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The more life goes on the more I think about death. Every day of my western life seems to compound with the previous, like stones in my satchel while I trudge through a thick mire. With each new stone I feel my gait shifting, my pace slowing, my back straining just a little more.

Only recently I discovered western occultism and have since dove head first into it. I had to be careful not to gorge myself on too much too quickly lest I consume and integrate something poisoned. As such I have taken it slowly so far. Sigils, thoughtforms, energy work, etc. All the neophyte practices.

But the stones remain. After several months of work (with progress undeniable) I still feel the weight on me every day. And sometimes I think of just dying. What do I have to lose? What would I gain? These two questions hold me in place and keep me from simply killing myself. And while my stalemate drags on I continue the practices, hoping something will change.

So I ask you /fringe/, is there an answer to my questions? What do I lose by dying, in terms of magickal progression? Is there anything to gain by simply forcing my hand into the next?


There is 2 kinds of death

Psychical death

Ego death

If you literally die no more Psicality for you, you move to the next plane.

Ego death, what is the false you , the ego dies , like the enligmentm Buda , you keep your psychical body and you gain power whit this ,but you wouldn't want to used which in my point of view defeat the purpose of power.


How do I kill my ego?




holy shit nigger

egotism=/=the ego

you kill the ego and you die, you kill your egotism and you embrace the path of nobility



Ego death is more like a reset button. Your ego doesn't actually die.



Stop spreading this as absolute truth, it may happen but you can also transcend it.



Aleister Crowley taught people to die every day. Of course "ego" comes back, but you can proceed working until it no longer does.


>all these people hating on ego

Accept ego and recognize it is not you, it's an interface.

Best way to do this is to shift your awareness temporarily into other persons and experience through their minds and bodies. I've done this so much and I just see everyone as an experience vector, a way I can see the world again through new eyes and perspective.



>Accept ego and recognize it is not you, it's an interface.




What you retain and what you lose depends entirely on how well-developed your mind is. What I recommend you to do is to examine the parts of "you" that exist whether you're alive or not and then work on those to form a contact with what comes after this life.

>O nobly-born, that which is called death hath now come. Thou art departing from this world, but thou art not the only one; death cometh to all. Do not cling, in fondness and weakness, to this life. Even though thou clingest out of weakness, thou hast not the power to remain here. Thou wilt gain nothing more than wandering in this Samsara. Be not attached to this world; be not weak. Remember the Triple Gem.



Death is not really a thing, people do not actually die. People don't even really exist.




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