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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Greenpill me on the dark side of females and why they behave the way they do and how to defend yourself against it.



I see we are truly are becoming internet wizards.

But seriously "sane" woman just crave dick and status, mix that with a general lack of intelligence, empathy, masters and you get the alimony loving parasites of today.

swear off hoes bro just look at what one did to /fringe/



>They are forever toddlers, driven by emotion.

Irrationality you mean. They get programmed by random nonsense thoughtforms easily, obviously charged by emotions, and make associations and thoughtpatterns that make no fucking sense and lack rationality. They are imbalanced towards the water element and like animals.


Women evolve over time just like men do. Just like how the strong men bred more than the weak men, the dependent women bred more than the independent women. A woman who worked hard and did things for herself didn't get to reproduce with the big strong men (dominant men wanted submissive women), and as such this trait was largely bred out.

Emotions are much more useful when it comes to raising children than logic, as many of you know. Men were the ones who went out working, so they evolved to be more logical. Women were the ones staying in and raising families, so they evolved to be more emotional.

However, they're still people and want things. This built-in nature of dependence and emotion led to the more ambitious women utilizing the manipulation of men to get what they want as opposed to working for it themselves. If you want to "combat" this just do like Patrice O'Neal said and always make sure your happiness and well being comes first. The moment a woman you're in a relationship with tries to force things to be a way you don't like, end the relationship. It's that simple.



>Emotions are much more useful when it comes to raising children than logic, as many of you know.

Ummm no I do not agree with you at all there. I wish I had rational parents. As for emotions there is nothing wrong with them and I'm sure men possess emotions but they also possess rationality.


The feminine principle manifests in all planes. The woman is how it manifests in the human realm.

All the ancient people had myths about women with some degree of power going awry.

How modern females see it:

>guuurrrrlll power XD

What it meant:

>the feminine is blind and destructive unless controlled by the masculine

And as above, so below. Women require the authority of a male, a strong man, that is able to subjugate them, keep them in check. That's advantageous to both sides.

Think of it as a river. It may flood and destroy a whole plantation. But it can be forcefully and actively acted upon, directed to irrigate crops and make them grow better.

Inversion of the roles is impossible because of the unchangeable nature of the things discussed. It invariably leads to calamity.



You wish you had rational parents when you were a child, and children are stupid. Children want rational parents when their parents just seem unable to understand their well thought out argument about being allowed to stay up past 9:00 PM or having ice cream for dinner.

Seriously, if you get asked to babysit a toddler, try appealing to it's logic. Pro-Tip: It doesn't have any.



You have no fucking idea about me man. I was constantly arguing with my parents to eat healthy as I grew up. They were obese and tried to give me terrible foods and I'd get upset and demand healthy food and they'd get mad. They were the ones trying to force me to eat icecream. Sleep? Again, I wanted to have proper sleep, and had fights with my parents about them keeping me up late at night and how I couldn't study or do things proper being constantly sleep deprived. They also constantly yelled at me and would hit me if I tried to resist them at all.

I wasn't stupid. Even my parents will say that as a child I seemed like an adult trapped in a body (which I was because I am reincarnated here via taking over this body from its previous occupant).

My parents don't have any logic. Everything is reversed from how it should be. You have no fucking idea how fucking weird my life has always been.



My whole childhood at first I tried to change my parents and make them better and I kept getting abused and eventually I just learned to be quiet and avoid them as much as possible, to be a ghost that is afraid to enter a room they are in, and waits hours sometimes to get water or food in order to not be seen by them, always sneaking around and avoiding them.


Next time I get a new vessel I need parents who aren't going to treat me like a fucking child just because I have a child's body and who are actual good people not abusive shitheads whose every interaction with me is just yelling at me for merely being in their presence, making me feel guilty about everything, making me wish my body was aborted and wondering why the fuck they created me.


The things they make me feel guilty about btw are life-positive stuff. "Oh this food's not good enough for you" if I want to eat healthier or "you have a house, be grateful for it" if I want them to let me clean things up and make stuff more organized because it's a fucking cluttered hoarder mess and things are damaged and need repair and so on.

I hate this family. No wonder the previous occupant of my body left and let me take over.


At least now I'm an adult I constantly carry weapons on me every day, at work, as I sleep, here at the computer, etc. and I'm physically stronger and I have at hidden cash all over the place that I can rely on in emergencies (which happen so often for me).



How to effectively subjugate a woman and keep her in line and ensure that at no point does she ever start undermining you or not listening? How to make sure all my interactions with women here on out I don't get dominated by them?

t. very melancholic, calm personality, that struggles to stand his ground on anything


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Is fringe becoming pol2.0? :/ Can't we have a space to discuss … oh you know: fringe stuff

stuff like lucid dreaming, ceremonial magic, mirror gazing, protection from curses, meditation, … psychic powers …

Yes I get it the jews are up to jew things.. and there is stuff that women have been doing… I get it. But for the love of all that is holy please let me have a space where I can just focus on things that are non-political!!! fuck man



Did you not just notice that the whole board was destroyed by a female volunteer?

>stuff like lucid dreaming, ceremonial magic, mirror gazing, protection from curses, meditation, … psychic powers …

Make threads for all those subjects then. Write up a paragraph, link to any related materials, and get the thread going. I'll be sure to post in your threads. I'm presently working hard on the site and trying to salvage stuff from the wipe.



as much as I vehemently disagree with almost every opinion in this thread, the way I see it, debating social structure through the lens of "fringe" is just as "fringe" as discussing "purely fringe" topics is. Additionally I'll take any traffic on this board that I can get.


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>My parents don't have any logic.

>I seemed like an adult trapped in a body (which I was because I am reincarnated here via taking over this body from its previous occupant).


Greenpill me on the dark side of men and why they behave the way they do and how to defend yourself against it.

>I don't hate men but I know they have their downside, their "dark side", and those bad behaviours they have need to be managed somehow



What did the female volunteer do? I have been away from fringe for a month. What happened???



Oh great descending into shitposting and insults already?

I thought we were having a real discussion.

What exactly are you taking issue with?

You don't believe the relationship between me and my parents was as described?

…or you don't believe that I'm not the original occupant of this body?

Maybe "reincarnate" triggered you and maybe it's not the right word. I didn't reincarnate naturally, the previous occupant of body left, and I took it over.



Deleted every single thread on the entire board. See: ( >>77193 ).


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



All volunteers except Chansey have been dismissed btw.



thats really weird, did anyone figure out why she was doing it?


wait…. was she a social justice warrior???



>All volunteers except Chansey have been dismissed btw.


You have a crush on Chansey?you love Chansey?




>Maybe "reincarnate" triggered you and maybe it's not the right word. I didn't reincarnate naturally, the previous occupant of body left, and I took it over.

Look, I'm really open minded. I have some theories about things which I've been told are quite out there. However, talking about how dumb your parents were and how you were this miraculously brilliant golden child makes you sound like an edgy teenager. It reminds me of those "Indigo Children" who were a bunch of preteens who claimed their shitty attitude and faux-mature behavior was a sign they were actually magic or psychic or something.

What's more accurate is that your memory of your childhood, assuming it was more than a decade ago, is somewhat muddled and inaccurate. People often artificially generate memories based on how they feel about their younger years, the fabrications being directly proportional in their unlikeliness to the feelings and beliefs they develop later as an adult.



Just because what someone says reminds you of something doesnt mean that what they said is wrong.

In some cases you have to take things on a case by case basis rather than understanding something through a past thing you observed without fully observing the present issue presented to you.



Act authoritatively, be resolute. Don't validate a woman who does not accept your authority. Never be afraid of disagreeing.

Never submit to her, have her know that what you do it's from your volition.

If you are on the point of being undermined, be very clear and direct. Don't accept or fall for any games or passive-aggressiveness. Don't try to justify yourself or reason with her. If she continues, be harsh, reject her, deny attention or any expectation she may have.

Also study body language of confident people. Tone of voice is also useful.



How about women online how do you handle them? Maybe it's easier or much harder?



>did anyone figure out why she was doing it?

She still won't say: >>>/sudo/1136



If I took this on a "case by case basis" it would be even harder to believe. If I didn't have all the occult reading behind me that I do have it would sound even dumber.

I'm open to the idea of reincarnation because of what I have learned, but someone's reasoning being "I was so much smarter than my parents when I was a kid, so I must have been a reincarnated adult" is just silly. Most people feel that way because children are dumb, and dumb people always think they're smart.



It's harder because on the Internet you lack the nonverbal language. But apart from that it's the same thing.



… you are making an authoritative diagnosis of the situation based on a persons few internet posts…

And actlng like its totally legit what you are doing.

Come on man, your trolling the guy. Come on man.



Yes I love her she's perfect and she's the only woman I think like this. Everything about her makes me immensely happy and appreciate her. Every other woman needs all kinds of changes and stuff and is difficult to love; but Chansey is difficult not to love.

Unfortunately she's on the other side of the world and is taken. ;_;

I'm just going to have manifest a Chansey 2.0 for myself one day.



I'll add more volunteers again later btw but I'm going to wait for CodeMonkey to make some stuff to rollback the board when needed.



>Yes I love her she's perfect and she's the only woman I think like this. Everything about her makes me immensely happy and appreciate her. Every other woman needs all kinds of changes and stuff and is difficult to love; but Chansey is difficult not to love.

Guys, this is what you never do. I only hope that Chansey's man is enough of a man to keep her in check. For all we know /fringe/ depends on this.



>Guys, this is what you never do

What exactly do you never do?



Demonstrate yourself to a woman as in such a position of vulnerability in relation to her.


Chansey represents my ideal woman she has always, for years, been so perfect. I never measured up to her. Too perfect for me… I wish I could have been so much more so I wouldn't have ignored her for years as she sent me love messages ;_;. If Chansey stops being the perfect woman she is and disappoints me somehow, that will be the final straw for me, I will never respect or love a woman ever again because she is the apex of what a woman should be. If Chansey turned out to be like every other woman, corrupt and vile in the heart, unloving and degenerate… that would mean to me that ALL women are that way. She is the very best the female gender has to offer.



You know I can tell you're the same guy, right? Now, is it because:

>A) You're the only guy in the thread consistently and improperly using ellipses before sentences

>B) I'm actually a reincarnated you in the future looking back into the past to see myself samefagging in this thread

If you picked A, you're making "authoritative diagnosis" and "trolling".

It's called Occam's Razor, man.


I would do things for Chansey… and I don't mean "I'll be a degenerate and let her abuse me whatever way she wants and treat me like filth" no I mean I'd sacrifice my life to protect her or I'd go do dangerous but necessary things for her I'd do all sorts of things that you'd never normally never attempt for her.



Fuck, no wonder you got so owned by pretty much every woman with which you've ever had any midly significant interaction.


Chansey is a major source of motivation for me and a light in the darkness. Proof that the higher ideals I strive for do exist in this world and that I won't be disappointed to continue the struggle to manifest within myself the same excellence and purity. She is so perfect.


Chansey is the only reason I haven't gone full Elliot Rodgers.



You don't know me and my life situation. I'm not distorting anything. My parents were very hostile to me, all my interactions with them was just them yelling at me, and I have difficulties talking because I never talked to them beyond the bare minimum of what was necessary before I could get away from them and hide again. They were shitty people and never tried to make me do good things; I always tried to make them do good things. They would try to make me do all kinds of bad things all the time and I didn't want to. Not everyone has parents that give a shit about the wellbeing and health and education and so on of their children.



Okay? So?



Is it really so hard to believe that parents can be absolutely worthless shit-heads and that once in awhile you'll find a child that strives to educate himself, to be healthy, to get to sleep on time, etc. of his own free will?

>I'm open to the idea of reincarnation because of what I have learned, but someone's reasoning being "I was so much smarter than my parents when I was a kid, so I must have been a reincarnated adult" is just silly.

That is not my reasoning AT ALL. My intelligence has nothing to do with me being reincarnated. I reason that I am "reincarnated" because I am not the original owner of this body. Have you ever heard of, in the psychological paradigm, an alternate personality taking over someone? I am a completely different entity that took over this body from its previous owner. Not at birth btw, the previous owner was 5 years old when I took it from him.

This isn't reincarnation as according to the standard model of reincarnation. This is reincarnation that was forced to happen, similar to how Franz Bardon came to be here (in case you don't know the history of Franz Bardon, he also is a spirit that took over a body and caste out the original inhabitant, when his father did a prayer… I'm sure someone else can post the link to the story).

>Most people feel that way because children are dumb, and dumb people always think they're smart.

Btw I'll have you know that while I was fairly advanced to begin with I fell majorily behind as I neared adulthood due to myriad problems from all the abuse. I then started recovering because of /fringe/.



If you want, you can think of me as a tulpa, that took over a body. Except I don't think I'm a "tulpa", I'm a spirit, just like you… fully sentient and aware; I am actually experiencing this. I am.



>Is it really so hard to believe that parents can be absolutely worthless shit-heads and that once in awhile you'll find a child that strives to educate himself, to be healthy, to get to sleep on time, etc. of his own free will?

Kind of. Have you met children?


I see what you're saying, I just have no idea why you think that.



There is fringechan if you haven't noticed. This place is 90% Board Owner pretending to be anonymous.



Protagonist fuck off you've already destroyed the board and you're still at it.



You've destroyed it yourself.



It was just fine before you deleted every single fucking thread on the entire board.



You got a problem with euthanasia?



You think the /fringe/ community needs to "euthanised"?


It is a thing of beauty and chaos out of which advancement and further understanding can come fourth.

It is not stagnant and it is a place wherein very different personalities can mix and clash and self-reflect.

Many people have and will continue to benefit from /fringe/.



> Initiate: Depending one someone else.

> Every other women.

Ok, the point is SHE IS STILL A WOMAN. Not that's something bad, it's just a fact like you're a man. (:^))

But if she is so "perfect" why aren't you? Did she suprapassed her duality of being a "mere woman"? Than why didn't you did the same?

> ALL are the same except for this one so if this happens to be like ALL, then ALL are this.

Ok. If the women in general (implying men aren't the same lel) are all that stuff than they're very attatched to their feminine side (not in a good way). If that's the case one would need to actually be the counter part being a "real man". That would implying not chansing after a single woman that's already "taken" and even be so whinny about it.

If you want women to be more "likeable" then you would have to do it to yourself too. If they're very polorized to the feminine negative aspect you should need to at least get to the masculine one, either in a good ou semi good sense.

> ;_;

You're all le perfect fring grill yet you're forgetting your real self, your higher self is not that. He's not a whinny bitch, he doesnt have gender in the way you think about it here.

You're being very mundane in the sexual approuch.

Of course I don't agree with >>77421



Would stick closed of what >>77468

said and remind that we have an "ego" and that ego is either programmed and selected. We, as spiritual being, are not our ego.

But you, initiate, are being completly over shadow by your own ego. The ego also likes to attach himself to something so he can be even more in charge. Be sex, money, whattever, even the concept of "happiness" can be used by the ego to trick you into something to get attach.

Point being: you have to master your mind. Should not be the first work of the initiate? Do get some discipline?



Still around gale? Is your contract still up? Though they would revoke it and take you with him :^)

U dank wizard already?



Did reading this board fry your braincells? You type like a 12-year-old with dyslexia.




Yes :^)


To see the best of women just be alpha

Also having a good "magic wand helps



>But if she is so "perfect" why aren't you? Did she suprapassed her duality of being a "mere woman"? Than why didn't you did the same?

I have been more fucked up from the start she's got far better genetics and parents and environment.

I'm striving hard to overcome my defects and I've made lots of progress in 3 years but I've still got a long way to go.

What your whole post is about is something I'm keenly aware about; I am human trash, an unworthy man.

I don't chase after her at all, I have always loved her, but feel like I would just spoil her perfection with my inferiority.

>You're being very mundane in the sexual approuch.

You are assuming way too much off of just a few posts I can make an entire sex magick thread if you want.

Look man, my goal in life right now is to make have a spiritual waifu, a tulpa or undine or something along those lines. I will be happy this way and at same time gain enough power to eventually remake myself completely and unfuck my shit genetics.

>But you, initiate, are being completly over shadow by your own ego. The ego also likes to attach himself to something so he can be even more in charge. Be sex, money, whattever, even the concept of "happiness" can be used by the ego to trick you into something to get attach.

You have to talk to me sometime for a few hours and you'll understand the way I talk about myself I have a very strong sense of my real self.

>Point being: you have to master your mind. Should not be the first work of the initiate? Do get some discipline?

We all have to master our minds. I know. This is why I'm not an adept or magus. I'm just initiated into magick and know and practice it but I have yet to reach a consistently high level of power where I can really show off that I have become a truly advanced being. Usually I just have days where conditions are right and I temporarily reach higher state of consciousness and do awesome shit and then it drops off, I need the whole host of thoughtforms and stuff at my disposal, to keep everything in working order.



Dwarf has dyslexia btw.



That poster is not her.



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I'm havin a hard time get you. You're being very incoerent.

> What your whole post is about is something I'm keenly aware about; I am human trash, an unworthy man.

> I don't chase after her at all, I have always loved her, but feel like I would just spoil her perfection with my inferiority.

You say this and then

> You have to talk to me sometime for a few hours and you'll understand the way I talk about myself I have a very strong sense of my real self.

That's a very strange thing to say when you can fully connect with your higher self. If by "sense" you mean you know it or have a short view of it, then I could understand.

Also this

> You are assuming way too much off of just a few posts I can make an entire sex magick thread if you want.

You're saying you have good expertise at sex magik but then you say

> Look man, my goal in life right now is to make have a spiritual waifu, a tulpa or undine or something along those lines. I will be happy this way and at same time gain enough power to eventually remake myself completely and unfuck my shit genetics.

I don't really know what you're trying to do but if you can do it with a tulpa or other thoughtform then you can do it by yourself.

If the tulpa is not part of you then the power is not even yours. But because you have to yet master some aspects of your mind you should focus on that rather than trying2hard to get a tulpa to do the job.

And what is this?

> I am human trash, an unworthy man.

How are you master your mind with negativity? Maybe the first step in "keep everything in working order" would be change your approuch about yourself? Change negativity with positivity? Not sure a tulpa would be so helpful here tho.

If you can reach those "highs" you should work on building an anchor for that feel. It would far better that "thoughtform magik" in my opinion.


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>Also having a good "magic wand helps

oh god yes!




Wanna caste spells with me? Just rub my wand to charge it.


What can be done to help women out of their karmic stagnancy? How can humanity ever progress spiritually if half their population is incapable of doing almost [anything] without being persuaded to do so by someone/something else?

If getting rid of them entirely is man's destiny then that's very very sad.



For experience I can tell you that's not true at all.

Actually women have an easy time getting into the intiation of magick. Men, however, tend to be less in numbers but better at it in the end.

I would not say women are inferior as this may seem the obvious aswner to the question. What I would say is that their egos are easier to hijack in todays society.

Adding the fact that they're usually less fit and have some hormonal effects regulary.

The question here (for me at least) is that most women would "fail" because their ego are not correctly programmed by todays society.

One could also raise the awareness of the fact that men can easeally tune in the "warrior spirits" to get results faster. But this would also be a sword of two twin-blande.

Now the really mundane part of it:

Men - even here- are suposs to lead the way. They don't lead the way in the sense that they will try to save everyone, for not everyone can be saved even with the best means. But being less risk averse they tend to do the awareness without a second thought of it.


Hi, gale.


>itt mundanes who don't know that feminine energy is within you whether you're male or female



>itp bullshitter who doesn't know that as above so below



>>itt mundanes who don't know that feminine energy is within you whether you're male or female

We're not discussing feminine energy or the female principle we're discussing human females; who obviously are defective.



That's not a real argument.



Lets see you get on cam. You're probably some kind of dysfunctional autist freak like 95% of 8channers.


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I've always wanted to see what'd happen to a woman who goes through a full kundalini experience (cause it can be done.)

Would they stop being hypergamous? that's a funny thought


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>She was a troll.


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That moment when I realize that 80% of fringe is virgin autists, with ego inflation the size of the moon…

>muh manly pride while being afraid and confused about women

>muh higher capacity to think, when asking bottom line mundane questions

>muh high spiritual status, while at the same time performing ego masturbation about their sex

>muh women are cock and money hungry whores…. while their view of women is formed only by tons of porn and media that brainwashed their sissy "man'' brain, with no or near to zero real life experience

>muh I am wizard, but I can't get GF

and obviouslly:

> muh I totally understand women and their role in the universe, because I talked about it with fellow weirdos on fringe

Get your heads out of your asses.



This is 8chan, an imageboard. "Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact". So chill out.



>muh I am wizard, but I can't get GF

But, anon, how do you get your powers if your have sex? If you get a girl you will feel tempted to do her :^)

Jokes asides, your comment fallacy is even worse for the fact you took it serious.

Just because we magick does not mean we are not human beings. Even the more advanced here would have to deal with mundane things.

The fact that even the greatest sages and priests had to deal with sexuality (even more than that because that's only part of our human ego) would put us in great company.

More so if you are aware of the hyper sexualization (in the more physical and shallow sense) of society.

Having a gf? Maybe not that necessary at all but having a way to express your sexuality in a heathy way? That would be far more important.

Knowning women is important. But that should be take in personal experience and by that I mean testing it. See what works for you since I don't believe in ready made up formulas. That's also the view we should apply in magick- I guess.

Have to stress this

>muh higher capacity to think, when asking bottom line mundane questions

That would be also the case of top scientists that focus their attention in machines and forget about humans. Not so much here but that would be a case for more "inward" wizards.

Also one would feel less connected to the mundane world and lose some interest in it. But again, since we're humans we can't escape that easy here and have to get some cope mechanisms to deal with.




Mundanes spotted. You hylics are no more conscious than insects.










Women are what you expect them to be, because there are no women. There is only you. You are the only one who exists. Everything else is a reflection of what you hold in your mind.

I'm the part of you that tells you to go listen to this, Neville Goddard's best lecture:




Go read/listen to Raja Yoga there is a part in it that addresses and debunks your solipsism.

That said women are generally mirrors.



You obviously don't understand the principles of gender and duality







YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's Neville addressing that:


It's not solipsism. The All is Mind. There's only one mind. It can only be you. This is why magic works. It's why your world changes when you change your perspective. As Within, So Without. It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.



How is it even possible to debunk a worldview such as solipsism?

Of course people associating the concept of 'Self knowledge is the only True Knowledge' to 'my current perception of myself (distorted by ego-inflating societal norms) is the highest form of knowledge, lelel im god' are misinformed about their own true nature and identity. To summarize, their 'I' is not the true 'I'.

as >>78102 puts it, All is Mind, and furthermore, Mind is You, therefore You are All, therefore the Self is All.

So people thinking they know the Self will need to make sure they can perceive All before congratulating themselves as having ascended and thus having no need to strive spiritually. For what is most apparent to and clear in perception, than oneself?

To repeat my question, please source where in Raja Yoga solipsism is debunked. I'm curious as to the methodology employed to falsify what appears to me as an unfalsifiable philosophy by rational means.

P.S - someone tell the board owner that the captcha doesn't say to omit spaces. I typed perfectly with a space as shown in the letter graphics twice before realizing the omission in the board instructions.



Thank you to this part of the Self appearing in the form of an anon for linking to the video. I detested the monotonous droning robotic narration in the video and prefer to read text for more control over consumption of information (as it relates to pace, repetition, reference etc/.) so here is a text link - http://realneville.com/txt/lesson3.htm

Highly recommended for anyone trying to manifest. Become aware of the Self please, from that source of awareness, focus and enliven the situation and experience desired. Destroy fears by countering them with positive assertions, charge the desired situation with Higher Self awareness and tada!



Oh really, so using that logic I guess fire is superior to water? The ultimate male energy must be equal to female energy, just like ultimate happiness is the same as ultimate misery. When you reach the maximum of an essence, it falls apart. Order through chaos. So how is hot superior to cold, clearly it is not.




So tl;dr what you're trying to say is

"All is mind" /=/ "All is my ego"


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based Evola was a magician



So why do you choose to live in a world plagued by corruption and greed?



(not the person you asked the question to) That's a good question, my understanding is that the Higher Self wants this soul/edited-perception to learn certain lessons and adapt, thus understanding more about the Higher Self. The harder and more severe the conditions of life, the greater lessons there are to be learnt, and the more strength is to be gained from overcoming tough challenges.

This of course doesn't make it easy or okay for an 8-year old child who loses his mother to cancer because 'God means the best for everyone' but such is life. All sadness is caused by attachments and maybe the Divine is trying to flow and dissolve these attachments within the soul so the Truth may flourish. And yet, tools like the Law of Attraction and controlling one's vibration exist to make the path to Truth easier and less perilous.



>all sadness is caused by attachments

So the higher self wants you to be an empty husk?



This is fucking sad.

Yes, some girls are like this.

Some are fuckign dumb, apparently american women are the worst shit ever.

I do believe that there are logical, compassionate women who do not work for themselves, because i know them.


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>So why do you choose to live in a world plagued by corruption and greed?

Why not? Corruption and greed seem unpleasant from the perspective of an isolated human cast adrift in the sea of fate, but from the perspective of the One, why should they be any less a glorious experience of being than any other permutation of existence? Why does anything exist, if it's not for the one infinite being to explore itself? And if joy and love had nothing with which to contrast themselves, would they be worth as much?

It's just a matter of perspective.

>Why, then, 'tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.



I do know some too. They're not from here tho. Maybe that's the problem? Girls ending here are really ok? Even guys are not, would suspect the girls would be in a worse position.

Not that I comdom being here because is a good start to grow above this.



Were the values that this One dreamt, meant as tempting taboos to excite mere pleasure in those sick of mind? That through the breaking of them, this One could enjoy what he was not able to enjoy before, because before that there was not pleasure enough? That innocence, love and joy were nothing without beastliness, hatred and pain, and then there was agony to be added to the former three while being stripped away by the latter three, to complete the prize of experience? Is that really what you think?



I know a woman who is a wonderful and deep person.

Open and honest. I can talk to her all day long.

She understands and helps. Selflessly.

Too bad she is married.

So fuck you, OP, your argument is invalid.




What can I do to change my world for the better? What can I do to kill every single jew in my reality?



>I met one girl who was OK so that means there is no dark side to women in general



Mentioning 1 good example proves nothing, and that example is not really good because:

>Too bad she is married

That's the problem of most women.

From a straight man perspective, men are better for filling the role of "friend", because their interests are more similar because of cultural gender roles.

It's only worthwhile to closely interact with women for sex(or at least kissing, etc…)

You don't need to avoid women but allowing yourself in a close relationship with them as "friend" when you want more is detrimental to your happiness.



there is a demon behind her eyes and its obsession is image.

you'll see it.



Women as water makes a great deal of sense to me. Water is ultimately a passive force dominated and influenced by its environment with no will of its own. If you place water within a jug it will transform and mold to the shape of a jug and so forth.

Women are molded by their environment and manipulated by their emotions. Look at how easily women were manipulated by photographs of dead refugee children in Europe. Men, on the other hand control and transform their environment, just as fire burns its own path through a forest.


These subjects inevitably intersect with political issues because they affect society. Everything is connected so politics is going to come up on occasion.



There is no "demon" that is not the result of ignorance. It is not the fault of women that they are shallow. Like >>78338 put (very well), women are molded by their surroundings. You do not blame water for spilling when you allow it to spill. Blame the cup, for it no longer molds her. Did I go too far with this metaphor? Basically it's the fault of her man if she is a bad person



>Would they stop being hypergamous?




>I know a woman who is a wonderful and deep person.

>Open and honest. I can talk to her all day long.

>She understands and helps. Selflessly.

That's called a sister you dolt.



This is all true.

BUT, I have to ask, are men in any better place? Women have no interest in such "complex" themes unless is linked to emotion. But are men any better? Exchanging emphaty with rage and unresting? Not that's not necessary in the course of events but men tend to do it daily and get addicted to it.

They're very good sources of loosh even if they're less emotional about matters.

We're so few that trying to sub divide us in even more categories is counter producent, so do I think.

Even if we take the bull for the horns we could see a good chance being women who they're. If they're the water element AND they tend to "seek" this matters more often than men (because muh intuition and muh emotional gargabe against muh masculinity and muh rationality), could not be the case that just a few of us could actually do alot of bending in mass?

If we are here for some purpose would not be the case that leading (in our case) would be the best option? /pol/ got alot of sucess. They turned "unspokable" things into memes, you could either take them as the face value or kek about it but you would have the message passed on.

Of course they had much bigger numbers and very active members since they were mostly men with alot of rage within.

We could do the same thing. Think about something. There's alot more people getting in touch with "our" stuff. They're incresingly believing in this stuff more and more.

Even the /pol/ had some thread with meme magik and they keep using it and be amazed by the egregores they create with shitposting. And this shitposting is being pass on to the semi normies in the alternative media.

They, of course, take it as a good source for laughing, but the seed is already there.

We eventually would need to do something in the great scheme of things, or so do I believe.

Would like some opinions on the matter.


>that feel when I'm a male but I'm soft, kind, loving, timid, and strong in various water attributes and water-based magick



I don't want to be so fucking woman-like.




and you also bitch and moan on a mongolian dick cheese sculpting board




> I don't like to be like a mundane woman.

> Let me just moan about it with fellow wizards about that.

> Nah, I don't even want to change my current situation, just moan, I'm OK.

Wew, lads.


> MFW see my flag



What the fuck is this distorted sexist shit, what has happened to this board? The problem is you clearly have not met and do not know women, you have no real ground in reality and clearly feel subjugated yourself so you use your own intelltectualism to blind yourself in thinking you have the right to subjugate others. From the material I thought we followed I thought it was clear how fruitless ideas of control and domination are unless you truly want to devote your life to it, it is in no way some rule of the universe that a chosen gender is to subjugate the other, can you see how blatantly infected that idea is with modern behaviour, and how you're extrapolating your tiny view onto something so much bigger which makes it so much worse.

Gender from my understanding is just one of many polarities which lends a bias towards either giving and moving through (male) or receiving and nurturing (female).

There is an undeniable air of misogyny, which is so so immature for the intellectual heights you claim to have reached.


Don't submit to anyone, not just women, I don't know why your projecting your insecurities and directing your defences to women. Get your sexuality under control and you will no longer feel a weakness towards the opposite sex. I'm most likely wasting my time here, but you really under many illusions, and I can relate to what you may have been through, I'm guessing like many you felt you were too permissive towards women and let your defences down, but I urge you to realise there is a kind of strength to fragility and letting someone challenge your feelings is virtuous.

It is not about being "above" emotions or overcoming them; they exist regardless, and they are what fuels your meat body and without it you'd be powerless in this world so you should tame your desires/emotions, giving them new light.


Also what is everyone's obsession with humanities spiritual progress? If you are happy with yourself you won't care what other people are doing, even less the entire human race which will outlive you by millions of years.


I think that their egos are no more hijackable than men's, in fact I think this thread speaks for itself in that you all (men) seem to perceive men are doing anything good in the world, which makes no sense, I don't know where you got this from. It seems just like a residual male thoughtform if you will of superiority that stems from history. The thing bothering me most is despite the material here showing you the plasticity of reality and how limitations can be easily transcended you still believe that women are still so different that you've actually categorised so harshly as though they aren't even sentient and capable of improving what you think are their faults. Some of the most inspiring and intellectually sound people I have met have been women undoubtably, in fact it was a woman who largely inspired much of my ponderings into fringe subjects, yet she unlike many here was able to maintain a much more grounded and rational view.


Woman are much more powerful than they think. You might say or think otherwise, but when most women find out about their power, they'll be the ones ruling the world and becoming dominant….

I don't know weather to fear that or cheer that..







Lol for real, even Tesla said the same thing.



>The thing bothering me most is despite the material here showing you the plasticity of reality and how limitations can be easily transcended you still believe that women are still so different that you've actually categorised so harshly as though they aren't even sentient and capable of improving what you think are their faults

Look, you can back trace what I said in this thread to get my opinion on the matter.

I actually got here because of women ( every "initiation" I had was due to some woman helping me in some way or the other).

And, of course, you're correct with the plasticity of reality and the other stuff BUT you're implying that people are connected to their higher self or even will to do it. Most are not and they play the game by the rules of our dimension. What I said was based on that.

The fact that you have to be so defensive about the opinion of other fellow wizards should be taken to your attettion.

I speak about this :

> yet she unlike many here was able to maintain a much more grounded and rational view.

What I spoke in the first part of the post was my experience, don't take from the face value.

However what I said with:

> Men - even here- are suposs to lead the way. They don't lead the way in the sense that they will try to save everyone, for not everyone can be saved even with the best means. But being less risk averse they tend to do the awareness without a second thought of it.

This is my pure opinion and is based not whatever men or women are better or worse like >>78427 said since our higher reality is none of that, and so I would refuse the ideia in both ways.

But when we talk about "leading" we would expect a man to do it. Not because of any special quality in the spiritual realm but that "mundanes" (here I would put anyone strongly identifing themselfs with their body and thus sex) would have it easy to take.

You are very attached to your gender, with a good reason here tho. Don't forget, however, that we are born with the veil on us and so we act what we're given. Like men and women and not like a spirit or whatever higher dimensional selfs you want to be called.

> Don't submit to anyone, not just women, I don't know why your projecting your insecurities and directing your defences to women. Get your sexuality under control and you will no longer feel a weakness towards the opposite sex. I'm most likely wasting my time here, but you really under many illusions, and I can relate to what you may have been through, I'm guessing like many you felt you were too permissive towards women and let your defences down, but I urge you to realise there is a kind of strength to fragility and letting someone challenge your feelings is virtuous.

I can't tell if you're just uneasy but your ideias are a little messed up, you're right about many of us being under the illusion (even will admit I have a hard time myself mostly due to mundane interaction) but being upset it's of not use, you could be compassionate toward us and you would be better off (getting the point I mean) as we would since love (the general divine and compassion one) is one of the highest emotion one can have.

> Also what is everyone's obsession with humanities spiritual progress?

I don't really know what to say here. You can do whatever you want. Some people will be apathetic and some active. That's just a choice. I would guess people that end up here are not supost to be neutral to the core.

You could have many good reasons to it. You could benefict yourself from the process (either by being against evolution or pro), you should know the benefits of both decisions.

Many of us set up the purpose for ourselfs so to be neutral is not fullfilling our prior purpose here.

Neutrality here is naive. You cannot be neutral, not here. If you know the theory (or even better if you had the experience) you should know why.


>I actually got here because of women ( every "initiation" I had was due to some woman helping me in some way or the other).

Same, she's the one who got me into all of this stuff, and she isn't even actually INTO it.



>If you are happy with yourself you won't care what other people are doing

>me and my own is all that matters since I am me and I don't give a fuck about other people

>unironically doing exactly what the devil wants you to do




>implying he means be a hedonist and not consider what's actually good for you

>implying the devil is a real concept



>That's called a sister you dolt.

I do not have sister, you dolt.

She is my best friend's wife.

Unfortunately by now we are secretly in love with each other……

I mean a feeling, a very pure one, it is really hard to explain.

No sex, adultery, etc. Just spending time together, talking, sometimes hugging.

This is really weird. But we both need this.



>only normalfag hippie bullshit is fringe

fuck off



> why they behave the way they do

Let's take a step back and analyze this instead.

Why do you think the way they behave is illogical/why do you fail to understand it? What exactly happened in your life that mesmerized you?



Señor, he was belittling you from the very start with nonsense and false presumptions. The only one who you should blame is yourself for feeding the argument.



You almost got me there Satan but you gave yourself away.

>what is everyone's obsession with humanities spiritual progress? If you are happy with yourself you won't care what other people are doing, even less the entire human race which will outlive you by millions of years.

now i know to do the exact opposite of everything else you said including that genderfluid prowomen shit you tried to push



I am inclined to believe this. it seems the whole CULTure we live in + mass brainwashing heavily targets women. seems like a major key for us to break out of the system that is retarding us



thats not what he implied at all retard.


I like females, but I really wish I didn't.



>how to defend yourself against it

What the fug

What problems can anyone possibly have with women?

The only problem I have is women trying to subtly woo me but I'd rather stay a virgin for now :DDD


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>So the higher self wants you to be an empty husk?

Of course not, but that is the wonderful contradiction of life.

The more you grasp for what you want the more it slips through your fingers. When you are truly freed from desire you will obtain the universe.

>>the true object-cause of desire is the void filled in by its fantasmatic incarnations. While, as Lacan emphasizes, objet a is also the object of drive, the relationship is here thoroughly different: although, in both cases, the link between object and loss is crucial, in the case of objet a as the object-cause of desire, we have an object which is originally lost, which coincides with its own loss, which emerges as lost, while, in the case of objet a as the object of drive, the "object" IS DIRECTLY THE LOSS ITSELF

This is the meme contained in Freuds interpretation of desire, Lacan's Objet a, and I find to be elegantly described by Alan Watts.



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Trans fag here…

been in a bunch of close "sisterhoods" groups, i guess i can give a few intel of how woman think. so if you want my 2cents just ask and i will give it a shoot.


As for Op main question, its weird, since from my standpoint i see it as simple as some people people claim "Males are simple" well guess what, woman are simple too, but they have another kind of simplicity

your questioning about how the fuck does she manage to talk shit and feelings all day its the same questioning she does around you about how the fuck does he can do the same thing (lets say vydia) all day without ever saying a word…

both sexes crave integration, the thing is that from a statistical point in the "norm" woman crave safety > assimilation tot he surroundings > acceptance and status > praise for the job well done… here some women will stop, but the good ones move to the next steps which are Doubting of the surroundings > search for improvement of surroundings > failing to do so > understanding the self above exterior influences > improvement of the self.

wish i could have access to worldwide thought patterns but thats asking for too much.

now, men on a "standard" way, crave Building of the self (unrefined childish version) > forced assimilation to the surroundings > mastering of a skill, attached to usefulness of surroundings > been praise for that skill > get recognition of female figure > feeling useful… Normalfags stop here, but those in the search for the ubermensch will work on > Changing recognition of females and society for self recognition > find greater goal than surroundings expectations > learn to stay firm in your ground against odds.

There is more and also variables, like if a person is introverted, how big the family, where you born and even how quickly you learn to say No, males usually do it way later which is bad, while woman do it waaaay sooner, which is also bad.

The problem i see with how todays woman are ruining themselves, as some other anon already pointed out, is that they wont call bullshit on other woman if they detect society preasure to continue the bullshit, on a personal level they will be diferent, but one big characteristic is the ability to 'Pretend' for the sake of the sisterhood, most do it because thats what they always have been doing, just a bad habit that people dont realize its a bad abit until shit hits the fan (usually after the failure of 1st marriage around 28-35 yrs). Some other apeal to the siterhood out of fear, these type of woman are the female equivalent of the nerdy male who just wanted to be left alone in the classroom and not be noticed, and finally the other group dwells in the hood because they acknowledge the Easy Ride and wont let it die till the cow is all milked and they get away with it. lucky this last group is very small, since most fall in the first category, you can see the exponent of the last one in woman like Randy Harper or any other hardcore misandry,st i guess gamergate could give you a nice list of examples.

Then there are the pairas/outcast but they have another set of mentality and goals, like self indulgence followed with guilt, soft sum, hardcore dom, etc.



>complaining about women while being a ghoul

Just cuck my shit up fam.



Examining and categorizing behavioral trends on both sides and give details on one its not complaining…


Wow… How about this…


Women are sick as many sages, philosophers, or modern prophets have told.

The combination of what is the moon/social matrix distorting their mental/emotional bodies along with their simian state (they don't possess the alium dna of the Y chromosome) make them absolutely detestable creatures in most if not all ways.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the last 5 minutes of this presentation a letter from a geneticist confirms that female DNA more closely resembles simians. This is absolutely devastating to your cutesy little worldview. They need to be enslaved like the bigfoot was by the Russian villagers also explained in said presentation.


A separate fucking species…. Might as well side with the reptilians on this one.

I haven't visited her website in a while but check out this reptilian mindrape game. The dumb Finnish broad has total Stockholm Syndrome. Another traitor to Humanity.




>being trans

>thinking you have any enlightenment

stop being degenerate



farewell, diminish my wisdom by your arbitrary standard…

i bet that will leave you feeling euphoric >:^) .



arbitrary standard? more like not being limited. Why define yourself by a gender. You are an infinite genderless spirit, the body given to you is just a temporary vessel, a vehicle to traverse the physical realm. The gender it happens to be is part of the goals in life that you, in fact, chose to have before you incarnated. Denying the gender of your body is only diverting from the goals of your higher self



Mhe… 50/50, remember that this 3D world is here to be molded by our will as we see fit, be it ether for good or wrong, this is the next frontier to be mastered, not a training ground till we return to the so called "source".

You are correct that most (not all) spirits have a genderless form, and thats precisely why i choice this path, i want my physical body to represent (or at least try to) the combined forces its original form had, i guess it will sound silly but i srlry cant wait for trans-humanism to be a thing so man can be able to mold better bodies.

>The gender it happens to be is part of the goals in life that you, in fact, chose to have before you incarnated. Denying the gender of your body is only diverting from the goals of your higher self.

I do feel this path of transitioning from A to B is also an experience that offers different point views that must be had, like when a person lives his whole life been poor, and another lives his whole live been rich, but then there are people who ether work his way to the top or make shitty decisions and losses it all.

but if you wanna be picky: i remember walking trough a tree and came out in an exit as a girl but then it was all dark and i was back at the entrance to try again but this time i came out in another exit… it was latter revealed to me i had a sister who died at birth, guess one can call it wishful thinking but i do believed i fucked up in my arrival here and when i re-spawn it was a different body…

Anyway i just wanted to help OP from another perspective build on closer experiences rather than speculation since this board quickly became my favorite shop in the citadel, but sometimes forget that a *chan its still a chan.




>Mhe… 50/50, remember that this 3D world is here to be molded by our will as we see fit, be it ether for good or wrong, this is the next frontier to be mastered, not a training ground till we return to the so called "source".

>and this /fringe/…

>is why I cut off my penis

>there is literally nothing wrong with cutting off your balls and cock and injecting massive amounts of artificially created hormones directly into your blood, nothing

>btw I'm jewish



No all spirits are genderless. And no matter what you do you can't change the experience of being a gender, if your higher self wanted it can reincarnate as a different gender. You simply cannot recreate the experience of two genders in one life. It's arrogance to think you've accomplished anything not to mention it's a limiting perspective since viewpoints have nothing to do with the physical concept of genders except in the most physical sense which would have nothing to do with enlightenment. All perspectives for spiritual growth can be accomplished with male and female energies, which are not physical concepts at all. Saying you're trans literally has nothing to do with anything on this board. You were better off explaining what you said by saying you embraced female energy or something, but don't you go defend being trans since that's some materialistic bullshit that has nothing to do with this board. This thread is pretty stupid anyways actually


Go smell a modern whores pussy. They smell like catfish. Straight fucking garbage. Whores are fucking disgusting. I always hear about how disgusting black pussies are, but latina pussies are terrible. Latina pussies smell like fucking sewage plants. Latinas have a constant taco odor to them as well.

At some point these fat whores have to admit that they are scrub fat whores. This won't happen if latino and black men continue to have low standards. Fat is fucking disgusting. Being a whore is fucking disgusting. I will rip off the fucking face of any DO WHAT THOU WILT faggot who tries to say otherwise.

Stop ruining freedom for everyone by acting like retarded zoo animals.

Holy fuck jess your pussy smells so fucking bad. You have no idea how happy I am the venezuela is falling. Your pussy smells like fucking shit. Straight up. I licked it once and then broke up with you because you are a fat disgusting bitch. Your head is fucking humongous because you have a giant ego. You got a giant ego because you think fucking a bunch of niggers is badass. Fuck you you ugly bitch.



L O L well said



>niggers and spics are subhuman trash








When did you ever think licking a pussy was a good idea?



Back in the day we used to do it to tweens in Asia



Salty antifa detected. Both need to live in harmony and mutual benefit.


For insight into female nature, get involved in pua/redpill, look up Real social dynamics, particularly juliens earlier material(free videos on YouTube) also illimitable man and rollo tomassi.



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Males and females have differing biological builds and neurological builds which in turn lead to differing psychological patterns overall. These psychological patterns, known chiefly in an overarching sense as masculine and feminine, were originally evolved to lead to the sex's own best interests.

Over thousands of years of doing this repeatedly, males and females evolved two general respective psychological styles known as masculinity and femininity, which in turn means those specializations may take a long time to change on a fundamental level. This means that if males and females evolved psychological builds that lend themselves to performing tasks that at one point were beneficial, but now are considered "dark," then they will have to be heavily taught, trained, and to truly root that "darkness" out, evolved over generations to not engage in these once beneficial, but now "dark" trains of thought.

However, for males and females, there is no dark or light side: only their own overall best interests. This means if it is in the best interests of females or males to do something evil, they will overall by default try to do it. This is not the case when mass manipulation or heavily enforced cultural norms promote actions to the contrary.

The best way to defend against the "dark side" of females or males, is to make it in their best interests to not do "dark" acts or make it in their best interests to do something alternative to the "dark" acts. And naturally, these best interests can be achieved through either reward or punishment.

~Epyc Wynn



You're learning well



wtf mods…



I deleted it. I don't think the mods are that cucked.



>/pol/ boogyman

>using emoticons unironically

>overuse of ellipsis

>overuse of exclamation points

I think I can tell if posts are made by women/low-test men down to a science.





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>"hide thread"

That was hard.



You could argue that hiding your problems is not a solution

Don't like pedos? Just don't watch cp then


So fringe became an asylum for virgin role player fags? Bitching about women because they never get pussy? Sure we can do better than that fringe


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The eternal white knight lilith worshippers lol


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What's >filename supposed to imply?

~Epyc Wynn


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It's because the feminine principle is still unevolved. In the future, it won't be as it is now. But neither will it for the masculine principle. Stay true to your morals and all will come to you. Parasites cannot extract loosh from one who is resolute in their nature.



>swear off hoes bro just look at what one did to /fringe/

What happened?



I envy you.



Ignore this post. I am now caught up.



She probably got mad because Evolians started invading the board. Good Riddance and piss be upon her



The very concept of rape is modernist. I don't think the concept it existing as purely "bad" didn't happen until the enlightenment. We're retreating into the forest, once again, and hopefully, this time for good. Socialist economics is about the only thing post-enlightenment society ever created, tbqh and soy sentiments such as yours will be duly noted and ignored. I also have a sneaking suspicion that most women who come here are ex-redditors.



>thinks todays women are ANYTHING at all submissive



Seek out men and enjoy yourself.


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The problem is not males vs females, it is normies vs autists. In the past there used to be way more autistic females, but the way this retard nigger cattle consensus-reality has been set up by the CIA and freemason jew nigger rats is such that it has favored the overexpansion of the gay nigger manipulative-females in the human populations, which favor the propagation of cuck genetics which in males result in the phenomenon of the cuckband and in females the disgusting filthy casul beings of total faggotry called "whammen". Weininger concluded that women lack consciousness and it is only feminine men that need the constant presence of women around them which is why all PUAs and the like are actually total pussies and not at all "manly" as they wish they were: real men (and women) are VOLCEL Supremacists. Until we can use machines for Industrial-Scale Life Creation sex is only meant to be for procreation, and men who want to have sex all the time are faggots, and women who need to ensnare a cuckband to their useless vaginas by having 2 kids are niggers. Retards who are dominated by their sexuality and this kind of crap do not understand that we are our Consciousness and meant to Ascend, no they want to be monkeys instead, well ok be my guest nigger.


>The only sex he tolerated was for the express purpose of procreating children, and then only between husband and wife.

This bears repeating: the manipulative-female is walking sack of pure unadulterated chaos that flips its shit randomly and comes from another dimension which is DESIGNED to pass on retard gay ass genes in this universe which in females create "femininity" and in males High Cuckery built-in to their very genetic cores, they must all slave away for their Queen and Goddesses their Wives who must likewise herd their men-cattle 24/7 otherwise they feel completely empty and antsy. This has led to the modern ideas of what a MAN and a "woman" are supposed to be/do which are completely dysfunctional and these labels poison peoples minds when it's really simple man=good woman=gay. The #1 woman-haters are conscious, autistic females. It's called Imperium of Man for a reason and there are autistic females walking this gay earth right now who are more man than most soyim cucks.

The super final solution is of course to gas all normies (directed-energy weapon beams simultaneously pointed to all cellphones would cleanse Terra of this retardation immediately) so that in the future, we will all be autists. Autists are effectively post-gender anyway, the AdMech, Daemonculaba, etc.


>When some black tells me that blacks are as smart as whites, I see red. I smash them by telling them that the pygmies are the dumbest people in the world (in terms of IQ test scores) at 55, then the Australian aborigines at 60, then a billion black Africans at 70 whose scores have remained largely static over many decades. So, blacks are actually the dumbest people in the world.

>When women tell me women are just as capable of men, I see red. I tell them men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, and have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes and dominate the performance record across the board. I tell them clearly that women are the inferior sex and I say it with real male verbal force.

Real Male Verbal Force: https://profhugodegaris.wordpress.com/gender-roles-2050/ (fluffies on catlady watch)


File: b82b65894d26f58⋯.jpg (125.1 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, Chronosphere.jpg)

also cool stuff:

>Pythagoras' commune members, including women accepted on equal terms with men, had to surrender their possessions into the collective pot, for he taught that "friends have all things in common" and "friendship is equality."


>Knights were to take their meals in silence, eat meat no more than three times per week, and not have physical contact of any kind with women, even members of their own family.

>New members had to willingly sign over all of their wealth and goods to the order and take vows of poverty, chastity, piety, and obedience.

The ensuing Human Revolution will include artwombs, mass-scale human cloning, and this:


>The Mi-go aliens in the Cthulhu Mythos of H. P. Lovecraft, first appearing in the story "The Whisperer in Darkness" (1931), can transport humans from Earth to Pluto (and beyond) and back again by removing the subject's brain and placing it into a "brain cylinder", which can be attached to external devices to allow it to see, hear, and speak.

Gay-ass casulnigger entities whether male or female have 0 capacity to conceptualize and internalize this kind of advanced transcendental autism. Genocide is in order.


>The Light of Other Days is a science-fiction book that praises mass surveillance, under the condition that it is available to everyone. It shows a world in which a total lack of privacy results in a decrease in corruption and crime. All CIAniggers commit sudoku immediately.

Soon we will all be Templars. DiannaOnly.mp4 to save your souls.

http://eachnow.com/watch?v=Kq5KWLqUewc https://invidio.us/watch?v=dSp7HOERFf0 (never enable javascript)

youtube-dl interprets javascript: use only in vm or avoid it entirely:


tl;dr women aren't evil; normies are retarded (of either ginger)

https://invidio.us/watch?v=Ep6Gan1upBE here's a very nice autistic black lady explaining the Temple of Set, 10/10 nigfu

STEMagic females like this in biotech/life sciences are going to be the ones to create the artwomb to spite their fluffie counterparts. all humans will pass through a device that turns their flesh translucent.


You are clearly gay. Admit it and just have fun having sex instead of hating on everything all the time.



Or… you know. You could talk to women.


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The new-age people call this a walk-in.


pro-tip: become a satanist and you get turned into a tranny demon and get to have the worst of both worlds



Most of us want a traditional woman, which is the opposite of the cancerous modern feminist woman stereotype. They are out there, but exist in different circles than most men think to look. You aren't very likely to find one at a bar ect. Go to churches, talk to shy girls, and also realize that you have alot of power to change your woman's opinion if you take the initiative to be the leader. One of the only things we can do to fight the decay, is to be good and wholesome ourselves, and have a strong healthy family.




Women are notoriously deceptive beings, and if you have any women that care for you in your life, that's what they'll tell you. You don't need to dislike women to know they are psychologically manipulative by nature.



The answer is clear. Wear a hoodie with hood up, sunglasses, autism shoes, never even look in their direction. Non friendly characteristics combined with dressing as if you wear of poverty means is a deadly effective guard against women. And the most devilish part is they think they are the one denying you.


ITT: incels


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not an argument


Males and females are awful. Anybody not just going through their own life on their own terms and matching onto the accomplishments of others is an idiot. Having said that , women are completely incapable of of looking at the big picture. Women have fought zero wars and use other people do do everything. Everything is built by men while women sit back and never experience reality. They are on the same level as a 13 year old. I have never had a women explain anything to me in her own words, like where they take future or current conditions into consideration. Everything they say is just copied and pasted.

Again men and women are both shit. But in terms of evil, women outdo men here like 10:1. Every evil man ever was backed up by a women who wanted power. In today's world where you can't touch anyone or swear , women exploit that climate to cause chaos through nagging lying etc. They do things that are completely legal and murder years of people's life , knowing full well what they are doing. I have witnessed countless girls purposely lead betas and cucks into years of orbitting. Im sorry but if you are a loser virgin and some girl gives you hope, you are going to take it. This happens every day then men beg for years then have a huge fall. Anywhere from 3-70 years of their love life are ruined as a result.

There is zero policing of this by otjer women. Thats the difference here. If a man abandons his family, I consider him a lowlife faggot. Women who cheat and play fucked up games are instantly worshipped by everyone.

I wont even get into the fact that women carry half of the universe essence in them and many men need that to survive, and rathwr thsn collaborate and use their power for good they become camwhores and turn love into a stroll through walmart. Nude 20 tokens dildo 50 tokens period blood dildo 666 tokens. Yeah no, how bout isis beheading 1 token.



"Wow wtf that cop shot an unarmed person!"

"What are you black lives matter? You a commie? You like crime?."

Yeah nice argument I guess yoh are right cops can shoot unarmed people because anyone who disagrees with cops is a terrorist.



Who said I was making an argument? I’m merely pointing out that this thread is flooded with fucking incel virgins with rage. How can I even make an argument against such a broad generalization like “women are evil”? All you people have are anecdotal claims to back up this stupid bullshit. Oh well, at least you people won’t be reproducing, thank god



>unironically using muh IQ as an argument

Confirmed ignoramus of neurology. IQ tests are notoriously bias and flawed. Even the creator of the IQ test stated that intelligence can’t be accurately measured.



Agreed. This place has really turned into cancerous shit. It’s like /pol/ and /r9k/ invaded the place.



I just wish there were somewhere on the internet not full of retards.



>unironically believing that IQ has no merit in intelligence

Get a load of this faggot. IQ may not be all of it, but niggers have the lowest intelligence of all humans if you even consider them human.



>/threading your own pathetic post



>everyone who hates how retarded womynz have become must be pathetic virgins

it never ceases to amaze me how much white knight cucks like yourself worship vagina.



>how retarded womynz have become

I think this thread is about how retarded women are, not how retarded they've become. Unless you think every woman ever has become retarded, which needs some abstract justification about feminism or something, or is otherwise retarded.


Women won't fuck you if view them as goddesses or demons.

Ffs people, just treat them like you would anyone else it's not that difficult. And if you are an "ugly" (imo iy's so hard to be ugly if you are a man), then stay in your dating lane or get rich.

If you torture yourself over getting sexual gratification you are just going to endlessly reincarnate as an incel



Getting someone to fuck in this day and age is easy.

Getting a wife is to have children with and live a life with is very difficult.

I believe most incel are striving for a wife.



>I believe most incel are striving for a wife.

That would be volcels. Incels are bitter losers who blame others for their own inferiority.


>all the buttdevastated femanons itt

It is always funny.



Bro you are comparing girls to the anima side alone without mentioning its counterpart, the animus, so you basically painted an image of a women being its feminine side alone and thats wrooong, fuck…

since we're all yinyang its clear that we are our own river and do mold shape or change the landscape of our 'water passage'


women do really generalaly have to pick up theyr shit together and stop being manly dominant fucks, so that dudes don't get confused and be sure of what they have to do



Wow holy fuck. Fringe has changed over the past four or five years. So many of you niggers can't even fathom how women have individualized consciousness that can master their animal instincts and how some women actually do. Purge all white knights because theyre pathologically unbalanced toward the disposition of the feminine, but for fucks sake purge the retards from /pol/ who can't see real humanity in a woman.

When the fuck did fringe turn into esoteric /pol/?


File: c715f4d55277761⋯.png (707.67 KB, 770x1080, 77:108, backtoleftypol.png)


>When the fuck did fringe turn into esoteric /pol/?

This is esoteric /pol/ and always will be. Maybe you should look a little further back than the reddit invasion of the last 7 months if you want to understand what this board is about.



have you considered that the problem might be that you're having sex with fat, promiscuous latina women who smell like garbage?


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>ITT: incels




<modern degeneracy



File: dbc3c13c85eec2f⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 487x550, 487:550, gillian-anderson.jpg)


Anon, it's time for your sex education lesson!



Shit thead. Seems like you have Elliot Rodger syndrome and think women owe you something. Women aren't evil for ignoring someone who has multiple red flags and victimizes himself. To protect yourself from women, stop caring about them and do nothing. They can't hurt you if you actually don't care about them.

I'm not even whiteknighting either. When you take a spoonful of shit and put it in your mouth expecting it to taste good, you're obviously going to be disappointed. It's funny you guys go from worshipping women to immediately calling all women evil. Stop caring about them and they can't bother you.


Incels aren't /fringe/. Getting pussy is basic manifestation. To stop caring about women is basic mindfulness practice. If you're still an angry incel you need to read more spiritual/magic literature or you need to get out and find a different board to vent and blogpost your incel woes on. You guys really love shitting up every single board you can get your dirty fingers on, you guys are the faggots destroying chan culture.


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File: fc321eea37b1148⋯.jpg (342.4 KB, 1334x694, 667:347, female brains.jpg)

Good thread



Those who actually were part of that culture called it “imageboard culture”. It was shills and undercover influences that inadvertently introduced the term “chan” instead of “imageboard”.

Other than that, good posts. You’re totally right.


>They can't hurt you if you actually don't care about them.

doesn't compute

the worse you can do for them (attn. whores) is not carring about them

also r9k was right

disclaimer: i never posted or read r9k




yeah thats a good one

like one anon said on 4chan theres nothing more gay than sex with a female

i totally agree even tho im virgin


File: 7b58fd5ffb6f1d8⋯.gif (28.99 KB, 300x343, 300:343, noshit.gif)


women are stupid, what a shocker

My brain is basically rotten from years of media consumption and even I know this shit.


File: 45ce7d5f0e80f0a⋯.jpeg (8.45 KB, 278x181, 278:181, serveimage.jpeg)

>read Corpus Hermeticum

>second chapter says shitting kids are good



*is good






shitting out

same shit (at least in my language)




That explains why the point seems to have gone completely over your head.


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Imagine getting triggered by attractive human women.



>pornography = attractive



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I'm not an ass man.


wasn't there a place in ancient rome in which woman got control of government and they ended up doing the same "the the invaders in" stunt that they are doing now?



Fuck off /Leftypol/


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I don't know what the green pill has to do with women's nature and sexual dynamics, but if you want to know the truth about them, you can start here:



Once you have a deep grasp on female psychology, you will be able to manipulate women at your leisure. You will find it rather amusing just how easy it is to deal with them once you learn how to tame them. Nonetheless, with great power comes great responsibility. Like MJ was always told by his mama, "Don't go around breaking young girls hearts". Without discipline and a rock solid moral foundation, you might end up as a libertinistic philanderer with a nihilistic outlook on life. You have to take the White Pill and the Christian Pill alongside the Red Pill, in order to rechannel your newfound expertise in the crimson arts into the greater good of society. You have to put white buns in white ovens in order to save the white race. Love your people. Love your children. Never forget that.


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hail to the famous philosophers before us!


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Since this thread is still here I'll post one recent observation about the evil of women. In my early days I always assumed that women, when they get into the occult, tend to become LHP and worship and work with Lilith and Satan and all that stuff, I had the image in mind of the classic dark evil witch. But after real life observation of many women who were actually into wizardry, the occult etc I found out it is the exact opposite. The majority of women who are advanced all work the tree of life and serve the demiurge, the false light. Rosecruciants, new-ager, shamans, even some wiccans, whatever. They all worship the false light. Even those who claim they work with nature spirits, they hate religion and are not part of it still work with the same demiurgic angel-beings and forces and still work the tree of life of the kabbalah. And yeah, behind the disguise of their occult powers they seem spiritless, close minded, shallow and anti-freedom. Also materialistic and hylic, despite all of their spiritual advancement. It blew my mind when I first realized this because it's exactly the opposite of what I tought. It only strenghtened my idea that most women are just soulless tools. It's most hilarious when they call LHP wizards qlippoths or empty shells, while that is just what they are.

As for the evil of women, there is nothing more evil in my book than working for the false light, the demiurge and his material creation and to attack all the beings with a spirit who want to liberate themselves into the dark chaos of true freedom.

But this only makes actual LHP women who work the tree of death instead even more based and worthwile.



The truth is the opposite of everything that you said.

Care to explain what is true, as opposed to the false light? Do you even know where the 'false light' even comes from?

As for women, they have no ego and are representations of the natural world. Their ego is the ego of nature.

If you are against nature, you will not like women. Simple.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who let you use your moms pc again? You seem to be a little too young to be thinking about this stuff, little one. Look what embarassing stuff came out of it.

Your post contradicts itself, makes generally no sense and at the same time partially agrees with me, makes silly claims without explaining and at the same time demands explanation for stuff that is already clear. It's a big mess in such a small post.

Instead of taking the bait and going into it I'll just call you out for what you seem to be, a grotesque clay golem and move on.



So using your brain to figure out what is going in is what you call taking the bait?

Please kill yourself



And when I say kill yourself, I mean crucify your ego.

I don't say this to help you, I know you are eternally butthurt and there's nothing I can do for you. Toodles



Who the fuck are you? There is nothing someone like you can do to help me. You are not as smart as you think you are. You just shat unrelated nonsense on one of my post and now you keep whining and demanding some shit from me. I don't care about you. Fuck off you parasite. Also stop shitposting in literally every active thread here, the board is already shit enough.



I never said I was smart though



You are the one shitposting. Why don't you tell everyone here what your agenda is?

I am always open and ready for dialogue. Come back when you actually understand the English language instead of this incessant bitching



Girls, if you're going to fight, make sure to do it slowly and aim for tearing each other clothes.


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