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I recently read Liber Null and the Metamorphosis section piqued my interest.

Is there a way that I could create another personality? Where I can become someone else, someone I want to be. I don't care what I have to do. I guess in a form of a mental suicide I want to take on another personality. I don't even care if I lose this current one and the memories along with it.

(Rule 2 - Question Thread)


>Is there a way

There is always a way.

The question is, what are you willing to give in order to make it happen?

And consider this: your current manifestation on this earth is in itself an illusory part of your higher form. So of course it is possible, but with every action, there is a reaction. There are forces that may not take too kindly to that sort of thing.

Keep in mind though - even if you were to nullify your own personality, there are ineffable parts to -you- that will survive any form of degradation. The consciousness would be the same, just with a different frame of reference.

I am not responsible for any methods you choose to do such a thing, but in my experience, a good way to shave off parts of one's personality is extreme isolation in a dark space for several days without any form of light. I've also heard that taking large doses of specific psychedelic drugs can have a similar de-realization effect, If you're looking in ways of spirit, I am sure there are plenty of demons or other astral entities that would love to feast upon your mental state, but that might not be what you want in the long run. You could overcharge yourself with an excruciating amount of negatively-charged energy, but that might even hurt or kill you.

I suppose that if you were to travel far enough into higher astral planes that you might find an entity or two willing to replace your consciousness in your body with its, but you'll have to manually find your higher self after that, or else you might wander through existence for all eternity until your higher self decides to butt in. It's up to you. There are…other…methods as well, but it's neither my place nor my prerogative to mention things like that as in doing so every person who is privy to such information may be affected adversely.


You fell different from other people. You fell that anyone else is better than you. You fell that you're not the leader you wanted to be. You had suicide tendencies and wish that it could happen when you was sleeping, but somewhere in your heart you know that you have a better option. You live in the memories of good moments that you will never live again. You lost so much and now you don't care about anything else. Your heart is full of hate. Your friends don't exist anymore. You fell that you're alone.

You search for answers, but the answer is right in front of you


Read Prometheus Rising and then reprogram yourself.


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Max Freedom Long - The Science of Miracles will tell you exactly how to do this in a straight-foward and easy to understand way.

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