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In recent years I've been looking further into myself, and attempting to understand the world around me a bit more, I'm young yet so I can't say I have enough knowledge to completely understand what exists around me

All of what I know is what I've concluded based upon my experiences, and I'm here to ask where I should go from where I am currently

I believe that we live in three dimensional space, time occupies 4d and that a "spirit world" of sorts exists in fifth dimensional space, beings of that space are capable of immediate spacial and time based travel

I know that man is 5d at the core, their "soul" so to speak, and that everything that anyone thinks, emotes or believes has an effect on that 5d space, creating masses of belief, thought and emotion based out of collective opinion

I believe the existence we find ourselves in is either the result of a powerful 5d entity shackling us to physical bodies to harvest those feelings, or that in recent millenia, one manifested to do so

I've never seen anything of that nature with my own eyes, and in recent months I've been more and more driven to further my knowledge

II hadn't done any legitimate research until around a month ago, and everything I believe is based out of assumption, and all research I've been doing this month has done nothing but confirm my assumptions

Im a regular to 8ch and i noticed this board quite some time, i never really put much thought into it until earlier tonight, when i felt somethinf of a calling. This is my first post, andI come here to get help discerning what the next few steps in my journey to enlightenment are, and if there are any flaws in my current worldview. I'm willing to learn and I've come to work towards as much self control as possible effectively living like a monk, if that has any relevance on the next steps to take.

Thank you for your time



You're very much so on the right path.

I see enlightenment as a true understanding of this universe. So my suggestions is to build up your own understanding of this world. The 7 Hermetic principles are key for this. This leads you to the understanding of analogy which unlocks all the doors of wisdom.



Thank you, I was just reading your thread on the hermetic principles

And analogy as in the oneness of everything?

Related to how they all tie together into unified theory and ideology, and how what we percieve works as a whole?

Is there any suggested reading or a certain order to tackle reading list in?


Get these 2 books:

Practical insight meditation by Mahasi Sayadaw

The Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation by Henapola Gunaratana

They're both short but really good explanations of the practice involved in developing Concentration and Insight. I can go into more detail about what I mean by these two terms if you want, because they may be more technical and specific than you might assume.

Fringe doesn't talk about it much, I think because not many people here know about the Buddhist models, which is a shame because I haven't found anything that compares to its explanations of the most crucial part of all this work, meditation itself. Most of the stuff people talk about here is about theory or ritual or energy work, the discussion of meditation is pretty shallow. I'm not saying this to slam /fringe/, just to let you know. If enlightenment is what you seek (as opposed to just having fun growing, learning, and playing with magic, which is perfectly legitimate) this is really the fastest and most reliable path there is.

If I added a 3rd book I'd say Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha by Daniel Ingram because it gives a good high level map of the overall path, whereas the other 2 books are more like fine detailed maps of the meditation terrain. But there's still plenty of detail in Ingram's book.



>the discussion of meditation is pretty shallow.

IMHO that's cus the meditation superthread pretty much has everything one would need.

Most of the discussions of what happens in meditations is talked about from an energy work perspective.

But I'll add my non-energy work perspective. As a result of meditating I've gained very deep sense of peace and serenity, pretty much unshakable, a all pervading sense of bliss, joy, and love that resonates through me, I've also gained a much increased imagination and ability to visualize.


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>I'm young yet so I can't say I have enough knowledge to completely understand what exists around me

Then you should proceed carefully.

One word of advice: stay away from the ritual work of this man, neophyte. You risk losing your mind and soul otherwise.

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