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Post ITT if you are from a different realm, somewhere else, NOT EARTH, and you somehow ended up on Earth.

People who've "remembered" past lives need not apply in this thread. Only those who were living their life somewhere else and then one day woke up or otherwise found themselves in this world and couldn't or didn't want to go back to where they came from. As if you spontaneously teleported from your realm to here.

I used to live somewhere else. I was living my life in my realm when one day I ended up here on Earth in a much younger body. Where I came from was much the same as Earth but I personally had a better life there and a better body though I will not say it was a better place; just that I was comfortable there and didn't suffer as much on Earth though around me people suffered just like they do on Earth.

Do I want to go back? I don't know. It's been too long and whatever life I had there won't be there when I come back unless time flows differently.

I can't say where I was (in spacetime) in relation to HERE.

My memory also was damaged in the process but not completely. I just remember I had another life, somewhere else, day by day, for a long time. Like most of you reading this thread unless you just arrived here, you go to sleep, you wake up, and all that is familiar to you is still here every day and life goes on.

For me though I just went to sleep and started having this "dream" except I still haven't woken up from it, I'm here still "dreaming", all of you are my "dream". I didn't take this life here seriously just like anyone having an odd dream doesn't take the dream seriously because "it's not real" as you might put it rather wrongly. I should also mention I was able to manipulate the "dream" more strongly back then, aka "do magick" although I had no formal training or book knowledge back then, and I can still do it but I've lost some of the confidence in myself I guess through the programming I've received living here drilling into my mind certain "facts" about this world.

This thread, this world, you people, I have to accept that you might as well all be real; and in fact the only measure of reality seems to be that it endures. Every dream I think is an experience of a real and objective reality, and sometimes it is distorted and it is like many threads of reality "timelines" may be woven into one "dream" depending on how spirit "awareness" interacts with it all.

One day I accept I might not wake up to this world again, even though it's now been almost two decades that I have been here. Maybe in the middle of my life here just when the going is getting good I'll be spirited away to some other place again, my life interrupted before I finish it, all for no apparent reason.

I just want to say one more thing about memory. I inherited physical memory from my new body. I knew how to do things (like walk, turn a door knob, write, muscle memory stuff), how to speak English, and so on but all without knowing why and having no experience or memory of learning any of these things. I just "knew". Every person around me was a stranger I'd never seen before but I had preprogrammed knowledge about at least some of them. Imagine one day you wake up, and without having learned another language, suddenly a whole language is accessible to your mind and you know the words and all you have to do is intend to say something and you form sentences that you "just know" how to do even though you never learned it.

I find that really weird. I lost probably all my physical memories from before, inherited a new set of physical memories that help me operate in this world, and have this weird memory of living somewhere else in a different body before.

I don't really want to share my story btw, I'm doing it just to be fair, I am more interested to hear from others who were also somewhere else when suddenly they ended up here. So don't just focus on me and what I've told, tell me your own stories, or that of people you've collected stories from.


When I say "remembered" past lives btw, I mean people who totally forgot their past life and then "remembered it" through some hypnotic recall or something similar, they should not apply. If you forgot everything, how can you be sure your past life you've just "recalled" was yours? I only feel certain I had a life somewhere other than Earth because I never forgot it at all.

I want only people who have an uninterrupted memory in this manner to post. People who suddenly got teleported or their consciousness whisked away or whatever and now they're on Earth aka "here" when they used to not from here.

Also if you were teleported or something with your body and all, tell me how you got citizenship in a country, when you would not have been a citizen of any nation at first.


One more thing and this is an experiment you can do that might help anyone interested jump between worlds as well as understand / gain some insight into the metaphysical truths of whatever great ocean of mind we seem to be living in, The All.

First of all, I want to say that the moment you accept a dream as real, it begins to behave in a solid/real way. This might be key in the process.

Increase your interest in another place, accept it as more real and valid, and if you do things right you might experience a transfer although I am sure we have multiple parts of our soul/mind that can come apart and you might want to transfer and translate more of yourself then what happened to me spontaneously.

Now ummm… something REALLY important anyone of you can do that is going to illustrate a point. Use your imagination, create two or more thoughtforms, power them up and imbue them with intelligence and freewill such that they begin to act outside of your control as independent freethinking entities; essentially make two tulpas. At first when making entities like this with your imagination, they will fade away the moment you take your attention off of them, but if you pour enough emotion into them and concentrate long enough that won't happen and they will actually persist even when you're not paying attention.

Now order them to do something and give them a place to live. They can live somewhere in this world or you can create your own imagined realm for them, just make sure their new home has enough emotion and stuff poured into it that it endures as well.

Now, your two tulpas will have conversations, do activities, study things, form relationship(s), etc. they will do many things. You may stop observing them and leave them to it.

Maybe a month later, shift your attention back to them, or call them up through whatever method you use, whatever. Start talking to them and ask them questions and stuff.

Now here's the spooky part. While you were doing other things, thinking other things, etc. for a month your two tulpas have accumulated a month of their own experiences, memories, etc.

They will have SO MUCH to tell you. You will understand then they don't just disappear the moment you stop thinking about them, they actually live their own parallel life to you, and have their own independent existence.

If you do this, this will be just the beginning. Eventually you will learn many things about the nature of reality, and be able to use them in many ways, to do marvelous things.

Now here is something else I want to mention. We think of our history in terms of linear time. Our timeline is ordered and linear, so it appears, especially if unlike me you didn't quite possibly come from outside of this timeline into it.

Yet there is nonlinear time as well and it's not so far removed from your personal experiences as you might think, you're always a little bit shifted into other timelines by just thinking thoughts and especially dreaming.

If you start imagining another place, it will have its own linear time, and it will especially seem linear to its native inhabitants, but not that way to those who travel into and out of that timeline.

I think that we are all imagined into being. Every one of us are simultaneously being imagined and imagining others into being. It's like an endless fractal of consciousness, where you imagine another consciousness, and it develops to a certain degree that it starts to imagine other consciousness. In this way an infinite expanding web of consciousness is constantly creating an intricate mess of timelines, worlds, etc. which awareness/spirit can move between. The fuel of all this creation always being emotions, and every emotion being ultimately an expression of love, which is therefore the creative potential that manifests all universes.



A metaphore about non-linear time.

Think of one day in your life.

Now imagine yourself from a perspective outside of linear time.

Imagine you are in a great hallway with many artists with canvases.

Each one is painting a bit of the day you just experienced. Some paintings seem rather opaque and unfinished, others seem to illutrate multiple slides in great detail, there's a LOT of paintings going on, and they are all being fitted together. Maybe think of the painting as holograms instead.

All these holograms are being formed and put together. One moment an artist materializes a little bit of a hologram, maybe only partially, and it gets woven into the super hologram. These various artists come and go, some focus for a few hours, some for just a few seconds, but all the pieces come together and form a solid linear day.

In this chaotic way your day is pieced together by many minds. Like a thousand dreamers dreamt of the various pieces of your day which you experienced in linear fashion.

and you yourself constantly send off thoughts like this, little holograms and stuff, some of which thread into the timeline you're living, and others into totally different timelines

The imaginations of infinite beings creates all realities.

Every single thing you imagine manifests somewhere. Thoughts are kind of sticky and just fly off and get sorted into many different realities/timelines. We're dreaming up parts of our lives and that of others all the time.


I never meant to change flag btw.

I'll check into this thread later I guess I want to see if I'm not the only outsider who spontaneously ended up in this world one day and has never since "woke up" or whatever again, returning to the life they once knew.



Ok I know you said no past lifes but this was such a vivid memory that Im 100% sure of it.

>Be Atlantean

>Atlantis be some sort of "bubble world" inside the earth, it was protected

>Society divided between the young who were warriors and the elderly who were priests

>Me be a young warrior

>We never engaged in any war, we just had combat for fun.

Now, the funny detail is that you actually never died nor felt pain. It was just a constant combat ecstasy 24/7 until you grew old and naturally became more contemplative. Life in Atlantis was cool. We basically fought, had sex and worked with a wide range of cosmic energies. Eventually we decided to expand and the world sank, our souls got trapped inside this world. Most of the elderly managed to escape before the disaster happened (they knew it was going to happen we just didnt listened to them).



I wasn't supposed to wake up.

It has given me a disadvantage in being human.

Such a bother.

Now my mind is filled with home'. At least I can say it has not interfered with my studies or career path.

I want to know who made me aware, and why.



I made you aware. We all need to be aware, because we're leaving, unless you don't want to.

You still need to be aware to decide.




That defeats the purpose of those newly arrived.

When the time comes, my decision will arrive. I assume the same for the rest.



I was somewhere else before i got here.

It was a colony planet started by descendants of the original Earth.

The people who originally left Earth were fleeing an alien species that had taken over all aspects of society.

They successfully fled and discovered new and strange technologies now that there was no one to hamper progress.

But they were found eventually and stuck a bunch of kids into escape ships that would be pointed at Earth.

I just remember waking up in a forest, with memories of being raised by Lupa, the mother of all wolves.

She dumped me outside human dwellings and I eventually got adopted, but no birth records or any other documents were ever found.

I remember standing outside a library, looking at other kids and deciding to go inside with stolen clothes.

After the 3rd or 4th time showing up without shoes or clena clothes, they got curious and called child protective services.

i turned out to be able to learn things 4 times faster than a regular kid, but I had severe discipline problems.

They had no clue what to do with me so I just bounced from foster home to foster home until age 12 when I woke up here.

With memories of a life I never had.

I still retain my original memories partially, but the memories from this body over ride them.


I'm leaving.

This place sucks. They can keep their stupid reality and stupid fake everything.


This is 2spooky4me.

I've had memories like that as well, but I always dismissed them as dreams, not wanting to accept the fact that not everything I see is real.

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