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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
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Your judgement, expectation and perception are automatically controlled by the very instinct that draws your dog to the smell of cooked meat in your kitchen. It is the instinctive drive to protect your own life that drives you to have favorites ( things you know that will contribute to your survival). The voice you hear in your head is the sound of the instinct. The sound goes on a tangent on its own, doesn't it? when the voice talks who listens? You right?


The voice in your head goes on its own when free yourself from occupation. It evaluates everything based on past experiences and makes assumptions based on experience to protect, grow and nuture itself. This is i.e. talking about ones self in a positive manner, claiming to have ability, exhibit strength, bring others down. It is the ego that tries to defend itself with an instinctive drive to have superiority.


The instinctive drive to get ahead is not one that is easily controllable but possible. With meditation and the liberation of judgement through focus based relaxation you can experience pure consciousness, free of judgement. Because once your drive to be right, live up to your own beliefs about yourself, and expectations all out of the way you are opening yourself up to true perception. i.e. reality


You are not a person. You are not a perciever. You are not even a perception because that is and you arent. You are just a perception. After perception, your imagination goes wild with assumption based on experience. The more you think about it? You are just a collection of perceptions and speculations.


Word salad af bro, what are the core concepts you're presenting, and why should I care?

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