Okay so I have a question, and this seems as reasonable a thread as any to post it in, story first, question at the end
A few weeks ago in a dream, I dont know if lucid dream or if you fucks believe in APing, if thats even real. But regardless, heres how this all went,
>wake up from dream state
>in bed
>body tingling like someone has replaced my entire body with a giant fucking vibrating rabbit dildo
>read this is a beginning point to APing, cant really "feel" my body except small various parts, an elbow, a foot, but not the whole thing
>try the "roll over" stuff to "get out of my body"
>dont show up next to my body looking at it
>suddenly in my dad's house, long story, I lived there for a long time, longer than I'd care to admit, same bedroom from the time I was 15 or so
>everytime something like this happens, I end up there as a starting point, though admittedly its happened very few times since I've moved away
>bedroom isnt as it is now in his house, its in various states of how it was when I was there
>two beds on opposite sides of room each in a position I'd had a bed in before but I didnt look long enough to see if they were my old beds, a desk, no chestodrawers (chest of drawers? Chesterdrawers? w/e, the thing you keep your clothes in) despite having usually at least one in there but it moved around and was in the big walk in closet for most of the time
>head to door immediately almost on instinct
>get to living room/dining room area, basically one giant ass room which usually just used furniture as a divider
>not much furniture, but a coffee table, couch, kitchen looked normal, big giant cabinet thing along the wall that was always there
>three guys in suits at the couch, one sitting, two standing quietly
>guy sitting down beacons me over
>says… stuff.. its hazy now
>I remember asking for advice, how do I get back here more often, I want to learn
>tries to tell me tips, says it doesnt look like he'll have time for them all, but try to remember these three
>feel like I'm fading out of this state quickly, so focus on him attentively
>first he draws a symbol on.. something… I cant remember what it was on, but I remember the symbol itself
>wake up sorta, like before, still vibrating like some cunt hot wired D cell batteries into her AA vibrator
>roll over
>rush back to couch area
>"remember these words… "
>can only remember it was some sort of chant with the word "sans" in it more than once
>wake up
>try to roll over again
>smash face on wall next to bed
>body wasnt vibrating anymore
I never got the third piece of advice, and cant remember the second beyond that one word
Anyway, my question is two fold. do you guys think any of this is legit or was I just dreaming.. and secondly, what do you make of this symbol, it basically looks like this (pic related, paint with a mouse is hard… just, supposed to be symmetrical)
Any thoughts would be great, inb4 "it means an hero fgt" also inb4 "poster cant inb4 his own post"