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When I play video games I get really mad. I probably let off a lot of my precious loosh that the archons feed upon. I don't want to be a source for loosh anymore.

Is there any exercises or meditations I can do while playing video games that will keep me calm so I don't give off any loosh? Any mantras or ideas that you can think of?

Also perhaps I give off loosh when I am not even playing video games. Is there a way to prevent the archons from stealing my loosh?



Heal the liver. And learn the 6 healing sounds. Or at least the liver sound.


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I'll just leave this right here…


What I would do is take a zen approach to it. Non attachment to winning or losing. There is a lesson to be learned in everything, even anger. Reflect on why you feel that way, and if you can not find a suitable answer, then simply choose not to. If you simply can not help it, see:



I wonder too, OP, since most on /fringe/ play the game and it can make one angry at times.

Can someone into buddhism confirm whether it's a healthy way of thinking:

"Oh, this game made me angry. I feel anger. Fascinating how a game can make a human angry"

Is this mindfulness or unhealthy suppression by intellectualization? We're are told not to judge anger and other emotions, only become aware of them. Does approaching anger with curiosity count as a form of judging?


Alright guys thanks for the suggestions. I have been managing my anger a lot better in playing video games.

It's still really hard though and I have to constantly be mindful of my actions. I can't let these goddam reptilians take my loosh anymore.



Personally after becoming aware of the anger (or what ever else), I then would then seek to become aware of why you are feeling that way.

Remember, fundamentally, there is naught in creation but love. Fear is simply the separation from love. All emotions branch from one of these and thus can be traced back.

Why are you angry? What are you afraid of? Why do you think you should feel fear? Is it truly rational? Is it beneficial? If not, why continue feeling it?

>Does approaching anger with curiosity count as a form of judging?

I would say not.


>not making sigils to catch your emotions during a video game session

>fucking plebs



>not making a sigil that constantly catches, purifies, and delivers loosh back to you



>making sigils


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lmfao, omg

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