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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sup fringe, just came across this group of videos and wanted to share, chances are most of you already saw but still, light a join and bring some snacks ^_^:

for the lazzy faggets heres the TL;DR

>A guy on a boat on the open sea with limited food last for +40 days, refuses been saved from a passing cruise and joyfully jumps at some point in the sea while saying "It doesn't speak to me anymore" at the middle and "i have found it" at the end.

>A regular guy and his buddy go to her father house near the desert, his father hears a lot of messages and talks about a timeless land where 'they' live, and the 3 go in the search for them, weird teleportations happens and only the cameraman returns.

>2 divers are going in a specific ocean part because local folk say it's awesome and un-earthly experience, the first one goes down assisted by a local, after a few minutes the dicers chickens out damn hard, but the local forces to dive into the water again, after those events the diver has to be hospitalized with schizophrenia.

>A reporter goes to town because he heard rumors, at his arrival the locals are gathering to kill a woman who is well known to be a wich, one claims she is about to be possessed if they don't kill her right there, but at the last minute everyone freezes by fear and when one removes the vail covering the wich then its gone, then all the people NOPE,jpg the fuck out of the town.

>A well known private from the army that loves to docuent pants wherever he goes notices a woman and a child surfacing from the ocean, they both coe close to the private and after talking to him they are showing returning where they came in the film, after a few minutes the guy decies to follow them like 'fuck everything else'.

>An old man who is known as the madman of the crossroads is showed for the anniversary of his Happening, some sort of alien abduction he seems to have a 'video' of the travel and it shows the moon, and he says they also went to hell and could hear her daugther scream "we are higher than the moon"

>A child is born with supernatural powers like telekinesis and other stuff, but he is too unstable on emotional level, apparently he did something bad when count take lossing his beloved dog and then the family is torn appart of something the child did.

>Something happend in takohamo around 1969 and suppousedly the guy in the film is an alien in human shape… or something like that, i didt get this one really.

>(My personal favorite) a reporter man in his old ages feels compeled to finally show a live reportage he did in his younger days about going in the search for a lady who called the station but when they go in she is nowhere to be found, her last words where "i dont know if they are good or evil but they are here and they are moving… … … oh … they are opening my door…" you can see the face of the reporter going from Lets see this crazy lady to, holy fuck, i feel like shitting my pants.

the house or the area close to it its off the limits now from regular population now.

And thats it. the other two videos are less fringe, just a russian doctor doing prototype of arms in the cold war and a profesional eh… impostor? going on missions fixing people fucked up lives.

anyway i would love your take on those cases, also, dont mind the comments, they are full of mundane shills fake shit…, while some of my friends found this discouraging i found it rewarding, like you know you hit something when there is constant shitting on something, just like the rational wiki shilling against james donahue evoking daemons and drawing the 21th century style.


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File: 1455915452384-1.jpg (1.39 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, tmp_22307-20160219_1550311….jpg)

Don't mind me, weird stuff happenings here.


I watched those a couple years ago or so and thought they were really interesting but never found out anything else about them


I thought it was pretty obvious that it was a spoopy mockumentary. The shooting style and presentation overall makes this clear.

Worth watching though.



FBI confirmed

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