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I think it would be a good idea to try reading books at the same time and discussing them, how about you guys? First of all we've got to pick a book and a time frame to read it.


This may work for books of theory, but a lot of books involve practice and practice is dependent on the person.


Well then, why not start with the best one?

Book of knowledge?


File: 1451955627628.pdf (1.91 MB, The Book of Knowledge.pdf)



So maybe instead of a book club we could just have a practice for everyone to try for a time and progress together through book of knowledge. This might not work for longer practices but for some of them I could post the section of the book describing the exercize and people report back with results. I still haven't read that book though so I have no clue if it would work.



I don't see why it wouldn't work tbh, It sounds like a good idea, like maybe some who would achieve success at an exercise would give tips to those who can't break through yet, book of knowledge is pretty straightforward


Ok this is straight out of the text. Any ideas on a timeframe that people should be practicing this exercize every day before adding the going deeper part onto it?

Chapter 1 QMM

Quiet-Mind Meditation: (This technique is utterly important for mediators who desire to take

their power level beyond the low level the masses currently possess). Even if I do not

specifically mention this technique in each chapter, ALWAYS perform it before the others.

This meditation decreases the noise and any troubling thoughts. It removes all outer and inner

influences that are distracting. It is easy, and is incredibly important. Without mastering your

thoughts, you will not go far with meditations of power. This meditation is the cornerstone for all

others. It will be quite hard to master the sound of your thoughts, but keep at it. Once you reach

pure quietness of mind, you will feel immense peace, and a sense of joy.

Try starting every meditation with the Quiet-Mind Meditation. But follow your heart, as this is more


Ok… so find a comfortable place, and stare at something in your direct view. Use an external

object to focus on. Keep looking at this space. Now, steady your breath. Make sure to slow it down,

but keep it rhythmic.

Close your eyes and focus your attention on the black inner screen. Listen to your surroundings.

From here, work to push all thoughts aside until absolutely nothing but pure peace and quiet

remain. Hold for as long as you can.

Now, this seems incredibly simple. You might be thinking, “How could this give me power?” I

assure you that this is just the beginning. This is simply the first stepping stone.

One of my personal experiences with this meditation is as follows: Sitting in a public place during

the evening, I settled my mind. The facility lights nearby started flickering, once I reached a deep quiet

state of mind and began breathing in energy (you will learn more about this in a following chapter). Next

thing I know, I began hearing the thoughts of others, feeling their emotions and seeing their auras. Then,

after a few more minutes, I opened my eyes. The world seemed pixilated, because I was beginning to see

its true form—which is nothing but vibratory light. I then concentrated my calm awareness on a bag of

trash nearby. In a moment, an opaque, white ball of energy flew out of my forehead and smacked the bag.

It popped loudly. I also began seeing reds balls of energy float in my nearby vicinity. (See next page…)



Well the first 3 exercises are very basic, and I don't think anyone could have any problems with those, what I suggest we should practice now is the 4th one(chapter 5:clairaudience) and a couple more

some of the later exercises may take years to get right so we would be wasting time if we were to focus on one exercise at a time, I'm currently at chapter 12-14 and would also recommend those exercises to be attempted by completely new guys too



oh and, ofcourse we should keep practicing those first 3 exercises forever, the following exercises are not as mandatory, shit gets real going on from chapter 15


The go in deeper

How is supose to fell ?

I'm able to stay quiet and eyes close and open for hours, and I can see lights or colour waves, but not more ,can you guys disociate from your bodies? Because that's what seems to imply the going deeper meditation.



Oh yeah, I remember that

It's really nothing fancy, just getting into a deeper state of relaxation, really you should be able to do that in 5 minutes, after a week or two you'll be able to do it in seconds



Its a way of going from alpha to theta. When you move deeper into the meditation you are not as aware of your body. Visuallize falling and try to make yourself really feel it.


alright I'm off to practice and sleep, I hope you guys do too



Yep, good luck with the pratice.


Did you guys succeed in your practices?

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