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I am a socially isolated computer geek autist.

Obviously, just getting oxytocin directly injected into my brain won't do anything by itself (although some studies suggest that it may improve socialization capabilities for autists) but I think that it is a scientific and measurable proxy for helping increase socialization and which will lead to less vague and less stupid advice than stuff like "just go out and meet people Anon."

So far one specific bit of advice I've found that I think might work is: "physically touch other people." Which as an autist with social anxiety and depression and etc… is kind of scary and repulsive but at least is measurable and logical advice.

So /fringe/ how can I increase my oxytocin levels?




OP I literally have been faced with and addressing the exact same issue as you.

My advice is use biofeedback or more practically, take up evocation or get a tulpa, and then touch and hug and fug your tulpa, and you'll get the oxytocin you need.


I am getting a shitload of synchronicities with your thread right now btw. The number of "coincidences" here is absolutely intense and I feel like I probably know you personally.



You should delete this thread and take your question to the question thread.





hugs more than 30 sec


How do you know your oxytocin is low?


>So far one specific bit of advice I've found that I think might work is: "physically touch other people." Which as an autist with social anxiety and depression and etc… is kind of scary and repulsive but at least is measurable and logical advice.

Get a cat



I myself tried this, got a cat, it didn't do fuck all for me. In fact I just got stressed that I wasn't able to feel anything for or because of the cat.


Does anyone else get really fucking pissed at people focusing on chemicals like "oxytocin" instead of emotion/love itself?

We're not machines and our emotions are not chemicals. Oh yes, there are chemicals that correspond with the emotions, but the actual emotions are a different and more powerful thing and mental in nature. The experience of the emotion is not the corresponding chemical.

Anyways, download the libraries, ctrl + f "biofeedback", use biofeedback technique with meditation to focus on producing whatever chemicals you want in your body.

You should just do something flushing out your entire energy body with higher emotions, total body orgasm caused just by willing it, kundalini raising, etc. you'll get much better than focusing on oxytocin alone.


You can buy it and spray it into your nose. It's a research chemical, and not scheduled, so it's legal to buy, but the sellers cannot imply it's fit for human consumption.

I suspect a "nootropic" seller may have it. "Nootropic" enthusiasts probably could direct you to a supplier.



Obviously he is not feeling many feelings of love and happiness. Depression, ect, can be an indication of low chemicals in the brain.



How do you know it's not low dopamine though



"Low chemicals in the brain" can be an indication of an uncultivated mind and astral body.

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