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hare krsna

rama rama

hare hare



In the end, it's just another religion. I used to be a practicing Hindu, after I gave up Christianity. Sure, it gives you cleaner vibes than the Abrahamic faiths, but it never gives you the complete picture. I will admit that there is a lot more truth to it than many other religions, but it is not a complete truth.



Hindu pantheon is south-east african royalty raised to deity level through their legendary deeds and behaviors - it's ancestor worship if you have the line to it genetically.

any other mindset regarding their veneration or use is idolatry worship outside of self.



shut the fuck up, nobody here actually believes niggers had any meaningful cultural impact on the world


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Any sources on the ancestor worship?

Been practicing Tantra (don't know about orthodox Hinduism though, but most of orthodox practices stems from Tantra anyway and tantras are also "canon" for traditional Hinduism) for quite some time and I've never encountered even a hint on ancestral worship beyond the poetic statements in some tantras that one who acquires siddhis makes his ancestors proud. It would be pointless in a system of thought that is based on karma and reincarnation.

Most tantras and tantrik schools focus on veneration of Gods and Goddesses, ritual practices and, most of all, on meditations.

>idolatry worship outside of self

It may seem that way, but Hinduism isn't polytheistic but monistic and the worship of different entities ultimately leads to the realization of unity between man and God. You can think of it as a invocation of a Godform, of different aspects of the universe. When the accomplished sadhaka is united and absorbed into the object of their worship it is followed by a realization that the God(dess) is not outside of the Self and is rather a part of It. In Tantra, the usage of images and external forms of worship is also discarded and the practitioner is encouraged to focus on the internal rituals, else he is shunned as a pasu (mundane).

Not to mention the mantras, as in Tantra it is known that one can gain immense power through the use of mantras which are not viewed as some meaningless words, or just a focus of meditation, but condensed energy in the form of words. Tantrika can gain in this way power far beyond that ascribed to the Gods.

Or so the Hindu legends say.

Mantras also do have their own Śaktis, but in this system everything has it's own Śakti. It's just a different viewpoint on the Universe, one that is based on worship, but not the kind of worship Western mind is accustomed to.



I'd also like to know more about the ancestor worship thing, mostly because it rings true to me deep down. Don't become too attached to tantra. Just some advice from personal experience.



>Don't become too attached to tantra. Just some advice from personal experience.

Could you elaborate? I don't think I do, but I'd like to know what you mean.


Tantra means technique, you made no sense.



It also means a shitload of other things, among others: "doctrine" and "text".



>implying western understand tantra

>implying you're not going to waste your time explaining it



Referring specifically to a set of spiritual and magical practices that involve the initiation of a guru. You are right. I should have been more specific, since really anything could be referred to as tantra, since it's all in the eye of the beholder. I'm referring specifically to the path of a siddha, one who has acquired paranormal abilities through tantra. It's very easy to get lost in that world and forget who you are. I'm sorry if that's not what you were referring to. That's why I said it was coming from personal experience.



>not knowing the source of all magick is vedic



It's not. They merely derived most of the first techniques that are recorded.

>implying "magick," is not the power of the Creator within and that philosophies only serve to channel that power

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