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Esoteric Wizardry


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i was promised a succubus and im not leaving until i get one now you motherfuckers tell me how to get one


where were you promised this?


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a thread on r9k


they're easy to contact, but you'd have to put in some weeks of work to develop your senses

or you could do some shitty western rituals, there's likely some in the few succubi threads here.



Deleted my other post because freedomboard is now down and I had to find it on the archive.

Here you go.

Please stick to the questions thread for any questions, this thread breaks rule 2.


I started my wizardhood by summoning a succubus, from a ritual in that thread. Nothing happened but a week later I met a girl, she stole all my loosh, tricked me into loving her and then broke my heart. Succubus or coincidence. Either way it hurt like a bitch, but I'd do it again.

Good luck OP.


pls don't do this, complete waste of time and energy, stop masturbating and get a real girlfriend, if you feel you're lacking in some way to get the girl of your dreams, fix your shit, there is enough information here to do this, I also suggest you hurry up since these threads might get wiped



Why will the threads be wiped?




Yeah I assume, I don't know for a fact but a lot of people are just urging everyone to archive everything



Would anybody be interested in a thread dedicated to archival? Since people are continuing to use this site until something happens, any archives will be out of date.

I have many (59) threads archived, but only since the 20th of December. Hopefully Josh will freeze the site in place for a while before forcing everybody to go to Infinity Next, and I can rearchive the threads then. But in the case that he doesn't do that, I will update threads that I see need updating.



Idk, since discovering this site I've read through completely every single thread and have everything that would be of worth or interest to me copied down in a pdf file



>there is enough information here to do this


I was under the impression you guys talked about magic, not picking up girls.



by fixing your shit I meant fixing everything about you that you yourself deem inferior



Most anons here use magic for pretty mundane shit like self improvement.

Instead of sending lustful thoughtforms to women you want, people here actually try to make themselves attractive and well balanced human beings but using magic instead of being /fit/ and having a good job.



why is self improvement mundane?


can i be ur succubus tonite? D:



what? your post doesn't make sense



r u a qt?


Khans Chi thread is getting saved right?



It isn't.


Can I use magicks to help increase confidence?



easy as fuck, even complete fedoras know how to do it, it's not even magick, honestly I don't even know why people ask about emotional health here

when you go to sleep, repeat to yourself in your mind that you're confident until you fall asleep, or, if you're unconfident about some feature of yourself, supress it, for eg: you think your smile looks bad or some dumb shit, repeat in your mind: "my smile looks good"

If you want real magick though, create a thoughtform and charge it enough to fix the thing you're not confident about



What about motivation? I consider myself on all accounts a confident person, but I tend to have a serious lack of motivation when it comes to either starting something new or continuing something I've already started



same as with confidence, repeat before going to sleep something along the lines of "I am motivated to (the thing you need to do)" Make a phrase that best suits you, though the saying always has to be in present time and cannot contain negative words. So sentences like

"I will be motivated" Or "I do not lack motivation" will not work quite as well as "I am motivated"



Thanks so much. I'll keep lurking.

Any recommended literature for absolute beginners? I downloaded the Fringe Books & Files pack but I have absolutely NO idea where to start.


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Here are my recommendations


In order;

Hero's Journey [song]


Book of Knowledge (and/or) You Forever

Then if you wanted more practical exercises;

Initiation into Hermetics

Or if you wanted to get a better grasp of how metaphysics works and the overall cosmic view:

Transcending the Matrix Control System

You can read Ageless Living anywhere in there. It's pretty easy to digest.



pretty much what this guy says


and you should also read robert bruce's book on energy manipulation since the book of knowledge doesn't go in depth enough on the subject



Here's some explanation on motivation or what "wills" us to do things.

See, we are inhabiting these bodies which seem to be strung by desire and exterior forces(thoughtforms). As if we're being controlled against our will just because the energy is there(Thoughtforms give potential energy).

So there's a way to take advantage of this system and how it works. You want to start by deciding what it is you wish to do. Perhaps you want to start up a new hobby or habit for example. Well then all you simply need to do is imagine yourself performing it while in bed at night(In a relaxed state the mind is more malleable). Affirm to yourself that you will do it with your feelings. It's all about the emotions you feel. The visualization does not matter as long as you have strong emotions towards it. Now next day you will have a thought pop up into your head telling you to do exactly what you visualized previously. It will feel as if you're being guided smoothly towards it. You need to use whatever shred of will you have left to do it. If you can keep this up for two days you'll have a habit. After that motivation does not matter as you're performing it on routine.

Magic is the process of manipulating the subconscious mind which makes up around 90% (give or take) of our life. We're beings of routine and habit. What makes a man is what he does in his day. To control the subconscious you simply need to combine intention with emotions as this breaches the barrier between the conscious and subconscious mind. Even if you need to perform the visualization, autosuggestion or whatever tool for a couple days. Keep at it and you'll be just fine.


Sure is. https://archive.is/yBfJR



You might also want to read "Magickal use of thoughtforms", "creating magickal entities", "chasing phantoms"to get a better understanding of thoughtforms



Mmmm dem some good bukes you bettas gibs me dat

Messing around with astral entities takes discernment and is not to be taking lightly.


Messing around with astral entities requires discernment and is not to be taken lightly.




/r9k/ Anon, the best advice I'll personally give you is to get the hell off /r9k/ completely. Do it. Don't go on any other similar boards either. It poisons the mind with negativity.

To answer your question; if you truly want a succubi to satisfy your sexual urges, there's a lot of content on this board to help you with that, but please be advised that you'll be eventually making a terrible mistake with that undertaking. Think you feel like shit now? It'll get worse in that aspect eventually. You're better off improving yourself in an infinite amount of different ways, all using the energy of sexual desire you currently have. Naturally, you'll attract women to have sex with if that's your goal if you do it this way.


>sexual urges




how can I improve myself? I'm not that attractive



Succubus are a being that exists as a native to the astral plane/level of existence/density of consciousness, and due to being an entity that is on a higher plane of awareness than you, especially one that is STS, one must be careful not to be manipulated.



Can a succubus reshape my body (if I allow it)? I had one telling me things would happen if I stopped masturbating.



I really want about how to develop my senses in the astral plane.

I've reached it easily. but all sensations there felt weak.

Any advice on that?
























I don't want to simply imagine things on the astral plane.

Care to elaborate on that please?



Your astral senses work through your imagination. You need to be able to visualize something to a level of detail to be able to receive an impression of that same level of detail.



There's nothing physical about succubi you will feel, except for a wank, if you don't have a girlfriend to willingly (and stupidly) embody it.

Go back to r9k now if this is all you need to know


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This is a decision you will regret for the rest of your life m8



There really is no way to archieve physical sensation with magick? not even a a magickal fleshligh?



just go to /hypno/ fag



This is completely not true. I have fucked succubus and felt everything. Their breath, the weight of their body, heard their moans, EVERYTHING.

Your astral senses just aren't developed enough.



It is entirely possible fuck you can even move objects (psychokinesis).

Just learn Earth magick. Basically you imagine touching things, imagine pressures, run your astral hand through objects and feel their weight, etc.

This will build up the etheric / Earth energy that relates to space, gravity, solidity, etc. and will allow you to move objects, reshape objects, heal your body, etc.

I have done it myself. I know it works. It's really that simple. I want you right now after you're done reading this post to start imagining running your hand along walls, through your hair, etc. and also to actually physically do it and then think about and re-imagine it.

Do it lots, for hours, and make sure to eat a good diet with lots of fats too because this is really going to overclock your brain, likely raise your body temperature, and cause you to burn out on energy fast.

After about a hundred hours of practise you should be getting good results if conditions are right.

The other key here is the use of emotions btw; if you do this in a highly emotional state you will have great, rapid success. If you do it an emotionally flat way, you won't progress at all. So work up a lot of enthusiasm, or fear, or whatever else to propel you forward in your development here. The emotions are the key to all magick; they are what we call "loosh" and they are the operative force, the cause of all things.


The book Energy Work by Robert Bruce will also help you with this.

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