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This is a marble cuboctahedron.

This is the shape of spirit.

This thread is dedicated to examining the different shapes of different crystals.

This piece is stronger than my moldavite, while moldavite infuses the body with a warmth that spreads throughout, this thing if placed at crown during lie down meditation will make you feel as if someone is twisting a rusty nail of energy through your skull if square is directed to you, whereas the triangle… Does not do that and is rather plesant.

I've used it once since cleansing after finding it in a drawer. It used to be mothers decoration and god alone knows where she got it from, any information on that would be appreciated.

Haven't seen it since I was four and it's not been on my mind since - Strangely enough I have read about the subject but never thought of it. Finding it was a nice surprise, so..

>trips decide if I put it up my butt or not

Anyone else can request for ways to experiment with it and will have quick feedback.


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I'm kinda sure the crystal's properties come from the molecular structure rather than the macroscopic structure.

Do you have any experience with shaped/unshaped crystals?

Bismuth always related even if it's a metal.



You should memorize the sides of it and roll it frequently to see what the sides associate with. Really develop a relationship with it.

Any recommendations on intro reading on minerals, gems, etc.



I will agree to that but must say that both matters.

Ex, I've got a flat triangle moldavite, going into trance flipping it with its top held against a finger or thumb can have it generate a circulation of good or "bad" energy depending on if it's rotating left or right.

I've touched bismuth but don't own one, maybe the piece was very personal but I didn't get a sense of power. Pretty and fascinating, sure, but if it's like you say and it's not a crystal I think thats why I did not resonate well with it.

Everything has an aura, depending on how solid/condensed an item is, the more powerful it's impression on the subtle, the more firm, solid, large, established aura.

Depending on molecular structure, certain qualities can be given to the item, vibrating in frequencies corresponding to emotion and intelligence.

But it's because of the density of an item it's aura is differently 'set', a piece of woods aura is perceived wispy while a stones more fixed.

That is why"dense item" it will impose the same shape, in this case a giant spirit particle on the nearby environment. Results may vary but marble is mostly quarts and superimposes it's dense aura on the normally more yielding environment.

It does not matter the frequency of its etheric imprint, if there is a sacred geometric design in your area with a solid imprint, it will affect its surroundings.

But yeah sure I'd rather have it made out of gold or moldavite, anything of higher frequency to make it more noticeable, not that it's pulse isn't already strong enough.


Very good idea! I'll put stickers and numbers on each tri and square.

I didn't get the second part of your post, good morning.


I do however have a piece of pyrite that I find very interesting, it's one of the few stones that I really connected with. Picked it up from a box of hundreds and it caught my eye, did some research, fascinated with the fact that they grow into pentagons I wanted one that was the most perfect shape, turns out I was holding the most geometrically perfect of the box from the start.

Despite that, no real obvious syncs from meditation with it yet.




>it will affect its surroundings

Because while it may not be spirit, it has the frequency/shape of spirit, forcing all nearby energy to bend to that imprint of spirit.


tempted to write "put it in your butt" until I reach post 111


>I'll put stickers and numbers on each tri and square.

p…play dnd with it



Just need some soft foam to roll it over, what can go wrong?

I'll K. . Keep you posted.

On a serious note I do not have a group to do so with.



I wasted trips in the question thread, but if you do end up putting it in your butt you should try and connect it with your base chakra or something.


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ooo crystalllls!

Heres my tiger eye I had for awhile, I always give it some of my energy when I meditate! the orange shine is always so pretty. gives off a warm energy to it to :))


Typical new-age wiztard, doesn't even know what a crystal is.


put it in your butt



That's not a painted motif is it? Very beautiful!

I used to have a necklace like that with vesuvianite, good protection.

Looking to find a jade/moldavite rosary and attach something to it, either moldavite or desert glass in a Sri tantra shape.



It's fist sized with enough edges to be very painful. Keep trying.

Further meditating with it is uncomfortable and nauseating. Haven't figured out why yet.


Y u no tell us then massa?



I missed the trips, damnit










3 2 butt


2 and done


1 for the money





I had to do that, but I won't hold you to it.


I wouldn't want to do it, after all!



Still waiting for the deliverance.

Well, to keep things interesting.

>What crystals are worth the while, and which aren't?

>What is the best position/placement of the crystal in order to make the best power transfusion?

>Sigils are better engraved or just painted on a side of the crystal?


This can work in a way but if you spend more than a couple dollars on a rock that you put on your chest you are kind of fucking retarded. If I had no morals I would sell people rocks and say they are enchanted because there are millions of people who will believe anything as long as it spices up their boring life.




Depends on what you resonate with, or want to resonate with.


The corresponding chakra, but you can just as easily connect with a crystals frequency by holding it between your fingers and meditating while coaxing it's aura to sit on yours.


Crystal in shape of sigil>painting>carving

Regarding the manfist sized edged marble up my butt, I'll keep you posted. Need to practice anal stretching a bit first.

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