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Esoteric Wizardry


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Post in this thread if you are an aspiring artist, filmmaker, writer, or just interested in sharing magic works of art. We can discuss ways to merge your systems of practice with your artwork or we can talk about anything related to the acts of creation. I'll be dropping some films and paintings that resonate with me and include shamanistic/ritual themes


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La Planéte Sauvage (1973)

I'll start with this film because it shows a society where esoteric practices such as astral projection and deep-trance meditation are common knowledge and used for recreation, entertainment, and politics. The real power of this film is in it's visual style which gives off an aged, illustrative appearance that creates a surreal and visceral atmosphere. Pay attention to the subtle messages about spiritual practice and conflict in this animation.



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Frantisek Kupka (1871-1957)

The artwork of Frantisek Kupka follows roughly the same process of change from realism to abstract expressionism that many artists underwent around the turn of the century, with the exception that his work was heavily rooted in his practice of Theosophy and interest in esoteric symbolism and mythos. Here are a few of his paintings where you can see that:

The Black Idol (Resistance) (1903)

I see this painting as a manifestation of the feelings you encounter when working with great entities, there is a foreboding and dark atmosphere that is used to intimidate, but also the intrigue of working with mysticism and magic.

Babylon (1906)

A ritual procession towards the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is depicted with emphasis on ocean, lighting, and atmosphere.

Lines Areas Depth lll (1913-23)

Later in Kupka's journey he starts to experiment with color evocation and perception. In this painting you start to see his work with energy that the violets and light blues communicate along with the fractal repetitions.


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Neal Stephenson (1992)

This novel is an interesting look into the overlap between entertainment, technology, history, and politics all interlinked with neurology. One theme that his writing made me reflect on is the importance of physical perception vs processed or imagined perception. In game worlds this line becomes blurry because a lot of the action is happening through your visual mind and not your physical sensations. The sumerian mythology is also a very appropriate way to frame our technological advances, the more technology alters our perception, the more spiritual concepts make sense.

An interesting phenomena that I've noticed is the ability of video games to produce a place thought-form in the subconscious. When you're immersed in a game, particularly open-world games it projects places into your head and memory. I think we're only at a fraction of the potential of this medium right now when it comes to creative power. This is the first medium where you can walk around and effect controlled change on an imagined place. I think once we are able to produce convincing reality we can understand a lot more about the one we're living in on a spiritual level.



Meant to say Snow Crash (1992) by Neal Stephenson


Does music count?



Yes, music counts.


I have 2 drawings which I have perfectly visualized in my meditations and I would love to paint them on canvas, thing is I have never draw anything let alone use canva and study the hundreds of techniques which exist.


It's highly synchronistic that I run into this thread, because after years of feeling aimless with my life, I decided I'm going to relentlessly pursue a career in art. I have quite some technical skill under my belt (absolutely a natural talent, though a lot of people seem to deny such a thing exists), and I'm certain that in combining this with deep symbolism, sigils, subliminal messages, psychological use of color, etc. I'll become extremely successful in the art world. It's strange to me how this isn't talked about as much as it could be, given the extensive connection between art, language, and magick. Memes are an example of that.

I hope that if I gain enough steam I can inspire a sort of underground following of occult-minded artists and help develop a "neo-symbolist" movement, which already seems to be in the works.



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im apollyon of murica questions about the subject at hand plox


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You and I understand the overlap of the magician's methods and the artist's methods. I can definitely appreciate your decision to be more involved in creation. I love studying art history, especially the symbolist painters of the early 20th century and one subject you see being brought up a lot is esoteric phenomena such as dreams, visions, myths. Viewers don't realize it's all related, our only mode of existence is present and everything else is a dream, including the past.



very nice

this was channeled from a different dimension via use of chemicals (dipropyltryptamine)



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It's great that we share that understanding. I look mainly to the Symbolists in terms of artistic guidance, along of course with dream imagery, imagination, Jungian symbols, etc. for the raw inspiration. I have a particular fondness for Klimt. Are you an artist yourself?

Also, though I have a lot of confidence in my success, I would appreciate anyone's blessings (of any sort) to further strengthen my endeavors.


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I'm a fan of Klimt as well. I think you would like the work of illustrator, Alfred Kubin. I do a lot of work in watercolor and ink but I don't give as much time to it as I would like. I can't give you a blessing but I will say that the best artists have their method's down which frees them to explore subject matter and composition to the fullest. You have to prioritize method over formula. Look at alchemist methods and see if you can make any connections between that and producing artwork.


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Also don't ignore the impacts of contemporary subject matter and media. Today an experiential medium like an app or a game might make more of an impact in terms of idea. With pure visual ideas, illustrations, animations, and paintings are still the most effective though. Consider the ways advertisers subliminally sell a product before telling us to buy it. Space should be sold by sculpture or 3d rendering, story should be sold via illustration, time via animation, experience via game. Figure out what parts of the mind you want to appeal to.




Thank you for the advice, and I'll take a look at Kubin. I think I understand what you're saying. Your second post about media sounds similar to the effect of memes, which is why I brought that up earlier. In fact, I think looking at media/advertising/business negotiation strategies is essential, and in many ways it seems to be where magick and art meet.

I feel like I'm good at tuning into the way art "hits" the viewer. I'll often sit for long amounts of time staring at a piece I'm working on and trying to "feel out" what I need to add or subtract to it to achieve a specific effect, and never just settling for "this is good enough so I'll just move on now." I want to viscerally bridge the gap between my reality and my audience's.


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What kind of visuals, feelings, ideas do you want to work with in your art?

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