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Esoteric Wizardry
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Magic doesn't work for me. It's been more than two years of trying. Still doesn't. I read shit. I did shit. I dreamed. I recorded. I performed. I meditated. I became aware. I relaxed. I focused. I energized. Are you all lying? Like are the few of you that seem believable on here, are you people really dedicated liars or just mistaking mainstream scientifically-explainable events for legitimate magic? I did it all and it has just proven to not work over and over. Give me a straight-forward method. Stop jumping around saying "you should read this you should read that you should perform this ritual or this specific way of living for the next 6 months." Just give me a simple straight-forward method already! Christ! All you people do is roleplay!

It's not even an issue of not fitting the culture I love memes I love magic I surrounded myself with magical items in my life because I just like the style and meaning to them. It seems giving a shit about magic, really trying my all, ISN'T good enough. Asking God/THE ALL doesn't work, relying on myself doesn't work, trying multiple different methods doesn't work. What the FUCK is the basis for performing legitimate magic!? No more philosophical bullshit I am very educated in ethics and have always had a strong intuition of right versus wrong so don't water down whatever illusion of magic you might be promoting with "oh you gotta be a really good person or you shouldn't be learning this" I'm taken care of give me the abilities already! What do you want an essay? I'm just a guy who loves writing and memes -give me a method of learning legitimate magic beyond the mundane science that's legitimately meaningful and actually doable!

I am not asking to be spoon-fed here so I am going to pan it all out real plain here so you people may understand. I am a college student who writes and memes and does some art on a regular basis. Magic helps these things because they are all idealistic things to do as is magic due to its meaningful interesting nature. Now I have enjoyed magic culturally and philosophically but I am no longer satisfied with the simply enjoyable thoughts and desire to experience real magic. If you have all been lying or delusional 100% in your entirety I will not hate you all or hold it against you, but I need to honestly know if you are all a great heaping wad of posers enjoying a high-brow convincing roleplay/delusion or if there is actually something to be sought here.

Simplicity can be the greatest complexity. With this in mind I ask someone give me a true simple route to performing legitimate magic not rooted in how 'fun' or 'meaningful' or 'pleasing' it is to go through the routine but rooted in the legitimate methodical procedure of producing magical results. I would like to reach enlightenment, illumination, bend statistical chance, astral project, know of an afterlife, become connected with THE ALL, communicate with otherworldly beings, etcetera. I've tried it all without minor results. Give me the truth of magic or justify my ceaseless mockery of it. I am immensely bothered nothing has come of my attempts no matter any means I have tried.



Are you trolling? Did you try the books in the F.A.Q. at a steady pace? The meditations and practices in there should have proved it for you.

I doubt anybody here is roleplaying, I have gotten results similar to most of theirs with lots of practice.


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What is "magic" to you? Two years - You haven't felt any more in tune with your consciousness? You haven't felt any more aware of the outside world? You haven't gained more control over your self and surrounding reality?

If you're looking to throw fireballs out of your hands or something, for some ego-fueled desire, that will never happen. The Path is the work of a lifetime, nothing to do with flashy ego shit. If you can't understand it, maybe it is not for you.


My suggestions OP are:

1. Come live with me for a year and you'll learn every day by just being with me. That's how people usually are initiated.

2. Start using thoughtforms, heavily. Thoughtforms do everything.



Anon, fireballs out of the hands is a real thing I am sure. I haven't seen anyone caste fireballs yet but I have seen someone project electricity, basically shooting thunderbolts out of their hands, and I have seen someone hold their hand up to paper and project heat strong enough from the hand to cause the paper to burn.



what's the best method to make a thoughtform?



>come live with me

I have collegate ties to a degree so I cannot afford to leave my education focus. As for thougtform, I can enjoy contemplating imaginary beings but realizing their existence in a form I could distinctly observe has not remotely occurred.



Provide food, a patch for farming out of sight and work I'll take you on that offer.


Diss the mundane, have me over instead for slumber party 24/7/365 the sun will darken we'll drink soft drinks all the time rivers will be blood and i'll use my leftover work money for experiements loosh everywhere, on the wall, in the kitchen, on the dogs, in your gf


I've studied the occult for about 15 years, more or less, and I've had some fairly powerful experiences (nothing so radically supernatural that it couldn't have been a wild coincidence, however). I'm fairly certain at this point that it's not possible to prove that magic works if you set out with the intent to prove that magic works, due to the underlying principle behind the function of magic being that the universe is a dream that you, the cosmic consciousness, are having: your fundamental expectations will always assert themselves on your experience, as in dreams.

I think real, ostentatiously miraculous magic is possible, but only after you've reached a point where you've broken down your core subconscious beliefs about the objective nature of physical reality. This seems to necessitate a lot of meditation, altered states of consciousness, self-hypnosis, ect. At least, this seems to be the conclusion what research and synchronicity is leading me to.

tl;dr: nobody can help you perform magic if you approach it from the perspective of needing help to perform magic. If you instead assume that your entire experience is a creation of your magic and that you are already such a good magician that you created the universe, then you can start to change your creation in magical ways. As within, so without.



>If you're looking to throw fireballs out of your hands or something, for some ego-fueled desire, that will never happen.

Then what can you do with magic?


I can tell you what you're doing wrong; you're rushing it, the fact that you've been practicing magick for two years, yet make this post, is evidence for this.

You can't rush magick, that's like trying to rush a fine painting, you're asking about things which even a neophyte should know the answer to, if your knowledge was a book, its pages would be littered with rips and holes.

There abilities you seek are hard earned, and will take you anything from years to countless lifetimes to obtain, but they will come eventually if you take your time.



we throw lightning you stupid fucking neophyte



its the most easy thing to prove to a mundane that magic is real.

>you know that feely feel when someone who realls has beef with you is looking at you and you don't see it but you feel it?

>its his aura or "presence" reaching for and connecting with yours to exchange information, only when the thoughts are accompanied by strong feels you'll feel it unless you practice, and if you practice you can throw whatever you want at him back


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>the aura in turn is made generated by the strongest muscle in your heart, its neurons and all the cells in your body with its negative and positive pole aligns with the heart, which beats and generates the frequency according to present emotion

its that simple and then we have people not fucking getting it and posts OP



But I like fireballs





only lightning allowed.


>being a firemage pleb

i bet you play DPS in WOW 2




Can I use magick to get dubs?



apparently not


OP. contact me here: ranxeroxxx5@gmail.com



once you reach the level where you are literally shooting lightning out of your hands, what is stopping you from fireballs or just basically becoming a force of nature? Surely once you shoot lightning out of your hands you wouldn't doubt that fireballs are possible?



Are you serious? Are you actually willing to share your house with a complete stranger? If so, I'd like to know where I should go, if one day I decide that it is time to move on and explore and learn from others.

Mind telling us where to find you?

Maybe not now, but in a near future?

Or is that too extreme?



What can you teach us, friend?


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Studying is not your problem.

Regardless of what you know you have to become stronger to perform rituals and have them work. When you are more powerful what you want will manifest by thinking about it, which is why concentration is so important.



That should get you started. Look for an Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola.



all magic is larp lmao



Are you in Europe? I'm not OP, but I'd like to come live near you. At least for a while. As long as I have an internet connection and electricity I can earn a living and have plenty of free time.



All those kinds of attempts to "explain" magic using "science" are stupid.

No, it has nothing to do with "bioelectricity", electricity, magnetic fields of any kind or any of that cowardly pseudoscientific bullshit.

It's thought, imagination. The universe is holographic, and thought precedes the explicate reality. It is independent of the "laws" of physics.



You have to subconsciously believe magic(k) is real and only will you recognize it. Certainly, it isn't like the popular culture portrays it: it's better.


Can I ask you something OP?

What do you want to gain out of using "magick"?



This thread was posted 8 and a half months ago. Do you really think OP is still here?



>Then what can you do with magic?

Live a better life and be more understanding to others. And actually be aware of the things around you and influence them for an outcome that you wish and that wouldn't influence people who aren't involved. That is my understanding of it.




and this is why you're a bullshit occultist



of course it has to with that junk because it creates it.



no u r xDDD le ebin maymay

Yeah, whatever mate. Being occultist does not mean that you should ruin lives of others and be evil. It only attracts negative events. Learn to love everything and you will be loved back.



the correct answer is "anything". anything less than that makes it bullshit occultism.


Magic is for weak men

and women.



Stop thinking; your every thought is magick.



Rituals, sigils, spells, frog legs, etc.

Man is a holy vessel who once properly maintained and purified can command all of Earth's creatures, no trickery needed.



Ritual is a very broad term and you shouldn't dismiss ritual work just because it's only the supporting structure of magick and not the real magick.



Rituals are fun.

Why should magick be 100% SUPER SERIOUS all the time?

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