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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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Gnosis is everything "extraordinary". Use that as your guiding light and you can't go wrong. Any strange psychogenic experience is probably gnosis. Be promiscuous in your judgement. Sex-drug-sleep-deprivation gnosis is real, because if you can't think, that must mean that you've transcended thought — imo animals are enlightened beings and maybe brain damage is probably a good thing I don't know. Submerge yourself into the below-rational cesspit of undifferentiated psychic insanity and obsess about getting magic powers, it's really the highest state.



Yeah, this is a pretty bad post to be quite honest.

No one on this board thinks like you picture them in your mind. As well, as no one thinks like Sam Hyde portrays everyone in his mind. Which is probably why he isn't very funny.

Happy journeys.


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Take it up with reddit.


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Are you a Luciferian? Sorry for stepping on your turf, I swear this is basically a one time thing and I'm not interested in saving anyone from your corruptions and lies. But if your demon master is powerful enough it probably already realizes that

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