One more thing and this is an experiment you can do that might help anyone interested jump between worlds as well as understand / gain some insight into the metaphysical truths of whatever great ocean of mind we seem to be living in, The All.
First of all, I want to say that the moment you accept a dream as real, it begins to behave in a solid/real way. This might be key in the process.
Increase your interest in another place, accept it as more real and valid, and if you do things right you might experience a transfer although I am sure we have multiple parts of our soul/mind that can come apart and you might want to transfer and translate more of yourself then what happened to me spontaneously.
Now ummm… something REALLY important anyone of you can do that is going to illustrate a point. Use your imagination, create two or more thoughtforms, power them up and imbue them with intelligence and freewill such that they begin to act outside of your control as independent freethinking entities; essentially make two tulpas. At first when making entities like this with your imagination, they will fade away the moment you take your attention off of them, but if you pour enough emotion into them and concentrate long enough that won't happen and they will actually persist even when you're not paying attention.
Now order them to do something and give them a place to live. They can live somewhere in this world or you can create your own imagined realm for them, just make sure their new home has enough emotion and stuff poured into it that it endures as well.
Now, your two tulpas will have conversations, do activities, study things, form relationship(s), etc. they will do many things. You may stop observing them and leave them to it.
Maybe a month later, shift your attention back to them, or call them up through whatever method you use, whatever. Start talking to them and ask them questions and stuff.
Now here's the spooky part. While you were doing other things, thinking other things, etc. for a month your two tulpas have accumulated a month of their own experiences, memories, etc.
They will have SO MUCH to tell you. You will understand then they don't just disappear the moment you stop thinking about them, they actually live their own parallel life to you, and have their own independent existence.
If you do this, this will be just the beginning. Eventually you will learn many things about the nature of reality, and be able to use them in many ways, to do marvelous things.
Now here is something else I want to mention. We think of our history in terms of linear time. Our timeline is ordered and linear, so it appears, especially if unlike me you didn't quite possibly come from outside of this timeline into it.
Yet there is nonlinear time as well and it's not so far removed from your personal experiences as you might think, you're always a little bit shifted into other timelines by just thinking thoughts and especially dreaming.
If you start imagining another place, it will have its own linear time, and it will especially seem linear to its native inhabitants, but not that way to those who travel into and out of that timeline.
I think that we are all imagined into being. Every one of us are simultaneously being imagined and imagining others into being. It's like an endless fractal of consciousness, where you imagine another consciousness, and it develops to a certain degree that it starts to imagine other consciousness. In this way an infinite expanding web of consciousness is constantly creating an intricate mess of timelines, worlds, etc. which awareness/spirit can move between. The fuel of all this creation always being emotions, and every emotion being ultimately an expression of love, which is therefore the creative potential that manifests all universes.