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This guy isn't all that crazy if you can understand him.

Lets have a thread dedicated to David Icke & his theories.



>They live

Literally like when you successfully open third eye.



David Icke is great, he introduced so much to me.

I'm not entirely down with the moon being artificial though but who knows. That area doesn't really matter all that much anyways.

Some people say he's CIA, but fuck that might just be CIA saying he's CIA because he's so goddam truthful. Honestly, I don't see any place he is misleading.


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David Icke is a modern prophet, a powerful conduit of spirit and divine revelation.

Thing is most people are to dumb to understand what hes talking about and simply dismiss it.

Its all true.



what the fuck is this image?




Next look up Carl Munck for boring math that bridges all sites and reveals new math.



This is a great video by the way. David Icke got grilled super hard by Wogan and his audience, he was laughed at everywhere he went in the UK. Then he showed up on the show some years later and the audience was all with him and he fucking destroyed Wogan. Icke was right.



Never heard of him, but will give it a watch, thanks



Is it just me that sees a desperation to get back at a man who made fun of him a decade ago?


Enjoying Icke's latest book about memes. The bit about the 'He's right you know' meme being a reptillian that's shapeshifted into an idea inside a paratised mind is particularly interesting.



Then why is he stil alive?



The conspiracy theorist response to this is "because it would validate his research." Ignoring him paints him as some crazy that should be discarded.

I have thought also that maybe guys like Alex Jones and Icke fit into the agenda of malevolent entities by making people believe that their work is the end all be all, when in reality "globalists" (for Jones) and "Reptilians" (for Icke) are just one small piece of a much larger hierarchy. Conspiracy theories in general also give weak minded people a boogeyman to blame for all their problems instead of taking responsibility and actually affecting change in the world.



he was "friends" with jordan maxwell who is or was cia


maybe he's not entirely honest

bill cooper was killed


yep desensitizing people



stop that

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