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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
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Come visit >>>/rel/ and discuss faith with those of other faiths or lack there of.


>non-ironically posting that egalitarian shit

>making yet another /fringe/ alternative board that has no need to exist

You can discuss religions here.


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>Islam being willing to coexist with anything


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Someday I will write a fanfic on FIMfiction about Smiley and you.

Who you want to be shipped with?




Coexist only means to coexist on the board



Do it with omran kek



do smiletasm and/or liberal smileline







Omiley? Naaah dat doesn't sound right.

OmranxSmileberg = Omberg?


Anyways, Smiley's cutie mark would obviously be a smiley face, but what about Omie's?

A clopfic with bullying, sounds kinky.


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Me the Happenings Pony



>but what about Omie's?

Something to do with thelema or with islam. He's a sandnigger from the UAE.



>Something to do with thelema or with islam. He's a sandnigger from the UAE.

Smiley, please don't impose your old image of me like that just because you're a rigid person.


>what about Omie's?

If you would give me a cutie mark like the one that trixie have it with a green tinge it would be nice.



>sissy brainless unicorn

>William Trotter Hoovkinson

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