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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 66rd Attention-Hungry Games
/nothingness/ - R I S E U P

December 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 1465507387178-0.jpg (27.17 KB, 320x560, 4:7, egil-skallagrimsson-15.jpg)

File: 1465507387178-1.jpg (69.24 KB, 1021x315, 1021:315, coloured pills.jpg)


Hey, /fringe/, I'm very new here and you've got my interest. Could you go into detail about all the different pill types and Pill Theory in general? I know that it comes from the Matrix, is a way to describe the way in which people react to gaining knowledge that has been hidden from them by the ruling class, I love Norse Myth, I'm a Litterateur, and I consider myself a Red-Pilled NatSoc (Who would like to become Iron pill from the looks of it) at the moment. But, please sell me on your particular pill type/colour. Thank you.


File: 1465511990063.jpg (23.55 KB, 212x242, 106:121, Wizard 004.jpg)

There's already a thread for this you know.

I'm Indigopill.

>support mass depopulation

>do edgy rituals

>pro-illuminati in general



>left hand path

Pic related it's me.


File: 1465512032629-0.jpg (60.99 KB, 500x633, 500:633, 1297672835930.jpg)

File: 1465512032629-1.png (128.64 KB, 1013x659, 1013:659, 1353546972555.png)

File: 1465512032629-2.jpg (152.46 KB, 749x1441, 749:1441, 1363232515135.jpg)

File: 1465512032629-3.png (838.27 KB, 1421x682, 1421:682, 1387239937912.png)

File: 1465512032631-4.png (2.11 MB, 2164x680, 541:170, 1387239992047.png)


File: 1465512063145-0.png (787.45 KB, 1637x682, 1637:682, 1387241842503.png)

File: 1465512063145-1.png (876.96 KB, 1421x682, 1421:682, 1388943792891.png)

File: 1465512063145-2.jpg (6.57 KB, 212x213, 212:213, Greenpill 000.jpg)

File: 1465512063145-3.gif (371.58 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Greenpill 001.gif)

File: 1465512063146-4.jpg (1.29 MB, 748x3716, 187:929, Greenpill 002.jpg)


File: 1465512091203-0.png (1.39 MB, 657x3777, 219:1259, Greenpill 003.png)

File: 1465512091205-1.jpg (144.17 KB, 449x732, 449:732, Greenpill 004.jpg)

File: 1465512091206-2.jpg (63.65 KB, 699x244, 699:244, Greenpill 005.jpg)

File: 1465512091206-3.jpg (25.5 KB, 500x208, 125:52, Greenpill 006.jpg)

File: 1465512091206-4.png (86.08 KB, 293x387, 293:387, Greenpill 007.png)


File: 1465512131492-0.png (100.2 KB, 285x406, 285:406, Greenpill 008.png)

File: 1465512131492-1.jpg (594.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Greenpill 009.jpg)

File: 1465512131492-2.png (162 KB, 992x1787, 992:1787, Greenpill 010.png)

File: 1465512131492-3.png (49.6 KB, 1608x545, 1608:545, Greenpill 011.png)

File: 1465512131492-4.jpg (658.2 KB, 694x3450, 347:1725, Greenpill 012.jpg)


File: 1465512154969-0.jpg (61 KB, 500x399, 500:399, Greenpill 013.jpg)

File: 1465512154970-1.jpg (240.11 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Greenpill 014.jpg)

File: 1465512154970-2.jpg (301.13 KB, 1188x673, 1188:673, Greenpill 015.jpg)

File: 1465512154970-3.png (433.22 KB, 560x3568, 35:223, Greenpill 016.png)

File: 1465512154970-4.png (911.75 KB, 3068x828, 767:207, Greenpill 017.png)


File: 1465512207340-0.png (838.68 KB, 2310x830, 231:83, Greenpill 018.png)

File: 1465512207342-1.png (2.58 MB, 660x4224, 5:32, Greenpill 019.png)

File: 1465512207342-2.jpg (612.09 KB, 694x3450, 347:1725, Greenpill 020.jpg)

File: 1465512207343-3.png (2.21 MB, 657x3777, 219:1259, Greenpill 021.png)


File: 1465512238738-0.png (1.82 MB, 664x4224, 83:528, Greenpill 022.png)

File: 1465512238738-1.jpg (1.42 MB, 694x7025, 694:7025, Greenpill 023.jpg)

File: 1465512238738-2.jpg (194.34 KB, 912x1024, 57:64, Greenpill 024.jpg)

File: 1465512238738-3.jpg (85.02 KB, 307x363, 307:363, Greenpill 025.jpg)

File: 1465512238738-4.jpg (1.03 MB, 839x1199, 839:1199, Greenpill 026.jpg)


File: 1465512255139-0.jpg (64.9 KB, 680x474, 340:237, Greenpill 027.jpg)

File: 1465512255139-1.png (194.27 KB, 1011x801, 337:267, Greenpill 028.png)

I got more than this but I don't know what folders it's buried in.


File: 1465512332319-0.png (1.39 MB, 657x3777, 219:1259, 1382924682523.png)

File: 1465512332320-1.jpg (658.2 KB, 694x3450, 347:1725, 1399800978074.jpg)

File: 1465512332321-2.png (584.37 KB, 1400x2700, 14:27, 1399872629439.png)

File: 1465512332322-3.png (1.82 MB, 664x4224, 83:528, 1400442108313.png)

File: 1465512332324-4.png (2.58 MB, 660x4224, 5:32, 1400549326726.png)

Oh found my other folders… they're in an old archive of mine.


File: 1465512386128-0.png (2.21 MB, 657x3777, 219:1259, 1400698078390.png)

File: 1465512386128-1.jpg (1.5 MB, 694x7025, 694:7025, 1400743432441.jpg)

File: 1465512386128-2.png (433.22 KB, 560x3568, 35:223, 1401079680266.png)

File: 1465512386128-3.jpg (2.96 MB, 694x7025, 694:7025, 1401136467193.jpg)


File: 1465512413272-0.png (1.53 MB, 694x3753, 694:3753, 1401195449372.png)

File: 1465512413272-1.jpg (1.31 MB, 693x6284, 693:6284, 1402509375059.jpg)

File: 1465512413273-2.jpg (1.79 MB, 694x7736, 347:3868, 1402684890600.jpg)

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File: 1465512413273-4.png (1.99 MB, 657x3777, 219:1259, 1402845444306.png)


File: 1465512437654-0.jpg (1.31 MB, 693x6284, 693:6284, 1402845642207.jpg)

File: 1465512437654-1.png (2.46 MB, 688x8301, 688:8301, 1404644033099.png)

File: 1465512437654-2.png (1.32 MB, 657x3777, 219:1259, 1406151500723.png)

File: 1465512437654-3.jpg (827.11 KB, 688x7968, 43:498, 1439664235931.jpg)


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File: 1465512547944-2.jpg (30.51 KB, 479x640, 479:640, 1402596866581.jpg)

File: 1465512547945-3.jpg (351.17 KB, 1000x1151, 1000:1151, 1402634918403.jpg)

File: 1465512547945-4.jpg (759.97 KB, 3220x836, 805:209, 1402770163010.jpg)


File: 1465512587009-0.png (1.04 MB, 2204x1659, 2204:1659, 1403257275428.png)

File: 1465512587009-1.png (1.13 MB, 2204x1659, 2204:1659, 1403381551668.png)

File: 1465512587009-2.jpg (158.77 KB, 666x942, 111:157, 1404875355009.jpg)

File: 1465512587009-3.png (84 KB, 503x532, 503:532, 1405511822832.png)

File: 1465512587010-4.jpg (1.32 MB, 1000x1463, 1000:1463, 1439660548773.jpg)


File: 1465512613423-0.jpg (768.79 KB, 3844x1824, 961:456, 1439680858856.jpg)

File: 1465512613423-1.jpg (324.84 KB, 1329x2786, 1329:2786, 1446235731739.jpg)



>thinking there are more than the red and the blue pill

Re-watch Matrix.



Or just refer to polarity.



>implying that just because a false dichotomy was given means that's the only options



a spectrum between two extremes is not a false dichotomy


Why so little iron pill?


Those green pill comics are some of the greatest memes ever made


File: 47ea1f69554e763⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB, 680x510, 4:3, 47ea1f69554e763bc02ccb3698….mp4)

Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /pol/ maymays, this one is the readl deal


*BRAAAAAAP*, ah *sniff sniff* ah good that's good, *BRAP.. BRAP* oh yeah, that curry? *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.. BRAP. BRP* oh baby fuck yes



This is the only time it is appropriate to post that shitty message. I actually laughed at it this time.


Why is there no blackpill flag?


File: 298afd492d9578d⋯.jpg (566.65 KB, 2000x1090, 200:109, Globe-Earth-Space-Africa_s….jpg)

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