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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'm speaking about those who have realized that all of this occult and religious stuff is really just nonsense, as well as the /pol/ack ideology, and that "magick" is a complete fantasy.

This doesn't necessarily mean religious or agnostic/atheist, minimally religious without true belief is an example, as well as deism.

Discuss your experiences here, as well as what led you out of the maze. I know you still lurk, so share your thoughts.


Magic is real, you are probably just a boring as fuck simpleton and will never get to experience anything cool in your life. 100% of religions/occult books/sigils/rituals are bullshit. Anyone who has left the ignorance is bliss stage knows this. I do believe that somebody who gathers 12 roses, an orange, and 3 oak leaves and burns them in a cauldron over a pentagram to find their soul mate is actually doing a love spell but the same can be done at a subconscious level with no materials or anything. Anyone who claims to be a Grand Master Wizard then sells you 500 page books they wrote on meth is a degenerate kike. Ill give you the cliff notes of it all if you want to skip past the roleplaying stage -

We are one, karma is real, free yourself from the shackles of the past and worries of the future, then everything after that is just energy work. Break free from this fake ass society - that's somebody else's game and if you are here you hate it. Detach yourself from all worldly possessions. Accept that you won't ever be Justin Bieber. Meditate and let yourself get tuned into (GOD, THE UNIVERSE, INFINITY,ETC). Realize that you are nothing. Go insane and decide apathy/nihilism is the only way to live. Eventually realize being something is better than nothing. Take a step back and laugh at everything - laugh at how ridiculous it is how you even fucking exist. Laugh at how much tragedy and happiness has happened. Laugh at how beautifully disgusting this world is. Now you have more than enough knowledge. Rest and recover. When you are ready, reenter the world and have fun. Love, laugh, play, do whatever you want. Make this world yours. No amount of adversity can ever stop you now because you know the truth, and the truth is an atomic weapon that can kill any ignorant soul that stands in your way. After that somebody can burn down your house and you can laugh because you know you have infinite years to make a new house, and one day the person who burned down your house will be a rat scavenging through your garbage for some rotten cheese. Last thing is remember that right when you think you have it all figured out everything gets mixed up. That is the greatest thing about this universe. It sounds like I have it all figured out, but guess what? I fucking don't. Right after I make this post everything in my life will change. Every time I find answers I end up with a billion more questions.



idk what exactly you mean by "all of this…stuff", but i have direct experience that tells me at least some parts of it are realer than real


loosh farm elsewhere

threads like this should be deleted


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>Magic is real, you are probably just a boring as fuck simpleton and will never get to experience anything cool in your life.

You sure have strong opinions about me - or to be more accurate, what you want me to be to fulfill your expectations. :)

>degenerate kike

What does this mean?

>karma is real

[citation needed]

>energy work

What is this energy and how can it be shown to be a thing?

>Break free from this fake ass society - that's somebody else's game and if you are here you hate it

I agree with this, our society is indeed based on simulacrum and spectacle, but all this fringe stuff is a part of that fakery - it is mundane.

The rest of you said has no bearing about the truth of religion, magickckcck, the kahblahblah, cringy global conspiracy theories, etc etc.

I can't say for sure, but it sounds like you're on your way to finding the exit, you just need to dispel a few illusions that you cling to.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Enfield Poltergeist.

That wasn't nonsense. A lot of other examples as well out there.

So it's hard to get a handle on what "labyrinth" your talking about.

Head knowledge without practical experiences to back it up can seem like a labyrinth to me, especially when it turns into a circle jerk of beliefs divorced from reality.

There have been times where I've abandoned all of my beliefs and just considered it all to be nonsense, but the Universe just made fun of me for it.

Now I just roll with what seems right. It's easy to not take things seriously, weird stuff that happens or confirmation of successful influence. Keeps me from being bogged down or constrained by belief systems.

But my intuition I take very serious. Keeps me mostly out of trouble.

Still, the rule is "If it's too easy, it isn't any fun."



You got it right though.

Very right at that.


>>70175 (OP)

Fantasies exist don't forget that.


Enjoyed the comment I can relate. The universe is a paradox. Everything is and it isn't. I would like to add don't forget that you are human and you should live from a human perspective. You can use other perspectives to help you in your human pursuits. You do mention this but I would like to stress it.



>You sure have strong opinions about me - or to be more accurate, what you want me to be to fulfill your expectations. :)

You seem pretty boring to me :^)

>[citation needed]

Yes, but supposedly you're super advanced in your walk through life, no? So advanced that you mock thousands of years of human concentration and research? For what? To get a laugh at fat kids on some obscure imageboard? Seems pretty advanced for me.

>I can't say for sure, but it sounds like you're on your way to finding the exit, you just need to dispel a few illusions that you cling to.

Haha, fuck your pretense. You have gotten a laugh out of me and nothing more. "Found the exit." Exit to what? Exit from where? What is an exit without an entrance? What should we be escaping from? These are all things that obviously you know the answer to.

But it's easier to shit on other people thoughts than to divulge your own, right? Come on, I want to know your shitty belief system so I can tear it apart as well



>Yes, but supposedly you're super advanced in your walk through life, no? So advanced that you mock thousands of years of human concentration and research? For what? To get a laugh at fat kids on some obscure imageboard? Seems pretty advanced for me.

You made unsupported claims, simply stating something as fact, and when called out on it, attack me. Is your position so weak and indefensible that it requires such diversionary tactics?

>Haha, fuck your pretense. You have gotten a laugh out of me and nothing more. "Found the exit." Exit to what? Exit from where?

Exit from the mental world of delusion and credulity, though to be honest I may have given you too much credit.

>But it's easier to shit on other people thoughts than to divulge your own, right? Come on, I want to know your shitty belief system so I can tear it apart as well

Read the original post. This thread isn't for you, it's for skeptics who once believed in paranormal and fringe stuff. You come barging in here attacking me because the mere presence of a skeptical thread is threatening to you somehow, so you seek to derail it. What is the purpose of your actions if otherwise?


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I know this board is probably the best that some of us can get, but its weird that you made it that far.

It remember being very much a mundane. I remember getting interested in the paranormal. I did experiments and meditations for 2-3 months until I got solid results. Telekinesis in a sealed container, controlled 1 meter wide wind gusts in a field of grass, water vibrations in a body of water… All of this seen by at least 7 of my friends and family.

And I am pretty sure most of us have had this experience.

Let me guess, you did a lot of reading, but you just cant dedicate yourself for a few months to something. On 4chan, I wouldn't even care, but now that you have made this this far, either choose to actually investigate(practically) this stuff or drop it. Sitting on two chairs wont do you any good.

And you are clearly reaction farming, I mean, you come to the one of the most hard core esoteric boards and you expect to meet people who are too afraid to actually push the limits of reality?( because those who do, always get a response)

Man, what are you doing with your life.


Magic is found from extensive study of mundane subjects through a magical lens. Do some psychedelics and smoke weed or something if you're too lazy to meditate and contemplate daily. Once you shift your perceptions to a place where you see how you can stretch your imagination to abstract places, stop the drugs and start reading some Plato or Nikola Tesla or Biology or whatever mundane shit that interests you, and you will see magic in it. Sharpen your logic and reasoning, learn to study and think scientific and research psi phenomenon and prove to yourself objectively that the shit is real.

Don't give up. I came out of the labyrinth with the power to look at a pile of dogshit like it's the most magical thing in all of existence.

This shit is all about perspective.



>Telekinesis in a sealed container, controlled 1 meter wide wind gusts in a field of grass, water vibrations in a body of water… All of this seen by at least 7 of my friends and family.

Do any of those things at the James Randi organization and they will give you $1 million dollars. Standing prize to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal activity of any kind that cannot be explained by current science. It has never been claimed in the 40 years of its existence.

Why wouldn't you vibrate some water without touching it for a million dollars, if you apparently can? They'll wait all day for you to keep trying.

Oh, wait. You're a faggot roleplayer.




UU, rusemaster I see.

There are good reasons why nobody claims it. Even if I would explain them to you, you would not understand because of your low level awareness. So I wont waste my time.

There are some reasons that you might understand thought.

Nobody wants to be surrounded by toxic fools, who get off on the idea of proving their "intelligent enlightenment" .

And the fact that, lets say there are mages out there who can do these things. Are you really so naive to think that they would let the world of mundanes know that, and pester them non stop for the rest of their lives…. Instead of simply manifesting what they want in their life silently…. Just becoming a "lucky" person… Lets roleplay that you have the power to stack the odds in your favor. You can silently get everything you want, or go to some silly show and get stalked for the rest of your life. Nobody with actual power has any interest in the million dollars of the "fame" that it brings.


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>Nobody wants to be surrounded by toxic fools, who get off on the idea of proving their "intelligent enlightenment"

Uhuu those poor psychics obviously they have real powers but their feelings were just too hurt

>Nobody with actual power has any interest in the million dollars of the "fame" that it brings.

So a teenager who can vibrate water with their mind has attained heights of power that release them from such petty concerns as 1 million dollars. Of course they don't need to be a millionaire, they can move thousands of micrograms of water in quasi-random directions!



Le mester rusler strikes again.

I can see the pain and anger in you.

You know more than a mundane, but you dont have the balls to use that knowledge, a tight spot indeed :^))


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I think you may have made a mistake, OP. This is a board dedicated SPECIFICALLY to occultism. Populated by people genuinely interested in the subject in one way or another.

Common sense dictates you aren't likely to find ex-occultists on an occult board, right?



>not always right



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>You know more than a mundane, but you dont have the balls to use that knowledge, a tight spot indeed :^))



I thought we didn't actually believe in this stuff and it was all autohypnosis/legitimate exploration of the contours of the human mind/subjective philosophy



Talk about your own experiences.


You're out of one maze and into another. You can never escape the maze, but you can realise that the maze was designed by the demiurge. Grow up kid, don't cop out to believe a comforting lie.



You have merely recognized the labyrinth, you are still stuck in it.



Everything this guy said, except for the 'magic is real, karma is real' bit. Karma's fucking stupid, so is his idea of magic. He needs to take his own advice and laugh at the absurdity of the fact that the guy who burned his house down gets to fuck hot bitches every night and will never have a bad thing happen to him.

Reality is interesting enough as it is, we don't have to make shit up to enjoy it.

I escaped believing in magic the same way I got into magic in the first place. I wanted to know the secrets. I did the real work, and discovered some crazy shit. Read Godel Escher Bach, study cognitive biases and machine learning to understand yourself, study physics to understand nature, learn to appreciate reality and you won't need fantasy.


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>There are good reasons why nobody claims it. Even if I would explain them to you, you would not understand because of your low level awareness. So I wont waste my time.

Sure thing fam. Just go be with your tulpae tbh.




so you never practiced anything



yeah there are no consequences for your actions. Go out and murder the people you don't like…

What's it like having schizophrenia and autism at the same time? Bet you do really well with the ladies. Karma is going to hit you tonight, get ready faggot. You will be a believer :)



Karma isn't real in the sense of what most people think but there's cause and effect. When you cause someones death, you will go to jail as an effect. There's no good or bad in this. You could become a better person in jail, or you could become worse.

Why do you approach this forum with such hostility? I feel as if you read that deviantart psionics handbook, it didn't work, and now you're upset.


That pic is western occultists in a nutshell.


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That pic really rustled my charkas tbh fam.


Polk Runyon put it right when he said that magics was an ancient form of psychology. I mean if we throw out all of the hokey definitions of what magick is, it is manipulation of the mind. Do we need magick though, probably not



Poke Runyon said that they are some elements of psychology and jungian archetypes in magick, obviously, no one is ever going to deny that.

But listen closer and he'll tell you all about the time where he evoked king Baal and he didn't show up. He kept evoking him for hours on ends until he was disgusted, he cursed in rage and got out of the circle without banishing, he then went straight to sleep. In the middle of the night, his friend in the other room came to his room in a trance state, grabed Poke's head with his nails and screamed "I am HERE". Runyon then had to proceed to excorcise his friend for the rest of the night…

It's not just psychology, it seems so when you are just starting out. Come on, how long have you been at this? How many hours have you practiced? You think that with a sub 300 hours of practice you can even start to grasp the vastness of this field and just label it psychology?

Not to mention the whole Poke Runyon documentary where his lodge receives an oracle from another spirit and "as if by magic", the oracle is exactly right and maps out the events of the following year. He obviously doesn't believe in magick, annyone who believes is a fool, the magician knows.



If you think your rituals do anything outside of your own head, you're pathetic.


Nothing happened fagtron. I hope you grow out of this phase when you reach high school.


You're just changing the definition of karma to mean something that it clearly isn't meant to mean.




lmao at your dumb ass



I didn't change the definition of karma, I said that the definition of karma as its most commonly believed is false. So I explained how what people believe is karma really works.

I'm still not wrong. Now shoo, loosh farmer.



Well he said, it was the mind inspired by its divine creator, so it is like a different idea with the same outcome. So yea there is still magical dimension there, but it doesn't really need it. I mean we are drugged out, media addicted society of course we don't support the imagination. That being said, in this society maybe a mystical dimension needs to encapsulate high magick, to interest people, but if you are able to be without, it isn't a problem. I didn't say magick is not real, but it is all in the mind, if you want to make it sound arcane, nshit, it's using the chalice of the soul as a conduit, to stream of divine reality, that all though is always poured, is not always drank, salah! my good chum.



All is mind.

Change of consciousness in accordance to will.

If everything is in the mind, your mind, including that computer I'm typing on, psychology of the mind is what I'd call magic, doesn't sound too arcane to me, seems like calling it psychology is beating around the bush here…



Hey everybody check out the unenlightened over here



>I did experiments and meditations for 2-3 months until I got solid results. Telekinesis in a sealed container, controlled 1 meter wide wind gusts in a field of grass, water vibrations in a body of water… All of this seen by at least 7 of my friends and family.

Tell me how :O

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