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Esoteric Wizardry


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I decided to put this post into a pastebin since it became pretty damn huge.


It explains how even YOU can become an actual wizard!


Makes me think of John C. Lilly.


Thank you for being a genuine occultist.



I don't see myself as an occultist, more of a "soul scientist", perhaps? Though I understand that sometimes it is really hard to call these things "scientific". I seek truth, this thread is one of the results.


Read the whole text and consider it bullshit.


You must be the guy who spams "bullshit occultist" everywhere and now I have pretty much no respect for you.


Trying to make metaphysical truths "scientific" the way you're doing is retarded.

All is mind or all is matter, take your pick, it's actually all mind but that requires some further explanation…

Thoughtforms are composed of fine substance. They are "material". They actually exist and can be detected by the minds of others and this has been demonstrated as well as obviously you yourself know them when you create them (or receive them but if you don't know better you can't tell the difference nor trace the sources of the thoughts you attract to you).

Using a dark room to meditate in for a prolong period of time is helpful as it reduces distractions. It's not absolutely necessary though.

Believing yourself to be dead or trying to mentally kill yourself is a good way to accidentally astral project yourself and also practise raja yoga. My constant desires to die every night helped me reach a state in which my breathing and everything stopped, I'd be ice cold, and I would be dead to anyone observing me. However while I was "dead" or at least in a very deep trance resembling death, my mind would then be in an extremely ultra-real somewhere else, off in the astral.

Disregard all that crap about simulations and DMT you don't need any of it to explain the universe when better and ultimately more elegant and simple mentalist theories exist to properly account for and explain the reality we live in.



To me it seems like you are so advanced in what you do that you consider any other path bullshit. I guess it makes sense that when someone like you meets someone who tries to simplify things, you'd call it bullshit. OP doesn't even talk about thoughtforms and also avoided the topic of astral projection on purpose. I think he just wanted to keep it simple so that newfigs can understand it and also get them hooked on the hope for magic being real.

Plus his main selling point is telekinesis and abilities like it, not astral projection.


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Good morning /fringe/

I drop in here now & again and I kind of like the place, so when I learned about a second version of 8chan (8ch.pl) I took the liberty of snapping up the fringe URI before anyone could hijack it.

Don't worry, I'm not squatting on it. I want to give the username & password to the BO so he can log in and change it. As soon as the BO responds I'll report his post and send him the login credentials that way.



Do you have some more info on people going into caves and coming out with abilities? Should I withhold from smoking dmt? I'm turning 21 this year and I think I might be depressed. I have so much work in school that I just don't want to do. Should I find a cave?



Well old shamans and such took caves because that's what they had, if you live somewhere silent just using some plywood and electric tape to close off your home from all light is enough. If you're like me and live in fucking construction town and your neighbors drill holes into the walls all day every day then that won't work.

If you do have a cave close to you then sure, why not. It definetly adds to the atmosphere and being closer to mother earth probably is a big bonus.

As for trying out DMT: Don't do it when you feel too depressed. Do it on a day where you feel good and motivated, where you feel like you could take on the world. DMT is pretty much one of the strongest drugs there are and you will trip more then you will ever have tripped. It's, like, expert-level drug. Also pretty hard to smoke, needs a certain temperature so vaping it would be better. I once did vape it on perfect temperature and it still didn't work though (no idea why). So no guarantees.



I just have a family that makes a lot of noise and that would freak out if they saw me doing something weird. I don't really support drugs but considering dmt is naturally made in the body I'd consider taking it but would it need with me at my age or is age not a factor?



^ this pretty much

Wanted to write something similar yesterday but didn't have time to do so.

I'd only add that I can't understand why you guys want to limit yourselves so much. All is mind. You impose your limitations on yourselves. If you believe you have to spend two months in complete darkness and silence to get some noteworthy results then it'll be so.



Ony 19.99!



If it were as simple as you people claim it to be there would be people using telekinesis everywhere and magic would be considered real by pretty much everyone.

Plus you can say this about ANY kind of instruction on this site, "hurr you don't have to do this you are just limiting yourself, just DO IT."


I don't think this has to have anything to do with endogenous DMT.





the guy is armchair as fuck, hes a roleplayer and you fell for it. Take what works, dont trust people like Smiley who offer neither proof for their claims nor accountability when they turn out to be wrong.

Would you go to an anonymous forum to learn self-surgery? I suspect not, why then do you put any faith in those unaccountable anonymous who proclaim knowledge over the right path for your eternal soul?



firstly, there is absolutely no evidence for the multiverse theory, its a jumping the gaps explanation for why there is nonphysical particles in our universe when we just MUST be in a material universe, all nonphysical particles are really just physically in another universe then is the explanation.

>Each of these universes contains many, many virtual universes

secondly there is no necessity that there be a 'real world' at all, as you have put it.

Thirdly, there is absolutely no proof that DMT is produced anywhere in the human body. Go ahead and see if you can find some, you won't be able to.

Lastly, its morally irresponsible to support methods of enlightenment (or w/e you want to call it) without first ensuring it works by trying it yourself. Go out and do this cave thing yourself and then report back to us, don't use us as your guinea pigs. It lowers the threshold of discussion because its very easy to tell people what you think should be done but very difficult indeed to prove you're right and this encourages more of the same intellectual and moral laziness, it entraps those who are gullible or prone to certain illnesses and even will disenchant those who try it and fail based on your faulty advice.

my first claim is based on the works of the thunderbolt projects Electric Universe Theory which I encourage everyone to check out themselves.

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