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File: 1451781895321.jpg (3.36 MB, 3072x2304, 4:3, kv8n0koeojtnmqs2ieiq.jpg)


I'm assuming nearly everyone here knows about the Masonic theme park aka Denver International Airport (apocalyptic murals, pale horse statue, etc…)?. After years of not knowing what any of it portends, I discovered a major clue (better late than never).

Pic related. It's of the commemorative capstone in the Great Hall of DIA. Notice the date at the bottom. Masons love leaving hidden clues in the form of numerology, and this is no exception:

March 19, 1994

(3+19+1994 = 2016)


Let's say that your theory is right.

What then?


Wellington = 5+5+3+3+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 50

E. = 5

Webb = 5+5+2+2 = 14

Mayor = 4+1+7+6+9 = 27

Wellington E. Webb Mayor = 96

Wellington E. Webb = 96 *Knowledge = 96, Satanism = 96, Freemason = 96


Governor = 7+6+4+5+9+5+6+9 = 53

Roy = 9+6+7 = 22

R = 9

Romer = 9+6+4+5+9 = 33

Governor Roy R Romer 117

Roy R. Romer = 64

RRR = 999


Sec = 1+5+3 = 9

of = 6+6 = 12

Trans = 2+9+1+5+1 = 18

Sec of Trans = 39 Capstone = 39

Federico = 6+5+4+5+9+9+3+6 = 47

Pena = 7+5+5+1 = 18

Federico Pena = 65


The date:

Like you said 3+19+1994 = 2016

if you drop the zero, you have 216, or the product of 6*6*6


3/19/1994 = 3+1+9+1+9+9+4 = 36

3 6 = Triple 6 = 6 6 6


The sum of the first 36 integers (If you sum up 1+2+3…+34+35+36) = 666 !



3+19+94 = 116 or 911 upside down


bullshit "occultism"


2016 is quite a time gap to fill, this really isn't anything specific enough to be of significance.



>The time capsule beneath this stone contains messages and memorabilia to the people of Colorado in 2094

What do you think those and messages are /fringe/?

>I told you.



dank memes to restore post-apocalyptic earth



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