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How do we make not being a degenerate fuck more popular? Why does degeneracy have overwhelming appeal to the masses today? Why is being pure and non-degenerate cause for much shaming and rejection?

I'm not very good at convincing people to stop bad habits, eat healthier, drop sexual perversions, exercise more, etc.

I always advocate for these things but people never ever fucking listen until they are very old and about to die. Then it's too fucking late. Sometimes they even get out of hospital and just go back to their same stupid shit and they always come up with justifications for it.

Then there's some people, once again old people only, who have these degenerate habits but they tell others it's bad and don't try to spread it.

With young people though it's fucking useless. They all are eager to get into drugs (both pharmacy stuff and illegal), smoke, see a shrink, eat terrible "foods", consume alcohol, etc. and it doesn't matter if you're on the reserves or off it's the same shit everywhere.

Why is there no respect for asceticism and keeping your body and mind pure and clean so you can actually do something worthwhile with your life besides be emotionally and mentally unstable, physically weak and gross, just a run of the mill degenerate chaff? You hurt everyone and yourself when you don't take care of the body and mind.

I always want to heal people and help them and I've done this for people and then what do they do? After I unfucked their body for them they go back to doing the same shit that was killing them before and then they die.

I have lived long enough to know hundreds of people that have died, early, and from entirely preventable conditions they brought upon themselves through their lifestyle choices.

Nobody, absolutely fucking nobody, gives a shit. I as a healer have an intense desire to help others get them better all the time but their desires to keep being degenerate and irresponsible with their body and mind are too strong.

I don't want to start hating people or give up on this world. I'm here and as long as I'm here I ought to get even better at what I do and live up to the challenges of this world. Yet Earth feels like a sinking ship and you're all dragging me down and I don't want to leave and go somewhere else, somewhere nicer, but I'm so sick of people who undermine themselves and die from preventable conditions they individually had the power to stop. Most humans are all dying because of their own corruption and stupidity, it's their own fucking faults for how they end up. A lot of you are privileged to be born with reasonably good bodies in not too toxic environments but you go and fuck it all up anyways and then you insult someone who doesn't partake of your bad habits.

I'm overwhelmed. I really can't stand to be around people, they're always harming themselves and radiating negative thoughts, and I pick up on everything and it's terrible. I have to turn things off just to walk into a store or be around people. My energy is so strong it picks up everything and draws it to me and makes me feel what they feel and they make me sick (they become a little better in the process but then they continue doing what they are doing, perhaps even MORE since they felt the relief from me, and I have to just get away).

I need to find a way to not just heal people but to change their patterns of behavior, change their habits. Otherwise I can only buy them a little extra time before they resume doing what they are doing and kill themselves off.

It hurts the most when it's people close to me doing this shit. Everyone just uses me, is drawn to me and offloads their problems onto me, then feeling better they continue to abuse their bodies and think they won't pay for it later on down the road.

It's frustrating.


>I'm not very good at convincing people to stop bad habits, eat healthier, drop sexual perversions, exercise more, etc.

Just want to add one more thing here though. Despite me saying this, others always tell me the opposite. Yet I don't believe them. At best I make people drop things for a little while and at worst they only pretend to make changes and lie about things (which I see through very plainly).

It's too difficult fighting the media programming and the sick culture that makes everyone proud to hurt their bodies. Especially young people who take their health for granted they will keep doing it all and not realize how much better they could be feeling and how much most of their problems are self-created and perpetuated. They don't connect things in their mind and see how their actions interrelate, how their irritability might be connected to their breakfast, or their depression to a lack of exercise, or their failings at intimacy due to sexual perversion, etc. they just don't get or don't care.

I want to demand of people that before I heal them they make a real commitment to change their habits. Yet most would rather die than do that and the majority of people want easy quick solutions, one visit to me, and then go back to doing the same shit that got them into trouble to begin with.

I hate to see reasonably healthy young people taking everything for granted.

It's heart-breaking to continuously witness the self-destruction of generations.


Just skimming through this quickly

>How do we make not being a degenerate fuck more popular?

We do nothing. It is not our responsibility to change the outcome of others.

>Why does degeneracy have overwhelming appeal to the masses today?

No responsibility. That is what causes it all. People want to shift the responsibility onto something else and hold onto their youth forever.

>Why is being pure and non-degenerate cause for much shaming and rejection?

If you take the opinions of someone who cannot take care of themselves, you are wasting your time. A lion does not care what the sheep think.

>With young people though it's fucking useless

The same agenda has been pushed for many decades, only now does it appear so obvious.

>Why is there no respect for asceticism and keeping your body and mind pure and clean

It is a hard path, and with degenerates, it is the tale of the fox and the grapes. People are brainwashed during childhood, they are pressured by fellow brainwashed people to do damaging things to fit in, and then they die always waiting for the day when their life will "really start".

>I always want to heal people and help them

Why so? There is no reason to heal those who cannot take of themselves, for they learn nothing from being healed.

>I really can't stand to be around people, they're always harming themselves and radiating negative thoughts

You didn't realize this sooner? As soon as you leave the "matrix" of mundane thoughts, you notice how herd like people are. Even if you take the "redpill" you'll see this, with no spirituality involved.

It is not your responsibility to save others. They need to save themselves.




I honestly can't be fucked reading this wall of text but the answer would be the negative entities working through the jews which in turn through Hollywood make degenerate practices popular and hip.

Removing a lifetime of mental conditioning from a generation is not an easy task OP but you also shouldn't let people use you as a shoulder to cry on, let those faggots bare the fruit of their actions.









The question is - who fucking cares? You don't like 'degeneracy' then don't be a 'degenerate'.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet. While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

●Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

●Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

●Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

●Requires excessive admiration

●Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

●Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

●Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

●Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

●Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes





Brainless Sodomizing Sandnigger

Brainless Sissy Omran

Mutilating Vagina Sandtard



>who fucking cares

People that want the world to be a better place and not keep going to shit. People that want to see others healthier and enjoying life more. People that want to lessen the amount of suffering and shitty problems in the world. People that don't want to see the decline of nations as they fall apart under degeneracy. People that care about the suffering of their kin.



*tips fedora*



People that want to take free will away from others.

^you forgot about that one



Free will can never be taken away from anyone if it's actual free will.

Also all your talk of "free will" is a pathetic excuse to let degeneracy slide.

When will you begin practicing the will to power instead?



>Why so? There is no reason to heal those who cannot take of themselves, for they learn nothing from being healed.

Mostly for the same reason I want to keep my room and living space tidy. They are around me, they cross paths with me, they live in the same community as me, I don't like to have negative surroundings, so I seek to change them and make them better.

I also don't ascribe to grass is greener on the other side of the fence thinking nor run from challenges. I am here, these are the circumstances, this is what I am dealing with, I want to prevail.

>It is not your responsibility to save others. They need to save themselves.

They are part of my environment. I feel responsible for my environment. I would like to be able to cultivate the same sense of responsibility in others though; and I am not good at that. I want them to care. I struggle to make them care. They want to do as they please and not suffer the consequences of their actions. They want to come to me, get healed, then resume doing the same shit that got them in trouble in the first place.

I don't know how to correct this. How to make people learn responsibility and take care of themselves.

Ok, yes, you can tell me again & again I'm not responsible for them. Yet they're in my presence and I just can't help wanting to unfuck them up.

I need to get better at helping people unfuck themselves so I'm not just being taken advantage of.

You'd think that after doing stupid shit and suffering for it, they'd learn from the pain and suffering, but they don't. Something is wrong with them that they can't seem to learn.


Entire lifetimes wasted and they don't seem to learn very much at all. The average human is a retard who sees a hot iron and experiences the desire to touch it, keeps touching a hot iron and burning himself, feels the pain of it, but then fails to make the connection in his mind between his actions and the consequences he suffers or something. So, not understanding why his hand is in immense pain is burning, he continues to hold on, because he doesn't see how his desire to touch the hot iron is connection to the burns he's experiencing.

I'm tired of people asking "why do I feel shit today" and the reasons are so incredibly fucking obvious to me or worse, the think they feel shit because of some reason not connected at all to the real reasons why, and they're delusional.

You can't just present information to people and make them more aware. Their faculties of reason, perception, etc. don't grow any stronger.

…and I can't make people promise to meditate and do spiritual exercises to strengthen themselves after being healed because most of them want to "have it out out of the way and go on with their lives". Most people would rather stubbornly grow sick and die than change their lifestyle.

Shit is frustrating. I want to be able to solve this, even in a limited capacity, in at least a few persons. It would be an expression of such incredible power if I could efficiently correct the lifestyles of other people and make them stop abusing everything they take for granted.

People will express lots of gratitude to me for healing them, sure, but they don't become more responsible.

Do I have to let others suffer? I don't want to. I share a world with other people, they are part of my life, so I want to help them.




>You'd think that after doing stupid shit and suffering for it, they'd learn from the pain and suffering, but they don't.

Which is why they need to keep suffering until they learn. Yes, you live among them, and it is negative to have them around. The solution to that is to either attempt to educate them and stop if they don't learn, or to leave them.

I will use Africa as an example. The world sees Africa and how the people there are suffering, and they want to help. They send food, supplies, doctors, etc. to Africa, and yet Africa has not changed. Their problems are actually getting worse, and they're developing a dependence on the supplies they're being sent. The solution to, although nobody wants to do it because it is inhumane, is to stop helping Africa and make them help themselves.

The people you want to heal will disappoint you time and time again because they will not learn. They have no reason to learn, someone else keeps helping them. By leaving them to fend for themselves, they have to learn.

>I'm tired of people asking "why do I feel shit today" and the reasons are so incredibly fucking obvious to me or worse

They do not want an answer, they want someone who will listen to them and offer sympathy.

>Most people would rather stubbornly grow sick and die than change their lifestyle.

Now you are understanding it.

>Do I have to let others suffer?

If you have done the most you can, then I would feel no shame in not helping. At the end of the day, it is them and them alone who can change their outcome. If they choose not too, especially with your assistance, it is their own fault.



I can't just leave them. For one, there's broken sickly people in abundance everywhere, with little room left in the world to start isolated communities. For two, if I want to make a new community I'm still going to have to deal with similar problems from people that would come there, as it's practically impossible to get together a whole bunch of ascetics who refuse to abuse their bodies and minds. Oh and three, joining a community where this shit isn't a problem? Not possible. The seeping veins of corruptions and degeneracy are felt everywhere in the world.

Honor demands I stay in the fight and fix what I can. I want to become more capable in setting people on the right path.

>and make them help themselves.

This is the part I'm failing at. How does one help others help themselves? This is a great big mystery for me at this time which I still haven't quite wrapped my mind around yet.

>The people you want to heal will disappoint you time and time again because they will not learn. They have no reason to learn, someone else keeps helping them. By leaving them to fend for themselves, they have to learn.

Well by this logic you'd think if I switched modes or something and started encouraging them to engage their vices it would get really bad and they'd stop.

I need a more efficient methodology for changing the patterns of behavior for others. I don't know why I am able to make and break habits so easily but others are slaves to it. I have a high level of awareness and I commit to things and I carry it out and I dynamically adjust. Other people are like zombies who don't know how to brainstorm ideas or seek novel solutions. They keep doing the same shit and bring things on themselves.

My whole life I feel like I haven't created problems for myself. Every time I become aware of something, I immediately made use of the knowledge, and changed my ways. I didn't have to be told a hundred times some facts about diet for example just to go on ignoring it and saying stupid zombie-like programmed responses to excuse myself. Lots of people behave like complete fools, continuously, and are the cause of their own suffering and they seem to know it but never to stop.

You just have to tell me once something and I respond to it and change myself for the better. If I were a smoker, I'd stop instantly, and I'd wait through the weeks or months of symptoms following it without desiring to go back just because I feel sick and in withdrawal. I'm extremely strong-willed and able to endure through all kinds of shit. Maybe it's because I have knowledge of God and know the fruits of my labors will bring about a very desirable sharpening of the senses, expansion of awareness, self-mastery, etc.?

>They do not want an answer, they want someone who will listen to them and offer sympathy.

Doesn't that make sympathy "sick"? A vice? A feeling not to be entertained, a thing which perpetuates misery? Don't you mean pity not sympathy?

>Now you are understanding it.

Yes… but… I see how stubborn and habituated people are and I can't relate to it and I want to crack through and reform them? There's got to be a way.

>If you have done the most you can, then I would feel no shame in not helping. At the end of the day, it is them and them alone who can change their outcome. If they choose not too, especially with your assistance, it is their own fault.

I feel that I am doing what I can but still the question remains; how can I do more? How can I be more efficient and over-ride the habit mentality of others?


I don't really pity people I just take great pride in fixing them. I just wish they wouldn't fuck everything up after I do so. It's like seeing your buildings you spent hours on in Minecraft being torn apart by a griefer.



Can anyone explain this shitty mentality?



People find joy in escapisms. They have no reason to improve themselves, they just want to "live life" and have fun. This is the mind of almost everyone in the west, and is clearly represented in western media. People want to avoid responsibility and put reality behind them, and have mindless degenerate fun. Self improvement is worthless, God is dead, etc etc.

The only thing that can save these people from the pit of self destruction, is self realization. People who want to help them, like OP, will have no luck.

One of my childhood friends became a stoner rap-listening degenerate, and it is hard to witness. I can still relate to him at a human level, but I do not understand this desire for escapisms and mindless sex and drugs. It's starting to affect me so much that I am just ending conversations immediately because I am sick of it. And yet I do not try to "fix" him. He made the choice to be a degenerate, and that is his choice and not mine.



>It's starting to affect me so much that I am just ending conversations immediately because I am sick of it

Oh I guess I'm not alone in doing this. I hate inane banter and to hear about the inferior degenerate pursuits of hedonists.



>For two, if I want to make a new community I'm still going to have to deal with similar problems from people that would come there, as it's practically impossible to get together a whole bunch of ascetics who refuse to abuse their bodies and minds. Oh and three, joining a community where this shit isn't a problem? Not possible. The seeping veins of corruptions and degeneracy are felt everywhere in the world.

It'd probably be better than where you are, though.

>Honor demands

Maybe you mean ego.

[Osho and others state the best way is to go your own way for awhile, write the revelations that come to you, leave a trail of breadcrumbs for others, and then once you are well-developed you can help others]

If you feel healing like this is your duty, then do it.

Don't look down upon others for refusing to abandon their ideas of "safety" and what-have-you, since you are holding onto your idea that they are corrupt with equal or greater strength.

No one likes being judged or "beat up" on an ego level, and you holding them in contempt makes them feel that way.

If you are the greatest person in the world in any area, it only matters if you self-validate, or if others recognize you.

If you are egotistical without self-validation, no one will want to care except those wanting something from you. So you'd be alone and lonely.

>Well by this logic you'd think if I switched modes or something and started encouraging them to engage their vices it would get really bad and they'd stop.

That's actually how I stopped gaming, and stopped wanting to be alone, etc. By doing it so much that I got SICK of it, and never accepting it as my identity.

>How does one help others help themselves?

The only thing you can really do is give small pieces of wisdom, and live your life well enough that they start to seek your counsel. Focus more inward! As within, so without.

I had the issue of wanting to help others, but I got over it because it's just taking on more burdens, and I'm probably less developed than you. It's difficult to be empathic. Especially when it's someone you love.

Know the best things you can do are small, or going with their energy if you like.

Say someone wants to watch tv because someone made them miserable. You love them, so you say "ok" or you say "want company?" Those are the 2 paths, for me.

You can also try dragging them out, say you're gonna do something if they want to join. This only works if they want out but don't want to say it.


>Maybe it's because I have knowledge of God and know the fruits of my labors will bring about a very desirable sharpening of the senses, expansion of awareness, self-mastery, etc.?

Presumably. I've been on the up-and-down path of ignorant development, and trying to be more like you say. Those who desire help will seek it, but most seek sympathy instead, which is something of an unconditional love. "I love you and you do not have to change for me."

This gives warmth and for people who desire to change, some strength to do so. Some people are far gone and it takes a lot for this to work, and some don't trust love and may "never" get better. (in this life)


>I can't relate to it

sure you can.


>How can I be more efficient and over-ride the habit mentality of others?

I think someone once said giving them the element of fire helps with that. Maybe in question thread 16 or something? Universal Master Key type dealie.



Yeah. I think we all have some level of contempt or desire to surpass that, on this board.

I had to leave a person's house because I was not willing to sit there with him and his dad and watch tv (sports) and hardly speak of anything interesting.


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We could always stop degenerates by giving them A.I.D.S. through meme magick


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Changing the way people act and think is a skill only sages can execute OP and most of the times they only change a handfull of people before their time on this world ends.

Stick with changing yourself as much as you can for the time being.




AIDS doesnt exist, idiot

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