Existence has different stages. You start out as matter and work your way up from single cell to plant to animal and eventually human life.
This place we exist in is virtual hell. It is crude and unforgiving. Constant war, strife and suffering all around us. We must get through this place to enter the higher dimensions of existence. Where you leave your physical form and enter into a state of bliss.
Once you leave the 3rd density you move to 4th then 5th, where all is peace and bliss all the time. Then it goes higher to 6th and then 7th. After that, you enter a new mode of existence. This is called moving up an "Octave". This goes on forever. You continue the process infinitely.
Since matter is the lowest state there is, this place is not preferable. Many ancient people buried themselves with trinkets to wake them up at death so they can move as far away as they can from physicality and hopefully ascend to a higher state.
Also since this goes on FOREVER, you must realize how low we really are. There are states of bliss so high and beyond what we can possibly comprehend that we it would probably rip our existence apart if we experienced a fraction of the total energy. In fact, some sources have stated that experiencing even a 5th dimensional being at full capacity is enough to drive us insane from the pure light energy that they emanate. This is not even an octave above our own. And remember the levels of existence goes HIGHER AND HIGHER forever.
The higher beings do not interact with us. We are mere simulations to them. As we view the predictability of matter and to a lesser extent animals, so do they view us like computer programs. We muck around as if we knew where to go. We only get our God-source energy from the pleasure of sex which is pitiful and very fleeting compared to the higher bliss we could be experiencing.
We are just starting out in this universe. We have yet to even begin experiencing what the universe actually is.