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First time posting on /fringe/ but desperate times call for desperate meausres .

I went down a deep hole one night, with a rather stupid grin on my face, and experienced phenomena unexplained by any book I have read or any online research was able to clarify. Im not looking for answers but I need a starting point to further reseach.

Long story short, while having an out of body experience I found myself surrounded by seated beings oriented in an infinite egg catron type pattern. I think there were many of them. They only said one thing over and over again, "we can hear you, we can hear you, we can hear you."

I have found one other person with a similar experience during a near death experience and also while I was watching an anime called "serial experiment lain." Lain at one point in episode 2 I think, also hears "we can you" and "who is lain".

Does anyone have a finger to point me in a direction to learn more?

>inb4 Haha newfig


your name is either Christopher and I know you, or I'm experiencing the most ridiculous chain of synchronities in my life. When I thought it couldn't get any more conceidental and ridiculous, you hit me with the fucking Lain



Glad I could add to the chain. No, I am not Christopher anon.

Care to share how I just played into your mindfuck? Perhaps we can make this loop.

Thought my initial question still remains



Ask them. If you are a proficient astral projector just go and ask them who they are.



But I am not sufficient. I "got lucky" and has left me flabbergasted. Never considered taking up the cloth until that experience.

How do u ask something nameless?



I "got lucky" and has left me flabbergasted. It was real and gave me a taste.

Please, stop beating around the bush and tell me what u arnt saying

How do u ask something nameless? How do I get into the stream again?



I feel u know what I'm talking about but are holding back. Do u know what I'm talking about? Becuase if so u are the first to admit it.

I got lucky when it happened to me and I haven't been able to go back since, I am not proficient by any means





Didn't mean to sperg, but this fucking site is terrible on mobile






I'm sorry but there are no shortcuts (there really aren't). Get your ass to astralpulse or somewhere you can read up on astral projection (or OBE) and get started on a great journey of exploration.

If you want look up Robert Monroe as a starting point.

When you're out there always be inquisitive, and remember you're quite literally invincible. Fear (which will be inevitable in some occasions) will only impede your progress, but cannot harm you.

Oh, and if anyone asks you for money, they're conning you. There's nothing to this but determination and practice. You can use techniques by others or make up your own (I made my own because I projected naturally as a child).

Go forth!




Also Tom Campbell.

Learn to meditate laying on your back.



There are accounts of people who've encountered something similar to what you describe, but you should not look them up simply because the fewer preconceptions you bring with you the better. Otherwise they'll color your experience and you could get false information. As you will learn soon, the subconscious affects your astral experiences very strongly, and a lot of people get stuck in their particular tunnel vision because of their religion or paranormal beliefs. Go in blind and arrive at your own conclusions is the best advice someone can give you.



Haha neophyte


Learn to astral project and figure out if you're not crazy. Because, this sounds like a new age delirium



That's nonsense and you know it. Don't troll him.


>There are no shortcuts

SSILD people seriously, it's really simple.



What does SSILD stand for?



what is internet




Thank you for in info fellow obersevers, you are the only ones ever to acknowledge this experience as something other than, "whatever dude you were just tripping too hard…"

I know what I saw and they even told me I should stay away from drugs ironically, considering it was the boat the took me across the river.

I need to refine my projecting abilities as it seems y'all have diagnosed my event as mere unintentional astral projection. And as it happens, I was laying on my back at the time.

Thanks for not just telling me to go to the question thread and helping me instead. I will lurk here now too



From what I've gathered, most people have natural, and possibly environmental, protection from experiences like that. The people who don't are diagnosed with schizophrenia. Drugs bypass this protection and allows whatever is nearby to communicate with you.

So it's a double edged sword. You can get that ability through training which includes the ability to experience, or more importantly ignore, what you described.



You're welcome. I would advise against using drugs, though, because they will impede your learning at the same time as they slowly lose effectiveness and expose you to health problems, both physical and psychological.

If you become dependent on them in order to have these experiences you're fucked. It's crucial you develop your skills without them if you want to grow at all.


Fearmongering bullshit I'm afraid. Most people have at least one out of body experience in their lives while sleeping. Most don't remember, or notice it, or dismiss it as a dream. Usually during their childhood.

"Hallucinating" while sleeping or meditating is perfectly natural and any psychiatrist will tell you so.



I meet a guide as some have described. He told me many thing but I have forgot most of them, but I will never forget it's presence. To me, he had the image of a cliché guru and spoke without words. He drew my attention the the earth, at which point I could feel the earth in an underscrible manner, in a very personal and intiment manner.


Is the letter 'A' inside a diamond an actual religious/occult symbol? like in these


or is it just the store's logo??



Sorry about the triple post….









are you the guy who keeps bumping for this?

just go message the guy on tumblr. you'd likely see that around more often if it had occult significance. best case scenario it's a sigil. who knows how much loosh you've given this guy by thinking about it so much

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