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Esoteric Wizardry


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He is a Master – yet at the same time he is that by the most extreme token of opposites – he is a slave.

He is not our slave, or anyone's slave, or any thing's slave. He is the slave of It, of this very reality we want to know and experience.

He has subjugated his 'I' and he has enthroned the 'He', what the Arabs call the pronoun of absence. Constantly he addresses reality, his reality, as 'He'. He is a presence addressing an absence, and yet we experience him inwardly as an absence expressing a Presence. He is the perfection of slavery. He is bound, utterly constrained, without choice, helpless, obedient. He does what he has been commanded to do.

He bows and he prostrates before this Reality, he calls on its name morning and night, he asks and he asks – but never for this or that, never for forms. He asks for this no-thing, this effulgent nothingness that has produced the myriad forms, he asks It for It and gets whatever 'It' he supplicates for, so we always see him satisfied and content. He may be ill and in pain, he may be penniless, but he is content, he is well-pleased, for it seems that this flow of 'It' never ceases through all these apparently negative events.

By slavery I mean being stripped of every power and strength and capacity and even the act of getting things for yourself.


I don't get it


Indeed I am that.


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The application of the idea that “I am the Doer”, to the spiritual Path — the notion that mysticism is a “power” someone can possess — is one of the most fundamental delusions. Yes, the will is free, but it is only totally free at one point: the point of the choice of masters. If you choose Reality as your master, then the notion that you are the ultimate Doer of anything whatever is totally dispelled.

As soon as you let go of the illusion that you are self-created (which is easier said than done!), you will see God creating you in this instant—you and the entire universe. You will see with His Eye—or rather, He will see with the Eye of the Heart, that Eye occupying the center of the place now vacated by the mother of all illusions, the illusion of the self-created, self-defined, self-determined ego. The one who wishes to realize his true and permanent Self can do nought but overcome the temporary ego.

If we try to relate to the Absolute while totally rejecting the personal God, this is tantamount to seeing God as passive and ourselves as active; this is also the precise point where the Promethean

way begins to replace the Traditional spiritual Path. The Personal God can certainly be transcended — when we transcend our own human characteristics by “dying before we die” — but He cannot be ignored or rejected

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