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Hey fam.

First i need to say sorry for my bad english and well, i don't know how to begin this post, and yes, I'm asking for help but it's not a question.

After the death of my grandmother 2 years ago i felt completely lost. She was my pillar. And only today i noticed that her death was the cause of what is going on now.

I was reading a old post here when i saw a link for a website about chakra, i never had interest on things like that but something told me to click and read it.

What happened was a shock to me, i was reading everything that was happening to me on the last 2 years.

The first was the Root: "An unhealthy Root chakra indicates a nervous person; a severely unhealthy Root indicates a very fearful person." exactly

The second was the Sacral:

"an unhealthy Sacral impulses will sublimate in many obvious ways, such as chronic tension, irritability, general and sexual anxiety, sexual confusion. Also, overeating, excessive drug use, and other forms of compulsive consumption. Such a person might feel the need to apologize for his emotions. He may have a clear and definite opinion about when, where and how an emotion can and cannot be experienced. He forces such rules on himself and possibly others because he does not trust himself to the care of his feelings." exactly again…

The third was the Solar Plexus and this one that made me to open this post, i don't know if that's possible but i was exactly what he said about a healty Solar Plexus and then (now) exactly what he said about the unhealthy. Some people have a strongest chakra? Here's what he said:

"An unhealthy Solar Plexus indicates a person who is unwilling or unable to let his personality be a reflection of the rest of him. He might rely on unconventional or shocking appearance to force others into making assumptions about him, essentially using others energies to form an illusion of personality. Similarly, he might make a point of associating himself with ideas, beliefs and doctrines, and advertising the fact, allowing him to tell his whole story in a few keywords.

He might focus on certain obvious traits, such as physical or mental prowess, in order to control people by intimidation. He may adopt a "mysterious" facade, to control people by intriguing them. He may feel so disconnected from himself that he compulsively tells lies, or stories, to compensate. He might just withdraw and become recluse."

After reading it i moved here to make this post.

Yea, i'm 21 now and something just don't want me to get out from my recluse. I'm scared because the time is passing and i can't do nothing, i'm just getting old… I never believed on gods, occultism or religions but damn… If i can find a way to help myself and improve myself i will do it.

If anyone tell me how to improve my chakra i will do it.

Sorry for the long text fam, it's not a good day today and i'm a little bit sad. :c

Thank you


Oh i forgot to link the website.


I really don't know where to begin, the only chakra that seems to be working on me is the Throat…



meditate on your chakras and they will improve


File: 1452954914187.jpg (45 KB, 487x365, 487:365, lxilm0g3gl1r51oxh.jpg)



See the chakra openings in this image? Visualize/feel the openings of the chakras, one chakra at a time (until you become much better at it at least). Then imagine colored energy (of the correct corresponding color), clear and pure, flowing down the vortex and into the chakra, opening/enlarging your chakra and purifying it.

The Book of Knowledge is also really good & has some basic chakra and other meditations.




Then it's all about meditation? I will read the book, thank you

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