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Esoteric Wizardry


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I need to talk about some shit that nobody is supposed to talk about. Even when posting on an anonymous image board. What I am going to say will be written off as role play by many, and "fake and gay".

Only a few will know what I am saying, and that is fine with me. I just need to say it.

I am not a wise man, and I am definitely not a wizard. {I wish} However I am aware of where I am.

I was "enlightened" last year by some very cool people that noticed my "eye" for the paranormal. My "eye" gives me the ability to pick up on spooky things much faster than most. People tell me I am what is called "empathic", or an "empath". I just figured I was sensitive and had "gut feelings" more than most. I never understood my ability and I let it go to waste for most of my life. I hate myself for this. My life could have been so much more fulfilling had I just followed my instincts. Oh well, too late for that now!

You probably think I am a troll. I am not making this up. I have an ability to sense things and I have not been wrong yet. That is why I am so miserable. I truly hope that I am wrong about what I see. I really do.

I saw something today that disturbed me so deeply I fear that I will never be in a light mood again. Bear in mind that I began my spiritual awakening as an avid browser of /x/, so there is very little that makes me cringe or cower.

Even in real life I have seen things that most people will only read about or see in movies. People that know me consider me a "tough" guy. I do not scare easily. I will say that.

I could not figure out what I had seen at first. It took a few minutes before it sank in. My "gut" was giving me stronger signals than ever before that something was wrong. Even before I really understood why.

>I know you fucks are going to say "well tell us what the fuck was going on then! What is the point of talking about it? You are a fucking faggot and you should kill yourself!

I understand why you think that,and you have every right to call me every name in the book. But I will not talk about it. This is on a level beyond any "snuff film" or demonic shit. This is crossing a line that should not even exist. Even if I did tell you, you would not believe me.

After that, I have absolutely no doubts that reality is not the same anymore. I had kept a small doubt [or hope] in the back of my mind, but now I know exactly where the fuck I am.

Reality is, I can't warn anyone. There are still a few people I care about, and I want to them of the danger, but I know this would be unwise. They would honestly become concerned for my mental health and safety. On top of that, they would disregard everything I said and then possibly overlook a warning. [another reason I will not post the specifics]

I feel sick now. I just want to sleep, and not wake up.

This is fucked anons! Everything is fucked! We are fucked!

There is no possibility of getting out of this alive either. Enjoy the time you have. Try and do the things that make you happy. Do not worry about the stupid shit that does not matter in the long run. None of that matters. Nothing matters anymore. This situation is hopeless, and there is nothing we can do.

I have no more words. Thank you for letting me speak.

Good Luck, and God Bless…

[pic is of my tulpa without "make up"] another clue to my current living situation…



It doesn't matter if real,troll or roleplaying.

You are stupid for not giving any detail and expecting any level of seriousness on replies.


I'm sort of like you anon except I realized we were fucked first, then looked towards the paranormal second. The only thing you can do now is enjoy every moment as if it might be the last. Honestly, it's not that bad when you treat every shower/hot meal/night in a comfortable bed under a roof/conversation with a loved one like it's the last. I just hope that there's something out here with our backs and if that's not the case then I'd rather not exist in this kind of hell for much longer anyway.



If I gave details you would not believe me. I am still kind of fucked up from it and do not like thinking about it. If it gets posted, this thread will 404 in a matter of minutes. As did the one I saw. You will probably find out soon enough….


what has me fucked up is how blatant and "out in the open" these things are getting, I have always known they exist. I just had no idea how idea how nauseating they are. I still feel like vomiting when I think about what they are made of.

>I'd rather not exist in this kind of hell for much longer anyway.

They will not let us have the sweet release of death. Only more pain and suffering. THings will just keep getting worse. This all just psychological torture..

I HOPE I AM WAY OFF BASE HERE… and I hope something helps us fight as well,,,,


An empath is that what that is? I just thought I had strong instincts. Also what about the visions of becoming really famous and bringing good into the world?


What does death matter anyway?


>An empath is that what that is? I just thought I had strong instincts.

Empath is one who feels the emotions of others, they tend to work to help them feel better.

I surmise you have those instincts from being in threatening situations.

I can tell if something dangerous is about to happen as well.

>Also what about the visions of becoming really famous and bringing good into the world?

Pure fantasy! (;

Nah, just kitten; you (and anyone with uncommon power to get here) can do it! mang


>They will not let us have the sweet release of death. Only more pain and suffering. THings will just keep getting worse. This all just psychological torture..

so, is suicide/quitting while you're ahead an option then? in your view, of course. I don't know whether to believe you; easier not to believe you, but act in the way you're saying; to enjoy every day.



I kinda always did that with people. Just seemed right. Like when I walk by someone I can "feel" their energy. It's like a combo of body language and just kinda their presence.



Look at it this way, it's only torture if you make it torture. Drawing an analogy from stoic philosophy, but I believe it can be applied to our current situation as much as it can be to everyday mundane life, you contain the power to be impacted negatively or to not be impacted at all whether it be something as mundane as verbal insults to the kind of suffering you're talking about.

If you lack the capacity to be insulted or affected, then do those who wish to see good people harmed have power? If you can face your attackers with the mindset that they cannot harm you, or at least knowing that whatever harm they can bring would only be temporary, then there really isn't any point in worrying about what's to come.

What it comes down to is "control what you can control". Fear and worry are what makes us slaves, you're as free as you make yourself.


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No, I hear you. Fear is a program they have installed to keep us in line. I understand that. It is not so much that I am afraid, it is more or less that I am disgusted by EVERYTHING around me.

I have nothing worth fighting for. I am being completely honest about that too. I am not trying to sound edgy.

Everybody in my immediate surroundings seems to be under some type of spell. I have enemies that I used to consider best friends, and I honestly couldn't even tell you why. I sense hatred, hostility, and stupidity in every person that I come into contact with. It has NEVER been this unbearable.

There are nights [such as last night] I see energies swarming me and manipulating my surroundings to make for spite. There are times it feels like I am wearing clothes made out of pins and needles because of so much malevolent energy directed my way.

I am not scared. I knew this story was not going to have a happy ending when it began. I am just having a very hard time finding reasons to keep going.

And after today, I knew that I HAD to get some of this off my chest or I would implode.

I used to have a group that I ran with when I was trying to be a gangster. We called ourselves "Tree City Soldiers" [the city we lived in pet name was tree city]. We were dumb as fuck, sold drugs, got in fights, and pretended we were hardest clique to ever exist. I cringe at the stupid shit we did, but I miss the chemistry we once had. It felt like I had a true family. I knew they would put themselves in harm's way to protect me, and I would do the same for them. No matter how dangerous or risky. No matter how scared I was, I would still get in the car and go do what whatever it was we did.

Nowadays, I cannot think of anyone that would care if I needed help. It has been this way for a long time, but things are building up. And the weight is becoming far too heavy for me to bear anymore.

I try and remind myself there are bigger things at stake right now than me and my stupid ass feels, but it becomes less meaningful every day. Taking the an hero exit does not appeal to me either. It seems cowardly. I may be stupid, but I sure as hell ain't a pussy.

I am rambling. Sorry….


OP, seek your inner spiritual guide, what you see is normal for people wich open the third eye, but without a good spiritual base you can fuck your mind by fear. Just remember that anything you see is the same as you, not in your soul evolutionary level, but as alive as you; thus should be cared and loved. Most monsters people fear are just lost and afraid underdeveloped souls, our brothers.

Sorry about the broken english, not native and still learning.


>hey guys i saw smething rly horrible lol

>but im not gonna tell u what it was

>still gonna create a thread because im 12 yo and love RP

Good job OP, now if you have nothing to contribute please fuck off



what i saw walks among us. probably has for a very long time. they would seem different or odd if you were passing them on the street, but not in an alarming way. most just think of them as "strange". As did I.

I am a man that has seen many things. Terrible things. Both in human form and otherwise.

In other words, this is not my first rodeo…

I did not think it possible for something to be this sick, harmful, and disgusting.

I would usually say "just kill it with fire" but in this instance, I would be so disturbed and violently ill that I would not have the courage to get close enough to kill it. I never thought something could ever make me feel this way.

I am truly fucked up .

This was a whole new level of evil. In both sight and mind. I did not think that was possible….


OP, if you tell us, maybe we can find a way to defend against this thing.

What walk among us?



Okay I'll tell you it's really scary but I'll tell you all.

It's the jews, I just learned that the jews control the world…





Your fear is irrational, anon. Your fear keeps you bound to this torture plain. Keep a clear head and snap out of it. Humanity may be fucked, but we are not eternally damned. There is always hope. There is even light within the dark.

Now, i can guess what you saw, since more here have felt the sunset of man. If you go all the way to post this on an imageboard, you'd better tell the rest of it. You are not the only one, there are other 'sensors'. At least give tiny hints, details or anecdotes so we can see if you're on the same track.


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maybe I am completely wrong about the connections I am seeing. Maybe this is all in my head and I am just paranoid.

I had no idea what I was watching go on here. It took me a few minutes.

I won't say anything else. You should draw your own conclusions and connections. Maybe you will all laugh and call me a dip shit. I do not know.

Just take note of the title.

Also, thread 404'd within minutes after it went up. And no, it was not anywhere near the limit



ding ding!



Jesus Christ that's fucked up.

How did you get there?

Sadly, i can see a connection, even if you're RPing


>implying I won't be fine due to inedia, teleportation, being able to shift out of the physical and back in, etc. allowing me to keep humanity going



what the fuck is going on in that webm


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last part of sex change surgery.


what connection?

There is no point in creating a thread warning about an apocaliptical event if there is no information to be given about it. OP has as much credibility as the local hobbo saying "the end is near".

Give us any information at all. Could e anything.



not going to speak to a single one of you



The Jews are still waiting on their beloved 'Messiah', and they are right when they say that Jesus isn't him.

They have carefully laid out a plan to

1. Take control of the current world

2. Destroy it

3. Present a figure who will rebuild the world

4. Rule the world

The woman in the webm isn't a coincidence, even though OP is a messed up faggot. The messiah of the Jews, the king of Israel that will overthrow each and every government and king, will be born in human form. The woman spews out the filth in the world.

This messiah will be presented as a liberator and a benefactor to humankind. People will embrace him after all the hardships and sorrow. He is the so-called Lucifer. Don't be fooled though, you are only sustenance to him.

I may sound like a biblefag, but I'm not even christian. This is their endgame, this is the whole plan of the synagogue of satan/saturn.

They will keep souls here for as long as possible, while enslaving them and using them for their selfish needs. Locked in time and space, a place of no return and spiritual stagnation.


btw that is NOT a sex change operation. Look it up. Bruce Jenner could confirm.

Clown… Ropes….

anyone see the other webm featuring the clown and an * yr old???

clowns. they are sometimes not just circus performers


OP, I see it too. Archons, reptilians, greys, ifrits, demons and more. They are everywhere because Pandora's box was opened years ago.

The movie called: Branded, might give you some inspiration and insight into how it looks like.

The big mistake you are doing OP, is that you are letting fear rule you. And by telling us that you are afraid, you are indirectly trying to project the fear unto others and do the work of all the demons.

You must face the demons, both externally and internally. You must see beyond the image they project, the image that makes you scared.

If you call yourself tough after being able to see beyond the veil, then you can be inspired by me that see the beauty of these creatures. Little greys comes to me and I help them. They are lost, they are scared and it's their nature to do what they do.

Man must conquer his fear, he cannot live until then.

The future you think you saw, or the world you see right now, it is a possible reality. But you can choose. You can choose any day to live in paradise. Just eliminate your fears, your apathy, your ego.

You decide what things means. You decide the emotion you react with. You can observe your life, your actions and thoughts before the reaction. Read about Pandora's box. All the demons must return to the box, but not like you think it has to. This is the inner battle, the warrior's path.

You are not alone. Do not think for a second that you are alone.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I believe some of you creating the same connections I have been making. Or maybe I am retarded.

but my house has become a very windy place since I posted that.

So here is another evil piece of shit slippin out of costume….

look at the nose



is there any other way out except for the sweet release of death?


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ironically all of my pics were deleted after a system crash 2 days ago. I had 2 laptops, and the BOTH crashed deleting all of my content.

I had MANY more examples.

This swine in pics works for Microsoft btw



They (Archons, demons, in this physical reality the Jews) will take every esoteric piece of information and destroy it. They will make everyone slaves through the lack of information. It will be the biggest loosh farm in history. No one will know what they are, who they are and where they come from. Everyone will be locked in 3rd density and our overlords will be the only source of information.

Herein lies their weakness. Free yourself from ignorance. Don't fall for their tricks and keep the information alive. They fear your power.


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i was thinking they are just biding their time. I know they will get me eventually, but I am definitely going down swingin'!


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i do not know much about the greys. that is very cool to know that.

It is just so overwhelming at times. and maybe I am not alone, but it definitely looks and feels like I am alone.

I suppose you are right. I just need to stop being a coward. Gloomy and certain there is no chance of anything positive coming about.

Some days I just want this fucked up reality to be over and done with. I wish that people like us could regroup, and work together as a crew. Go "hands on" so to speak.


I am not above it

take this back to the old western times when people were not afraid of this regime of shitty beings…


I'm too tired of teaching people like you, OP, so I'll make it as short as possible. Pay attention, because your current lack of awareness about certain truths could drive you to bed in a psychiatric hospital. Your case is as typical as it gets and there are many like you, although you have this advantage that you're still able to read this post with rational mind (I hope)

Normally mundanes don't access what you do. You have access, but without the understanding that should come before your ability. You were born with it, or activated it too soon because of genetic conceidence etc.

Think of it a bit as premature kundalini

Think of it as being 2 year old and getting spooked by animal who suddenly jumped from behind the corner. At the moment it's the most horrifying thing

Had you acquire enlightenment in the right order, you would only start to see these things after your attained your understanding. The understanding is knowledge, awareness, that extreme forms of fear and bliss exist and the extremely horrifying is beautiful because it's part of the universe, and without it, the bliss wouldn't exist. If I entered your head and turned one little switch, the extreme horror you see would become extreme beauty. I'd start switching back and forth every second until you'd overload and finally undertood the truth. You'd be able to look in the eyes of Primordial Fear of Darkness Metaphorized in Form of a Monster and instead becoming insane, you'd appreciate it for what it is.

Your problem is that you're able to see but you don't know anatomy of your eye. Either acquire awareness, or surrender and go to a doctor. You'll start living numbed down existence on drugs, but that's better that insanity


This thread changed from "unspecified apocalipse!" to "It's the jews!" really fast.

I get it, but anyone has a aproximate date or specific plans?

I supect syrian refugee imigration to EU to be part of it.


Any quick guide that teach how to start seeing/noticing them? Would dmt open my third eye permanently?


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you are correct on just about everything you said. Kind of strange you mention genetic coincidence…

all that I understand is the negativity that oozes from these things. None of them seem to be here for anything good.

For example, I saw a little old man the other day. Only, I could see that it was not a little old man. I did not get scared. I did not get aggressive. in fact I thought it was kind of cool. However, he obviously could tell that I can see, because when he walked by me his eyes turned completely black. I was not rude to him, and I did not mean him any harm. but he still gave me the black eye stare. Now why?

How is that beautiful? He should have smiled instead. I did not ask for this shit. It happened a lot as a child but then it went away. Now it is back. So how am I supposed to handle this?

What is the correct thing to do? Why are you tired of teaching people like me? Why don't you try and help people like me? What makes you so special that you see beauty in this dimension?

Do you [or do you] know my Dad?


why do you want to see this shit?



I want to see how things really are, I don't want to live like the others who only see the material world, even if reality is scary, I wan to see.



why is this scary as fuck? it's just a weird dude walking but it sends shivers down my spine



i can respect that. but the condescending wizard up there has a point. You should understand before you see. Take it from somebody who is seeing right now, but has no idea what the fuck he is looking at.

I wish there was a wizard willing to teach me instead of acting like my existence is an annoyance because he had to take the time to write a post about it.

I am not accustomed to wizard culture I guess. Because in all honesty, I can tell he is a special being and others probably bow in his presence, but I do not like being called a "mundane" and talked to like a nigger.

I am going to stop talking about that now

Even if it is Merlin himself… He is rude



>but I do not like being called a "mundane" and talked to like a nigger.

this made me top kek



placebo effect




oh ok



if you don't notice it, then just walk away now….

we are role playing faggots making up shit, LARPING at it's finest…..

just find something else to do….


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I can tell you why wizards generally are tired and annoyed of people like you. World works based on beliefs. World isn't going to be doomed as long as there are healthy-thinking people who maintain the balance. But then there is you, who is too powerful too soon, and can't control your own fears, and preach the world will be doomed. World won't be doomed because of the entities you see (they always had been here). World will be doomed if there is a lot of people who believe world will be doomed. These people let their fears run rampart and scatter all around the world. The sense of coming doom you feel is one of silly memes that constitute this meme circus that we call reality. The horrifying thing you saw, no matter how horrifying it was, is some kind of meme entity also. Most likely a fragment of some very basic animal fear that our ancestors felt when they had to sleep in jungle without fire or whatever. These are the strongest. With enough mental awareness and knowledge on history, human culture, philosophy, occultism, psychology, mysticism, neuroscience etc. you can identify it, and then take it on your couch and watch My Little Pony together and tell each other bane jokes eating chips. This is why word wisard comes from "wise".



>knowledge on history, human culture, philosophy, occultism, psychology, mysticism, neuroscience

none of these things hold any truth


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so this is my fault? I am an asshole for seeing things I am not supposed to see? I am responsible for helping usher in the end of days because I had to talk the things I have seen?

You are a fucking asshole. What kind of arrogant piece of shit looks down on somebody for needing to talk about their fear?

"wise" my hairy ass.

you are all so fucking enlightened that you believe helping and teaching others is beneath you.

what have you done to help this situation?

you call us "mundanes". you have this uppity attitude and act as if speaking to me is beneath you.

It is actually YOU who are beneath me. You may understand esoteric, but you know jack shit about the world we actually have to live in.

Yes, you have the ability to fuck me up with spells, hexes, and curses.

But if we were in the same room and you talked to me with that shitty tone, I would turn out your lights.

fucking wizards.

It is so disappointing that you all act like you are God's gift to humanity. I would never tolerate your treatment towards others.

Thanks for the fucking post. so glad you graced this thread with your presence.


I was hoping you were the good guys…..

fuck i hate the world



This board is NOT for role-playing. gtfo.



You are bait.



you're a manlet lmao



I am not the guy you replied to but..

>you are all so fucking enlightened that you believe helping and teaching others is beneath you.

If you want to learn, we can help. Read the sticky thread books and ask questions on the question thread to learn.

>I am responsible for helping usher in the end of days because I had to talk the things I have seen?

Yes. This actually makes the end of days closer. Think "Law of Atraction". I hate that term but it kinda describes well this situation.

World is not doomed yet.



you are a mental giant legendary status


I don't know what that means but Gandalf and Merlin are making me want to lash out, so…


your ma's a manlet..



I do want to learn.

but I will never get along with people that think their shit doesn't stink.

and I blast off at the mouth before I think.

>not a good combo

thank you though. you are the first one that seems does not have a snotty tone. I appreciate that. And I have downloaded the montalk "beginner's guide", but something disabled both of my pc's and destroyed all of my files.


coincidence of course…


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>why do you want to see this shit?

Because it helps with mastering it. That way you are no longer a slave to the unseen, blown about by forces unawares.

Steel yourself anon. Know they can not truly hurt you. Only you can do that. You are nothing but an awareness, all else is an illusion created by awareness. This post is gold >>67745


>I am not accustomed to wizard culture I guess.

The reason for the 'rudeness' is because you come bearing complaints and then do not want to even put in the effort to help yourself. You instead are trying to convince others it's all pointless and hopeless. You my friend are in the valley, it gets better, but you most get through it yourself. We can guide you, but you must walk.

>you, who is too powerful too soon, and can't control your own fears

This is why one must master oneself, why having a good stable foundation (of the lower chakras before going higher) is best.


Be gone, and come back once you have actually studied and empirically tested them.


>so this is my fault?

In part. You went where some one in at your level is not supposed to go. Now you must deal with it and grow without the ignorant bliss.

>I am responsible for helping usher in the end of days because I had to talk the things I have seen?

No, but stop doomsaying. The world shall be what people collectively manifest it to be. The mind, and the mind of the collective is an extremely powerful thing. The world can be anything, literally. So make the best of it, not the worst.

And remember, even if paradise is not here not, it does not mean your manifestation is not on it's way. This is where faith is very, crucially, important.

>What kind of arrogant piece of shit looks down on somebody for needing to talk about their fear?

You misunderstand, we're just telling it like it is. Your ego is taking the truth as an insult.

>blah blah, what have you done to help this situation?

We're posting here, for just for you anon.

>It is actually YOU who are beneath me.


>You may understand esoteric, but you know jack shit about the world we actually have to live in.

Au contraire we where all mundane (or more mundane than we are now) at some point. I doubt very many, if any at all, on here actually grew up in a wizard order, immersed in magic from birth. We had to get along and live in the physical world by physical means before we awoke.


Anon… Let go of your anger, it serves no purpose. Also I doubt you actually could truly hurt us, magic gives us powers, and not just spells, real-time influence over the fabric of reality, I think you forget that


Personal advise, get some sage, and cleanse and banish the fuck out of your home and self.

It can be really simple, just declare your intent that they be gone. It is my will that all negative forces, influences, and energies be expelled from my life and home, and that they be forbidden from returning or effecting me. Say it out loud. Repeat as much as you feel is necessary, I would do it until the house feels better and/or for the duration of the cleansing/saging.

Or you can go all out:


As a final addendum, keep your spirits high and try to transmute your emotions by vibrating with ever higher ones.



>Also I doubt you actually could truly hurt us, magic gives us powers, and not just spells, real-time influence over the fabric of reality, I think you forget that

You get that through meditation do you not? I doubt some ascended yogi master would hurt anyone


Details or GTFO, faggot.

The fuck you seen, OP? Come on, bro.



It is through meditation that one knows oneself (as more than just the flesh).

And you are correct, I would not hurt any one, but I nonetheless have the ability to defend myself.



>I nonetheless have the ability to defend myself.

with magick?



So, no foolproof way to start seeing shit like OP?

i have access to mushrooms, would it help me?


I read Dresden Files too, OP.


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All you need is the forgotten farther or the old gods, they will cheer you up and keep you occupied enough to forget about the shithole around you



next time you see one of these plebs in your lobby 360 quick-scope them whit Le mighty spear of odin.



yea, energy, body language, everything you can sense has clues, and it's a matter of working out the true from what you want to see, what they want to see, etc.

Since energy potentials have layers and layers and layers, emotions are as such and one feels predominant ones. That doesn't mean the person wants to accept that. So people will refuse to acknowledge that they're sad or whatever.



Do mind that you're talking to what constitutes as 99% armchair wizards. They pretend they know stuff and hide behind fancy words, but they wouldn't be able to move a piece of paper with only their mind when asked. Do yourself a favor and study actual occultism instead of trying to get insight from "occult" psychologists.



fuck sake.

anyone can post anything somewhat screwed up and say "DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS"

and then some people will think of something screwed up and assume that's waht it is.

There's no point in entertaining this thread. It's just masturbational "maybe it's this, maybe it's that." It's like when someone suggests to an author or videogame maker or other artist "hay I bet this idea would be great".


>you are letting fear rule you. And by telling us that you are afraid, you are indirectly trying to project the fear unto others and do the work of all the demons.




what would be actual occultism?



Yes, but that is not to say I'm physically inept either.


Practice practice practice.


It may help open your mind, if you want to try drugs be sure you have a safe and stable place, and also that the psychic atmosphere is good as well.



Just open your chakras. Use khan's qi-gong thread.

quick guide.

OR, if you're that reckless that you want to risk going insane instead of doing it naturally (it's k, several of us are (: I think getting high and looking one of us who did that leering at you would scare you away though, lol. I have a friend who used to scare me like that)

there's a book called awakening the third eye by samuel sagan I think. It's downloadable somewhere. google or torrent it. Good luck, and have fun going insane ^^



>Yes, but that is not to say I'm physically inept either.

Really curious, how would one go about defending themselves magically?


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for fair selection everybody has to take the same exam: please move that paper

You do have a valid point though


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geez, stop trying to be so offended.

We get it, you're scared. But most people aren't treating you like shit, you just assume that since they think of you as not as learned that they're being jerks about it.

I know, there are trigger phrases in there, but you're being over-sensitive.

Some people don't know how to talk to people who have triggers, and the person triggered assumes the other person is to blame for the emotion they are feeling.

You're responsible for your feelings. If anyone else is an asshole, it's your choice as to whether to be offended.

Take control back, you've given it to other people.

>I can tell you why wizards generally are tired and annoyed of people like you.

yeah, "people like you" is alienating. But that's only the case if you already assume that something is wrong with you, and want to hurt other people when they make you feel that.

(No More Mr. Nice Guy is a mundane book a bit about this, externalizing validation)

>you, who is too powerful too soon, and can't control your own fears

You'll be fine. Trust in love and light. You are always safe and protected by those above you; ask for help in a thread, maybe the question thread, for who to invoke if you can't do it yourself. I know I'm already protected.

The things that person said are all very logical and valid, but it's hard for someone to bridge a gap.

For example, if you started talking to someone mundane about your experiences/spirituality, they'd eventually start to assume you're better than them, and assume that you think you're better than them for having something they cannot access (they just think they can't).

Try not to be offended by things; it's often silly.



oh and ilu <3




>it is actually YOU who are beneath me

that's all relative. Everyone is where they are, and only perception makes one "above" and "below". It's all repeating, as above, so below.

No one is superior or inferior, except in certain metrics, and who cares about the metrics of others.



There is a number of different ways. The ones I'm at least somewhat familiar with involve disruption of the energy flows thought the flesh of another being, projection of energy for disruption of thought patterns and confusion of emotions, direction of energy for force amplification of 'physical' strength and resilience to damage, and then you just have the sort of 'passive luck' that wizards have that typically manifests such situations of our our paths or should it come to us, we can, through sheer force of our aura defuse the situation.


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You're right and I'm sorry. I fell into automatic pattern of thinking about schizophrenics and started generalizing them based on my past experiences. Perhaps the universe is speaking through you to remind me I'm slowly losing my humanity. It happens to people who temper with their mind and reprogram their emotions. On their way to what initially was supposed to be freedom, they sell their soul and one day wake up in a cage they built for themselves.

>It is actually YOU who are beneath me. You may understand esoteric, but you know jack shit about the world we actually have to live in.

These words vibe with something I could define as genuine protest against soulless detachment, a testament of humanity which in itself is source of high power in magic. It has to do with feeling that goodness and authenticity will prevail. If you understand this emotion I'm talking about and you could replicate it during encounter with your monster-tulpa (you mentioned in the first post), it will have tremendous effect. I see you already felt at least element of this emotion I'm talking about, and it rightly made you criticize my soulless approach to you and your fear.

I'm telling you to replicate this emotion, but it's actually a wrong verb because it implies the mechanical aspect of it. You need to feel it genuinely; Without fear look into eyes of the monster and feel the same way you felt about me when you wrote:

>It is actually YOU who are beneath me. You may understand esoteric, but you know jack shit about the world we actually have to live in.

You need to feel contempt for the ugliness of the "monster" you're facing the same way as when you were repulsed by my hypocrisy and my condescending tone. ''Your ugliness is an offence to harmony, beauty and humanity. I sentence you to eternal damnation". You can improve it stylistically so that it has more force and is more poetic. Excuse me but English is my fourth language and I never use it speaking to entities, I learned to banish just using emotions and images because I didn't want my landlord to think I'm crazy when I was living with him.

This method won't work if your fear overpowers you. Besides, there's a sentence in your post that, if really it constitutes part of you, this part of you could be an obstacle:

>fuck i hate the world

In order for it to work, you need to KNOW that there is order in the universe, that there is whatever god you like, and whoever he is, it's good and the truth, and you're con-tempting the entity in the name of it. God here works best as your ideals in life. If you banish demon with notion that you hate the world, you're basically a higher demon banishing lesser demon.

There is also a better way, but way more complex and demanding, and it won't destroy your tulpa but recycle it and turn it into something different along the lines of a dole of doves or a pretty lady depending of metaphors your subconscious uses and depending whether the tulpa was originally part of you or is outside construct. If it came from outside more than from you, then it gets even more complex, but essentially all entities in the world are part of you to a degree. In order to employ this technique you need to calmly look into her until you start to feel there's something like despair or sadness, or contempt for the world. It could be a slight glazed look, a tear in her eye that you didn't see before because you was too preoccupied with the scary features of her face (open mouth with sharp teeth, primordial connotation of dangerous wild animal, sight that men in history saw before their death and thus it was strongly imprinted on one of terraces of our collective hell). Anyway, what you do is you hug her and love her, you share her pain and suffering. Which should be easy because it's actually the exact same suffering, feeling of approaching doom, and fear you experience now. It really is, because she is you. You accept her as she is as and you cry in each other arms and love each other absolutely and unconditionally. It sounds sad but sadness in such catharsis is actually pleasantly purifying and in this case will be accompanied by tremendous visions of unifying forces, mountains, water, fire ebbing and flowing together with each other in harmony. A sense of absolute order, unity, harmony and peace that always was, is, and will be. Although it could be different. I really shouldn't tell what happens next because in fact, whatever I'm writing here could affect your reality and make it happen - then, you'll experience my predictions and you don't want to live by illusions of others, but see the truth from within that applies only to you. I can only tell you that whatever happens you'll feel good.



a manlet is a man-boy. a boy in the body of a man. a "man" who doesn't take responsibility for his own feelings and actions, in spite of the actions and feelings of others, when he feels right.

So, lashing out is generally not constructive.


>I will never get along with people that think their shit doesn't stink.

that is your perception of them. that doesn't mean they think that of themselves.

>I blast off at the mouth before I think.

maybe try a vipassana meditation retreat. it is supposed to teach you to simply sense things. see them as they are, not to believe anything about them.


oh. this guy already said everything I was going to say.




>You're right and I'm sorry. I fell into automatic pattern of thinking about schizophrenics and started generalizing them based on my past experiences. Perhaps the universe is speaking through you to remind me I'm slowly losing my humanity. It happens to people who temper with their mind and reprogram their emotions. On their way to what initially was supposed to be freedom, they sell their soul and one day wake up in a cage they built for themselves.

only that person thinks so.


>These words vibe with something I could define as genuine protest against soulless detachment, a testament of humanity which in itself is source of high power in magic. It has to do with feeling that goodness and authenticity will prevail. If you understand this emotion I'm talking about and you could replicate it during encounter with your monster-tulpa (you mentioned in the first post), it will have tremendous effect. I see you already felt at least element of this emotion I'm talking about, and it rightly made you criticize my soulless approach to you and your fear.

whoa. Those are some nice words that I can apply to situations I've had. People have had that reaction to me and I apologised as well.

I see it as how far apart in vibes you are, and how much you don't try to go down to their level to show them yours. If you only show them "I'm above you" they'll cry out in fear of their prison.



it's good that you're self-aware enough that you saw that you were being that way. It's hard to tell in text, and the rest of us had assumed that you were simply telling the truth in a not too harsh but detached way.

Because once we've been living with this much truth/energy, giving so much of it at once "burns" someone in a lower vibe.

Kind of like setting something on fire, introducing too much energy at once. There's the ultimate light that adjusts based on comfort/light of another, and there's the beings that assume a status of being higher and that lower beings are held in comtempt. What matters is your intent & the energies you project/effort you put into meeting them at a level slightly higher.

Another metaphor is feeding bread crumbs to a starving person. They can't take a whole loaf of bread or their stomachs will burst, but they will try if you give it to them.


>having emotions


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch carefully.


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I apologized but immediately after I started giving him advice on very intimate, emotional matters, effectively establishing myself in position of power. This act renders the apology artificial and makes the whole thing condescending again. It wasn't my conscious intention, but I did it - unconsciously. Deep down really I am full of myself demon, I guess.

But OP, if you're reading this, let's just agree we're grown men with awareness about how this works. Let's agree our purpose here is to exchange information and gain experiences, not to suck energy off each other to charge our emotional–territorial "Alpha/Beta" circuits

(well, in reality me and 2/3 people in the thread were sucking you off the vital energy with their insults and tone until now. now we don't because now you became aware of it and if you're aware that someone's sucking you off, then it doesn't work anymore. now I'm writing this post to make aware myself, because I wasn't fully aware either, I just wrote my advice to you in rapid avalanche of stream of consciousness just like I'm doing now, and didn't bother to check if perhaps I'm sucking someone off. it's actually very good it turned out like this because now that you know how it works, you'll rarely be sucked off)

Anyway, what was I saying? Ah, offending each other and playing games is something teenagers do on Tumblr or malicious wizards on 8chan. This approach here to remain aware is actually the only one that frees us from the emotional-territorial circuit and grants freedom, just like Nietzsche wanted:

The emotional-territorial circuit is imprinted in the toddler stage. It is concerned with domination and submission, territoriality etc.

The imprint on this circuit will trigger one of two states:

>Dominant, aggressive behavior. This imprint creates an 'alpha' social attitude. Equivalent to the 'top dog' position in the model of Fritz Perls, to 'I'm OK' in the 'life positions' model of Transactional analysis, and to master morality in the model of Friedrich Nietzsche.

>Submissive, co-operative behavior. Equivalent to the 'bottom dog' position in the model of Fritz Perls, to 'I'm not OK' in the life positions model and to Nietzsche-an 'slave morality'.


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Every time you feel offended by words of someone in this thread, realize it's a magic spell. It becomes 70-100% nullified when you're aware of it. Not suppressing it, just being aware of the system. Humans fire such spells all the time with their thoughts or thoughts written into words (then they're more powerful). Wizards do it consciously, mundanes don't.

Now I used word "mundane" which is a very beautiful word. It's because if you are aware enough to stop being offended by the word "mundane", then you're not mundane anymore.

You might feel it's depressing humans are constantly farming each other with thoughts and words like that. But really, there are positive spells as well. Think of the world as a complex organism of such spells, positive or negative, firing constantly like neurons. Neurons aren't good or bad, they just are. Perhaps if you meditated and saw mental map of how it looks like, you'd feel love for the world/higher-self/god because it looks pleasant. The more of this love you feel, the less you'll fear the spooks in your life because you'll find beauty in them too - they're part of this beautiful system and they too, just are. There are hundreds and hundreds of invisible systems like this and they all share each other, and then webs of these share each other between different planes and it goes like this just as many dimensions as you're able to imagine. What's even more beautiful is that the web of insults people send to each other in this thread consists of smaller webs and these of even smaller webs. When you look at some simple things in nature or painting and you get pleasant shivers but don't know exactly why, it means your unconscious is suspended in cosmic inter-dimensional orgasm from appreciating how beautiful and complex the world is in all its systems. And this very orgasm surfaces to your conscious in form of pleasant shivers or just thought "hey, something about that painting feels nice" "hey, this pattern on a flower is pretty". Only tiny portion of these systems is visible in our reality, but there's enough to compare and figure how a bit bigger portion of it could look like.

When you finally get rid of your fears (and it's the truth that you will sooner or later), perhaps you'll decide you really like this stuff. Perhaps you'll like to do other things in life but if you enthusiastically decide to expand your awareness even further, you'll be able to finally join yourself up there. Your up-there yourself is sitting at a shore and wanking to sea waves and his cum is forever. Someone will say I'm sexualizing god appreciating its creation and it's very profanum, but the truth is, this crude metaphor is reflected infinite times in these sea waves that we're wanking to and we are.

>only that person thinks so.

this dispel should ring in your ears at the exact point you finish reading a post and start rationally analyzing it

a statement which expands to:

every time you finish receiving information and start digesting it

but because we do these things simultaneously:

this dispel should ring in your ears every quarter of a millisecond.

or in other words:

every time you change




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Thank You all for the advice and guidance.

I am sorry for my behavior. I am obviously out of my depth here.

It is hard not to assume the worst when you see the world through my eyes…

My reaction to fear has always been aggression, and that has worked for me in the past. Not anymore though…

I need to "hit them books" now….


most worthless thread on /fringe/

>herp derp I won't tell you



um wut



are u unable to read? or unable to see?

either way, there is definitely a problem here….



>fear has always been aggression

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the dark side. I sense much fear in you." - Yoda


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Lrn2 Banish, OP.



>I apologized but immediately after I started giving him advice on very intimate, emotional matters, effectively establishing myself in position of power. This act renders the apology artificial and makes the whole thing condescending again.

right. and justification and other things can make that difficult as well. best to apologise and refrain from explanations.



>bullshit occultism


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Good luck going in raw, I guess.





Good luck going in raw, I guess.



You know….I was hoping since I havnt found anyone else talking about what is to come that I was just losing my mind……everyday now Im just waiting for it, tried warning my parents….they think im crazy now, well I suppose thanks for confirmation.



Details are much apreciated.

Tell us what you know.


HEY OP. you ever saw a grown person becoming a child within a matter of minutes?



and i mean physically.



Alright why not….. In the next couple months but before may souther cali is going to get hitby 6_8 dirty bombs with anthrax being the main weapon, obamer is going to say it was isis, hes gunna take control of U.N., the world is going to become 1 government, going to make contact with aliens…..they are actually demons….also pay realllly close attention to what most celebs are saying, also dont k.ow how but mother fucken kanye west has a massive part in all of this, however I reaaaaly hope im just losing my mind


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Welp, guess we'll know by springtime if you've gone completely batshit or not.



Thanks. We will know soon then.

Fits other random future predictions

Can someone archive this thread please?



Here is to hoping im already loony and nothing is going to happen…seems the more negitive I get the more signs I see…..


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>wow guys, I found this thign that makes my life scary and shit! pic related, scary!


>you won't believe me, after all, /fringe/ believes only in hard science and materialism!

>Yeah anon, as an enlightened 4th density being of enlightened intelligence and heightened awareness to all thoughtwaves of the monad mind of brishna-shiva-kalki I can attest that you're right and everything is scary, now get on my shill-free vegan breatharian diet (with proper chai crystals 50$ each) and become enligthened!

>your post resonates with me…. I feel a darkness…. overtaking me …I had friends…. it all seemed so silly… it's cold and dark…. I'm crawling…. in my skin…. I browsed /x/ but I didn't see anything like this….yet

Pic related, basically.





here's to the satisfaction of inaccuracy.



This is actually what OP did.

>muh fear everything is set to end

>not gonna tell you what i've seen ;^)

Sage rp threads, until OP gives us a proper story.


this thread is stupid


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You're the equivalent to pic related :^)

But seriously though, even if this may be happening, you wouldn't say this:

>Enjoy the time you have. Try and do the things that make you happy.

While warning us with esoteric (lmao) bullshit.

I'm so funny man. I honestly just needed an excuse to post this pic. My point still stands though.



I get that way too. When I see something super-profound to me, I assume I am not allowed to share it [in fact one time I tried to write one realisation down on a phone the phone screwed up and deleted or changed it to be garbled (was years ago)]. I'd had the idea that "god wouldn't want me to share this profound realisation" so I probably screwed it up with energy/magic by thinking of it that way. So that added with fear… I could see why he wouldn't want to share.


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Look OP, any half-decent occultist would tell you this: If you think it all is going to end and you're so totally sure because of mah signs, then it is YOUR world that is going to end.

The message is for you, not for everyone. It is a classical mistake to think what applies to you must apply to the whole world.

So, brace yourself for some deep huge change or maybe for death. I don't care. Its your business, not mine.


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what the fuck,op


guys i know what he saw he watched the grifter


Everyone who is saying "Just relax everything is fine these things are part of the universe. Just love that axe murderer down the street" is a spoiled rich faggot who only achieved pseudo enlightenment because mommy and daddy paid for all the drugs they took at electric faggot festival. Thank you for giving a shit OP. We will defeat every single one of these fuckers if you just hang in there. When I first started figuring shit out I thought that there had to basically be 50% evil and 50% good and that there was no way around that. That is complete fucking bullshit. I spent years trying to defeat that idea through meditation and I did. Not all advances beings (anything like a god) are good. Some of them, like the ones who enslave and torture humanity are fucking shit. All your cries for help are heard from things that don't even exist in this timeline at all. All these hints you get that lead you on the path to destroy evil are from them. There is prison for these evil souls, and they will get theirs for being so fucking pathetic that they had to create people to dominate. All of us who are becoming aware of how shit works are being hunted, but they aren't just outright killing you because they are fucking pussies and know that forces that trump them love you.



You (and others) fighting evil is already part of the great scheme of things.

Your actions are already "calculated" into the balance. For every great deed you do someone will make somenthing horrible.

But that's okay. Because the fight itself serves a purpuse: enlightment of the human race.

I am not saying you should stop, on contrary, but please understand better the universe.



The time you spent meditating should have been studying philosophy, and going where that leads. By philosophy I mean actual philosophy, not the writings of Great Guru Unda Rasheem or Alan Watts or whatever Charlitain suits your fancy. Many of the assholes here will read a bit of Nietzsche at most, and ignore the rest of the entire conversation.

You ascribe your own failure to achieve enlightenment on others, when it is entirely your own doing. Refusing to admit your arrogance and self-deception, you go into a rage at shadows.

The way the world works is that stupidity and ignorance rules. We don't live in a scientific world, we live in one filled with magical thinking and superstition. The average modern human is only moderately less ignorant than a 17th century peasant. There is no massive global evil organization like the Illuminati, just decentralized stupidity.



ok mr high-and-mighty lord, why would you say that without guiding and saying what to actually read?

or are you just an unrepentant douche


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This is a great introduction. It's 15 bucks.



>buying books


What do you take us for? Mundanes?

If I cared more I'd actually find a download for it myself.



ebooks are for mundanes. You want an actual copy that can underline, scribble notes in, and importantly, get you away from the screen.

Mundanes don't read books, and if they do, it's either fiction, self-help crap, or bestseller fodder.

If not this book, there's other great introductions to philosophy. You could go for any one, using your powers of googling to help you select, or you could continue to read shitposts here as your guide to knowledge.



This might be a stupid question, but how does reading philosophy help you in any way other than giving you some ideas on life?


OP here,

No matter what happens, thank you all for showing love and guidance. Your actions have led me closer to truth and God.

I love you all. No matter what. Thank You for the light.




no sir. I have not. why do you ask?



you were right on. I faced death. unexpectedly. I am still here [shit posting].

what's next?


we should stop hating niggers with such passion. They are only being used.

"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."-Jesus Christ said that as they hammered him to a tree.

Say what you will about Jesus, but he man knew some shit….


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sorry for the threat. I could not turn out anyone's lights right now.

Just throwing aggression at fear.[works with most humans]. If you scare me, I will kick your ass! {People really don't fuck with me}

Now that I can't beat up what scares me, I need a new approach…



it completely fucked up my day when i saw it…

that is why I did not want to share it right away…

but now I think it was good that i did….



It can change your outlook, and lead to changes. In a direct sense, philosophy might be the most meaningless pursuit. In an indirect sense, nothing has more meaning than philosophy. Its what philosophy affects that changes, that is the power, not the pure "in-itself".(Which is extremely ironic in many ways, and something the oft-misquoted Nietzche talks about)

"There are no stupid questions, only stupid people"



Everyone "does" philosophy whether they admit it or not. The best definition for philosophy I've seen is the study of fundamental problems, such as what is knowledge, what is moral/ethical, what is beautify, what is existence and being, what does it mean to be human (from the existential perspective) what method of governance should we have, and what is meaning itself.

Philosophy is in a sense therapeutic by giving you exposure to problems that can be terrifying, and insight into those problems by many minds who have devoted themselves to illuminating them.

In the case of epistemology, it can give insight into the justifications of your beliefs, and the tools to be a more critical thinker.

Eastern philosophy does have some strengths, but it lacks in the rigorous tradition that Western philosophy has had. This tradition is the same one that gave birth to modern science, originally "natural philosophy" and has developed significantly since.


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Maybe OP has seen the mind breaking end of all that is holy. I've seen some weird shit. I'm not gonna make that call.

But, that being said, his experiences, and those of others echoing him ITT do sort of sound like they fall in line with your typical "dark night of the soul" experience.

Dark night, tl;dr version: A state of consciousness defines by constant pain, confusion and terror preceding an enlightenment/neurological break through/magical awakening whatever. Nikolai Tesla is actually a noteworthy example of someone who went through something similar in his youth.

So, if I'm right, and this doesn't kill you or drive you mad in the mean time, there's probably a high chance you'll come through this with a much greater reserves of power and fortitude.

I recommend taking care of yourself as best you can in the mean time, physically and mentally. If I'm right, it will help you transition faster, if I'm wrong, at least you get to feel a little bit better about yourself before the unspeakable doors are opened upon the earth.



Oh fuck



Why does it matter whether or not we believe you? You're on an imageboard. You can post a timestamp and there will still be people who would say it was an edit.


Please OP, Tell us what you know.

It doesn't matter if some will not believe it.

Also everyone please check thread at >>69299




Filtered. Go back to /b/, kid.



>current year

>not praising the egyptian god kek



>sarcastically or honestly admiring egyptian god of darkness

>in current satanic babylon world


I think I found out what you mean.

How does one destroy a soul? I know how to contact the God the All itself, but I'd rather know this too just in case, for reasons.



You sound like you need Jesus anon

"In the name of Jesus" is the most potent 5 words you can use.



>It's even written like a fucking story from /x/



Convince them that their end goal in life should be merging into the demiurge, they'll take care of the rest



Destroying expert here. It's simple. You wanna kill a soul then reverse the process of its birth. Since all souls come from source if you want to kill it return it to source.

Question is: What is the cause and what is the effect here? Could it be that the destruction of the soul is the goal of everyone who wants to return to source?


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Sex Reassignment Surgery.

I thing you're traumatized anon.

If this is enough to warrant the end of man , for you then you are simply a squeamish faggot.



add me on skypeZ: hexferry

i know the hell we are in, scare me

i want the truth



add me on skype: hexferry



Dude what the FUCK are you trying to say?

What's coming? Everyone knows there's some big shadow looming off the edge. Some say aliens, others demons, but everyone agrees that it's there. It's now become a Jungian Archetype of human survival and interaction "How can this person help me when shit hits the fan?"

Personally, I'm too apathetic about humanity. IT just holds a different meaning to me. When we die we'll just wake up later (maybe better off, maybe lesser off) and then move on our 'existence' from there.


Now I'm interested. I love stories of such cryptid figures. Makes for a good read and their designs are always so fantastic. Please, I'm asking, show me what you've found?


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He saw sex reassignment surgery and got triggered



>I am not a wise man, and I am definitely not a wizard. {I wish} However I am aware of where I am.

>I was "enlightened" last year by some very cool people that noticed my "eye" for the paranormal. My "eye" gives me the ability to pick up on spooky things much faster than most. People tell me I am what is called "empathic", or an "empath". I just figured I was sensitive and had "gut feelings" more than most. I never understood my ability and I let it go to waste for most of my life. I hate myself for this. My life could have been so much more fulfilling had I just followed my instincts. Oh well, too late for that now!

>You probably think I am a troll. I am not making this up. I have an ability to sense things and I have not been wrong yet. That is why I am so miserable. I truly hope that I am wrong about what I see. I really do.

I know that feel bro.

>I understand why you think that,and you have every right to call me every name in the book. But I will not talk about it. This is on a level beyond any "snuff film" or demonic shit. This is crossing a line that should not even exist. Even if I did tell you, you would not believe me.

>it's so spooky it can/must not be described

Oh hai there.Howard Philips!



>I did not think it possible for something to be this sick, harmful, and disgusting.

>I would usually say "just kill it with fire" but in this instance, I would be so disturbed and violently ill that I would not have the courage to get close enough to kill it. I never thought something could ever make me feel this way.

Have you witnessed jews in their true esoteric form?



Thank you.



>guys, a year ago some dudes on shrooms told me I can predict the future and I sense something absolutely, unimaginably horrible approaching in the near future, I won't expose any details tho cuz u wouldn't believe me, even though you are on /fringe/ and likely believe sincerely in magic already, despite this, I am going to post a vauge warning because that's somehow more credible than posting the full details

Bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit


bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist

bullshit occultist


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This was one of the most disappointing threads in a while.

OP is basically a whimp beta faggot that criez everitim when someone looks at him funny

>world is going to end guys, trust me on that, but I can't tell you since we are not ready for the truth because it will destroy the world ;)))))))

You basically turned a potentially interesting thread into a personal faggy blogpost about your problems that nobody cares about. Thank your for wasting my time.

Grow a fucking spine or don't come back.





>using windows

>not using Linux

kill yourself



I did find it interesting though. The idea that clowns are actually a race of beings who look like that and not always just guys in make up. I think that was what OP was getting at.

Clowns are very odd when you think about it. Bone white skin and blood red lips. How is that funny and not terrifying?

Evil clowns are everywhere in pop culture. The Joker (he claimed to be immortal in the comics recently). Heath Ledger died mysteriously of an OD just after playing Joker. The other movie he was doing when he died, the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, is full of occult stuff and references to the Vatican banking scandal and P2 masonic lodge. After Ledger died the previous Joker, Jack Nicholson, said he 'warned them' about sleeping pills. And it was at Nicholson's home that the Polanski rape happened. Polanski's movies are very occultic like Rosemary's Baby, and then you could get into the Manson murders and all that.

Other evil clowns.. Steven King's 'It'. That episode of the Simpsons (can't sleep, clown will eat me). Mimes, interacting silently with invisible objects, like they're from another dimension. John Wayne Gacy. I'm sure there is some interesting hidden history behind clowns that we could find if we dug into the topic.




The word clown may come from the Latin word colonus, meaning colonist or farmer. Are clowns farming us for loosh?



Forgot to mention re: Ledger, Imaginarium also features the Tarot, which contains the Fool card (fool = clown/joker).



Clowns are a mockery of red hair and pale skin.


why is this retarded thread still alive and bumped?


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>It is actually YOU who are beneath me. You may understand esoteric, but you know jack shit about the world we actually have to live in.

Get a load of this slave to the Demiurge


>But if we were in the same room and you talked to me with that shitty tone, I would turn out your lights.

Try me nigga, I'll use my battle magic.


If you frolick with daemons, you are not with God, OP. Your despair comes from believing you are one with God but in reality, you displease Him without turning to his Son.

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