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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Any of you guys have a comment on this?

Posted from /pol/ thread. Seemed like something /fringe/ would enjoy looking at.


>Nine workers lost their lives during construction, one in the Amsteg section, two in the Sedrun section, and three each in the southernmost Faido and Bodio sections.

>Compare this to the map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/src/5/5f/Nrla_scheme.png/1280px-Nrla_scheme.png

>These were:

> Andreas Reichhardt (33) from Gera, Germany, the first victim of the tunnel construction, was hit by a boring bar that fell down 700m, on 8 June 2000.[41]

> Jacques Du Plooy (23) from South Africa, was buried by excavation material on 12 March 2002.[42]

> Heiko Bujack (35) from Harbke, Germany, was hit by a rock on 3 April 2003.[43]

> Albert Ginzinger (37) from Mauterndorf, Austria, was killed on 11 September 2003.[44][45]

> Salvatore di Benedetto (23) from Giubiasco, Italy, was hit by a colliding mine train on 21 January 2005.[46][47]

> Andrea Astorino (31) was hit by a colliding mine train on 21 January 2005.[46][47]

> Thorsten Elsemann from Oberhausen, Germany, was crushed to death by a mine train on 23 November 2006.[48]

> Hans Gammel from Germany was catapulted out of an inspection train on 24 June 2010.[49]

> Giuseppe Liuzzo from Naso, Italy, fell from a scaffold on 16 June 2012.[50]


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nothing that maiden can't say better



This belongs on /x/ not /fringe/ as far as I'm concerned.

Unless this is some occultist organizing a ritual to bring death via migrants going through the tunnel to get into Switzerland or some shit.

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