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Esoteric Wizardry


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Tell me something vague about my life. Prove to me at least one of you fuckwads have any kind of abilities whatsover.

It shouldn't be hard. Not asking for anything very specific. Vague will do.


Your father beat you as a child. It caused you a lot of internal emotional distress throughout your life, but now you project the /outward/ opinion that he was just trying to forge you into a superior man and all his actions were for your own benefit. You both hold him in high admiration and also painful respect moulded by fear. Despite trying to live up to what you believe is his ideal for you, the memories and internal distress still sometimes keep you awake at night.


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Nope, my dad's actually more on the wuss side, he's always been really nice and gentle and never laid a finger on me.

Sorry but that was very far from the truth. Try again


You like Berserk.


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You're in your 20s, not sure if you're a student or not but you're pretty dissatisfied with your job at the moment.

You shitpost on 8ch pretty regularly.

You might be a /fit/izen but you're not a big guy for me.



Hey, pretty close, but I guess those are very common traits.

Almost nailed it on the job part, but I'm actually just starting and I'm not sure what it'll be like. I'm thinking it'll be crap but I'm not sure yet. So pretty close I guess.

I've never been big on shitposting, I'm actually that one guy that takes threads seriously and answers seriously, so wrong on that one.

Yes I've been lifting for over a month but I wouldn't call myself fit. Yep, not big enough


OP I am busy reading through ONA texts right now and I don't feel that calling to make a special effort to use my clairvoyance for an hour to get really specific, not-common-knowledge information about you. Maybe another time I will tune into the whisperings and the look through the clouds of thoughts coming from your way to see you. Maybe if provoke me in the right way I will feel obligated to do something for you.


For me to read you I need to have a very stronk desire for it. I can't be like "meh I'll read this guy" I have to be like "I absolutely must fucking read this guy I can't even stop thinking about him holy fuck I must enter his mind and know him and feel him out HNNNGGGHHHHH"

I think you are in computer science, hang out with virgins but aren't a virgin, have a mask, have been around quite some time, etc.

…but that doesn't prove anything. You are familiar to me. Hmmmm…

Do you have any fat on you by any chance? I reckon you're pretty lean but could you afford to take quite a hit on your vital reserves? If you're willing to give up some of yourself in this way, I can perhaps use your own energy to power something for you.


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> I reckon you're pretty lean

Heh, you already started to screw up.

Oh, good one on the computer science. That's not exactly what I'm in but pretty close. I don't have non virgin friends, and I certainly don't have a mask (unless you mean like a personality mask, in which case I wouldn't call it super accurate since it's starting to wear off lately since I'm starting to be more honest with myself and others).

> could you afford to take quite a hit on your vital reserves?

What does this mean, exactly? You mentioned it right after fat, you mean like take some of my fat away like a liposuction mancer? That would be a god damn great.

If you meant vital reserves in the sense of making me really tired and taking some of my vital energy, eh, go ahead. Give me your best fucking shot



I'm not screwing up at all because what I did was not magickal there regardless of accuracy.

and no I meant an actual mask, specifically, a goalie-mask.

but as it turns out, you're not glaive.



I meant it in the sense of hijacking your energy body and forcing your physical body to start burning up its fat reserves to fuel a shitload of magickal happenings



>I don't have non virgin friends

lol I messed that up. I don't have virgin friends. I'm surrounded by degenerates.


Jesus, go right ahead, I'll be eternally grateful.



What brings you great pleasure and would leave you feeling violated? Do you have anything I can exploit to arouse your emotions to a high degree of intensity?


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Oh, also, guys, you don't have to be terribly specific. Like I said, vague is good enough. It doesn't have to be non common knowledge either. Some information about me is common knowledge to the people in my circles, but not to the rest of the world, so that stuff is fine as well.



Well I like to do a good job and exceed expectations or not try at all. Correction, I may try, but if I'm not satisfied with what I have to tell you, it's not worth informing you of what I've picked up.



>brings you great pleasure and would leave you feeling violated

Simultaneously? Seems kinda contradictory but let's see

I have an easy to arouse ego, a very ambitious mind and I'd feel very powerful if I can gain the respect of all my peers and gain personal accomplishments. I get tired of it really quickly, though, once I found I conquered everything and I've nothing to gain from this certain group of people I'd rather move on. Same with subjects in general, I have yet to find something that's so intriguing, fulfilling and deep that I can't get enough of.

Oh, being in control. Specially around women. Sex is not even my ultimate desire, just having bitches flock to me is very stimulating.


It was just to lure more people in, I assumed specifics were very demanding so most would chicken out or just shitpost. If they have the balls to try harder, I welcome it even more, of course.


>allowing a satanist to test his magick on you

You're making a hell of a karmic debt.



Absolutely sinister my man.


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Oh, I didn't see the flag.


I'll be awaiting results.



Important for me… are you going to keep checking your thread and post updates for some time yet? Would be ashamed if after finally getting a ritual together and doing it, you're not around to report on anything. I will consider you as a potential test subject but can't guarantee I'm going to have enough interest in you to do try anything. Also if weird stuff happens to you and I didn't do shit, I'll make sure to inform you I didn't do shit.



Actually not for now because I'm going to sleep, but I can report when I wake up in about 6 hours.


The Brainless Sissy Wizard is trying to emulate different personalities.


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Don't bother reporting anything in 6 hours chances are I am not going to do anything within 6 hours. It might be weeks before I do something; just make sure to report when something does happen. Now all this said, I will sometimes be like this, and suddenly do something immediately. Who knows.



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I'll keep you guy up to date then I guess.


You're a faggot.




No, you


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Satanist anon, do something already. Don't think I forgot.


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It's only been 4 days, gotta wait for them aeonic shifts bro.



You've very recently left the place you used to call home.





Nice, but given it's Spring Break it's not really so surprising. What else can you tell me?



I was talking in the sense of moving from one place to another. To live, not just vacation.



I see. Sorry, but that's not quite right if that's what you meant.



Have you recently been separated from your pursue of a higher education?



Hm. In a way, perhaps. More like a self imposed restriction rather than a forced separation; I got a job and it leaves me little time to get a postgraduate degree.

Getting a bit closer there.



OP, do everyone a favor and fuck off to 4chan's /x/ with this kind of bullshit threads.

And everyone desperately trying to prove themselves to him kindly do the same will you?



are you a chronic masturbator?

do you frequently attend Imageboards?

are you reading this spoiler RIGHT NOW?


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>that spoiler



I see Llove in your future.



You're kinda popular, but not much. You're no average joe either, if you wanted to you could have an exciting time every day - but you need a lot of time for yourself.

You think a lot about stuff. It doesn't have to be important stuff, your brain just likes the feeling of being busy. You feel like something is missing but you have no idea what it is.

You are strong, at least mentally and emotionally. You are not known to give many fucks, but you are loyal to your close friends. You don't have that many friends - not because noone like you or anything like that, you just put the standart for the definition of "friend" pretty high. Just hanging out with you isn't enough to be your friend, you need that feeling of being able to be yourself. Which not everyone can give you.

When it comes to romance you think it's overrated. It's not like love doesn't make you happy - just not as happy as you expected it to make you feel.

I know you want things to be vague but in for a penny, in for a pound. Either this is full of crap or I'm still relativly good at this.



You're kinda popular, but not much. You're no average joe either, if you wanted to you could have an exciting time every day - but you need a lot of time for yourself.

You think a lot about stuff. It doesn't have to be important stuff, your brain just likes the feeling of being busy. You feel like something is missing but you have no idea what it is.

You are strong, at least mentally and emotionally. You are not known to give many fucks, but you are loyal to your close friends. You don't have that many friends - not because noone like you or anything like that, you just put the standart for the definition of "friend" pretty high. Just hanging out with you isn't enough to be your friend, you need that feeling of being able to be yourself. Which not everyone can give you.

When it comes to romance you think it's overrated. It's not like love doesn't make you happy - just not as happy as you expected it to make you feel.

I know you want things to be vague but in for a penny, in for a pound. Either this is full of crap or I'm still relativly good at this.

Fucking kikewheels let me post…



When it tells you "flood detected", it means that the post got through. It's just that you have to wait before it shows on the thread.

As far as the reading goes, that was very flattering, but I don't live up to those standards, unfortunately. I do give a lot of fucks, for example, even when I wish I didn't. I feel like that hinders me. I did feel like something was missing before (I still do), and I didn't know what it was, but I think I know what it is now. All I got to do now is try hard at molding that idea and then try to attain it.


Define "chronic". Only imageboard I attend is this one.



Well at least my reading wasn't 100% wrong, right?

Those readings work like this: Everyone has an magnetic field around them that transmits infomation. Spiritualists call it Aura, scientists call it morphogenic field. Since the electricity of your computer runs through that field it catches onto that energy. I am not 100% how that works though. All I know is that when I read what other people write I can feel their aura, even if it is just a tiny bit. It's weird and possibly fake as fuck but it worked a few times for me.


Hey OP I've thought of something I want to do with you, I'm going to need you to do something for this to work, just wait though I got to get some spirits to help me. They will give me something and you will have to visualize/imagine it. After that the process should begin.



just go to fringechan and ask for a divination and keep an open mind.

Boom, proof.


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For sure. Just let me know what needs to be done when you're ready.


About 60-70% wrong


OK, I guess that was vague alright, can't really complain.


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I haven't gotten any serious attempts at figuring out anything as of yet.

I doubt people here have the ability to do so.



Grats, you've generated a shitposting thread.

Now move along and leave this place if you're not looking to discuss or teach what you already know.

i'm surprised anyone here even answered your post, i don't come here often but each time i come this place gets more and more cancerous.



No serious practitioner will waste his loosh on trying to impress some lazy leech.

Find the proof yourself.



Because we're messing with you, no one actually cares.

Enjoy 20,000 years of samsara, then after that you might have a shot.


you are a tired person.


Concern about one or both of your parents being able to care for themselves in the future (maybe seeing things that make you concerned now). Healthy skepticism, probably feeling an ache in left hip. Fairly well adjusted without a plethora of close friends, but a few. Certainly able to make it through the world.



>Define "chronic". Only imageboard I attend is this one.

usually daily, and by imageboards I meant others boards on this site as well.


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Something something Chilean earthquake

Bitcoin, oof


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Sorry for being late, I is back.




I was just stirring shit. I didn't mean it, I'm sorry.


That is correct.


Somewhat, I don't like my parents very much, but yeah. My hip is fine, my neck has been killing be these last couple of weeks though. Thanks for the kind words anon, I think I'm doing well.


Yep, chronic it is.


Oh man that bitch is fine.

I'm not from Chile, but my coworkers have been talking about Chilean earthquakes a lot lately… maybe you're getting close

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