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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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As some of you may already know I have been working with some other initiates and I've taken it upon myself to complete Step VII of IIH and do something from Liber KKK as well.

A battery could have been used, rocks could have been used, various forms could be used to house them. I wanted a doll though and one that could hold a fluid condenser or at least blood in it.

I have to work out the details still of how I'm going to make these dolls. I thought of making them out of wood but that just wouldn't do. I thought about yarn and similar materials but it didn't seem right.

I got 20 pounds of air-drying clay here. I could have got polymer clay which I could bake later but it's more expensive and this is very experimental, I might fuck this up, and have to restart.

I want to make my doll so that its limbs and legs and head can move. Maybe the head doesn't have to move. I'll probably have a hole go through its head and into its body for the blood to go inside and then seal it off with candle wax.

If you want to know why a battery doesn't work nice for me, it's because I can't put anything into it, and it doesn't feel right to put a humanoid form into a battery. As for rocks, I'm afraid they might already have entities within them, nature spirits and so on… and so I just want to work with clay and make something with my own hands that is new and ready to house the elementary I am to create.

How I am going to create it, well, once it's infused with my own vitality and a supply of energy for it to live on it I'm going to use my imagination and create its astral body and so on and have it take up residence in the doll.

Now you might ask why I need a doll at all for this. I need it to ground the spirit. The doll will be its home and I will be able to stab the doll to kill the entity if needed. Most importantly I will be able to call the entity back to its home whenever needed – I have had a long history of creating tulpas or evoking beings just to have them look at me funny and then walk off and do their own thing never to be seen again.

So anyways let us collect here all related texts, writings, and any experiences any of you have had with this sort of thing. I need to figure out how exactly I'm going to make my doll. Is it going to need some kind of wire-frame? Maybe twine? How is this even going to work? …or is just going to be one solid piece? Is 20 pounds of clay good enough? Should I make the first one out of the brown clay or the white clay?

I'm going to create entities for various purposes and have them reside in there.

• Protection & Healing

• Advanced Warnings

• Servant to Carry Out My Will

• Companion and Guide to Teach Me & Keep Me Company

When my dolls (salt) are completed and the lifeblood (mercury) sealed within them I will begin a very long and intense meditation to give them their souls (sulphur).

Once they are ready I am not sure if I should even let anyone see or touch them. I don't know. I would like advice on this matter.

I've survived this long without these things, somehow – life is about to get a whole lot better for me. If I lose them, I will probably still be so strong, I will rebound and create new ones. Hmmmmm…


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Therefore a magician may, for example, have some elementaries which inform him in advance of impending dangers, others that protect him, others that convey messages to him, and so forth. It would serve no purpose to list all the possibilities, because each of them is completely individual and depends upon the wish which the magician wishes to realize through the elementaries.

(1) The life span of the elementary.

(2) Loading the elementary.

(3) Naming the elementary.

(4) The method of calling forth the elementary.

(5) Place of safekeeping for the elementary.

(6) Sphere of activity of the elementary.

(7) Purpose of the elementary.

(8) Dissolution process of the elementary, which is identical with that of the three previous methods.

>Since the clay figure should always be wrapped in pure silk, you can be certain that the astral body of the elementary can neither leave nor enter its body (the clay figure), because the silk will prevent this. It is very important to know and remember this. When dispatching the elementary to perform a certain task or other duties, the figure must be free, that is, unwrapped, in order to separate the elementary from the clay figure. Should you accidentally wrap the clay figure in silk while the astral body is outside, the elementary would be killed or dissolved instantly. You could also kill a magician instantly if you were touch his physical body when his astral body is outside of his physical body, because the connecting cord between the astral and the physical body would be severed by touching the physical body. As you can see, the elementary you create has to be treated in exactly the same manner as a human being.

>In accordance with its given task, you can link the elementary to a chosen ritual through the imagination, to have it grow as fast as lightning to the size you have chosen. From the beginning, impress upon your elementary that it must assume the size which you have determined. You may have the elementary assume the size of a dwarf or of a giant. It is also at the discretion of the magician's will and wish, and dependent upon the elementary's purpose, as to whether it should be given a beautiful or less beautiful form. Since any astral and mental body is independent of time and space, and since matter is no obstacle, the magician must imaginatively impregnate the elementary with this attribute right at the beginning.

With the aid of the power of your imagination, form the mental body in the clay figure, thinking that it is made of the finest etheric substances, and then envision how it occupies the entire form of the clay figure. Through concentration, place all the abilities of the soul and spirit which you wish your elementary to possess into the head of the clay figure, and then intensify these abilities through meditation. Should you not harbor any extraordinary wishes, concentrate the specific attributes of the spirit:

(1) Will

(2) Intellect

(3) Feelings (Sentience)

(4) Consciousness

Take the clay figure into your left hand and stroke it gently with your right hand, as if to bring it to life with your vital energy. Then breathe several times upon the clay figure as if to awaken it to life from its lifeless condition. Give the elementary the name you have selected by uttering it several times into the figure. Christian magicians may even baptize the figure just as a newborn child is baptized. During this ceremony the clay figure is given its name. This procedure is of course a matter of the particular magician's preference and not a necessity. Above all, the magician must make certain that the elementary possesses a complete body in the clay figure. As soon as your clay figure has received its name, fill your entire body with the element of Earth through element-breathing, then project the Earth element to the outside, either through one of your hands or through the solar plexus, and fill the clay figure with the Earth element beginning with the feet up to the area of the genitals. When loading the clay figure, these parts must be dynamically condensed with the Earth element. All the specific attributes of Earth, such as heaviness, gravity etc., must be present in the clay figure's lower extremities. This is accomplished by concentration and with the firm will and conviction that the Earth element with all its attributes remains permanently in the clay figure and is effective therein.

Proceed in the above described manner with the Water element, which you project into the abdominal region of the clay figure. Follow with the Air element in the region of the chest and finally the Fire element which is transferred into the region of the head.



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> 6. Is a Material Base Required?

The Material base is some physical focus for the Servitor's existence. This can help to define the Servitor as an individual entity, and can be used if you need to recall the Servitor for any reason. Examples of a material base include bottles, rings, crystals, small figurines as used in fantasy role-playing or figures crafted from modelling compounds. Bodily fluids can be applied to the material base to increase the perceived link between creator and entity. This is very much a matter of personal taste. Alternatively, the Servitor can remain freely mobile as an aetheric entity. I tend to find that one-shot, task-specific servitors can be left as aetheric entities, whilst for entities which have more of along-term use, a material base is often helpful. For others, it might be possible to link their use to a specific, identifiable, state of consciousness, which forms part of the core associations which one builds up for a Servitor.


Post last edited at


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Angelica root,

Sage leaves,

Linden flowers,

Cucumber peal, (peel?)

Pumpkin seeds,

Acacia leaves,

Chamomile flowers,

Stinging nettle leaves,

Peppermint leaves,

Poplar leaves,

Violet flowers,

Willow leaves,

Fresh Tobacco,

and 10 drop of liquid Gold and 120 grams of alcohol per 100 grams of Condenser.

Also add 4 drops of blood and Semen from one orgasm. Dark bottles to hold the mixture. Make sure the Sun never touches any of the mixture.

If you wonder why Blood and Semen are used in certain operations is, these are natural and powerful Condensers also.

Take equal amounts of each herb by volume and boil each one separately in distilled water in a glass pot for thirty minutes with a lid. Let it cool and filter in through an organic coffee filter. Pour the liquid back into a clean glass pot and boil again, but watch it until it gets thick and don't let it burn. Press, filter and mix all the ingredients together in equal portions add Gold, Blood and Semen. If you know the properties of Plants and certain Metals, you can make your own Condensers.


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Purposes of The Elementaries

>Therefore a magician may, for example, have some elementaries which inform him in advance of impending dangers, others that protect him, others that convey messages to him, and so forth. It would serve no purpose to list all the possibilities, because each of them is completely individual and depends upon the wish which the magician wishes to realize through the elementaries.


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>Since the clay figure should always be wrapped in pure silk, you can be certain that the astral body of the elementary can neither leave nor enter its body (the clay figure), because the silk will prevent this. It is very important to know and remember this. When dispatching the elementary to perform a certain task or other duties, the figure must be free, that is, unwrapped, in order to separate the elementary from the clay figure. Should you accidentally wrap the clay figure in silk while the astral body is outside, the elementary would be killed or dissolved instantly. You could also kill a magician instantly if you were touch his physical body when his astral body is outside of his physical body, because the connecting cord between the astral and the physical body would be severed by touching the physical body. As you can see, the elementary you create has to be treated in exactly the same manner as a human being.


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>In accordance with its given task, you can link the elementary to a chosen ritual through the imagination, to have it grow as fast as lightning to the size you have chosen. From the beginning, impress upon your elementary that it must assume the size which you have determined. You may have the elementary assume the size of a dwarf or of a giant. It is also at the discretion of the magician's will and wish, and dependent upon the elementary's purpose, as to whether it should be given a beautiful or less beautiful form. Since any astral and mental body is independent of time and space, and since matter is no obstacle, the magician must imaginatively impregnate the elementary with this attribute right at the beginning.


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With the aid of the power of your imagination, form the mental body in the clay figure, thinking that it is made of the finest etheric substances, and then envision how it occupies the entire form of the clay figure. Through concentration, place all the abilities of the soul and spirit which you wish your elementary to possess into the head of the clay figure, and then intensify these abilities through meditation. Should you not harbor any extraordinary wishes, concentrate the specific attributes of the spirit:

(1) Will

(2) Intellect

(3) Feelings (Sentience)

(4) Consciousness


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Take the clay figure into your left hand and stroke it gently with your right hand, as if to bring it to life with your vital energy. Then breathe several times upon the clay figure as if to awaken it to life from its lifeless condition. Give the elementary the name you have selected by uttering it several times into the figure. Christian magicians may even baptize the figure just as a newborn child is baptized. During this ceremony the clay figure is given its name. This procedure is of course a matter of the particular magician's preference and not a necessity. Above all, the magician must make certain that the elementary possesses a complete body in the clay figure. As soon as your clay figure has received its name, fill your entire body with the element of Earth through element-breathing, then project the Earth element to the outside, either through one of your hands or through the solar plexus, and fill the clay figure with the Earth element beginning with the feet up to the area of the genitals. When loading the clay figure, these parts must be dynamically condensed with the Earth element. All the specific attributes of Earth, such as heaviness, gravity etc., must be present in the clay figure's lower extremities. This is accomplished by concentration and with the firm will and conviction that the Earth element with all its attributes remains permanently in the clay figure and is effective therein.

Proceed in the above described manner with the Water element, which you project into the abdominal region of the clay figure. Follow with the Air element in the region of the chest and finally the Fire element which is transferred into the region of the head.



>have not decided upon a lifespan yet for it, kind of don't want to set a lifespan for it

>haven't named it yet, going to have to meditate deeply to come up with a unique name for it most likely

>will have to form a ritual for calling it fourth and repeat it over and over so it works very reliably

>will have to keep my elementary very safe

>sphere of activity (6) is more less detgermined already but maybe could be refined more and it has been loaded as in (2) with the elements but I have to do some more work on it so I'll probably pull out the elements again for the work and then put them back in

>(7) is determined definitely

>dissolution process (8) is determined already

Life-span = 100 years

Sphere of Influence = Large

Elements Quick Checklist

Earth Element = feet up to the area of the genitals

Water Element = abdominal region

Air element = chest

Fire element = head


These clay dolls aren't going to work out, going to make a wooden doll, and possibly put clay over it or possibly not. Just need to find a suitable piece of wood to carve up.


bump over shit threads


I may just make an egg and have it hold fluid condenser and then the egg will hold my entity. I can't find my damned saw to cut up a good chunk of wood for doll.


Fools Crow: Wisdom and Power - there is a section which details how to create a doll for transferring thought forms, etc. to someone(s). Very simple and completely effective.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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I have found this doll in the basement. It has been down there decades. I am planning on potentially using it for magick. Only problem is that it's a female doll. I'd rather have a male doll or at least a doll where I could project a male soul onto it. This one is clearly female.

I would have started yesterday but still haven't because I don't know how wise it is to have a female tulpa, I'd probably end up developing an intimate relationship with it, and it might become possessive of me, and not let me near any other women.

I just want magickal knowledge and healing.

I might just have to bite the bullet though and start giving this doll her soul.



you can put a tranny soul into it




or maybe put a straight male soul into it and see if it slowly converts into a fag, that sounds fun


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or heres a genuine idea, create an eris thoughtform for it






Eris already has a massive influence in my life and basically runs my shit. I don't want to make things worse. As it is, it's like, every turn I make, anywhere I look, any direction I go in; it just keeps me close to Eris all the same. I am chaos.


I think what I'll do is, I'm going to obtain some object, and chain-evoke the first entity I need which will be a male entity to it, and then I'll work on the doll later.

The entity will sort of partially inhabit the object, but be able to manifest outside of it too, though not able to wander too far from it without it being sent on a mission which it has to fulfill and it has to return after.


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fiiiiiiine. you're no fun…



I get the feeling you're gonna do it


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>not 3D models

Blender and Maya are available on Lunix btw.


>tfw want to try this

>no qt jap dolls

>don't want to use a creepy children's doll


But the point of a doll is that it's a humanoid object that is bound to a thoughtform.

Can thoughtforms be bound to digital data? Would it be bound to their binary or to the thought that the data emits? Someone needs to experiment with this.



Everything that exists is thought, so this question is ridiculous. I thought you guys were smarter than this to be fair.



I know that, loosh farmer. The question was: Is the thoughtform bound to the thought of that data, or to the object that contains that data (even though the object is made of thought)


I am presently working very hard on building stuff, basically creating the perfect magick & study room, but I have some trees I cut down (poplar and some other stuff) and I can use my chainsaw to take parts off when I need it and my carving tool sets to start making stuff out of it. I plan to create some wooden dolls/figures and painting them.

The wooden dolls will be best because they're a nice compromise between the solidity of stone or clay versus cloth.

If I have to destroy them, I can do it with fire.



It amazes me how you cannot see how ridiculous of a question this is yet.



You have to remember that it took a book to teach this person that one shouldn't breathe with their mouth.




sup, mod fam?

Reminder: Computers are physical and spiritual vessels, electrons and chips are all real things not fake, so your 3D model that can move is as real but more live than a dead wooden doll.

(a live woden doll is another story)


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My doll is more magical than yours.


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So what's your progress now?

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