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This thread is here to list all the tricks we can do with friends to make them realize that there is "something" other than the mundane, because most people are dumb, can't read a booklet of more than 30 pages, have no interest or simply dismiss automatically.

I'll start, like this!

>projecting attention

This is done by staring at someone, projecting your mind to a needle and focusing your all to touch them with your mind.

Most effective or noticeable if you project the intent to kill.

It will cause eyes to lock from large across large spaces and could make hair stand on edge.

Should they ask what you did, if you used hostile feels, say that you just wanted to show them a magic trick and smile like you know something they don't. Proceed to tell them you love them and say you're sorry for creeping him or her out.

Do not move a muscle, or your body posture is what will be perceived as threatening, use only eyes with a neutral expression. Slight nip eyes allowed, to focus.

If you don't want to project hostility, project curiosity.

Best to do while he is busy talking to someone else and when he would not normally look at you.

Hold eyes for a few seconds and show him a count with your fingers for each time you've drawn attention.


>influencing actions

Find a target that can receive, tell friend to "watch this, a non going to reach for his empty glass", transmit with the right chakra what you want target to do.

Nudge friend every time you're going to make target do dumb chore, reach to tie his shoes, go to the toilet without having to, scratch his chin, go to the kitchen, etc.

Works best if you find something exploitable.


>make hand experience electric current

Requires energy working and a fair amount of own power.

You ask for someone's hand, roll up sleeve, run your hands up and down his wrist a few times (touching/kneading), drawing his own energy to his hand and then trigger a very intense tingling sensation by moving your hands slowly from high up wrist to tip of fingers, holding your hands, palms or fingers, a couple of centimeters above his skin.


Just smile, with charm, or they'll think you sacrifice critters for fun on your past time.



Note, you need strong personal magnetism and it only works once.

Another requirement is that they are charged or standing on a fuzzy rug.


There's no point in showcasing your abilities to mundanes. Their negative energy will handicap yours, and they'll justify what you do in any way their minds can handle. All the information they need these days they can find. The question is, who will go the extra mile and look?

Here's a good exercise, though.

>rub hands together

>imagine white energy circling through your palms

>allow them to push away from each other

>think about something nice, feel love

>your hands move farther

>think about something bad, feel pathetic

>your hands move closer

And that's how you test the size of your aura.




Mr pepe party pooper, nofun for last name.

But yeah that's a nice trick, but requires you to guide them and tell them to watch their hands as you describe good and bad.



>There's no point in showcasing your abilities to mundanes.


I accidentally read the thoughts of a friend once because he lost a huge burst of loosh. I told him about it, but he just said nothing and ignored the whole experience. Fuck that.

Also there's this one method:


Pick a lovely girl and then just be yourself, doing magik and shit(not in an obvious way, that's creepy)

Read her mind and emotions, speak with her about it, make her feel comfortable - let her be the girl

Soon she will notice your abilities and consider you a god (that's what the yang looks like to the yin) and she will start to leech on your life and bodily fluids.

Now she's your gf and you can show her all the tantra stuff that you learned.

Yin-Yang the shit out of these mundanes, they're always impressed by it.


Something I tested the other day on someone who I tried to force knowledge on. He quickly refused the knowledge in the way that I am sure most of you know mundanes do but he was very receptive to axioms.

A simple axiom and a little time for him to understand it and it was like watching a lightbulb turn on. The axiom was in context with the conversation though, that may have made a difference.



>I figured out argument 101


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