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Errors in the Human Condition

Not everyone can be fooled all the time, but enough can be fooled enough of the time to make democracy work against the people. The flaw is built into the system of democracy itself, giving the illusion of choice that placates voters while simultaneously herding them by appealing to their lowest common denominators. The latter happens through demagoguery and cultural programming via media, education, entertainment, and dialectics.

Parallels have been drawn between German fervor for Hitler as a strong masculine figure who would make Germany great again, and the modern RINO fervor for Trump as a strong masculine figure who would make America great again. Both of these show how easily a desperate nation can slide into fascism.

America is supposed to be a constitutional republic where people vote for those smarter, more dedicated, more experienced, and wiser than themselves to decide on the affairs of the nation. But due to political correctness and over-reliance on polling, the republic process has been short-circuited. Further, lobbying by special interests makes these politicians deviate from the potentially myopic will of the people when it serves selfish ends, compounding the problem. Very few representatives selflessly do what’s best for the country and their constituents in the long-term, which is how it’s supposed to be. So the Republic has devolved into a mix of herd democracy and covert oligarchy, the latter controlling the first through cultural programming since they own the media, entertainment, and textbook companies.

So in effect we have a nation of fools and a government of maniacs. The beginning contains the end; flaws built into the system from the start, or added along the way, have propagated a chain of effects that lead toward certain inevitabilities, namely the eventual collapse of the system.

To give an example of how a flaw propagates decline, consider the following. On the one hand it is rightful and just that blacks and women were given the opportunity to vote since they are humans with freewill and citizens of this nation, thus they deserve to be represented. On the other hand, with power comes responsibility, and the power to vote should come with the necessary education, self-mastery, and wisdom to overcome certain cultural and biological biases that interfere with voting responsibly.

Liberalism sprang up as a political embodiment of low-awareness, emotional, irrational impulses because so many did not care for the history and rationale behind the founding of America, due to being preoccupied with their own racial or gender identification and viewing the fundamentals of liberty as the uninteresting concerns of stuffy old white men. (The scourge of Marxism and efforts of degenerates like Alfred Kinsey also contributed). It’s ironic that liberals owe their very existence, residence, and way of life to the principles this country was founded upon, yet they choose to ignore that and even work against it. How is this any different from humans polluting the very ground on which they stand and grow their food?

The idea behind voting is that everyone gets to vote regardless of their reasons, as if having that right comes without any qualifications, and therein lies the flaw:

Consider how, despite gun ownership being a right according to the Second Amendment, there are restrictions on gun purchases and ownership because guns in the wrong hands endanger lives. That is easy to see because gun in hand, loud bang, and body on the ground are simple visuals that happen in quick succession and therefore don’t require much mental capacity to understand, hence why that image is used with ease and effect by statists selling gun control measures.

Yet, voting has no restriction beyond basic registration, despite the vote (representing the epitome of quantity over quality) being what ultimately leads to tyrannies that lead to genocide. But that particular chain of cause and effect, where popular support for madmen leads to the deaths of millions, is too big of a concept for some to handle. It’s not something that low-information voters think about. They can’t see beyond today and therefore think, feel, and react with infantile abandon. Long term thinking they dismiss as conspiracy theories.

The problem of voting could be solved by making voters take the U.S. Citizenship test, the same one that all immigrants seeking naturalization must already take; but voting tests are illegal and un-Constitutional according to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The prohibition of tests is due to southern racists rigging them to keep out minority voters; what they did was so horrible that the knee-jerk overreaction is to irrationally lump saner alternatives (like the U.S. Citizenship test) into the same category. That is yet another flaw built into the system that guarantees collapse in the end.

Short-sighted emotional thinking applies not only to liberals/socialists but plenty of other ideologies including racists and Trump-supporting “conservatives in name only” who largely consist of angry older white males driven by cultural xenophobia and nationalism rather than true patriotism and constitutional libertarianism. They and their liberal opposames represent a false dichotomy that tries to push itself as the only reality, as something the rest of us are supposed to choose between when we succumb to the fallacy of binary thinking. Yet both are nothing more than under-informed reaction machines that live and vote in ignorance. The mentality of wanting to “nuke those ragheads” is an example of short term thinking because it doesn’t take into account the consequences of blowback years down the line. Not to mention, disregard for the death of non-combatants puts these folks on the moral level of mass shooters.

Low-information voters whether liberal or nationalist are destroying this nation. If we allowed little children to vote, the outcome would have been more of the same if not better; how is it that someone of adult age who is a mental and emotional toddler is allowed to vote, hold office, and direct the affairs of a country? Were we to allow citizens of North Korea to vote in our elections, policies here would swing increasingly communist and Americans would not support such a thing. Yet liberalism and neoconservatism undermining the very foundation and purpose of America shows that something similar has already happened here, just with a different demographic entering the political sphere.

Post last edited at


Therefore the problem lies in the quality of the voter base, whether they are “enlightened” or not. An enlightened republic is the best kind of republic, but that’s a pipe dream at this point. America was founded on lofty ideals that require vigilance, awareness, and responsibility to maintain a system of justice, liberty, and opportunity. It cannot be otherwise. “A republic…if you can keep it,” said Ben Franklin when asked what the Founding Fathers had come up with. Once those who are unqualified, incapable, or subversive to that ideal begin dominating the voting and political process, it’s only a matter of time before the nation as a whole begins to deviate from those ideals and hence justice, liberty, and opportunity begin to diminish. That’s what is happening now.

And because the end is built into the beginning, the inevitable end is that the system will collapse, just as every civilization in history has collapsed. Every system succumbs to its flaws sooner or later unless its people have a self-correction mechanism, which requires them to be sufficiently aware, willing, and capable to overthrow corruption and re-establish order based on just principles. That quality is absent in the majority of Americans today who are disconnected from history, reality, and the future.

Collapse is a form of correction, but a brutish one with uncertain outcomes because it is reality’s last resort. The final result of too much political correctness and liberalism is corruption, oppression, resentment, economic collapse, extremism, revolution, and balkanization. Once you “run out of other people’s money” the welfare state implodes and blood runs in the streets as the resentful extremist opposition rises to the occasion; that is what history and current affairs teach us.

The universal solution, it seems, is education. Make voters smarter and they will vote smarter. But the correct political information has ironically been deemed politically incorrect. Further it has been relegated to being “just another political ideology” that must compete on an equal basis with all the other ideologies out there instead of being elevated as the core foundation of our existence as a nation. Thus the Bill of Rights is under attack from all sectors, except by the small minority who still defends it in whole because that minority understands its historical, philosophical, and spiritual context and necessity. In a democracy, the minority always loses. So the correct information is locked out of the public and academic school systems and mainstream media. As a result, the 51% cannot be reached or mobilized to make the necessary changes. Therefore education is only a solution for the smaller minority, but the country as a whole will continue like a runaway train to its inevitable demise.

But this note isn’t supposed to be a political rant. The preceding was a preamble to a more fundamental discussion. The fact that history repeats over and over no matter the culture, whereby all cultures no matter how lofty their beginnings eventually degrade to a lower baseline, that says something about flaws in the human species that go deeper than just the software.

There is something wrong with the hardware. Most of it centers around primitive biological drives dominating over sane and rational thought. In men, it is a disposition toward reactive violence, bravado, machismo, and tribalism; in women it is toward emotional thinking and emotional manipulation. Cave men and babies. Both commonly suffer from personal and collective egotism and tunnel vision. And both tend to operate via binary thinking and other logical fallacies. These irrational impulses dominate the political landscape today, as they have since the dawn of time. It takes a sentient spirit with love of truth, justice, and liberty to override these hardware flaws and do good, but with a portion of the population being spiritless, dim in consciousness, or morally corrupted, you could say that spiritual necrosis dominates the populace and that good men and women are the exception not the rule.

But to go even deeper, it is our perceptions being limited to the five senses that make us unaware of the malevolent strings that exploit our flaws by tugging upon our thoughts and emotions. That is, by default we cannot see and therefore cannot defend against the paranormal forces that influence, shadow and outright possess the vulnerable among us. Such forces include demons, aliens, and dark ghosts. That is not anything acknowledged by the purely 3D-minded conspiracy professionals who prefer blaming the Bilderberg Group or the ever-convenient Jews. The paranormal element should be obvious and familiar to anyone who has done sufficient research into occultism, UFOlogy, parapsychology, and Forteana or has pondered over their own anomalous personal experiences. The ultimate secret is that the fourth wall is the fifth column.

Once people who are under the control of such forces enter positions of influence (authors, councilors, counselors, judges, politicians, scientists, celebrities, etc.) then these along with the “hired clappers” among the population can direct the rest. Add to this body of covert manipulators the various secret societies, cabals, corporations, and military industrial complex, and it’s no mystery how the human species has been played like fiddles.

Unseen forces exploit the flaws in our hardware to generate malicious cultural software that inevitably leads to a crash of the system, which in real life means death and suffering and oppression. As such, our planet functions as a wine press for the occult loosh economy with regular harvests.

Therefore education is a superficial solution that only works for some people for limited time. It works best in smaller areas for shorter times, which is why political activism at the local and state level is more effective than anything at the national level. It’s a software patch for flawed hardware that must be enjoyed while it lasts.

But nothing will change permanently unless there is a change in our physical and metaphysical hardware. That is, we need a gnostic spiritual awakening, an activation of clairvoyant faculties, and a change in our genetics that support and lock these in place. That is the only everlasting solution. The lesser alternative would be some benevolent dictatorship that whips everyone into line under penalty of annihilation, which may correct things in function but not in spirit and is therefore only an artificial solution that goes against the very thing we are trying to do, which is support freewill toward the entelechy of our spiritual evolution.

Due to epigenetic processes, genetics should change automatically in response to changes of awareness, but being that most monks who spend a lifetime of study and meditation are still here as physical as ever, it seems that some type of intervention from above may be required if this process is too difficult to kickstart on its own. That intervention could come in the form of a cosmic spiritual energy wave that activates those receptive to it, or as a form of genetic modification or interbreeding with an appropriate alien race, or a combination of both.

The latter has been done before, and may happen again. Old models become obsolete as new models are introduced. The human genome as it currently exists may go the way of the Neanderthal. Note, however, that this is not at all advocating the Gray alien hybrid breeding program, because instead of empowering or awakening, the aim of the Grays and their handlers is to further suppress our spiritual potential by handicapping us with the Grays’ own autistic, servile, and docile traits. Hence we must be very careful with any imposed genetic modifications, as alien groups offering it will most likely have malicious motives.

As for the human race itself using genetic engineering and eugenics to “improve” itself, that is a terrible idea because those “improvements” would be based on transhumanist fallacies and questionable political agendas. Just as media and education have become managed by state psyops, genetic engineering and eugenics would ultimately be managed by those who have special interests in domesticating us “wild creatures” into something more profitable to their agenda. And further, with modern science being oblivious to the metaphysical framework, engineers would tweak DNA with total disregard for the dependencies between soul and genetics and how that factors into karma, destiny, and spiritual homeostasis. This can lead to empty bodies or various metaphysical pathologies.

Preferably we should go the route of spiritual apotheosis through divine irradiation and subsequent epigenetic unfoldment. That is not anything we can force, as it must be given by divine grace. Patience is a necessity, but the risk is doing nothing while waiting, in waiting to the point of passivity. We should instead prepare to weather the collapse of the system, do the best we can to safeguard and uplift spirit wherever it is found, do what is most fulfilling to our own spirit, do what is most in harmony with time-tested wisdom, and move in synchronization with divinely orchestrated moments of kairos.



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I agree, but I fail to see how this was worth writing. Maybe for those who didn't already understand this, but it seemed very basic to me. Most people are ignorant, politics is a joke, transhumanism is a false promise, the only real answer is mass enlightenment which won't happen.


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> transhumanism is a false promise


Well, let's read. Montalk always writes some good stuff.

Btw, he should use the cheerful, sunny OP pic on his site, not le mysterious half shadowed faec.


>That is, we need a gnostic spiritual awakening, an activation of clairvoyant faculties, and a change in our genetics that support and lock these in place.

Good luck with that, I don't really see that happening any time soon while.

>The lesser alternative would be some benevolent dictatorship that whips everyone into line under penalty of annihilation, which may correct things in function but not in spirit and is therefore only an artificial solution that goes against the very thing we are trying to do, which is support freewill toward the entelechy of our spiritual evolution.

Is possible should an outsider like Trump manage to get into power and start systematically uprooting the enemy. He's also forgetting that if the people behind the media and educational systems change, it will be possible for people like us to get into the opened positions and tend to the spiritual necrosis of the population as he describes it. His site and other /fringe/ related people will never reach the same effectiveness as having a propaganda machine under our control.


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Mass enlightenment will come with the recognition and proper definition of evil.

Evil is always a byproduct of individuals disconnected from their higher self.

When someone is disconnected from their higher self they become just a set of programs running without user input.

They can put on a show, sing and dance, and act just like a normal person, but don't have any actual life in them.

They are essentially like the Replicants in Blade Runner.

Individual responsibility is to not make apologies for them. To not make excuses for their behavior, but call it out, and separate oneself from it. Because people who are disconnected from their higher self are going to be conduits for bad stuff.



Delineation and emphasis on evil like the abrahamic religions? That's new.

I'll follow Shakespeare of the sonnets and speculate that it's not the 'higher self' but cosmic consciousness; 'the Holy Spirit', a separate entity, that breathes new life into people – not the actualisation of one's idealised ego. It lives through the enjoyment and use of life as it is intended, which is why there'd be weather manipulation to gray out the sun in summer.



Agree with you views but I would not be so pessimist in the "ESP" realm.

I can notice people with faculties like that and I'm being aware of more people "being tuned in". I'm talking about real life not OBE or the kind.

But this lead to some problems. That being the polarization of positions. We're seeing people "doing magik" without anykind of protection and even know-how about the stuff they do.

Some end up in the left hand path solo like what >>77252 said. Can sense more and more people becoming zombies or even flesh portals.

The problem with this people is that they can be almost as powerful as any other being with willpower in the matters of the left path. They also very suited for puppet position in any kind and type of organization. And since we have the game rigged this "people" can get ahead for the simple fact they can be manouvered over.

Odd enough, the academy has alot of this people. Don't understand how this people end up here but they are very helpful in the narrative of the PC. Not talking about USA only but Europe and Asia, and even South America I notice this.

Trump can change the tides by the simple fact that he is so polarized that he could be a "F00l" and let the wind spread.

> About Montalk

He's right about the general topic but he should not dismiss Trump that much. He should know that Trump is the idol of /pol/ and many other boards that are closed linked to this one.

He should know that his "potential audience" is within Trump supporters. He don't have do pander to Trump though.

He is just the open window many people are looking for. The fact Montalk belittle that "hope" is not very wise.

Montalk should not focus only on the "problem" because he his trying to sail against the wind. He should ride it and try to mold it. Not just try to stay in the "neutrality".

Could understand he is concerned about his own safety but I think that he can no longer be just "neutral" and that he trying to be neutral is more dangerous that taking a side.

He can either play the game or opting out completly but he does neither and being in the center of the board chess can lead him to the end.



>Just as media and education have become managed by state psyops, genetic engineering and eugenics would ultimately be managed by those who have special interests in domesticating us “wild creatures” into something more profitable to their agenda. And further, with modern science being oblivious to the metaphysical framework, engineers would tweak DNA with total disregard for the dependencies between soul and genetics and how that factors into karma, destiny, and spiritual homeostasis. This can lead to empty bodies or various metaphysical pathologies.


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>mass enligmentm


You don't know what is enligmentm, you are maybe tinking in awakening but if we were to experience mass enlightening not everyone will survive, I belive that some of the old lost civilizations did indeed experience this

And this is why they are not longer around.

Pic related



>We're seeing people "doing magik" without anykind of protection and even know-how about the stuff they do.

I've certainly noted this as well, after 2012 it is snowballing faster and fast, with some people saying that they're having trouble telling dreams from reality at this point, and this is atheistic engineers we're talking about, with little faith in the supernatural.

It's a dangerous situation we're entering, more and more people seem to have their reality changing powers awakened but they're completely undefended from external influences and will likely reinforce the mass loosh farmers' grasp on our little realm.

Guess it's time to go full Alex Jones and start breaking the conditioning.

>incoherent yelling intensifies




Soon, we will have mass insights that will change the game forever.

Mass enlightenment is an inevitability at some point in the future because of this.


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"Evil" is just a tag. What matters is what it is applied to. For example:

Creating or promoting a system that deliberately or unintentionally robs people of purpose would qualify as evil.

Someone with a connection to their higher self/cosmic consciousness/Holy Spirit are going to recognize that to do so is inherently evil. Someone basing their decisions solely on their intellect are likely to completely ignore the inherently evil aspects of it, or even get off on knowing that is the outcome.

The distinction isn't on what qualifies as the "Higher Power" it is only in those who utilize it versus those relying solely on their intellect.

Those who don't have a connection for what ever reason are the ones perpetuating this rolling disaster we have going on right now.

To quote Hannibal Lecter:

>"We live in a primitive time, don't we, Will? Neither savage nor wise. Half measures are the curse of it, any rational society will either kill me or put me to some use."



In that argument the blame won't stick, and no solution presents itself.

You say people are perpetuating a diaster, but you must know its not them directing or inventing it. It's like you've the same conceit as secret societies which consider the uninitiated as soulless or beastly, and to impress themselves on their own difference.



>Were we to allow citizens of North Korea to vote in our elections, policies here would swing increasingly communist and Americans would not support such a thing.

https://archive.is/Pzs4w = https://news.google.com/news/story?ncl=dKNzfjubSii6bLM6sLnqIe-flD0BM&hl=en&num=100&q=Kim+Trump

>Donald Trump has North Korea’s support


>Trump: GOP will become ‘worker’s party’ under me


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hyper-Dimensional Interference and the Keys to Discernment




– Full list of topics covered –


- The macro-perspective/bigger picture of the Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System on a global level and how it ties in with the micro-perspective: hyperdimensional interference on a personal/individual level. Clarification and definition of basic concepts.

- Suppression of extra-sensory perception and social/cultural conditioning (starting in childhood) keeps hyperdimensional forces hidden from our awareness.

- Hyperdimensional “technologies” used for interference/manipulation: shape-shifting, thought injections, manipulation of perception, etc. . They have knowledge of our physiology and psychology and use it against us.

- As powerful as negative entities seem, their “achilles heel” is lack of creativity (when it comes to attack/interference) and are actually not as powerful as they like us to believe.

- Importance to gain deeper knowledge about this topic and educate oneself for empowerment and protection.

- Ancient cultures were very aware of the hidden forces influencing our reality/world. Suppression of Knowledge. Corruption of Science. “Modern” world caught in limited 3D reductionist thinking and view of life/reality. Outer technological progress at cost of developing our inner technology (mind-body split by design}, which cuts us off from our full potential and ability to perceive these forces.

- All our unresolved issues within are gateways for hyperdimensional interferences and suggestions that influence our behaviors and actions, leading to addictions, hanging out with the wrong crowd and people that are not good for us, all of which re-enforces the “feeding” loop.

- Manipulation of desires and emotions. Entities controlling groups/crowds and feeding off of the “loosh”, including worship/admiration (gurus, priests, celebrities, politicians)

- Normalization of pathology in society. The predator gave us its own mind.

- Importance of healthy skepticism (Discernment) as opposed to blind belief and extreme skepticism.

- Normalization of sexual pathologies. Internet porn, strip clubs as feeding grounds. Hosting/Possession. Sex addiction, compulsions, change of personality. Manipulated sexual desires. Etheric implants.

- Interference on internet message boards, forums, social media (Facebook). Important to check your compulsions, triggers, urges, thoughts before posting/reacting.

- Interference while reading/researching about this topic and seeking truth: tiredness, distraction, ear ringing. Technological malfunctions. Negative synchronicities.

- Disinformation “agents” sent your way. Ego hooks. Fake new “friends”.

- People don’t know how much they are influenced and controlled by hyperdimensional forces until they start to wake up, seek truth, gain knowledge and engage in self work (de-programming, de-conditioning).

- The end-game goal of their agenda from a macro-perspective is full take-over of our bodies in order to lock us in a frequency prison, priming our bodies for their essence to host in (creating an incarnarnational opportunity). Hence the push for disembodiment, increasing the body-mind split via increased mental activity/distraction through technology as well as poisoning the body via GMOs, EMF radiation, vaccinations, chemtrails, etc., for genetic modification. —> Hybridization.



- Disinformation/trap of “positive aliens”supposedly upgrading our DNA, which is actually a “downgrading”. Discernment! Ties into MK Ultra, abductions/contactees (fake screen memories). New Age deception.

- Embodiment (full soul integration, connecting to our inner “technology”) is key for protection, awakening and anchoring higher frequencies, reconnecting to our original genetic blue print.

- Humanity is being used as an “interface”. Soul recycling, stuck in incarnation loop and physicality.

- Narcissism and Borderline Personality Disorders (as well as Sociopathy and Psychopathy) as major gateways (vehicles) for hyperdimensional hosting/interference. Trap of agreement when getting into reactive behavior; triggered into their “game”.

- Importance of zero-point consciousness: Non-reactive, not making/taking things personal. Trap of interpersonal fighting which is what these entities want and feed of off.

- Importance of boundaries and taking self-responsibility for the hyperdimensional forces (working through others) can only target what resonates with our own wounds and weaknesses (psychologically and emotionally).

- Trap of victim-consciousness and blame, which these entities encourage us to react with since that state disempowers us even more.

- Via non-reactive zero-point consciousness and especially not getting/feeding into reactionary states of fear and paranoia, we can starve them so they lose interest and move on. i.e. not giving them what they want.

- Certain reactions (fear/paranoia) are a from of permission for more interference/attacks because of the frequency match. Keeps increasing because of the feedback-loop.

- Divide and conquer/in-fighting in the "truth movement" from a hyperdimensional perspective. Lack of emotional intelligence, embodiment and self-work in many well-meaning activists and conspiracy researchers. “Truthers” can become unconscious disinformation “agents”, especially if there is lack of understanding of the hyperdimensional matrix.

- Oftentimes online/public persona is very different than how people are in person. Careful of cult of personality or “celebrity” style personas in the “truth movement” (ties into projection, worship, etc) who feed off of the attention and are caught up in drama/gossip/martyr/savior/victim mindsets, which is what negative hyperdimensional entities want and feed off of, working though them. Unconscious on their part.

- Frequency Resonance Vibration and the power of our own minds with regards to shaping our experiences (for better or worse). Our lack of understanding of who truly are and what we are capable of is being used against us. Interferences/attacks don’t happen over night but build up slowly, manipulating our free will choice, resulting in traps of agreement.

- Emotionally charged thought projections create “entities” or attracts them. Paranoid mechanical thought loops.

- Timeline shuffling via thought injections and emotional manipulation, hijacking our minds, which results in negative forces creating reality through us that is in alignment with their agenda. We are way more creative and powerful than them, hence they need us to create through us via free will manipulation.

- Trap of hyper-sensitivity/self-consciousness with regards to what other people think of you. Guilt and shame based due to past wounding.

- Silence as a permission for interference and consent/trap of agreement. Be vocal about boundaries and question everything we take as “normal”: media, culture, government.

- Government is an archonic creation, literally an “alien” construct and the most basic set-up of the Matrix Control System through which the hyperdimensional overlords work through. We don’t need government in any shape or form.

- Voting is consent to be ruled over (a government body taking over your life), a trap of agreement giving away our power as sovereign individuals, and also a consent to the Matrix Control System based on authoritarianism. It has negative metaphysical repercussions despite any well-meaning intentions, manipulating people’s free will choice to align with the “alien” agenda of complete take-over.



- Importance of making conscious choices and using true free will. Most people mistake free will for their mechanical programmed reactions based on social/cultural, unconscious programming and past trauma, i.e. they are not choosing consciously but do as they are programmed to do under the illusion of “free will”.

- Hyperdimensional forces need our free will consent/agreement to align with their agenda. Forced choice is not “nutritious” to them and not “quality food”, hence the manipulation of consciousness and mass beliefs (such as the belief in government and many other things people don’t question) is how they get what they want. Manipulated need for authority —> Stockholm Syndrome.

- Sincere Self-work is imperative, deprogramming from cultural/social conditioning. Disillusionment is inevitable in the process of waking up.

- Embodiment, the alchemical marriage of the inner male and female, connecting to spirit/nature and or own inner “authority” and guidance.

- Importance of basic psychological self-work; shadow work. What are your emotional triggers? Importance of boundaries.

- Issues in relationships (not related to Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid) when one person starts to wake up, engages in truth seeking and self-work but the other person isn’t. Trap/danger of trying to make the other person “see” and “wake up”.

- Anyone who is not in the process of sincere self-work, seeking truth (and not aware of the hyperdimensional matrix) can become a “trojan horse”, being used by entities to get to the one who is in the process of awakening. Discernment in relationships (not just the romantic kind)!

- Safe vs. unsafe behaviors in relationships.

- Trap of needing approval, resulting in self-diminishment and poor choices/relationships. Importance of self-worth and healthy self-love. Letting go of people-pleasing based on low self-esteem and lack of establishing healthy boundaries.

- All about choice; what we align ourselves with and what not. Not making a choice is a choice as well.

- The socialist collective mindset the world is conditioned with on a political level is part of the NWO agenda and ultimately the hyperdimensional control system, priming the masses for full take-over with their manipulated free will consent. Group psychology and hive mind thinking, from small crowds to large spiritual, religious and political groups/parties.

- Divide and conquer. Controlled opposition. Forced choices via manipulation.

- Waking up is an individual process. We cannot force others to awaken. Infringement of free will. Most people are conditioned with lifetimes of lies, traps of agreements and programming that can’t be done away with “over night” by confronting them. You can’t do it for them. Spread “seeds of awareness”. ”Help others by empowering them, so they can help themselves. True “healers” and “guides” are facilitators and don’t save us or do the work for us.

- The role of positive higher forces and how they help/guide and assist us.

- The difference between true positive higher forces as opposed to negative forces posing as “positive ones”. False light teachings. New Age deception. Danger of rituals calling in entities and aliens, ETs. Disinformation in the UFO community and various disclosure/exo-politics movements/organizations trying to connect with “positive” aliens and call in UFOs. Discernment!

- Pay attention to your intuitive insights and bodily messages (your gut!) regardless how intellectually clever and knowledgable a person may appear (especially online).

- All there is are lessons. Attacks are initiations. Utilizing negative forces as “teachers”. Importance of self-responsibility.

- Timeline reality split. Integration. Embodiment. Alignment.


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>In that argument the blame won't stick, and no solution presents itself.

False. The blame sticks because it is applied to actions. Act like an asshole, be blamed for being an asshole.

Consistent asshole like behavior over time means that one is part of the problem.

The only question is what the adequate solution should be, whether to put to death or to find a use for.

Either way it is inevitable to start calling out the shells, the lifeless vessels operating without any connection to life, to quarantine the damage they cause in order for the human race to advance and evolve in a natural fashion free from their corrupting influence.

These are the hair clogs in the drain of life, inflicting as much damage as they can because they have no connection to higher purpose.

>You say people are perpetuating a diaster, but you must know its not them directing or inventing it. It's like you've the same conceit as secret societies which consider the uninitiated as soulless or beastly, and to impress themselves on their own difference.

But it is them perpetuating it. Consciously and deliberately perpetuating a shit storm.

This is why psychologists openly admit that there is no treatment for psychopaths or those with narcissistic personality disorders. They know they are assholes and delight in the destruction they cause and are completely unrepentant.

They lack the capacity for true empathy.



Made it to second :34 before the "nope" radar kicked in.

Good try though.





>Hyper-Dimensional Interference and the Keys to Word Salad






I don’t think it’s even on-topic. Do you dump it in random threads? OP’s post is informative (it increases understanding). Your post is disinformative (it decreases understanding).





What a bunch of rubbish.


>>77612 (me)

Okay, it isn’t completely unrelated. It was posted on YouTube by +TomMontalk, from the same think tank as OP.

Except OP makes sense to me and this doesn’t.




>- Normalization of sexual pathologies. Internet porn, strip clubs as feeding grounds. Hosting/Possession. Sex addiction, compulsions, change of personality. Manipulated sexual desires. Etheric implants.

Someone should take a clip out of this where it talks about this and post it in the renouncing lust thread.



>- Hyperdimensional forces need our free will consent/agreement to align with their agenda. Forced choice is not “nutritious” to them and not “quality food”, hence the manipulation of consciousness and mass beliefs (such as the belief in government and many other things people don’t question) is how they get what they want. Manipulated need for authority —> Stockholm Syndrome.

Is Montalk an anarchist? seriously… we can't have anarchism, not unless the whole populace was highly intelligent super aryans, and even then…



Maybe you should have ignored your "nope radar" and just got through it?

There is a book I kept getting that everytime I started reading, for years I never read it, and I only read it a few months ago; and I really should have read it long ago.



…because of your post I went and read the whole thing to see if it's really "word salad".

That's not "word salad". It all makes good sense to me what he's saying.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Except OP makes sense to me and this doesn’t.

What I see happening is an intellectual generalizing of a simple subject.

Some people are douche bags.

Since some people are douche bags we can:

a) Call them out on their specific douche like behavior, exposing us to the inevitable douche playlist of shifting accountability and histrionics

b) Avoid conflict by making intellectually sound but in reality just generalized obfuscations of their douche behavior

It is a simple thing. Only douche bags enjoy the conflict, so it is a Chinese finger trap for anyone not a douche bag.

But apart from a Voight Kampff test the only realistic answer is calling out douche behavior.

No amount of intellectual pandering is going to make that Replicant anything but what it is.

>video strictly for emotional support



>Maybe you should have ignored your "nope radar" and just got through it?

Seriously, I laughed out loud. Instinct has been and continues to be a far better heuristic guide for me than any intellectual fancy.



I watched around about half an hour or it and stopped because it was all already familiar to me and I didn't really like listening to them, but what really annoyed me is there constant nodding that puts the viewer in an easily agreeable mindset.

This shit drives me up a goddamn wall.



There are degrees of empathy, and degrees that exceed yours. If that wasnt so, you'd understand why blame cant be pinned so easily in a society devised of schemes and control of minds.



You talk about control of the mind like it's a bad thing. Any society must by definition control minds or it's not a society at all. We should control our minds but in a constructive and uplifting way as opposed to the often pathological and perverted way.



I listened to the whole thing twice while playing games and might do it a third time. The first half hour isn't very interesting you know, it gets much more interesting in the last hour (like Mein Kampf)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>There are degrees of empathy, and degrees that exceed yours. If that wasnt so, you'd understand why blame cant be pinned so easily in a society devised of schemes and control of minds.

Not so sure that's valid. Sounds like more gross generalization to excuse bad behavior.

What would constitute a "degree of empathy" would easily pass as simply putting on a show for the neighbors.

Someone who shits all over their intended victim because they know they can get away with it, but goes out of their way to "feed the homeless".

Those with empathy, when exposed to the truth will instinctively alter their behavior so as to cause as little harm as possible. While those others will simply seethe at being exposed.


Empathy, in my simple opinion, is indeed the Holy Grail of this time.

True empathy and not compassion.

To see the whole and understand.

And we have to be careful of abstractions, obfuscation, and general shitfests of "diarrhea of logical espousements"

One reason I imagine so much "zombie" culture pushes its way into our media.




It's not gay if you jerk the balls



Will transhumanism be open source?

If no, then don't apply.



I'm not making excuses. I'm saying intolerance for the 'bad' behaviour of unfeeling or 'morally inconsistent' people is a sign of tenuous empathy. The absolutely empathetic would also feel the wounds of their persecutor; feel the wound in their lack of feeling, and not rationalise it as the conduct of a brutal, robotic ape-man, but for that they'd need an un-apelike intuition, or maybe there'd need to be some kind of machine intelligence watching with the right sense of perspective, cos when humans get crammed together like ants they start to lose their heads and imagine that they are.



How do you morons take this guy seriously? I mean he's a fucking college dropout, writes pseudoscientific articles on quantum physics, bases everything off David Icke, talks shit about women, blacks, whites while being a minority himself, probably makes money off this shit, lives in fucking luxury somewhere, doesn't give anyone any sort of goal to move towards politically other than what the "logos" tells him


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>fascism with swastika

>fascism right next to communism




Well Hitler DID based his douctrine in the italian fascism of mussulini and it's actually pretty close to comunism in some aspects.

I would not take it to serious tho. Trying to mix 3d politics (as me know them from the history books) with fringe is actually hard.

This is supost to be a reader's friendly chart, not actually accure.

As far as I know even Montalk shits on Nazism (for a good reason because muh ebil nazis). The thing I don't agree in this chart is the "eugenics" because it's a disinformation at the best. We have that now too, but is not "eu" but disgenic. I mean it in all levels not just "muh ratian puriti".

I just don't like the ideia of eugenics being shit on like a bad thing. Again comunism had eugenics too and I guess this chart has a purpose putting that shit there. Maybe readers (or normies-mundanes-whatever gets at the edge my that) friendly?



lol for real. i listened to about a minute of his music and knew from that he's a bullshitter


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>As far as I know even Montalk shits on Nazism (for a good reason because muh ebil nazis)

>(for a good reason because muh ebil nazis)

>it's actually pretty close to comunism in some aspects



Anything more out from him? What is he doing right now? Hiding from the Trumpening?


New Montalk Article Fuckers

The past, present, and future form a continuum, so studying one part can tell us something about another part. I’m interested in history because it can tell us not only how we got here, but where we’re going.

If you look at the genetic evidence for alien intervention, if you match that up with ancient accounts of the sky people or gods walking among men and flying around in chariots of fire, if you match that up with megalithic sites that are simply impossible to build with human technology of the time, and if you match THAT up with accounts of supernatural technologies like the Ark of the Covenant or various magical stones that gave off radiation and made people sick and electrocuted them and so on, well that all matches right on up with what we know in modern times about UFOs, alien, the abduction program, collaborations between black ops military and alien factions, and what eyewitnesses have said about what alien technology can do. It all fits together, it all meshes, and one part supports another.

So by examining the anomalies in history, the secret forces and controllers of ancient times, and looking at the technology they had and what forces they were collaborating with, it may be possible to get a clearer picture of what’s going on today, and therefore what might happen in the future. Therefore I’d like to talk about some anomalies, including the ancient global mariners who had access to certain alien technologies, I’d like to talk about the Ark of the Covenant and the origin of the Israelites, and also I want to touch on the Holy Grail and the Philosopher’s Stone and how these are all examples of I have come to call “demiurgic technologies” which are none other than devices that employ occult and hyperdimensional energies and principles in their operation and not just electromagnetic.




>Trump-supporting “conservatives in name only” who largely consist of angry older white males driven by cultural xenophobia and nationalism

Goddamn it Montalk.


National Socialism is still Socialism, friend.



Am I the only one here who is extremely polarized towards heterosexuality but has such a profound respect towards Montalk you could kiss him?


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Does this worthless scamming piece of shit, "Montalk" have easy places to troll him directly? This creature needs destroyed. It's essentially a recreation of the first kike.



>spoonfeed me, I'm too dumb to use the internet







>implying cultural xenophobia and nationalism isn't good sometimes

or were you? I can't tell actually



Is he crushing his left nut? 'cause I had a spiritual death that culminated in a close friend I felt was like a brother crushing my left nut in a dream, real murderous. It was terrible. I thought I was actually going to die though, that day, from a revenge kill where I get my nut crushed too, and decided to reject sainthood because of it. Specifically the left one.

Maybe I'm Set then… he was a key Egyptian god in that spiritual circus, much more than any other Egyptian god.


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I like how he writes and its easy to digest but I'm sceptical of the concept of organic portals/spiritless humans/all the things supposedly posing as a human with a spirit but aren't actually, purely because I've always fantasised about that concept from a young age and I don't want to give in to it being true because i'm afraid i'd just be playing into my own personal fantasy. (pic related)


>choosing instinct over intellect

How unfortunate


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Though I'm wary of the OP phenomena, artificial human do exist. Well, it make sense actually. Remember that everything is possible as only thought is.


Maybe cause he is such a nice guy ? Being affectionate to people you love is ok. No homo.

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