same, both shabbos goyim who fight for the ZWO.


The golden dawn was a mason-like society with a focus on fringe stuff, you might want to check them out.

Israel Regardie released their whole system with hueg book called the golden dawn.



I will, I'm just curious about the Masons specifically right now since they're more "mainstream".


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I notice this thread as an information fishing thread. Respond anyways.

I,m thinking of joining up with the very local Rosicrucian (Essenes?) order, however, I have heard horror stories of various secret societies turning on you and "gangstalking", character defamation etc. Please help, okeh!!??!!



It's not secret societies. It's everyone.



>local Rosicrucian (Essenes?) order

I'm somehow doubting they'd be at all linked to the Essenes.



I didnt say induce a FREAK out..i meant for you to comfort me..also, nothing against you two..most fringers dont seem to be capable of writing a paragraph, or you overestimate the measure of your deep terms



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By the nature of what they stand for, any person or organization openly calling themselves Rosicrucian, is probably not actually Rosicrucian.

If you're interested in that kind of stuff I suggest you listen to >>65780 and look into the Golden Dawn. It's should point you in the right direction.




Golden dawn..I,ve read Regardie and I use Hyatt undoing work quite often



>i meant for you to comfort me




Maybe you can restate your question?



DO NOT join any orders. There's no point. You're far better off studying alone. Practice is what counts.


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I don,t mind you considering me hijacker becsguse its a megathread.

http://gnosticwisdom.tripod.com i will join up for lulz if you guys want to use me as i trust no one. because, no reason. check it out:

here is an unauthorized fansite by a claimed initiate, which goes over the people who i sometimes hear chanting during full moons. i drive past their own thirteen step pyramid so for me it,s backyard local. the group who calls themself Fraternity Rosa Cruxis and Illuminati (think golden dawn when you hear "group") THOUGH, I fear the group could someday gangstalk me or make it tough to get out of the structure.

in this very recent curiousity thread on GLP where OP got no answers, OP starts dropping keywords that touch a nerve.

this one response is worth a creeped out KEK

"Those who know do not speak.

Those who speak do not know.

OP is a fraud.

The Order is Watching."

So um, ye

btw as for masonry, the 18th degree of the Scottish Rite is called a rosicrucian degree.

Now, even moran the Rosicrucian Frat FRC order in question, crossposted from another board. """"""""""

as a member for over two years, but I left shortly after that. Their teachings were okay, but I didn't like the fact that they kept the attitude that they were the "Authentic" Rosicrucian organization. There are no authentic or original Rosicrucian organizations. After reading Eckartshausen's "The Cloud upon the Sanctuary", and these two passage from P.F. Case's "The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order"….

-"Possibly these manifestoes also may have been included in the miscellany of things Rosicrucian and otherwise printed at Quakertown, Pennsylvania, by Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer. Dr. Clymer offers voluminous documentary evidence that he is Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order established by Pascal Beverly Randolph in 1856. Such as it is, few will seek to dispute this claim, for Randolph's titles to serious consideration may be judged by his own words. In Eulis (edition of 1874, page 47) he writes: " Very nearly all which I have given as Rosicrucian originated in my own soul."" - pg. 4 of TIRO by Paul Foster Case

- "Such societies still work in the world today. None of them, it may be said once more, makes any claim to historic connection with the "original" Rosicrucians. The presence of such a claim in any document issued by a society calling itself Rosicrucian is sufficient evidence that the leaders of the organization are either themselves misled or else deliberately trading on the word "Rosicrucian" for the sake of monetary advantage." - pg. 212 of TIRO

…I began to rethink my position with Beverly Hall. I decided it was best for myself to leave, as I couldn't concentrate on my studies with them, knowing the fact that they were trading on the name Rosicrucian, as is evidence with Clymer's legal fight with Spencer Lewis of AMORC over the name Fraternitas Rosae Crucis. Also the fact that they stressed over and over on not reading works by other authors except their own, seemed a little suspicious to me. However if none of this bothers you, than perhaps you might like their organization, as their work wasn't all that bad.


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I don't see the point

Every /fringe/ wizard has been on /pol/

We know the secret boys clubs sins

We know we are better alone

No pedophilia

No slavery to zog

No grades or kisses on your asses becose you got first

just magic, they have no secrets anymore everything and more in on the net.

someone got the magical use of tough forms, I am missing that book.


Freemason here, will stick around for 10 mins or so to answer questions.

I'm well versed in Masonic history, only an EA, joined about a year ago. My lodge is in Illinois

We do have many members with an active interest in esoteric subjects.


OP, not trying to troll you, but I would highly recommend "Freemasons for Dummies"

The guy who wrote it, Chris Hodapp, is extremely knowledgeable about masonry.

There are many things being said about Masonry online, most of it is incorrect.

Discussion of politics and religion is strictly banned in lodge. But I'll say that, politically and memologically I identify most closely with the neoreactionary movement and the "dark enlightenment". I will be voting for Donald Trump.


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are the rosicrucian fraterity in PA http://gnosticwisdom.tripod.com/really a group of goobers?



Nope, not me. I said I'm in Illinois, not PA.

Also, for American Masons that want to study Rosicrucian, we have the SRIA:




Actually that would be for the UK sorry, Master Masons in the USA can join here:



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Freemasons did Bolshevik Revolution.



Your image shows something I find confusing tbh. If you're at least somewhat familiar with esoteric symbolism, that's CLEARLY it. But why the fuck did they put it there? Is it really a conspiracy thing or what the fuck?


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>only an EA, joined about a year ago. My lodge is in Illinois

Well that's remarkable from the "Day Class State"


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react to this


Q: Svali, one of the more important points, which I am sure a lot of readers would like to know more about, is, what is the Illuminati /Freemason connection, as far as you are aware of, given your previous position in the Illuminati?


No reactions you notice? any thoughts on drugging and re programming young kids >>67121



>My father is (one) and his grandfather was incredibly high up in the order.

I have no idea what any of it is about though

So thoughts on the teachings fathers dont pass on to their sons, thoughts on breaking honesty to one s own wife and kids?



>I have no idea what any of it is about though

Have you ever asked him? In Freemasonry, a man has to make the initial overture himself.

>So thoughts on the teachings fathers dont pass on to their sons, thoughts on breaking honesty to one s own wife and kids?

Against it. This is separate to the Masonic bit, right?


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do masons have something better to do than dodging questions?



What questions have been dodged?



I've been cruising these loser boards for two days now. /bmw/ is the only one with something useful once in a blue moon. The others need an axe to the mass of vagueness they call a head.


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No, they don't know how to preserve




Explain it please



it's a face obviously

just rotate the image right and you can clearly see it.

I only see face in this kind of shit I'm probably wrong

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